Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 29, 2024 No. PP-408

About measures for enhancement of system of providing medical institutions with pharmaceutical products and the medical equipment

For the purpose of increase in level of security of the population and medical institutions with high-quality medicines, products of medical appointment, medical equipment and the equipment, implementation of single system of determination of need for them, purchase, delivery and stable providing patients with them:

1. Establish procedure according to which the need for medicines and products of medical appointment is created:

permanent boards of medical associations of areas (cities), medical institutions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and city of Tashkent, medical institutions of republican level, Ministry of Health. At the same time calculation of requirement is made on incidence indicators taking into account number of patients, day regulation on one patient, duration of course of treatment, the available inventories and demographic situation in the region;

in the terms established by acts of the legislation on the budget along with forming of parameters of the Government budget the next year;

at the rate of the need for medicines and products of medical appointment for fifteen months it is also determined less from this indicator of amount of their remaining balance in warehouses.

2. Determine that since January 1, 2025:

a) according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About public procurements", and also the procedure and the list determined by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economics and finance allowed to conduct public procurements of the following medicines and products of medical appointment based on direct agreements:

original medicines (by means of their producers or official distributors);

special reagents, reactants and consumable materials for the laboratory equipment of the closed type;

medicines and products of medical appointment necessary for rendering emergency and emergency medical service.

At the same time the personal responsibility for purchase of the medicines and products of medical appointment acquired on the basis of direct agreements in the quantity and amount necessary for rendering the emergency medical care is conferred on the head of medical institution;

b) the existing lists of the medicines and products of medical appointment which are purchased under direct agreements approved by the Ministry of Health in coordination with authorized body in the sphere of public procurements are cancelled;

c) in purchases of the medicines, the medical equipment and products of medical appointment performed in centralized procedure marketing researches by determination of their starting price are conducted;

d) it is forbidden to conduct procurement in centralized procedure for the following medicines:

having aggregate term of the validity up to two years - the expiration date of which on the date of delivery was reduced more than by 30 percent;

having aggregate term of the validity up to three years - the expiration date of which on the date of delivery was reduced more than by 40 percent;

over three years having aggregate term of the validity - the expiration date of which on the date of delivery was reduced more than by 50 percent.

The requirements provided by this Item do not extend to purchase of the medicines excluded from the state reserve.

3. Approve "Road map" on providing medical institutions with medicines, products of medical appointment, medical equipment and the equipment according to appendix No. 1.

4. Agree with the following offers of the Ministry of Health providing:

a) formation of the Center of purchases in the form of public institution under the Ministry of Health (further - the Center), and also 13 regional branches of the Center based on public institutions of "O" zmedimpeks "and" the industrial practice center for servicing of medical equipment".

At the same time the Center is legal successor by all rights, obligations and agreements of public institutions of "O" zmedimpeks "and" the industrial practice center for servicing of medical equipment";

b) implementation of purchase of medicines, products of medical appointment, medical equipment and equipment in centralized procedure based on the long-term agreements (term more than one year) concluded between the Center and producers (official distributors);

c) creation of purchasing system, storage, delivery and providing patients with medicines and the medical equipment, and also project implementation of digitalization of these processes (further - the Project) in cooperation with the Development program of the UN.

At the same time within the Project in regions the warehouses for storage of medicines and the medical equipment equipped according to necessary requirements which are provided with the special vehicles equipped with temperature control units for supply activity to medical institutions are created.

5. Determine the main objectives of the Center:

implementation of public procurements for providing medical institutions with medicines and consumable materials, products of medical appointment, the medical equipment, reagents, reactants, component parts and other fixed assets (further - medical goods) by orders of the Ministry of Health;

storage on the basis of necessary requirements and delivery to medical institutions of the purchased medical goods;

accounting of the medical equipment by means of single electronic system, and also implementation of monitoring of effective operation of the medical equipment by each medical institution;

rendering assistance to medical institutions in development of the specification for purchases of the medical equipment;

maintaining single policy on providing medical institutions with the medical equipment in health care system, development of the minimum requirements to equipment of medical institutions, the organization in medical institutions of installation, maintenance and maintenance in working order the medical equipment which was purchased in centralized procedure;

the organization of complete execution by the supplier of the obligations in accordance with the terms of agreements during warranty period of the medical equipment which was purchased for medical institutions;

provision to medical institutions of the expert opinion on repair or write-off in accordance with the established procedure the medical equipment operated by them on contractual basis.

6. To the Ministry of Health:

a) in two-month time before complete implementation of the Project in practice to announce the competitive (tender) biddings on the organization on the basis of outsourcing of storage and delivery to medical institutions of the medical goods which are purchased in centralized procedure. At the same time agreement signature with winners of public procurements and payment for the rendered services are performed by the Center;

b) annually till January 15 to provide signing with the Center of agreements for purchase of medical goods in centralized procedure;


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