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of January 2, 2025 No. 2117

About state registration of acts of civil status

Accepted by the Resolution MH MOPT of December 12, 2024, No. 1505

Approved by the Resolution MM MORT of December 27, 2024, No. 563

This Law determines legal status of registering bodies of acts of civil status, procedure for state registration of acts of civil status and making of other related actions the organization and storage of books of state registration of acts of civil status, and also maintaining the state register of acts of civil status.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on state registration of acts of civil status

The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on state registration of acts of civil status is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of the Family code of the Republic of Tajikistan, this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and also the international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan.

Article 2. Acts of civil status

1. Acts of civil status – the actions of person or event influencing the origin, change and (or) the termination of the rights and obligations determining its legal condition.

2. The birth, death, the conclusion and annulment of marriage, adoption (adoption), paternity proof, change of surname, name and middle name, and also making of other actions connected with civil registration irrespective of nationality, race, skin color, origin, floor, language, religion and beliefs, national and (or) ethnic origin, disability, the state of health, age, nationality, look, property status or other circumstance are subject to state registration according to the procedure the established this Law.

3. The acts of civil status issued in accordance with the established procedure both in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan and beyond its limits, are valid.

Article 3. State registration of acts of civil status and making of other actions connected with civil registration

1. State registration of acts of civil status is established for the purpose of protection of the property and personal non-property rights of person, and also for the benefit of the state and society, including collection of complete, reliable and timely statistical information about civil status.

2. State registration of the act of civil status is made by registering bodies of acts of civil status by means of creation of the corresponding record of the act of civil status based on which the certificate on state registration of the act of civil status is granted.

3. Entering of necessary data into the birth statement, death, marriage, annulment of marriage, about adoption (adoption), paternity proof, about change of surname, name and middle name, and also introduction of corrections, changes, amendments and marks, recovery or cancellation of civil registration, and the certificates granted based on these records are established by this Law and other regulatory legal acts, except for making of these actions in the portal of civil registration which are performed according to procedure for maintaining the portal of civil registration.

4. The blank form of civil registrations affirms the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

5. The clerical work in registering bodies of acts of civil status is conducted in state language of the Republic of Tajikistan taking into account requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan about identity documents.

6. The employee of registering bodies of acts of civil status has no right to make state registration of acts of civil status concerning himself, the spouse, the relatives and the spouse's relatives (parents, children, grandsons, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters). State registration of acts of civil status in such cases is made by other employee of these bodies according to the instruction for state registration of acts of civil status and making of other actions connected with civil registration.

7. The instruction for state registration of acts of civil status and making of other actions connected with civil registration and procedure for maintaining the portal of civil registration affirm the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan.

8. The statement for state registration of acts of civil status and making of other actions connected with civil registration moves person which reached eighteen-year age if other age is not provided by this Law, the legal representative, and also it is allowed through the representative whose powers are certified notarially, by presentation of the power of attorney.

Article 4. Civil registration

1. When making record of the act of civil status the documents confirming the facts which are subject to state registration in registering bodies of acts of civil status and the identity document of the applicant shall be submitted. The documents of foreign citizens and stateless persons issued by authorized bodies of foreign states and shown for state registration of acts of civil status shall be legalized or apostilled according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan if the international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan do not provide other. These documents shall be translated into state language of the Republic of Tajikistan, and fidelity of the translation makes sure of office of notary public.

2. Record of the act of civil status is constituted in two authentic copies. In case of modification of the first copy of record, according to the procedure, provided by this Law, corresponding changes shall be made also in the second copy records. Modification of record shall be made no later than three working days if other term is not provided by this Law.

3. The first copies of civil registrations (on each type of civil registrations separately) constituted within year gather in chronological procedure in books of state registration of acts of civil status. In the same procedure the second copies of records gather in books of state registration of acts of civil status.

4. Civil registration is constituted in the form of the paper and (or) electronic document.

5. Each record made in books of state registration of acts of civil status shall be read by the applicant, is signed by him and person constituting record, the head of registering bodies of acts of civil status or person to who the head's obligations are temporarily assigned (further – the head) and also is under seal body. In case of record creation electronically, it is signed by the digital signature person constituting record and the head of registering bodies of acts of civil status, and its unpacked form shall be read by the applicant, is assured him by the sign and seal of body.

6. The civil registrations constituted in the form of electronic documents in unified information system of civil registration are stored in the state register of acts of civil status.

7. The data containing in civil registrations, constituted in the form of electronic documents are data on the basis of which according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, basic state information resources are created.

Article 5. State register of acts of civil status

1. The state register of acts of civil status is single state information system which is conducted electronically and contains data on acts of civil status, changes in acts of civil status, their recovery and cancellation, data on issue of certificates on state registration of acts of civil status and statements from them. The state register of acts of civil status contains the information, additional and analytical information connected with activities of registering bodies of acts of civil status.

2. Each civil registration entered in the state register of acts of civil status, and also data on each document issued by competent authority of foreign state for confirmation of issue of acts of civil status, made in the territory to the Republic of Tajikistan according to the legislation of the respective foreign countries concerning citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan when entering into the state register of acts of civil status are identified by assignment of single number which is invariable and does not repeat in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan.

3. The civil registrations included in the state register of acts of civil status electronically are on permanent storage, its destruction and withdrawal are not allowed. In case of modification or corrections of the civil registrations entered before record remain.

4. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, performing maintaining the state register of acts of civil status, has the following powers:

1) forming, collection, storage, processing and submission of information on state registration of acts of civil status;

2) creation and management of the software providing continuous daily and round-the-clock activities;

3) provision of access to the information database, ensuring registration of this access and record of data on each access;

4) ensuring information security, the acts of civil status placed in the state register, according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on information security, personal data and other information in the sphere of information security.

Article 6. Registering bodies of acts of civil status

1. State registration of acts of civil status in the cities and areas is made by structural division of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan on civil registration (further – body of civil registration) the city and the area. State registration of scrap can be made also in houses of wedding.

2. State registration of acts of civil status in settlements and villages is made by jamias of the settlement and village. State registration of acts of civil status in the centers of the cities (areas) in which there are jamias of settlements and villages is made by bodies of civil registration in the city or the area.

3. State registration of acts of civil status of citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan outside the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan is made in consular establishments of the Republic of Tajikistan.


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