of December 20, 2024 No. 421
About approval of professional standards in the field of highways"
According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve:
1) the professional standard "Workers in the field of Highways" according to appendix 1 to this order;
2) the professional standard "Development Project, Design and Survey and Design Estimates" according to appendix 2 to this order;
3) the professional standard "Managers in the field of Highways" according to appendix 3 to this order;
4) the professional standard "Nature Protection Activities in Road Construction" according to appendix 4 to this order;
5) the professional standard "Engineering Employees in the field of Highways" according to appendix 5 to this order;
6) the professional standard "Operation of Highways" according to appendix 6 to this order;
7) the professional standard "Construction of Roads and Highways" according to appendix 7 to this order;
8) the professional standard "Construction of Bridges and Tunnels" according to appendix 8 to this order.
2. To provide to committee of highways of the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) within ten calendar days from the date of approval of this order the direction it electronically in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its first official publication.
Acting minister of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan
M. Kaliakparov
It is approved Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Appendix 1
to the Order of the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 20, 2024 No. 421
1. Field of application of the professional standard: the professional standard "Workers in the field of Highways" is developed according to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" and the "Rules of development and (or) updating of professional standards" approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 7, 2023 No. 377, establish requirements to forming of educational programs, including personnel trainings at the companies, recognitions of professional qualification of workers and graduates of the organizations of education and solutions of wide range of tasks in the field of personnel management in the organizations and at the companies.
2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:
1) knowledge – the studied and acquired information necessary for accomplishment of actions within professional tasks;
2) skill level – set of requirements to training level and the employee competence differentiated in parameters of complexity, non-standard of labor actions, responsibility and independence;
3) qualification – degree of professional readiness of the worker, availability of knowledge, skills necessary for accomplishment of certain degree of complexity of work;
4) skill – capability to apply knowledge and abilities, allowing to carry out professional task entirely;
5) ability – capability physically and (or) intellectually to perform separate, single operations within professional task;
6) profession – the occupation performed by physical person and requiring certain qualification for its accomplishment;
7) competence – capability to apply the skills allowing to carry out one or several professional tasks constituting labor function;
8) the professional standard – the standard determining in specific area of professional activity of the requirement to skill level and competence to content, quality and working conditions;
9) industry frame of qualifications – the document developed on the basis of national frame of qualifications, taking into account the National qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the qualifier of types of economic activity and classifying requirements to qualification of the specialist in levels depending on complexity of attended operations and nature of the used knowledge, abilities and competences of industry;
10) informalny education – the education type received during daily activities out of the organizations of education and the organizations providing educational services, and not accompanied with issue of the document confirming results of training;
11) informal education – the education type planned, organized and performed by the organizations which provide the educational services rendered without the place, terms and form of education, and accompanied with issue of the document confirming results of training;
12) professional group (area of professional activity) - the set of types of labor activity of industry having general integration basis (similar or close assignment, objects, technologies, including labor instruments) and assuming similar set of labor functions and competences for their accomplishment;
13) professional subgroup (type of labor activity) - part of professional group, the set of professions created by complete set of labor functions and competences, necessary for their accomplishment.
3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:
1) OKED – the general qualifier of types of economic activity;
2) ETKS – single wage rate book of works and professions of workers;
3) KS – the job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees;
4) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;
5) TIPO – technical and professional education.
4. Name of the professional standard: Workers in the field of highways.
5. Code of the professional standard: F42111014.
6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED: F Construction;
42 Civil engineering;
42.1 Construction automobile and railroads;
42.11 Construction of highways;
42.11.1 Construction of roads and highways.
7. Short description of the professional standard: The professional standard "Workers in the field of Highways" is developed according to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", establishes requirements to forming of educational programs, including personnel trainings at the companies, recognitions of professional qualification of workers and graduates of the organizations of education and solutions of wide range of tasks in the field of personnel management in the organizations and at the companies. Determines requirements to skill level, professional education and to content of the specialists who are engaged in construction of facilities of civil engineering: construction of highways.
Along with requirements to the theoretical and practical knowledge containing in the Section "knowledge", workers shall know: procedure for the internal labor schedule, procedure and regulations on safety and labor protection, ecological, industrial safety, sanitary and epidemiologic requirements, procedure for the rational organization of labor activity.
8. List of cards of professions:
1) the Linear worker – the 3rd ORK level;
2) the Operator of the snowplow – the 3rd ORK level;
3) the Truck operator – the 3rd ORK level;
4) Asfaltobetonshchik – the 3rd ORK level;
5) the Pourer of concrete goods – the 3rd ORK level;
6) the Operator of asfaltosmesitelny installation – the 2nd ORK level;
7) the Roadman – the 3rd ORK level;
8) The driver of svayeboyny installation – the 3rd ORK level;
9) the Operator of the hoist engine – the 3rd ORK level;
10) the Operator of the portable cooking boiler for preparation of asphalt concrete mix – the 3rd ORK level;
11) the Machine operator (docker-machine operator) комплекснойбригадынапогрузочно-разгрузочных works – the 3rd ORK level;
12) the Driver of skating rink self-propelled and semitrailer on pneumatic tires – the 3rd ORK level;
13) the Driver of skating rink self-propelled with smooth rollers – the 3rd ORK level;
14) the Driver (road construction machines) – the 3rd ORK level;
15) the Driver of road mill – the 3rd ORK level;
16) the Operator of the recycler – the 3rd ORK level;
17) the Operator of the mixer of asphalt concrete portable – the 3rd ORK level;
18) the Operator of the asphalt distributor – the 3rd ORK level.
9. Profession card "The linear worker": | |||||||
Group code: |
8189-0 | ||||||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8189-0-006 | ||||||
Name of profession: |
Linear worker | ||||||
Level qualifications on ORK: |
3 | ||||||
subtotal qualifications on ORK: |
- | ||||||
Level Qualifications on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
- | ||||||
Level professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) "Construction of highways and airfields" |
Qualification: - Linear worker | ||||
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||||||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||||||
Other possible names of profession: |
Road trackman | ||||||
Main objective of activities: |
Performance of works in case of construction, repair, running repair and content of highways. Work is performed manually and with use of hand and other tool which is used to reduce physical efforts and to reduce time necessary for accomplishment of specific objectives, and also to improve product quality. | ||||||
Description of labor functions | |||||||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory labor functions: |
1. Performance of works in case of construction of the basis and covering of highways using the hand, electrified and pneumatic tool. 2. Observance of rules and instructions for labor protection, production sanitation, electrical safety, flammability and ecological safety. | |||||
Additional labor functions: |
- | ||||||
Labor function 1: 1. Performance of works in case of construction of the basis and covering of highways. 2. Observance requirements of safe engineering. |
Skill 1: Performance of works on repair and content highways. Device and repair of constructive layers of road clothes, structural elements of the highway. |
Abilities: | |||||
For 2 discharges: 1. Perform simple works in case of construction, repair and the current content of highways; 2. Perform works on breed cleaning manually when cleaning foundation of the highway; 3. Perform perekidka and distribution of crushed stone manually; 4. Perform works on correction of route signs, cleaning of rainwater catchments after repair; 5. Perform works on procurement of materials for concrete mixes, their loading in portioning devices and concrete mixers; 6. Perform works on stacking of concrete mixes in rainwater catchments and pedestrian walkways; 7. Perform works on perekidka and distribution of crushed stone or concrete mix during the work on profiling of foundation of the highway; 8. Perform consolidation of concrete mixes vibrators; 9. Carry out bypass and check condition of the serviced road stretch; 10. Clear the road of foreign objects. For 3 discharges: 1. Carry out works on the device and profiling under ukatka on beacons, lighthouse, lighthouse rails, templates of the road bases from sand, pesko-cement, gravel, crushed stone; 2. Carry out works on profiling of earth and earth improved roads; 3. Establish route signs; 4. Carry out works on the device and repair of drainages; 5. Perform patching of earth improved roads, gravel, crushed-stone coverings and bases by means of the mechanized tool; 6. Carry out works on the device and repair of odernovka to cage; 7. Carry out works on the device of the bases under stacking of onboard stone; 8. Carry out works on the device and recovery of ditches, drainage and mountain ditches with observance of longitudinal biases of transversal profiles; 9. Perform works on marking of road carpet of highways; 10. Perform works on determination of checkpoints for the subsequent drawing lines of the crosswalk manually by means of template; 11. Perform works on installation and removal of the protecting devices and cones; 12. Perform works using paints and varnishes. For 4 discharges: 1. Perform complex works in case of construction, repair and the current content of highways. | |||||||
Knowledge: | |||||||
For the 2nd discharge: 1. Route signs and signals; 2. Rules of barrier of work scenes the established signs and signals; 3. The materials applied to the device of the basis and covering of highways; 4. Methods and acceptances of works using the hand, electrified and pneumatic tool and their device; 5. Structures, methods of preparation of concrete mixes; 6. Assignment, device and service regulations of the equipment for preparation, transportation and consolidation of concrete mixes; 7. Methods and acceptances of performance of works in case of construction of the basis and covering of highways; 8. Highway profile; 9. Rules of reading simple erection drawings; 10. Name of leading particulars of the basis, highway covering; 11. Types of the road bases and coverings. For 3rd discharge: 1. Assignment, the device and service regulations of mechanisms, hand tool, devices, installations and other equipment used to accomplishment of road-building and repair work; 2. The organizations and technologies of works in case of the device and repair of highways; 3. Rules of creation of sketches and reading drawings; 4. Types of the applied materials and their property; 5. Methods of calculation of amount of the materials necessary for accomplishment of road-building and repair work; 6. The technical requirements imposed to quality of the device and repair of highways; 7. The main requirements imposed to quality of concrete works; 8. Methods of measurement and breakdown of curves; 9. Admissible radiuses of curves; 10. Devices of hydraulic devices; 11. Methods and acceptances of works using hydraulic devices. For the 4th discharge: 1. Device, designs and regulations of content of highways; 2. Rules of works on repair and content of highways; 3. Requirements imposed to quality of works; 4. Assignment, the device and service regulations of the used equipment, the manual and mechanized tool; 5. Instructions for use optic instruments for vising of ways on profile. | |||||||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||||||
Skill 2: Observance of rules and instructions for labor protection, production sanitation, electrical safety, flammability and ecological safety. |
Abilities: | ||||||
For 2-4 discharges: 1. Prepare the tool for work; 2. Use the manual and mechanized tool for implementation of works; 3. Use individual protection equipment; 4. Follow rules and instructions for labor protection, production sanitation, electrical safety, flammability and ecological safety; 5. Not allow actions which can lead to casualty and/or emergence of emergency situations; 6. Provide first aid. | |||||||
Knowledge: | |||||||
For the 2nd discharge: 1. Safety regulations when carrying out road-building works. For 3rd discharge: 1. Safety regulations when carrying out road-building works. 2. Rules of works using paints and varnishes. For the 4th discharge: 1. Knowledge of rules and instructions for labor protection, safe engineering, production sanitation, electrical safety, flammability and ecological safety when carrying out road-building works. | |||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||||||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Resistance to stress; Capability to training and self-training. | ||||||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards: |
Technical regulation TR CU 014/2011 | ||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |||||
3 |
8189-0-006 Road trackman 7119-9-002 Roadman | ||||||
10. Profession card "Operator of the snowplow": | |||||||
Group code: |
8342-5 | ||||||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8342-5-002 | ||||||
Name of profession: |
Operator of the snowplow | ||||||
Skill level on ORK: |
3 | ||||||
qualification subtotal on ORK: |
- | ||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
- | ||||||
Level of professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: Operator of the snowplow | ||||
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||||||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||||||
Other possible names of profession: |
- | ||||||
Main objective of activities: |
Management and control of operation of machines and mechanisms of different type and the assignment applied in case of winter content of highways. | ||||||
Description of labor functions | |||||||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory Labor functions: |
1. Management and control of operation of machines and mechanisms of different type and the assignment applied in case of winter content of highways. | |||||
Additional labor functions: |
1. Execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. | ||||||
Labor function 1: Management and control of operation of machines and mechanisms of different type and the assignment applied in case of winter content of highways |
Skill 1: Management and control of operation of the serviced snowplow |
Abilities: | |||||
1. Operate the snowplow and mechanisms of different type and assignment used in case of winter content of highways; 2. Perform maintenance of the machine, check operability of its systems and nodes; 3. Fill combustible and greases; 4. Reveal and eliminate defects in operation of the serviced machines and mechanisms; 5. Perform preventive repair and participate in other different types of repair. | |||||||
Knowledge: | |||||||
1. Main types of technology of cleaning of the carriageway of the highway of snow and snow and ice deposits with export them out of highway limits to the allocated places; 2. Technical requirements to works, quality of works, materials and mixes; 3. The device and technical characteristics of the serviced machines, the trailing equipment and devices; 4. Rules of the instruction for their operation, maintenance and repair; 5. Traffic regulations, technology of performance of works by means of the serviced machine; 6. Consumption rates combustible and greases and electric power; 7. Metalwork in the amount provided for the mechanic of the construction, rated one discharge below driver; 8. Bases of labor protection and safe engineering. | |||||||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||||||
Skill 2: Management and control of operation of the serviced road construction machines |
Abilities: | ||||||
1. Perform maintenance of the machine, check of operability of its systems and nodes; 2. Fill combustible and greases; 3. Reveal and eliminate defects in operation of the serviced machines and mechanisms; 4. Perform preventive repair and participate in other different types of repair. | |||||||
Knowledge: | |||||||
1. The device and technical characteristics of the serviced machines, the trailing equipment and devices; 2. Rules of the instruction for their operation, maintenance and repair; 3. Traffic regulations, technology of performance of works by means of the serviced machine. Bases of labor protection and safe engineering. | |||||||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
Maintenance and running repair of the serviced machine. Gas station combustible and greases. | ||||||
Additional labor function 1: Registration of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents |
Skill 1: Maintaining and registration of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents |
Abilities: | |||||
Constitute technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. | |||||||
Knowledge: | |||||||
Knowledge of procedure and form of creation of technical documentation. | |||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||||||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Resistance to stress. | ||||||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards: |
Technical regulation TR CU 014/2011 | ||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |||||
3 |
8342-9-002 Driver (road construction machines) |
11. Profession card "Truck operator": | |||
Group code: |
8343-3 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8343-3-001 | ||
Name of profession: |
Truck operator | ||
Skill level on ORK: |
3 | ||
subtotal qualifications on ORK: |
- | ||
Skill level on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
ETKS (release 1), the order of the Deputy prime minister – the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 1, 2023 No. 364 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 33389). | ||
Level professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: Truck operator |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names professions: |
Main objective of activities: |
Transportation, rise, loading, unloading, movement and stacking in stack of loads. | ||
Description of labor functions | |||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory Labor functions: |
Management of lift trucks and all special mechanisms | |
Additional labor functions: |
1. Management of lift trucks and all special mechanisms; 2. Execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. | ||
Labor function 1: |
Skill 1: |
Abilities: | |
Management of lift trucks and all special mechanisms |
Management of battery rooms lift trucks and all special load gripping mechanisms and devices when loading, unloading, movement and stacking in stack of loads. |
For 2 discharges: 1. Manage accumulator lift trucks and all special load gripping mechanisms and devices when loading, unloading, movement to stacking in stack of loads; 2. Perform maintenance and running repair of lift truck and all its mechanisms; 3. Determine defects in work of lift truck, its mechanisms and their elimination; 4. Perform installation and replacement of removable load gripping devices and mechanisms; 5. Participate in carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance of lift truck and load gripping mechanisms and devices; 6. Charge accumulators; 7. Apply bases of labor protection and safe engineering; 8. Apply traffic regulations. For 3 discharges: 1. Manage tractor lift trucks, railway car loaders, vagonorazgruzchik and all special load gripping mechanisms and devices when loading, unloading, movement and stacking of loads in stack and dump; 2. Perform maintenance of lift truck and running repair of all its mechanisms; 3. Determine defects in work of lift truck; 4. Perform installation and replacement of removable load gripping devices and mechanisms; 5. Participate in carrying out planned preventive maintenance of lift truck, load gripping mechanisms and devices; 6. Observe bases of labor protection and safe engineering; 7. Follow traffic regulations. | |
Knowledge: | |||
For 2 discharges: 1. The device of accumulator lift truck, methods of loading, unloading of loads on all modes of transport, rules of rise, movement and stacking of loads, traffic regulations, movements on the territory of the company, station ways and the established alarm system; 2. Elementary data on electrical equipment. For 3 discharges: 1. Device of lift trucks and rechargeable batteries; 2. Methods of loading and unloading of loads on all modes of transport; 3. Rules of rise, movement and stacking of loads; 4. Traffic regulations, movements on the territory of the company and station ways; 5. The applied grades combustible and greases; 6. Names of the main materials of accumulator production; 7. Rules of the treatment of acids and alkalis; 8. Apply bases of labor protection and safe engineering. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Management of accumulator lift trucks of all special load gripping mechanisms and devices, and when loading, unloading, movement and stacking in stack of loads |
Abilities: | ||
For 4 discharges: 1. Manage tractor lift truck capacity to 73,5 of kW (to 100 h.p.). For 5 discharges: 1. Manage tractor lift truck capacity over 73,5 of kW (over 100 h.p.) and during the work on lift truck as capacity to 147 kW (to 200 h.p.) with its use as the bulldozer, the scraper, the excavator and other machines. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 4-5 discharges: 1. The device of lift trucks and rechargeable batteries, methods of loading and unloading of loads on all modes of transport; 2. Rules of rise, movement and stacking of loads; 3. Traffic regulations, movements on the territory of the company and station ways; 4. The applied grades combustible and greases; 5. Names of the main materials of accumulator production; 6. Rules of the treatment of acids and alkalis; 7. Bases of labor protection and safe engineering. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Additional labor function 1: Management of lift trucks and all special mechanisms |
Skill 1: Management of accumulator lift trucks and all special load gripping mechanisms and devices when loading, unloading, movement and stacking in stack of loads |
Abilities: | |
For 6 discharges: 1. Manage tractor lift truck capacity over 147 kW (over 200 h.p.) to 200 kW (to 250 h.p.) with its use as the bulldozer, the scraper, the excavator and other machines. For 7 discharges: 1. Manage tractor lift truck capacity over 200 kW (over 250 h.p.), equipped with difficult electronic management system, telescopic or frontal boom and intended for loading unloading of large size containers. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 6-7 discharges: 1. Device of lift trucks and rechargeable batteries; 2. Methods of loading and unloading of loads on all modes of transport; 3. Rules of rise, movement and stacking of loads; 4. Traffic regulations, movements on the territory of the company and station ways; 5. The applied grades combustible and greases; 6. Names of the main materials of accumulator production; 7. Rules of the treatment of acids and alkalis. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Maintenance and running repair lift truck and all its mechanisms |
Abilities: | ||
For 2-7 discharges: 1. Perform maintenance and running repair of lift truck and all its mechanisms; 2. Determine defects in work of lift truck, its mechanisms and their elimination; 3. Perform installation and replacement of removable load gripping devices and mechanisms; 4. Participate in carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance of lift truck and load gripping mechanisms and devices; 5. Charge accumulators. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 2-7 discharges: 1. Device of lift trucks and rechargeable batteries; 2. Knowledge of electrical equipment. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Additional labor function 2: Execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents |
Skill 1: Maintaining and execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents |
Abilities: | |
For 2-7 discharges: 1. Constitute technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 2-7 discharges: 1. Knowledge of procedure and form of creation of technical documentation. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Resistance to stress; Capability to training and self-training. | ||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||
List of technical regulations and national standards: |
Technical regulation TR CU 014/2011 | ||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |
3 |
8343-9-022 Operator of the hoist engine. | ||
3 |
8343-2-003 Crane operator port. | ||
3 |
8343-2-008 Crane operator (crane operator). | ||
12. Card of profession of Asfaltobetonshchik: | |||
Group code: |
7114-3 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
7114-3-001 | ||
Name of profession: |
Asfaltobetonshchik | ||
Skill level on ORK: |
3 | ||
subtotal qualifications on ORK: |
- | ||
Level qualifications on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
ETKS (release 3), the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 30, 2019 No. 388 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 3)" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 19169). | ||
Level professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: Asfaltobetonshchik |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names professions: |
- | ||
Main objective of activities: |
High-quality ensuring the repair work, subsidiary works and auxiliary works connected with preparation of the road basis, distribution of road-building materials, profiling and finishing of asphalt pavement. | ||
Description of labor functions | |||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory labor functions: |
1. Accomplishment of repair work, subsidiary and auxiliary works in case of the device of asphalt pavements of highways. | |
Additional labor functions: |
1. Execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. | ||
Labor function 1: Accomplishment of repair work, subsidiary and auxiliary works in case of the device of asphalt pavements of highways. |
Skill 1: Accomplishment of subsidiary works in case of the device and repair of asphalt road carpets. |
Abilities: | |
For 1 discharge: 1. Perform preparatory, handling and harvest work on construction objects and repair of coverings from the asphalt concrete and materials processed by black knitting; 2. Carry out works on cleaning of roadway construction equipments and elements of road design manually and using the mechanized tool, cleaning of materials after dismantling and stumps of coverings. For 2 discharges: 1. Perform works on preparation of the bases in case of the device and repair of road carpets. 2. Perform cleaning of the basis with pick hammer; 3. Sift inert fillers; 4. Perform splitting of firewood; 5. Perform transfer of black knitting; 6. Level and hill road materials. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 1 discharge: 1. Requirements imposed to quality of training of the bases of road carpets; 2. Knowledge of labor protection and safe engineering. For 2 discharges: 1. Methods of preparation of the bases for the device of coverings; 2. Rules of unpacking, transportation and storage of the knitting materials; 3. Structure of components for preparation of coverings; 4. Knowledge of labor protection and safe engineering. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Accomplishment of small road repair work and auxiliary works in case of the device of road asphalt concrete coverings |
Abilities: | ||
For 3 discharges: 1. Perform warming up of the black knitting materials in cooking boilers; 2. Perform loading of components in boilers; 3. Perform the device of the bases under coverings; 4. Perform processing of the bases the black knitting materials by means of manual distributors; 5. Perform installation of persistent bars; 6. Perform giving and the layout manually of the asphalt concrete mixes and materials processed black knitting in hot and cold condition; 7. Perform cutting down of samples and seals of places of cutting down; 8. Perform cleaning and seal of cracks in asphalt pavements; 9. Perform minor repair of asphalt pavements and coverings from the materials processed black knitting, manually and using asphalt heaters or remonter; 10. Perform dismantling and to stump by means of the mechanized tool of asphalt pavements from the materials processed by black knitting; 11. Perform cleaning of cooking boilers, final boilers, final trays and mixing units. For 4 discharges: 1. Perform cooking of asphalt mixes in open boilers; 2. Prepare knitting by electrothermal method; 3. Perform profiling and finishing of road carpets from the asphalt concrete and materials processed black knitting, with installation of beacons and lighthouse rails; 4. Perform repair of asphalt and asphalt coatings separate cards, and also sidewalks, garden paths and otmostok; 5. Perform patching of coverings asphalt concrete and black mixes. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 3 discharges: 1. Main types of asphalt pavements and coverings from the materials processed by black knitting; 2. Types of the mastics, emulsions, asphalt mixes and inert fillers applied in case of the device of black coverings; 3. Dismantling methods, stumps and seals by means of the mechanized tool of the asphalt pavements and coverings processed by black knitting. 4. Knowledge of labor protection and safe engineering. For 4 discharges: 1. The main requirements imposed to the bases under asphalt pavements and under coverings from the materials processed by black knitting; 2. Quality requirements of mastics, emulsions, asphalt mixes and mixes from the materials processed by black knitting; 3. Rules of the device, repair and acceptance of coverings; 4. Rules and methods of patching of asphalt pavements and coverings from the materials processed by black knitting. 5. Knowledge of labor protection and safe engineering. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 3: Accomplishment of road repair work and auxiliary works in case of the device of asphalt road carpets |
Abilities: | ||
For 5 discharges: 1. Perform repair of places of sags of road carpets; 2. Perform the device and repair of pipes, trays, ogolovk, retaining walls and parapets; 3. Correct separate damages of elements of architectural registration of highways; 4. Perform breakdown of piketazh and elements of roads in the plan; 5. Determine elevation marks of road constructions by means of the geodetic tool; 6. Perform the device and repair of drainages and moshcheniye with recovery of filters; 7. Perform installation of the protecting and signaling devices; 8. Perform fixing of the developing ravines; 9. Perform works on marking of road carpet of highways; 10. Put lines of the crosswalk like "Zebra" with paints and thermoductile materials; 11. Designate the islands dividing transport flows of opposite directions on cliche by means of guns sprayers, drawing the arrows designating driving direction on strips, two-component plastics, retroreflective elements - air gun, marking vertical surfaces of support, bridges, overpasses, end surfaces of portals, tunnels, parapets. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 5 discharges: 1. Evaluation methods of condition of road carpets and artificial features; 2. Device and rules of use of the geodetic tool; 3. Main types and properties of paints, solvents and thermoductile materials; 4. Methods of determination of their viscosity of flowability; 5. Methods of putting paints and varnishes; 6. Sizes of lines, arrows and texts of horizontal marking; 7. Procedure for drawing marking in combination with route signs or traffic lights; 8. The technical requirements imposed on road marking; 9. Rules of putting the marking materials in combination to retroreflective elements; 10. The device and operation principle of the mechanized tool for drawing thermoplastic materials; 11. Structure and technology of drawing two-component ductile materials; 12. Methods of fight against erosion of soils; 13. Methods of liquidation of ice on roads; 14. Knowledge of labor protection and equipment. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Additional labor function 1: Execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. |
Skill 1: Maintaining and execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. |
Abilities: | |
For 5 discharges: 1. Constitute technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 5 discharges: 1. Knowledge of procedure and form of creation of technical documentation. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Resistance to stress; Capability to training and self-training. | ||
Special conditions of the admission to work. |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record. | ||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |
3 |
8342-9-003 Concrete placer's driver | ||
3 |
7119-9-005 Operator of the stacker of asphalt concrete |
13. Profession card "Pourer of concrete goods": | |||
Group code: |
8115-1 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8115-1-001 | ||
Name of profession: |
Pourer of concrete goods | ||
Skill level on ORK: |
3 | ||
subtotal qualifications on ORK: |
- | ||
Skill level on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
- | ||
Level of professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: Pourer of concrete goods |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names professions: |
Main objective of activities: |
Accomplishment of complex of works on filling of concrete goods, to care of steel concrete, processing of steel concrete surfaces in case of construction, and also to expansion, reconstruction, restoration, major repair of buildings and constructions. | ||
Description of labor functions | |||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory labor functions: |
1. Conducting simple preparatory work before concreting, care of steel concrete. Accomplishment of complex of steel concrete works of average complexity. | |
Additional labor functions: |
Labor function 1: Conducting simple preparatory work before concreting, care of steel concrete. Accomplishment of complex steel concrete works of average complexity. |
Skill 1: Cleaning of timbering, rocky bases and concrete surfaces of construction debris, snow, ice. Notch of steel concrete surfaces. Cleaning of armature of rust. Care of newly-laid steel concrete watering by water. Cleaning of timbering of concrete, processing with its lubricant. |
Abilities: | |
For 3-gorazryad: 1. Work with the sprayer and hand tool for concrete works; 2. Carry out notch of concrete surfaces hand tool; 3. Carry out purification of reinforcing steel of rust with hand tool; 4. Carry out cleaning of timbering of concrete mixes, process it lubricant; 5. Observe requirements of labor protection in case of stay on the building site, work at height, flammability control, electrical safety and safety when conducting concrete works; 6. Observe requirements of production sanitation and occupational health, to apply individual protection equipment; 7. Give first aid to the victim in case of labor accident. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Types of concrete and concrete goods and designs; 2. Requirements imposed to timbering condition; 3. Requirements imposed to armature condition before concreting; 4. Rules of care of newly-laid concrete; 5. Rules of the alarm system gestures in case of loading works; 6. Purpose of hand tool for concrete works. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Conducting difficult preparatory work before concreting. Conducting organizational and preparatory work before stacking of concrete mix in special designs. |
Abilities: | ||
For the 4th discharge: 1. Perform stacking of concrete mix on horizontal planes; 2. Perform the device of the spreading layers, concrete foundation slabs of floors and cement tie; 3. Perform dismantle and repair of concrete and steel concrete structures; 4. Carry out organizational and preparatory work before stacking of concrete mix to special designs. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Stacking of concrete mix in thin-walled designs of unary and double curvature, difficult designs of flying structures of bridges, in the intense reinforced monolithic designs; 2. Concreting of embedded parts in the bases of turbine generators, feed electric pumps, concreting of wells and trenches; 3. Requirements of labor protection in case of stay on the building site, work at height, flammability control, electrical safety and safety when conducting concrete works; 4. Requirements of production sanitation and occupational health; 5. Rules of first-aid treatment to the victim in case of labor accident. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 3: Work on filling and receipt of ready produktion and products from steel concrete. |
Abilities: | ||
1. Message production process and to operate the used hoisting-and-transport and overload vehicles and mechanisms when filling concrete goods; 2. Follow safety regulations in case of work. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Knowledge of all stages of production process, and management of the used hoisting-and-transport and overload machines and mechanisms when filling concrete goods. 2. Safety regulations in case of work. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||
List of technical regulations and national standards: |
Technical regulation TR CU 014/2011 | ||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |
3 |
7549-4-035 Finisher of concrete goods. | ||
3 |
7549-4-046 Carver of concrete and concrete goods. | ||
14. Profession card "Operator of asfaltosmesitelny installation": | |||
Group code: |
8115-9 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8115-9-026 | ||
Name of profession: |
Operator of asfaltosmesitelny installation | ||
Level qualifications on ORK: |
3 | ||
subtotal qualifications on ORK: |
- | ||
Skill level on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
- | ||
Level of professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: Operator of asfaltosmesitelny installation |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names of profession: |
- | ||
Main objective of activities: |
Ensuring high-quality accomplishment of preparation of liquid bituminous materials for construction, repair and content of highways, platforms, surface treatment, subprimer, impregnation, waterproofing of the bases and water throughput pipes. | ||
Description of labor functions | |||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory Labor functions: |
1. Operation control of mobile or permanent asfaltobetonosmesitelny unit of cycling or continuous action in the automatic and manual mode. | |
Additional labor functions: |
- | ||
Labor function 1: Operation control of mobile or permanent asfaltobetonosme-sitelny unit of cycling or continuous action in the automatic and manual mode. |
Skill 1: Maintenance of asfaltobetonosme-sitelny installation. |
Abilities: | |
1. Work with drawings; 2. Reveal small mechanical damages and defects of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation in case of its survey; 3. Make elimination of the small mechanical damages and defects revealed in case of survey; 4. Make cleaning of working nodes and details of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation; 5. Make lubricant, refill and replacement of oil in working nodes and aggregates of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation, to check and tighten fixing connections of its working nodes and aggregates within maintenance of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation shift-time; 6. Make minor repair of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation without dismantling of working nodes, aggregates and details; 7. Carry out the works necessary for prevention and maintenance of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation in working order, according to technical specifications. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Methods of survey and check of operability of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation; 2. Signs and reasons of minor failures of work of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation and methods of their elimination; 3. Structure of works of maintenance shift-time according to the requirements established by technical specifications on asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation of specific model; 4. Structure of works of preventive maintenance according to the requirements established by technical specifications on asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation of specific model; 5. Service regulations of the serviced asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation; 6. The list of possible defects in work of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation, the possible reasons of their origin and methods of their elimination. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Dismantle of operating equipment of asfaltobetonosme-sitelny installation for carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance with montazhy operating equipment of asfaltobetonosme-sitelny installation after carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance. |
Abilities: | ||
1. Reveal and record defects in work of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation for the purpose of forming of their list for elimination in the course of scheduled preventive maintenance; 2. Carry out preparation of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation for carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance; 3. Make preparation of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation for work after scheduled preventive maintenance; 4. Perform check of work of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation after carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance for fault diagnosis which elimination require carrying out extra works on scheduled preventive maintenance; 5. To documentary draw up acceptance of works on scheduled preventive maintenance. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Terms of accomplishment of scheduled preventive maintenance of the serviced concrete-mixing installation; 2. Rules of carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation; 3. Procedure for technical training of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation to scheduled preventive maintenance; 4. Procedure for preparation of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation for work after scheduled preventive maintenance; 5. Service regulations of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation; 6. Requirements to the technical parameters characterizing operational work of concrete-mixing installation; 7. Regulations on repair and replacement of separate nodes and details of asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation; 8. Requirements to execution of the act of delivery - acceptance of works on scheduled preventive maintenance; 9. Requirements of labor protection and flammability control. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 3: Matching of structure of components of asphalt concrete mix (compounding) and the conditions of its preparation meeting the requirements specified in the request, start-up (inclusion) of asfaltobetonosme-sitelny installation, loading of components for preparation of asphalt concrete mix according to compounding. |
Abilities: | ||
1. Perform matching of structure; Asphalt concrete mix (compounding) according to the technical characteristics specified in the request; 2. Perform start-up (inclusion) of concrete-mixing installation; 3. Perform opening of locks of account bunkers and their closing after set of the set weight (amount); 4. Perform dosing of additives according to compounding; 5. Keep necessary accounting records in the magazine of works. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Brands of asphalt concrete mixes and their technical characteristics; 2. Procedure for matching of structure of components for preparation of asphalt concrete mix of the set characteristic; 3. The sequence of loading of components for preparation of asphalt concrete mix; 4. Types and purpose of the applied additives for plasticization or acceleration of solidification of asphalt concrete mix; 5. The device, service regulations and operational modes of the managed asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 4: Providing with road-building materials and work on repair and content of highways |
Abilities: | ||
1. Make commodity asphalt concrete; 2. Prepare components for preparation of asphalt concrete mix in asfaltobetonosmesitelny installation in the automatic and manual mode | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. All stages of production process; 2. Knowledge of providing with road-building materials for work on repair and content of highways; 3. Safety regulations in case of work. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Capability to training and self-training. | ||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |
3 |
8115-5-007 Operator of the mixer of asphalt concrete portable | ||
15. Profession card "Roadman": | |||
Group code: |
7119-9 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
7119-9-002 | ||
Name of profession: |
Roadman | ||
Level qualifications on ORK: |
3 | ||
subtotal qualifications on ORK: |
- | ||
Level Qualifications on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
ETKS (release 3), the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 30, 2019 No. 388 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 3)" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 19169). | ||
Level professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) "Construction of highways and airfields" |
Qualification: Roadman |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names of profession: |
- | ||
Main objective of activities: |
Accomplishment of the roadwork connected with construction, repair and operation of highways. Work is performed manually and with use of hand and other tool which is used to reduce physical efforts and to reduce time necessary for accomplishment of specific objectives, and also to improve product quality. | ||
Description of labor functions | |||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory labor functions: |
1. Knowledge of all stages of production process, the used materials and tools, and also nature and purpose of end products; 2. Observance of requirements of safe engineering. | |
Additional labor functions: |
- | ||
Labor function 1: 1. Knowledge of all stages of production process, the used materials and tools, and also nature and purposes of end products. 2. Observance requirements of safe engineering. |
Skill 1: Performance of works on repair and content highways. Device and repair of constructive layers of road clothes, structural elements of the highway. |
Abilities: | |
For 2 discharges: 1. Clear the road bases and coverings of snow, dirt and dust manually; 2. Throw sand, gravel and crushed stone; 3. Water the road bases and coverings; 4. Clear and grease surfaces rail forms in case of the device of cement concrete surfaces; 5. Fill up cement concrete surfaces with sand; 6. Clear route signs and elements of situation of way manually; 7. Distribute road-building materials in case of the device and repair of the road bases and coverings; 8. Clean trough manually after excavating machines; 9. Perform subdarning rail forms; 10. Perform dismantling of the bases, coverings and borders manually; 11. Perform the device and repair of continuous odernovka; 12. Sift sand, gravel and crushed stone manually on figurative grokhota; 13. Carry out the layout of roadsides manually; 14. Carry out pouring of the knitting materials; 15. Perform acceptance of mix from the car dump truck with cleaning of body in case of the device of concrete surfaces; 16. Cut the edges of newly-laid mix from the car dump truck with cleaning of body in case of the device of concrete surfaces; 17. Cut the edges of newly-laid concrete mix; 18. Perform ramming manually of the places unavailable to the mechanized stacking; 19. Prepare stone checker and Telfold base; 20. Perform sorting of stone and Telfold base. For 3 discharges: 1. Perform the device and profiling under ukatka on beacons, lighthouse, lighthouse rails, templates of the road bases from sand, pesko-cement, gravel, crushed stone; 2. Perform profiling of earth and earth improved roads; 3. Establish route signs; 4. Perform the device and repair of drainages; 5. Perform patching of earth improved roads, gravel, crushed-stone coverings and bases by means of the mechanized tool; 6. Perform the device and repair of odernovka in cage; 7. Perform the device of the bases under stacking of onboard stone; 8. Perform the device and recovery of ditches, drainage and mountain ditches with observance of longitudinal biases of transversal profiles; 9. Carry out works on marking of road carpet of highways; 10. Determine checkpoints for the subsequent drawing lines of the crosswalk manually by means of template; 11. Establish and remove the protecting devices and cones; 12. Carry out works using paints and varnishes. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For the 2nd discharge: 1. Types of the main road-building materials, designs road clothes and artificial features on roads; 2. Rules of preparation of asphalt concrete, cement-concrete, bitumomineralny and other mixes; 3. Methods of fight against ice and snow drifts; 4. Traffic regulations. For 3rd discharge: 1. The main properties applied road-building and paints and varnishes; 2. Rules of the device and repair of earth improved roads, sidewalks and the bases under asphalt concrete and cement concrete surfaces; 3. Instructions for use the mechanized tool used in case of construction and repair of roads; 4. Methods of dismantling and cutting of coverings and the bases by means of the mechanized tool, liquidations of destructions and recovery of road clothes; 5. Methods of preparation of the bases under rail - forms in case of construction of cement and concrete roads; 6. Bases of the device of drainages; 7. Types of road marking and methods of its drawing by manual method; 8. Rules of performance of works without closing of auto traffic and barrier of places in case of works. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Performance of works on repair and content of highways. Device and repair of constructive layers of road clothes, structural elements of the highway. |
Abilities: | ||
For the 4th discharge: 1. Perform the device and profiling of coverings from crushed stone and gravel on beacons, lighthouse rails and template; 2. Perform repair of crushed-stone and gravel coverings separate cards; 3. Perform the final layout of surface of road carpets after leveling by machines; 4. Establish curbstone, beacons and lighthouse rails; 5. Perform the device of preparatory layer from crushed stone and gravel under the bases of support and pipes; 6. Perform withdrawal of precipitations from roads and artificial features; 7. Perform finishing and repair of edges of seam and surface of cement-concrete coverings; 8. Perform the device and servicing of barrier and rope barriers; 9. Carry out works on marking of road carpet of highways, preliminary marking of checkpoints on the scheme of the organization of movement, assembly and installation of templates, putting marking material by means of the gun sprayer, demarkirovka of old marking, to participate in work in case of marking of roads as laying-out machines. For the 5th discharge: 1. Repair places of sags of road carpets; 2. Perform the device and repair of pipes, trays, ogolovk, retaining walls and parapets; 3. Correct separate damages of elements of architectural registration of highways; 4. Perform breakdown of piketazh and elements of roads in the plan; 5. Determine elevation marks of road constructions by means of the geodetic tool; 6. Perform the device and repair of drainages and moshcheniye with recovery of filters; 7. Establish the protecting and signaling devices; 8. Carry out works on fixing of the developing ravines; 9. Carry out works on marking of road carpet of highways; 10. Put lines of the crosswalk like "Zebra" with paints and thermoductile materials; 11. Designate the islands dividing transport flows of opposite directions on cliche by means of guns sprayers, put the arrows designating driving direction on strips, two-component plastics, retroreflective elements air gun, marking vertical surfaces of support, bridges, overpasses, end surfaces of portals, tunnels, parapets. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For the 4th discharge: 1. Quality requirements of the materials applied in case of the device, repair and marking of roads; 2. Rules of concreting in winter time and methods of heating of concrete; 3. Rules of construction and operation of road clothes, artificial features and situation of way; 4. Types of horizontal and vertical marking, procedure for their drawing; 5. Rules and methods of conducting works when drawing marking with the gun sprayer using cliches; 6. Consumption rates of marking materials; 7. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations; 8. Rules of performance of works in conditions with partial closing and without closing of auto traffic. For the 5th discharge: 1. Evaluation methods of condition of road carpets and artificial features; 2. Device and rules of use of the geodetic tool; 3. Main types and properties of paints, solvents and thermoductile materials; 4. Methods of determination of their viscosity and flowability; 5. Methods of putting paints and varnishes; 6. Sizes of lines, arrows and texts of horizontal marking; 7. Procedure for drawing marking in combination with route signs or traffic lights; 8. Technical requirements, shown to road marking; 9. Rules of putting the marking materials in combination to retroreflective elements; 10. The device and operation principle of the mechanized tool for drawing thermoplastic materials; 11. Structure and technology of drawing two-component ductile materials; 12. Methods of fight against erosion of soils, methods of liquidation of ice on roads. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 3: Performance of works on repair and content of highways. Device and repair of constructive layers of road clothes, structural elements of the highway. |
Abilities: | ||
For the 6th discharge: 1. Perform mounting of combined steel concrete road and airfield plates; 2. Perform mounting of steel and pig-iron plates. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For the 6th discharge: 1. Rules and mounting modes and fixture of combined steel concrete road and airfield, steel and pig-iron plates. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 4: Observance of rules and instructions for labor protection, production sanitation, electrical safety, flammability and ecological safety. |
Abilities: | ||
For 2-6 discharges: 1. Prepare the tool for work; 2. Use the manual and mechanized tool for implementation of works; 3. Use individual protection equipment; 4. Follow rules and instructions for labor protection, production sanitation, electrical safety, flammability and ecological safety; 5. Not allow actions which can lead to casualty and/or emergence of emergency situations; 6. Provide first aid. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 2-6 discharges: 1. Knowledge of all stages of production process, the used materials of tools, and also nature and purpose of end products; 2. Safety regulations when carrying out road-building works. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Resistance to stress; Capability to training and self-training. | ||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |
3 |
8189-0-006 Linear worker |
16. Profession card "Driver of svayeboyny installation": | |||
Group code: |
8342-4 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8342-4-003 | ||
Name of profession: |
Driver of svayeboyny installation | ||
Skill level on ORK: |
3 | ||
Qualification subtotal on ORK: |
- | ||
Level Qualifications on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
ETKS (release 3), the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 30, 2019 No. 388 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 3)" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 19169). | ||
Level of professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: Driver of svayeboyny installation |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names of profession: |
- | ||
Main objective of activities: |
Control of the machines of different types used to blockage and immersion of piles in case of the device of piled foundations, rabbet barriers, mooring barriers, retaining walls and other similar designs. | ||
Description of labor functions | |||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory labor functions: |
1. Control of the machines of different types used to blockage and immersion of piles in case of the device of piled foundations, rabbet barriers, mooring barriers, retaining walls and other similar designs. | |
Additional labor functions: |
1. Execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. | ||
Labor function 1: Control of the machines of different types used to blockage and immersion of piles in case of the device of piled foundations, rabbet barriers, mooring barriers, retaining walls and other similar designs. |
Skill 1:upravleniye by the machines of different types used to blockage and immersion of piles in case of the device of piled foundations of rabbet barriers, mooring barriers, retaining walls and other similar designs. |
Abilities: | |
For 5-8 discharges: 1. Operate the vehicles of different type and assignment used to blockage and immersion of piles in case of the device of piled foundations, rabbet and mooring barriers, retaining walls and other similar constructions; 2. Select operational mode; 3. Regulate working mechanisms of the machine on the set mode; 4. Fill with fuels and lubricants. For the 5th discharge: 1. Manage the vibro-pressing pogruzhatel of piles self-propelled with the engine capacity to 73 kilowatts (to 100 horsepowers); 2. Manage vibro drivers beskoprovy; 3. Manage diesel hammers beskoprovy. For the 6th discharge: 1. Manage the vibro-pressing pogruzhatel of piles self-propelled with the engine capacity over 73 kilowatts (over 100 horsepowers). For the 7th discharge: 1. Manage self-propelled koprovy installations. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 5-8 discharges: 1. The device and technical characteristics of the serviced machines; 2. Rules and instructions for their operation, technical leaving and repair; 3. Technology of maintaining consumption rate of fuels and lubricants and electric power; 4. Brands and properties of oils and fuel; 5. Technical requirements to quality of attended operations; 6. Electrical equipment bases. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Maintenance of machines, check of operability of systems and nodes. Preventive repair and participation in other different types of repair. |
Abilities: | ||
For 5-8 discharges: 1. Perform maintenance of the machine, check operability of its systems and nodes; 2. Reveal and eliminate defects in operation of the serviced machines; 3. Perform preventive repair and participation in other different types of repair. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 5-8 discharges: 1. The device and technical characteristics of the serviced machines; 2. Rules and instructions for their operation, technical leaving and repair; 3. Electrical equipment bases. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Additional labor function 1: Execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. |
Skill 1: Maintaining and execution of technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents. |
Abilities: | |
For 5-8 discharges: 1. Constitute technical documentation according to the existing regulating documents | |||
Knowledge: | |||
For 5-8 discharges: 1. Knowledge of procedure and form of creation of technical documentation. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Resistance to stress; Capability to training and self-training. | ||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |
3 |
8342-6-001 Operator of the pipe layer | ||
3 |
8342-9-003 Concrete placer's driver | ||
17. Profession card "Operator of the hoist engine": | |||
Group code: |
8343-9 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8343-9-022 | ||
Name of profession: |
Operator of the hoist engine | ||
Level qualifications on ORK: |
3 | ||
subtotal qualifications on ORK: |
- | ||
Level qualifications on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
ETKS (release 3), the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 30, 2019 No. 388 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 3)" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 19169). | ||
Level professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: Operator of the hoist engine |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names of profession: |
- | ||
Main objective of activities: |
Servicing and control of the mast, rack and mine elevator, elevator with working platform | ||
Description of labor functions | |||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory labor functions: |
1. Survey of the construction elevator and workplace, refuse collection and the foreign objects interfering the beginning of works. | |
Additional labor functions: |
- | ||
Labor function 1: Survey of construction the elevator and workplace, refuse collection and the foreign objects interfering the beginning of works |
Skill 1: Survey and control of condition of the construction elevator, functional check of devices and safety controls, lighting, alarm system and blocking, winch, brakes, barriers of moving parts, terminal switches, limiters of height of lift, catchers |
Abilities: | |
1. Prepare the machine for work; 2. Prepare workplace; 3. Make approbation of operation of the construction elevator and its off-load mechanisms; 4. Eliminate the defects interfering start-up in operation of the construction elevator; 5. Warn the workers servicing the construction elevator about need of their exit from the danger area before work and load lifting; 6. Stop works of lifting construction in case of exceeding of admissible values of wind speed and ambient air temperature, voltage drop in network, fault detection of electrical and mechanical equipment; 7. Stop lifting construction in case of receipt of signal "Stop". | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Device, design features and purpose of nodes, mechanisms, electric equipments of the construction elevator; 2. The procedure for lifting and moving loads established by the operating documentation; 3. Operating documentation of the construction elevator (maintenance manual, mounting instruction, technical description); 4. Methods and methods of fault recovery of the construction elevator, arising in the course of work; 5. Assignment and design features of removable load gripping devices and container; 6. The actions plan on localization and mitigation of consequences of accidents. | |||
Opportunity recognitions of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Fault recovery, interfering start-up in operation of the passenger-and-freight elevator |
Abilities: | ||
1. Manage the passenger-and-freight elevator, the elevator and tower intended for movement of people; 2. Use the operating and fabrication documentation in work; 3. Observe the requirements for safe performance of works specified in the project of works and/or process charts; 4. Observe requirements of the maintenance manual on the passenger-and-freight elevator; 5. Apply methods of safe works in case of cargo transfer and people on the passenger-and-freight elevator according to requirements of projects of works and/or process charts; 6. Eliminate the defects interfering normal operation of the passenger-and-freight elevator. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. The device, design features and purpose of nodes, mechanisms, electric equipments of the serviced passenger-and-freight elevator; 2. Operation algorithm of the passenger-and-freight elevator, elevator and tower, intended for movement of people, provided by technical documentation of the manufacturer; 3. The methods and methods of fault recovery of the passenger-and-freight elevator arising in the course of work; 4. Possible causes of the trouble of the equipment and methods of their prevention and elimination; 5. Rules of first-aid treatment by the victim. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Resistance to stress; Discipline; Capability to training and self-training. | ||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |
3 |
8343-1-001 Crane operator (crane operator) | ||
3 |
8343-1-002 Crane operator of automobile |
18. Profession card "Operator of the portable cooking boiler for preparation of asphalt concrete mix": | |||
Group code: |
8115-9 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8115-9-013 | ||
Name of profession: |
The operator of the portable cooking boiler for preparation of asphalt concrete mix | ||
Skill level on ORK: |
3 | ||
qualification subtotal on ORK: |
- | ||
Skill level on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
ETKS (release 3), the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 30, 2019 No. 388 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 3)" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 19169). | ||
Level of professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: The operator of the portable cooking boiler for preparation of asphalt concrete mix |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names of profession: |
- | ||
Main objective of activities: |
Accomplishment of the mechanized works using the asphalt concrete mixer of batch, portable with different amount, and avtoasfaltobetonovoz. | ||
Description of labor functions | |||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory labor functions: |
1. Preparation and transportation of asphalt concrete mixes by means of asphalt concrete the mixer portable and avtoasfaltobetonovoza in case of accomplishment construction, mounting and repair construction works | |
Additional labor functions: |
Labor function 1: Preparation and transportation of asphalt concrete mixes by means of asphalt concrete the mixer portable and avtoasfaltobeto-novoza in case of accomplishment construction, mounting and repair construction works |
Skill 1: Production operation and maintenance operability of the asphalt concrete mixer |
Abilities: | |
1. Understand the device, principle of operation and technical characteristics of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l and its constituents; 2. Understand the device, principle of operation and service regulations of automatic devices, means of the built-in diagnostics and systems of remote monitoring of technical condition of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 3. Observe requirements of the operating manual of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 4. Follow Rules of production operation of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 5. Apply terminology in the field of construction and mechanical engineering; 6. Understand principle of operation of mechanical, hydraulic and electrical equipment of the asphalt concrete mixer; portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 7. Apply methods of loading of components of asphalt concrete mix in blending drum of afsaltobetonosmesitel portable in batch amount to 1200 l (with use of dosers and without them); 8. Know value of error of dosers when loading components of asphalt concrete mix in blending drum of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 9. Apply methods of unloading of ready asphalt concrete mix from blending drum of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 10. Use processing methods of unloading of ready asphalt concrete mix from blending drum of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 11. Make adjustment of systems and operating equipment of avtoasfaltobetonovoz in the course of performance of works in different weather and climatic conditions; 12. Manage production equipment and systems of the drive of avtoasfaltobetonovoz during the loading, transportation and unloading of asphalt concrete mixes; 13. Complete work in case of emergency situations; 14. Follow traffic regulations; 15. Observe the safe speed, distance and cross interval, not to reduce speed and not to create hindrance to movement of other vehicles; 16. Provide maneuver in transport flow, inform other participants of movement on the maneuvers and not create it hindrances; 17. Observe requirements of labor protection; 18. Apply fire appliances; 19. Use processing methods on preparation of asphalt concrete mix in blending drum of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 20. Apply the modes of hashing of components of asphalt concrete mix in blending drum of ready-mix truck portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 21. Know types and types of asphalt concrete, the modes of their preparation by the asphalt concrete mixer in portable amount of batch to 1200 l; 22. Use methods of management of operating parts of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l during the loading of components, preparation, transportation and unloading of asphalt concrete mix; 23. Apply methods of observance of regulations of purity of production equipment and blending drum, the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 24. Understand operation principle of the established acoustic and light alarm of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 25. Observe the instruction for ensuring safe operation of machines and safe works with the asphalt concrete mixer with portable amount of batch to 1200 l; 26. Observe operations procedure in case of non-staff situations; 27. Apply methods of emergency termination of work of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l; 28. Follow Regulations of Admission and delivery of change, the Traffic regulation; 29. Follow Rules of transportation of the asphalt concrete mixer portable in batch amount to 1200 l under the own steam on highways public. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Device, principle of operation and technical characteristics of avtoasfaltobetonovoz and its constituents; 2. Device, principle of operation and service regulations of automatic devices, means of the built-in diagnostics and systems of remote monitoring of technical condition of avtoasfaltobetonovoz; 3. Requirements of the operating manual of avtoasfaltobetonovoz; 4. Rules of production operation of avtoasfaltobetonovoz; 5. Principle of operation of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical equipment of avtoasfaltobetonovoz; 6. Methods of observance of regulations of purity of production equipment and body of avtoasfaltobetonovoz; 7. Operation principle of the established acoustic and light alarm of avtoasfaltobetonovoz; 8. Instructions for ensuring safe operation of machines and safe works of avtoasfaltobetonovoz; 9. Operations procedure in case of emergency situations. For 5 and 6 discharges: 1. Methods of emergency termination of work of avtoasfaltobetonovoz; 2. Regulations of Admission and delivery of change; 3. Traffic regulations; 4. Requirements of labor protection, production sanitation, electrical safety, flammability and ecological safety. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Skill 2: Preparation of asphalt concrete mix, work on repair and content |
Abilities: | ||
1. Prepare and transport asphalt concrete mixes by means of the asphalt concrete mixer portable and avtoasfaltobetonovoza in case of accomplishment construction, mounting and repair construction works; 2. Follow Safety regulations in case of work. | |||
Knowledge: | |||
1. Prepare and transport asphalt concrete mixes by means of the asphalt concrete mixer portable and avtoasfaltobetonovoza in case of accomplishment construction, mounting and repair construction works; 2. Follow Safety regulations in case of work. | |||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
- | ||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Independence and responsibility; Capability to training and self-training. | ||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Lack of medical contraindications (the reference in form 086), passing of instructing in safety and labor protection, the certificate of not criminal record | ||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level: |
Name of profession: | |
3 |
8115-5-007 Operator of the mixer of asphalt concrete portable | ||
19. Profession card "Machine operator (docker-machine operator) of integrated team at handling works": | |||
Group code: |
8343-9 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
8343-9-032 | ||
Name of profession: |
The machine operator (docker-machine operator) of integrated team at handling works | ||
Skill level on ORK: |
3 | ||
qualification subtotal on ORK: |
- | ||
Skill level on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
ETKS (release 52), the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 15, 2022 No. 201 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 28475). | ||
Level of professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (average special, average professional) (working professions) |
Specialty: Professional training (on industries) |
Qualification: The machine operator (docker-machine operator) of integrated team at handling works |
Requirements to work experience: |
It is not required | ||
Communication with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training in the organizations of road industry or on the SkillsEnbek online platform | ||
Other possible names professions: |
Crane operator (crane operator); Driver-crane operator; Driver of loading machine; Operator of the hoist engine. | ||
Main objective of activities: |
The machine operator (docker-machine operator) of integrated team on loading unloading works - the specialist who carries out unloading or loading of vehicles by mechanization – lift trucks, manipulators, winches, cranes, conveyor lines. Accomplishment of the roadwork connected with construction, repair and operation of highways. | ||
Description of labor functions |
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