of December 27, 2024 No. ZRU-1016
About the state secrets
Accepted by Legislative house on August 20, 2024
Approved by the Senate on October 23, 2024
The purpose of this Law is determination of legal and organizational basis of reference of data to the state secrets, regulation of the relations arising during the using and protection of the state secrets, and also implementation of other activities connected with the state secrets for the benefit of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Operation of this Law extends to persons who assumed obligations on fulfillment of requirements of the legislation on the state secrets or shall carry out them according to the status, and also on the organizations using the state secrets.
The legislation on the state secrets consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
Questions of international cooperation in the field of the state secrets are regulated by the legislation and international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
the mystery of the state value - data which disclosure can negatively affect defense capability, state security, economic and political interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
the state secrets - protected by the state and included in the list of the data which are subject to classification, the data which are secret of the state value and (or) official secret which disclosure can cause damage to safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
loss of the state secrets - exit of carriers of the state secrets from the order of their legal owners as a result of use of the documents, objects or means containing the data which are secret of the state value or official secret without observance of the requirements established by the legislation;
disclosure of the state secrets - transfer to other person, publication or distribution of the state secrets otherwise with violation of established procedure by person to which they were entrusted or became known in connection with office or professional activity owing to what these state secrets became known to persons who are not their legal owners;
carriers of the state secrets - material objects, including physical fields on which the state secrets contain in type of the symbols, signs, images, signals, technical solutions and processes allowing to distinguish and identify the data constituting the state secrets;
the admission on use of the state secrets - the document processed in accordance with the established procedure, confirmatory that person specially authorized state body in the field of the state secrets is granted right to use by the state secrets;
the organizations using the state secrets - the state bodies and other organizations having permission for implementation of the activities connected with the state secrets, and also necessary conditions for storage and use of the state secrets and using the state secrets according to the legislation on the state secrets;
right to use by the state secrets - the access to the specific classified information and (or) implementation of activities with use of the state secrets provided to person according to its ex-officio full powers the head of the organization using the state secrets;
protection of the state secrets - complex of the organizational, legal, technical, cryptographic and other measures directed to prevention of disclosure of the state secrets and loss of their carriers;
remedies of the state secrets - equipment rooms, hardware-software or the software providing cryptographic and technical protection of the state secrets, and also means of information protection against unauthorized use and control facility of system effectiveness of protection of the state secrets;
system of protection of the state secrets - set of the means and methods used by the organizations using the state secrets for protection of the data constituting the state secrets and their carriers, and also actions performed for this purpose;
the special commission - group of number of persons employed of the organizations using the state secrets, having the admission on use of the state secrets and having necessary knowledge and experience for consideration and pronouncement of the conclusion on the state secrets which are under their authority;
security classification - the detail testimonial of degree of privacy of the data containing in their carrier, which is put down on the carrier of data and (or) in the accompanying document;
privacy degree - the category expressing importance of the data constituting the state secrets, and determining measures and means of their protection;
the list of the data which are subject to classification - the categories of data allowing to carry data to the mystery of the state value or official secret and to code them according to the procedure, established by this Law;
the privacy mode - the single procedure for ensuring protection of the state secrets regulated by the legislation on the state secrets;
regime and confidential body - structural division or the official of the organization using the state secrets exercising control of confidential clerical work and providing the mode of privacy;
declassification of data - package of measures for lifting of restrictions on use of the state secrets and their carriers by cancellation of the established privacy degree;
classification of data and their carriers - package of measures for introduction of restrictions for use of the data constituting the state secrets and their carriers;
official secret - the data relating to any field of activity of the organizations using the state secrets including military, economic, political, scientific and technical, productive, intelligence, counterintelligence, operational search activity which disclosure can cause damage to interests of these organizations. The official secret can be component of mystery of the state value;
commission of experts - group of number of persons employed of the organizations using the state secrets, having the admission on use of the state secrets and having necessary knowledge and experience which have the right to draw the corresponding conclusions concerning protection of the state secrets.
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