of December 24, 2024 No. 486
About approval of professional standards in the oil and gas sphere in the direction "Conversion and oil and gas sales
According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve:
1) the professional standard "Quality Control of Oil, Gas and Products of Their Conversion" according to appendix 1 to this order;
2) the professional standard "Ensuring Reliability and Mechanical Integrity of the Equipment" according to appendix 2 to this order;
3) the professional standard "Servicing of Auxiliary Systems, Instrumentations and Automatic Equipment" according to appendix 3 to this order;
4) the professional standard "Supervisory control" according to appendix 4 to this order;
5) the professional standard "Oil Refining, Gas and Oil and Gas Chemistry" according to appendix 5 to this order;
6) the professional standard "Acceptance and Shipment of Products of Oil Refining and Gas" according to appendix 6 to this order;
7) the professional standard "Oil Sale and Oil Products" according to appendix 7 to this order;
8) the professional standard "Production Technology of Oil and Gas" according to appendix 8 to this order;
9) the professional standard "Commodity Production, Oil Storage and Gas (Raw Materials), Products of Oil Refining and Gas" according to appendix 9 to this order;
10) the professional standard "Production Management and Realization in the Oil and Gas Processing and Petrochemical Industries" according to appendix 10 to this order;
11) the professional standard "Management of Maintenance and Repair of the Equipment" according to appendix 11 to this order.
2. To provide to department of transportation and oil refining of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) within five working days from the date of signing of this order the direction it the copy in electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;
3) within three working days after day of the first official publication of this order the direction of the reference to its official publication in the Kazakh and Russian languages in National authority on professional qualifications for placement on digital platform of National system of qualifications;
4) within ten calendar days after publication of this order in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Acting minister of power industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Zhamauov
It is approved Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Appendix 1
to the Order of the acting minister of power industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 24, 2024 No. 486
1. Scope of the professional standard:
The professional standard "Quality Control of Oil, Gas and Products of Their Conversion" (further - the professional standard) is developed according to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" for structuring main occupations, the description of characteristics of works and main labor functions of workers for determination of requirements to the level of qualifications and competence, to content, quality and working conditions. This professional standard is applied in the oil and gas industry to quality assurance of oil, gas and products of their conversion at all production phases, from production to the final consumer.
2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:
1) knowledge – the studied and acquired information necessary for accomplishment of actions within professional task;
2) gas – crude, commodity, liquefied oil and liquefied natural gas;
3) skill – capability to apply knowledge and abilities, allowing to carry out professional task entirely;
4) the professional standard – the written official document establishing general requirements to knowledge, abilities, skills, work experience taking into account formal and (or) informal, and (or) informalny education, to skill level and competence, content, quality and working conditions in specific area of professional activity;
5) ability – capability physically and (or) intellectually to perform separate single operations within professional task;
6) oil – the natural oily combustible liquid with specific smell consisting generally of complex mix;
7) industry frame of qualifications – the document developed on the basis of the National qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national frame of qualifications and classifying requirements to qualification of the specialist in levels depending on complexity of the performed works and nature of the used knowledge, abilities and competences of industry;
8) quality control – control of products in the course of its production for ensuring the corresponding quality of end product.
3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:
1) KS – the job evaluation catalog;
2) ETKS – single wage rate book;
3) PS – the professional standard;
4) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;
5) EEU – Eurasian Economic Union;
6) efficiency – efficiency;
7) TIPO – technical and professional education.
4. Name of the professional standard: Quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion.
5. Code of the professional standard: C19201078.
6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:
C Processing industry;
19 Production of coke and products of oil processing;
19.2 Production of products of oil processing, briquettes from peat and coal;
19:20 Production of products of oil processing, briquettes from peat and coal;
19.20.1 Production of products of oil processing.
7. Short description of the professional standard: Characteristics of works and labor functions of the main positions on quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion are provided in this professional standard. Based on products of oil refining and gas all equipment works today, its servicing and providing with necessary working resource is performed. Quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion – key condition and insurance from not standard in the market of the corresponding goods.
8. List of cards of professions:
1) the Chief of laboratory (processing industry) - the 7th ORK level;
2) the Chemical engineer (oil and gas) - the 6th ORK level;
3) the Lab technician, chemistry - the 6th ORK level;
4) the Chemical analysis laboratory assistant - the 4th ORK level;
5) the Chemical analysis laboratory assistant - the 3rd ORK level;
6) the quality Engineer - the 6th ORK level;
7) 3.1 Driver on motor testing of fuel - the 3rd ORK level;
8) Probootborshchik - the 2nd ORK level;
9) Probootborshchik - the 3rd ORK level;
10) the Chemical analysis laboratory assistant - the 2nd ORK level;
11) 3.2 Driver on motor testing of fuel - the 3rd ORK level.
9. Profession card "Chief of laboratory (processing industry)" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
1321-0 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
1321-0-032 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Chief of laboratory (processing industry) | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
7 | |||||||||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics of positions of the serving organizations: |
The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 31, 2020. § 68. Chief of the central factory laboratory | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: postgraduate education (magistracy, residency) |
Specialty: Physical and chemical sciences |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Education level: the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship) |
Specialty: Physical and chemical sciences |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Education level: the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship) |
Specialty: The production and processing industries |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
The highest (or postgraduate) education in the corresponding direction of training and length of service on technological preparation of production at least 3 years. | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education |
It is not required | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession |
1321-0-018 - Head of the laboratory (processing industry) 1321-0-047 - Chief of the central factory laboratory (processing industry) | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities |
Process control of quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions |
Obligatory labor functions |
1. Process control of quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion | ||||||||||||||||
Additional labor functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: Process control of quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Skill 1: Management of testing for quality check of oil, gas of products of their conversion |
Abilities: 1. Perform direct management of activities of division. 2. Organize carrying out testing according to the fixed product range according to requirements of regulating documents. 3. Control execution of documentation on results of testing (reports, quality certificates, references). 4. Provide the organization of safe performance of works for acceptance, accounting, storage, use and utilization of toxic agents and precursors. 5. Organize carrying out chemical and physical and chemical testing and measurements for ensuring laboratory control of compliance of quality. 6. Organize work on testing in case of development of the new and modified product samples. 7. Organize laboratory testing according to requirements of regulating documents and technical regulations of EEU for determination of quality of the arriving oil, gas and products of their conversion. 8. Provide reliability, objectivity and required accuracy of results of testing. 9. Exercise control of condition of the laboratory equipment and workplaces of employees of laboratory, their compliance to requirements for safety and labor protection, fire safety, to take measures for elimination of the available shortcomings. 10. Control accreditation terms. 11. Organize carrying out laboratory quality control arriving in production of raw materials, materials, semifinished products, and also finished goods for the purpose of determination of compliance to their operating manufacturing standards and specifications, environmental standards and standard rates. 12. Organize carrying out researches of origins of scrap of products and development of recommendations about their prevention and elimination. 13. Head work on development and deployment of new methods of measurement and quality evaluation of materials and the made products, new control methods in the field of industrial hygiene, safe engineering and environmental protection. 14. Provide control of respect for technological discipline in shops. | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: 1. Standards by methods of carrying out testing and sampling. 2. Legal and legal acts, methodical materials concerning activities of laboratory. 3. Equipment of laboratory, principles of its work and service regulation. 4. Methods of measurements, quality control of oil, gas of products of their conversion. 5. Physical and chemical properties of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 6. Procedure for determination of quality of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 7. Regulating documents and the leading materials on development and execution of documentation. 8. The technical requirements imposed to raw materials, materials and finished goods. 9. Environmental standards and standard rates, the operating system of the state certification and certification of products. 10. Standards, specifications and other materials on development and execution of technical documentation. 11. Best domestic and foreign practices in area of quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 12. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety. | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 2: Process optimization of quality control and management of laboratory team |
Abilities: 1. Develop and implement the improved products methods of quality control - implementation of new technologies and methods for increase in accuracy and speed of testing, optimization of laboratory processes. 2. Coordinate and manage work of laboratory team - effective task allocation between the staff of laboratory, the organization of work and control over the implementation of obligations, motivation and personnel training. 3. Provide effective use of the laboratory equipment - the organization of work with the equipment, planning of its servicing and upgrade, minimization of idle time. 4. Implement new test methods and measurements - research and implementation of new technologies and techniques in the field of chemical, physical and chemical and other testing. 5. Carry out the analysis of results of testing and optimize analysis methods - the analysis of the obtained data for search of ways of increase in accuracy and efficiency of laboratory researches. 6. Organize training and advanced training of personnel of laboratory - development of professional skills of employees, holding trainings and professional development course. 7. Provide accomplishment of laboratory researches at the scheduled time - management of planning and coordination of work for timely accomplishment of all necessary analyses and researches. 8. Control observance of standards and standard rates of work place safety - providing safe working conditions in laboratories, observance of standards of labor protection, fire safety, ecological requirements. 9. Manage documentation and the reporting of laboratory - control of timely report layout by results of testing, their analysis and storage. 10. Estimate and remove origins of mistakes in the course of testing - the analysis of the reasons of possible variations or mistakes in results of testing and implementation of measures for their prevention. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: 1. Products methods of quality control. 2. Normative requirements and quality standards. 3. Processes of laboratory researches. 4. Organization of work of laboratory. 5. Analysis of results of testing. 6. Safety rules and labor protections. 7. Maintenance of the laboratory equipment. 8. Documentation and reporting. 9. Training methods and personnel developments. | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill |
It is not recommended | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Systems thinking; Resistance to stress; Analytical thinking; Responsibility for the made decisions; Ability to make decisions in situation of partial and complete uncertainty; Organizing qualities. | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
TR EEU 045/2017 "About safety of the oil prepared for transportation and (or) use", TR CU 013/2011 "About requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, fuel for jet engines and to fuel oil", by TR EEU 036/2016 "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases for their use in fuel quality" and the interconnected standards to them. ST of RK 1347-2024 "Oil. General specifications", GOST 31378-2009 "Oil. General specifications", ST of RK 1183-2003 "Gasolines automobile. General technical requirements", ST of RK 2420-2013 "Fuel aviation for gas-turbine engines Jett A-1. Specifications", ST of RK 1721-2007 "Fuel motor. Gasoline unleaded. Specifications", ST of RK state standard specification P 52368-2009 "Diesel fuel. EURO. Specifications", GOST 305-2013 "Diesel fuel. Specifications", GOST 1012-2013 "Gasolines aviation. Specifications", GOST 10227-86 "Fuels for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 10585-2013 "Fuel oil. Fuel oil. Specifications", GOST 12308-89 "Fuels thermostable T-6 and T-8V for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 20448-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for household consumption. Specifications", GOST 27578-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for automobile transoprt. Specifications" and other standards on technical conditions, GOST ISO 17025-2019 "General requirements to competence of test and calibrating laboratories". ST of RK ISO 3170-2022 "Oil and oil products. Manual methods of sampling", ST of RK ISO 3171-2007 "Oil products. Liquid hydrocarbons. Automatic sampling from pipelines", the GOST 31873-2012 Oil and oil products. Methods of manual sampling", GOST 2517-2012 "Oil and oil products. Sampling methods", GOST ISO 4257-2013 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied. Sampling method", GOST 14921-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied. Sampling method", GOST 34224-2017 "Industry oil and gas. Standard method of receipt of tests of the liquefied oil gases when using cylinder with the mobile piston", ST of PK ASTM 3700-2015 "The industry oil and gas. Standard test method for receipt of samples of the liquefied oil gases when using the floating piston cylinder". | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
6 |
Head of the technical department | |||||||||||||||||
6 |
Chemical engineer (oil and gas) | |||||||||||||||||
10. Profession card "Chemical engineer (oil and gas)" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
2145-2 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
2145-2-005 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Chemical engineer (oil and gas) | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
6 | |||||||||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
The standard qualification characteristics of positions of heads, specialists and other employees of the organizations of gas and oil producing industry approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 24, 2016 No. 217. §21. Chemical engineer | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education: |
Education level: the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship) |
Specialty: Physical and chemical sciences |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Education level: the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship) |
Specialty: The production and processing industries |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
Chemical engineer of the I category: the highest (or postgraduate) education on the corresponding specialty and length of service as the chemical engineer of the II category at least 3 years; Chemical engineer of the II category: the highest (or postgraduate) education on the corresponding specialty and length of service as the chemical engineer without category at least 3 years; The Chemical engineer without category: the highest (or postgraduate) education on the corresponding specialty without requirements to length of service or average technical and professional (average special, average professional) education on the corresponding specialty (qualification) and length of service as the category equipment I at least 3 years. | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education |
It is not required | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession |
2145-2-004 - Engineer-petrochemist | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities |
Engineering support of works on quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions |
Obligatory labor functions |
1. Ensuring normal operation of the equipment and the devices which are under authority of laboratory | ||||||||||||||||
Additional labor functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: Ensuring normal operation of the equipment and the devices which are under authority of laboratory |
Skill 1: Preparation of the equipment and carrying out testing of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Abilities: 1. Prepare the equipment for metrological certification, calibration and checking. 2. Estimate reliability of results. 3. Select tests. 4. Take acceptance testing and measurements. 5. Operate the laboratory equipment, take measurements. 6. Analyze results of laboratory researches and measurements. 7. Carry out testing at all production phases. 8. Provide implementation and development of the regulating documentation on products and test methods to it. 9. Provide functioning of gages and the test equipment of laboratory, train personnel of their correct and safe operation. | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: 1. Legal and legal acts; rules, instructions and procedures of the company for questions of activities of department, laboratory. 2. Profile, specialization and features of structure of the company. 3. Equipment of laboratory, principles of its work and service regulation. 4. Methods of testing/measurements for quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 5. Procedure for determination of quality of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 6. Regulating documents and the leading materials on development and execution of documentation. 7. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety. | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 2: Development and execution of technical documentation on quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Abilities: 1. Plan holding actions for quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 2. Analyze regulating documents. 3. Work with working technical documentation. 4. Provide functioning and development of system of management of laboratory. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: 1. Legal and other legal acts, rules, instructions and procedures of the company for questions of activities of department, laboratory. 2. Profile, specialization and features of structure of the company. 3. Equipment of laboratory, principles of its work and service regulation. 4. Methods of testing/measurements for quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 5. State/interstate standards and specifications on methods of carrying out testing/measurements and sampling. 6. Procedure for determination of quality of oil, gas and products of their conversion. | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 3: Organization of events on identification of substandard oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Abilities: 1. Reveal inappropriate products. 2. Carry out the analysis of the reasons of discrepancies. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: 1. Nomenclature of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 2. Rules, instructions and procedures of the company for questions of activities of department, laboratory. 3. Equipment of laboratory, principles of its work and service regulation. 4. Methods of testing/measurements for quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 5. Technical regulations of EEU and state / interstate standards on oil, gas and products of their conversion. 6. Marking of products. 7. Procedure for determination of quality of oil, gas and products of their conversion. 8. Physical and chemical characteristics of oil, gas and products of their conversion. | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill: |
It is not recommended | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences: |
Resistance to stress Organizing qualities Analytical and systems thinking | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards: |
TR EEU 045/2017 "About safety of the oil prepared for transportation and (or) use", TR CU 013/2011 "About requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, fuel for jet engines and to fuel oil", by TR EEU 036/2016 "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases for their use in fuel quality" and the interconnected standards to them. ST of RK 1347-2024 "Oil. General specifications", GOST 31378-2009 "Oil. General specifications", ST of RK 1183-2003 "Gasolines automobile. General technical requirements", ST of RK 2420-2013 "Fuel aviation for gas-turbine engines Jett A-1. Specifications", ST of RK 1721-2007 "Fuel motor. Gasoline unleaded. Specifications", ST of RK state standard specification P 52368-2009 "Diesel fuel. EURO. Specifications", GOST 305-2013 "Diesel fuel. Specifications", GOST 1012-2013 "Gasolines aviation. Specifications", GOST 10227-86 "Fuels for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 10585-2013 "Fuel oil. Fuel oil. Specifications", GOST 12308-89 "Fuels thermostable T-6 and T-8V for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 20448-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for household consumption. Specifications", GOST 27578-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for automobile transoprt. Specifications" and other standards on technical conditions. ST of RK ISO 3170-2022 "Oil and oil products. Manual methods of sampling", ST of RK ISO 3171-2007 "Oil products. Liquid hydrocarbons. Automatic sampling from pipelines", the GOST 31873-2012 Oil and oil products. Methods of manual sampling", GOST 2517-2012 "Oil and oil products. Sampling methods", GOST ISO 4257-2013 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied. Sampling method", GOST 14921-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied. Sampling method", GOST 34224-2017 "Industry oil and gas. Standard method of receipt of tests of the liquefied oil gases when using cylinder with the mobile piston", ST of PK ASTM 3700-2015 "The industry oil and gas. Standard test method for receipt of samples of the liquefied oil gases when using the floating piston cylinder". | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK: |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
7 |
Chief of laboratory | |||||||||||||||||
11. Profession card "Lab technician, chemistry" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
2145-1 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
2145-1-001 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Lab technician, chemistry | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
6 | |||||||||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 31, 2020. § 47. Lab technician | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship) of education |
Specialty: Physical and chemical sciences |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Education level: the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship) |
Specialty: The production and processing industries |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Education level: TIPO (specialist of average link) |
Specialty: Chemical technology and production (by types) |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Education level: TIPO (specialist of average link) |
Specialty: Chemical technology and production (by types) |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Education level: postsecondary education (applied bachelor degree) |
Specialty: Chemical technology and production (by types) |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
without requirements to work experience | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education |
Lab technician of the I category: the highest (or postgraduate) education in the corresponding direction of training and length of service as the lab technician of the II category at least 2 years; Lab technician of the II category: the highest (or postgraduate) education in the corresponding direction of training and length of service as the lab technician without category at least 3 years; The Lab technician without category: the highest (or postgraduate) education in the corresponding direction of training without presentation of requirements to length of service or technical and professional, postaverage (average special, average professional) education on the corresponding specialty (qualification) and length of service as the technician-laboratory assistant of the I category at least 3 years. | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession |
2145-1-002 - Chemical engineer | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities |
The organization and carrying out laboratory analyses / testing / measurements of raw materials, semifinished products, materials, and finished goods for determination of compliance to the existing technical regulations of EEU and state/interstate standards, requirements of the approved schedules of laboratory control. | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions |
Obligatory labor functions |
1. Organization of timely and high-quality schedule performance of laboratory control | ||||||||||||||||
Additional functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: Organization of timely and high-quality schedule performance of laboratory control |
Skill 1: Work on execution of the schedule of laboratory control |
Ability: 1. Carry out laboratory analyses / testing / measurements of raw materials, semifinished products, materials and finished goods. 2. Perfrom necessary calculations for the carried-out testing/measurements, analyze the received results and systematize them. 3. Watch the correct operation of the laboratory equipment and to timely represent it on periodic metrological checking / calibration. 4. Perform experimental and research works for research of more economic and effective production methods, and also laboratory production control. 5. Take part in development of engineering procedures and their research during development, and also in development and deployment of standards and specifications on raw materials, semifinished products, materials and in setting standards of their expense. 6. Develop actions for complex use of raw materials, replacement of scarce materials and waste recycling of production. | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: 1. Regulatory legal acts and production technology, equipment of laboratory and rule of its operation. 2. The normative technical requirements imposed to raw materials, materials of finished goods, standards, provisions, instructions and other leading materials on production schedules of production, laboratory control and execution of technical documentation. 3. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety. 4. The technical requirements imposed to raw materials, materials and finished goods. 5. Standards, provisions, instructions and other leading materials on technological preparation of production, laboratory control and execution of technical documentation. 6. Experience of the advanced domestic and foreign organizations in the field of the production technology of similar products. | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 2: Carrying out research works and organization of laboratory production control |
Ability: 1. Carry out research and experimental works for search of more effective and economic methods. 2. Production and laboratory control of products. 3. Develop new and enhance the existing techniques of carrying out laboratory analyses, testing/measurements and researches, and also to give help in their development. 4. Research the reasons of production scrap, take part in development of offers on its prevention and elimination. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: 1. Methods of carrying out research works and organization of laboratory production control, modern computer aids, communications and communication, experience of the advanced domestic and foreign organizations in area. 2. Production technologies of similar products. 3. Modern computer aids, communications and communication. 4. Bases of the economy, production organizations, work and management. 5. Methods of carrying out research works and organization of laboratory production control. | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill |
It is not recommended | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences |
Resistance to stress Organizing qualities Analytical and systems thinking Ability to make decisions in situation of partial and complete uncertainty Responsibility for the made decisions | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
TR EEU 045/2017 "About safety of the oil prepared for transportation and (or) use", TR CU 013/2011 "About requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, fuel for jet engines and to fuel oil", by TR EEU 036/2016 "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases for their use in fuel quality" and the interconnected standards to them. ST of RK 1347-2024 "Oil. General specifications", GOST 31378-2009 "Oil. General specifications", ST of RK 1183-2003 "Gasolines automobile. General technical requirements", ST of RK 2420-2013 "Fuel aviation for gas-turbine engines Jett A-1. Specifications", ST of RK 1721-2007 "Fuel motor. Gasoline unleaded. Specifications", ST of RK state standard specification P 52368-2009 "Diesel fuel. EURO. Specifications", GOST 305-2013 "Diesel fuel. Specifications", GOST 1012-2013 "Gasolines aviation. Specifications", GOST 10227-86 "Fuels for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 10585-2013 "Fuel oil. Fuel oil. Specifications", GOST 12308-89 "Fuels thermostable T-6 and T-8V for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 20448-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for household consumption. Specifications", GOST 27578-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for automobile transoprt. Specifications" and other standards on technical conditions. ST of RK ISO 3170-2022 "Oil and oil products. Manual methods of sampling", ST of RK ISO 3171-2007 "Oil products. Liquid hydrocarbons. Automatic sampling from pipelines", the GOST 31873-2012 Oil and oil products. Methods of manual sampling", GOST 2517-2012 "Oil and oil products. Sampling methods", GOST ISO 4257-2013 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied. Sampling method", GOST 14921-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied. Sampling method", GOST 34224-2017 "Industry oil and gas. Standard method of receipt of tests of the liquefied oil gases when using cylinder with the mobile piston", ST of PK ASTM 3700-2015 "The industry oil and gas. Standard test method for receipt of samples of the liquefied oil gases when using the floating piston cylinder". | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
7 |
Chief of laboratory | |||||||||||||||||
6 |
Chemical engineer | |||||||||||||||||
12. Profession card "Chemical analysis laboratory assistant" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
8131-9 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
8131-9-149 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
4 | |||||||||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
Release 1. The order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 1, 2023 No. 364 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 1)". No. 33389 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 7, 2023. § 415-416. Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: TIPO (specialist of average link) |
Specialty: Technology of oil refining and gas |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Education level: TIPO (specialist of average link) |
Specialty: Laboratory technology |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
For the 5th category work experience at least 1 year. For the 6th category work experience at least 3 years. | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education: |
It is not required | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession |
3111-1-005 - Chemist laboratory assistant, assayer | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities |
Carrying out chemical analyses / testing / researches | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions |
Obligatory labor functions |
1. Carrying out chemical analyses of test of oil, gas and products of their conversion | ||||||||||||||||
Additional information |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: Carrying out chemical analyses of test of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Navyk1: Implementation of works on the analysis of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Ability: For the 5th category: 1. Carry out razgonka of oil products and other liquid substances. 2. Prepare solutions and prepare tests for the analysis. 3. Determine percentage of moisture in the analyzed materials with use of analytical scales. 4. Determine percentage of substance in the analyzed materials by various methods. 5. Determine content of sulfur and chloride salts in oil and oil products. 6. Set up the laboratory equipment. 7. Watch work of laboratory installation and keep record of its indications. 8. Take testing and measurements of structure, solutions, reactants, oil and oil products, finished goods, auxiliary materials, waste according to standard test methods 9. Establish and check credits of solutions. 10. Draw up and calculate results of testing and measurements. 11. Collect laboratory installations according to the available schemes. 12. Perform particularly complex testing / measurements. 13. Carry out testing/measurements by atomic and absorbing method. 14. Carry out difficult arbitral testing / measurements. 15. Estimate metrological results of non-standard analyses / testing / measurements. 16. Test the techniques recommended for approbation. 17. Carry out particularly complex laboratory researches of the dry technological and liquefied gas. For the 6th category (in addition to abilities of the 5th category): 1. Fundamentals of general and analytical chemistry. 2. Appointment and properties of the applied reactants. 3. Rules of assembly of laboratory installations. 4. Methods of preparation of titrovanny solutions. 5. Instructions for use instrumentations and scales of various types. 6. Specifications and state/interstate standards on methods of accomplishment of testing/measurements; rules of maintaining technical documentation for the performed works. 7. Requirements to accredited test laboratories. 8. Technique of carrying out difficult testing / measurements. 9. Rules of servicing of the laboratory equipment, equipment and instrumentations. 10. Requirements of regulations about labor and environmental protection, observance of regulations, methods and acceptances of safe performance of works. 11. Methods of installation and check of credits, properties of the applied reactants, reagents and requirements imposed to them. 12. Carry out umpire analyses and testing. 13. Weighing on specialized electronic scales of 1 class of accuracy. 14. Carrying out the titrimetrichesky analysis on automatic titrator. 15. Diagnostics of defects of chromatographs, titrator, spectrophotometers and other devices. 16. Preparation of the certified mixes. 17. Development and implementation of new devices and methods of carrying out analyses. 18. Carrying out analyses of products according to the regulating documentation. 19. Carrying out calibrations of devices. 20. Processing of results of the chemical analysis with use of modern computer aids. | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 5th category: 1. Fundamentals of general and analytical chemistry. 2. Appointment and properties of the applied reactants. 3. Rules of assembly of laboratory installations. 4. Methods of preparation of titrovanny solutions. 5. Instructions for use instrumentations and scales of various types. 6. Specifications and state/interstate standards on methods of accomplishment of testing/measurements; rules of maintaining technical documentation for the performed works. 7. Requirements to accredited test laboratories. 8. Technique of carrying out testing/measurements, fundamentals of general and analytical chemistry. 9. Rules of servicing of the laboratory equipment, equipment and instrumentations. 10. Requirements of regulations about labor and environmental protection, respects the rules, methods and acceptances of safe performance of works. 11. Methods of installation and check of credits, properties of the reactants and reagents applied to them. 12. State/interstate standards on methods of accomplishment of testing/measurements and commodity products on the served site. 13. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety. For the 6th category (in addition to knowledge of the 5th category): 1. Technique of carrying out testing/measurements of average complexity and property of the applied reagents. 2. The principle of operation of the used devices and devices, procedure for use of them. 3. Procedure for mathematical processing of results of the carried-out analyses; bases of development and principle of the choice of technique of carrying out analyses. 4. Methods of carrying out calibration of the used devices and the equipment. 5. Methods of the automated information processing. 6. Fundamentals of general chemistry, physics in volume of the performed work. 7. Rules and methods of sampling of the soil. 8. Rules and methods of sampling of waste and underground waters. 9. Rules of first-aid treatment by the victim. 10. Types of the maximum-permissible concentration (MPC). | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 2: Implementation of chemical analysis quality control of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Ability: The 5th category (abilities in addition to the 4th category): 1. Apply standard methods of the chemical analysis to oil, gas and petrochemical products. 2. Prepare test for more complex analyses, using methods of filtering, clarification and other preliminary transactions. 3. Perform analyses of such parameters as density, viscosity, content of sulfur, aromatic hydrocarbons, resinous substances and other characteristics. 4. Carry out testing with use of standard methods of the chemical analysis, such as titrimetriya, spektrofotometriya, chromatography. 5. Interpret analysis results, reveal variations from normative values and analyze the reasons of variations. 6. Draw up reports on analysis results, observing requirements to documentation. The 6th category (abilities in addition to the 5th category): 1. Apply difficult methods of the chemical analysis, including gas and liquid chromatography, spectrometry, electrode methods. 2. Calibrate and set up the laboratory equipment, including gas and liquid chromatographs, spectrophotometers and other analytical devices. 3. Carry out interlaboratory researches and provide comparison of the received results with results of other laboratories. 4. Carry out umpire and complex chemical analyses, including analyses on content of toxic and hazardous substances in petrochemical products. 5. Develop recommendations about improvement of quality of petrochemical products on the basis of the received results. 6. Draw up and submit reports, considering requirements of the quality standards and safety, and also the requirement of environmental and production standards. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 5th category: 1. Standard methods of the chemical analysis (titrimetriya, gravitation measurements, spektrofotometriya, chromatography). 2. Principles of operation of analytical devices (spectrophotometers, chromatographs, titrator, analytical scales). 3. State standard specification, ISO, ASTM, API and other standards regulating structure and characteristics of oil, gas and petrochemical products. 4. The parameters influencing quality of oil and petrochemical products (density, viscosity, content of sulfur and others). 5. Methods of the correct sampling and preparation them for the analysis (filtering, clarification). 6. Storage precautions and transportations of tests. 7. Methods of ensuring accuracy and accuracy of the data (calibration of devices, validation of results). 8. Principles of execution of protocols and reports. 9. Interpretation of analysis results, identification of variations and analysis of the reasons. 10. Standards of safety during the work with chemicals and reactants. 11. Environmental standards and methods of waste recycling. For the 6th category: 1. Difficult analytical methods (gas and liquid chromatography, spectrometry, X-ray fluorescent analysis, electrode methods). 2. Processes of oil refining and gas (cracking, distillation, hydrotreating and other transactions). 3. Understanding of technological schemes of oil refining and the gas influencing structure and product quality. 4. Methods of the analysis of difficult data (multicomponent analysis, statistical data processing). 5. Calibration, setup and servicing of the laboratory equipment (chromatographs, spectrophotometers and other devices). 6. Principles of quality management in vitro. 7. Creation and implementation of control procedures of quality and internal audit. 8. Development and deployment of new methods of the chemical analysis for specific needs. 9. Adaptation of the existing methods for the analysis of new types of petrochemical products. 10. Ecological safety in laboratory researches. 11. Industrial safety rules and environment protection during the work with chemicals and waste. | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill |
It is not recommended | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences |
Responsibility for the solution of objectives, conscientiousness, accuracy, skill to communicate, performing discipline, interpersonal competence, orientation to result and efficiency. | |||||||||||||||||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Responsibility Resistance to stress Ability to work in team Sense of duty Independence Attentiveness | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
TR EEU 045/2017 "About safety of the oil prepared for transportation and (or) use", TR CU 013/2011 "About requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, fuel for jet engines and to fuel oil", by TR EEU 036/2016 "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases for their use in fuel quality" and the interconnected standards to them. ST of RK 1347-2024 "Oil. General specifications", GOST 31378-2009 "Oil. General specifications", ST of RK 1183-2003 "Gasolines automobile. General technical requirements", ST of RK 2420-2013 "Fuel aviation for gas-turbine engines Jett A-1. Specifications", ST of RK 1721-2007 "Fuel motor. Gasoline unleaded. Specifications", ST of RK state standard specification P 52368-2009 "Diesel fuel. EURO. Specifications", GOST 305-2013 "Diesel fuel. Specifications", GOST 1012-2013 "Gasolines aviation. Specifications", GOST 10227-86 "Fuels for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 10585-2013 "Fuel oil. Fuel oil. Specifications", GOST 12308-89 "Fuels thermostable T-6 and T-8V for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 20448-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for household consumption. Specifications", GOST 27578-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for road transport. Specifications" and other standards on specifications. | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
6 |
Lab technician, chemistry | |||||||||||||||||
13. Profession card "Chemical analysis laboratory assistant" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
8131-9 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
8131-9-149 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
3 | |||||||||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
The order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 1, 2023 No. 364 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 1)". No. 33389 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 7, 2023. § 414. Chemical analysis laboratory assistant. | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Laboratory technology |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Education level: main secondary education |
Specialty: - |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Education level: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Technology of oil refining and gas |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
Main secondary education and practical experience at least 6 months. | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education |
It is not required | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession: |
3111-1-005 - Chemist laboratory assistant, assayer | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities: |
Carrying out chemical analyses / testing / researches | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions: Labor function 1: Carrying out chemical analyses of test of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Obligatory labor functions |
Carrying out chemical analyses of test of oil, gas and products of their conversion | ||||||||||||||||
Additional functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill 1: Implementation of works on the analysis of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Ability: For the 4th category (in addition to abilities of the 3rd category): 1. Take testing and measurements of structure, solutions, reactants, oil and oil products, finished goods, auxiliary materials, waste according to standard test methods. 2. Establish and check credits of solutions. 3. Draw up and calculate results of testing and measurements. 4. Carry out simple both average complexity umpire analyses and testing. 5. Carry out laboratory researches of the dry technological and liquefied gas. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 4th category (in addition to knowledge of the 3rd category): 1. Appointment and properties of the applied reactants. 2. Rules of assembly of laboratory installations. 3. Methods of preparation of titrovanny solutions. 4. Instructions for use instrumentations and scales of various types. 5. Specifications and state/interstate standards on methods of accomplishment of testing/measurements; rules of maintaining technical documentation for the performed works. 6. Technique of carrying out testing/measurements of average complexity and property of the applied reagents. 7. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety. | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 2: Control of quality of laboratory researches of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Ability: For the 4th category (in addition to abilities of the 3rd category): 1. Control accomplishment of standard test methods for oil, gas, products of their conversion and auxiliary materials. 2. Carry out quality control of finished goods and auxiliary materials, using techniques and standard samples. 3. Check correctness of carrying out testing and measurements, including compliance to results of technical documentation and standards. 4. Draw up and analyze results of testing, including control of correctness of execution of the reporting. 5. Carry out control over the implementation of umpire analyses, estimate their results and constitute the conclusions. 6. Carry out control and the analysis of quality of the dry technological and liquefied gas according to the established methods and regulations. 7. Perform check of technical serviceability and correctness of operation of the laboratory devices which are used for the analysis of oil, gas and oil products. 8. Prepare control tests and standards for calibration of devices and installation for carrying out exact analyses. 9. Estimate compliance of measurements and testing with the project documentation and requirements of the quality standards. 10. Apply methods of adjustment of the results received during testing if it is necessary for achievement of accuracy of analyses. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 4th category: 1. Methods and standards of testing of oil, gas and products of their conversion (state standard specification, technical regulations, regulating documents). 2. The principles of operation of the laboratory devices and the equipment used for the analysis of the chemical composition of oil, gas and oil products. 3. Bases of arbitral testing and methods of quality control in the conditions of laboratory. 4. Engineering procedures of oil refining and gas and their influence on quality of finished goods. 5. Techniques of execution of laboratory reports, including calculation and interpretation of results of testing. 6. Technology of the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained with use of analytical devices. 7. Safety rules and labor protections during the work with chemical reactants, the laboratory equipment and in test conditions of oil, gas and oil products. 8. Methods of calibration of laboratory devices and check of their accuracy and serviceability. 9. Bases of statistical data processing, including calculation of errors and assessment of reliability of analysis results. 10. Normative requirements and methodical instructions for sampling and their preparation for laboratory researches. | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill |
It is not recommended | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences |
Responsibility Resistance to stress Ability to work in team Sense of duty Independence Attentiveness | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
TR EEU 045/2017 "About safety of the oil prepared for transportation and (or) use", TR CU 013/2011 "About requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, fuel for jet engines and to fuel oil", by TR EEU 036/2016 "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases for their use in fuel quality" and the interconnected standards to them. ST of RK 1347-2024 "Oil. General specifications", GOST 31378-2009 "Oil. General specifications", ST of RK 1183-2003 "Gasolines automobile. General technical requirements", ST of RK 2420-2013 "Fuel aviation for gas-turbine engines Jett A-1. Specifications", ST of RK 1721-2007 "Fuel motor. Gasoline unleaded. Specifications", ST of RK state standard specification P 52368-2009 "Diesel fuel. EURO. Specifications", GOST 305-2013 "Diesel fuel. Specifications", GOST 1012-2013 "Gasolines aviation. Specifications", GOST 10227-86 "Fuels for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 10585-2013 "Fuel oil. Fuel oil. Specifications", GOST 12308-89 "Fuels thermostable T-6 and T-8V for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 20448-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for household consumption. Specifications", GOST 27578-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for road transport. Specifications" and other standards on specifications. | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
4 |
Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
14. Profession card "Quality engineer" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
2141-4 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
2141-4-002 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Quality engineer | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
6 | |||||||||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: - |
Specialty: - |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession: |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities: |
The description of card of profession "The quality engineer" is this in the professional standard "Commodity-transport Transactions on Oil". | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions: |
Obligatory labor functions |
- | ||||||||||||||||
Additional functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: - |
Skill 1: - |
Ability: - | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: - | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences |
- | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
- |
- | |||||||||||||||||
15. Profession card "Chemical analysis laboratory assistant" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
8131-9 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
8131-9-149 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
3 | |||||||||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
The order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 1, 2023 No. 364 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 1)". No. 33389 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 7, 2023. § 414. Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Level education: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Laboratory technology |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Education level: main secondary education |
Specialty: - |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Education level: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Technology of oil refining and gas |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
Main secondary education and practical experience at least 6 months. | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education |
It is not required | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession |
3111-1-005 - Chemist laboratory assistant, assayer | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities |
Carrying out chemical analyses / testing / researches | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions |
Obligatory labor functions |
Carrying out chemical analyses of test of oil, gas and products of their conversion | ||||||||||||||||
Additional functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: Carrying out chemical analyses of test of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Skill 1: Implementation of works on the analysis of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Ability: For the 4th category (in addition to abilities of the 3rd category): 1. Take testing and measurements of structure, solutions, reactants, oil and oil products, finished goods, auxiliary materials, waste according to standard test methods. 2. Establish and check credits of solutions. 3. Draw up and calculate results of testing and measurements. 4. Carry out simple both average complexity umpire analyses and testing. 5. Carry out laboratory researches of the dry technological and liquefied gas. | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 4th category (in addition to knowledge of the 3rd category): 1. Appointment and properties of the applied reactants. 2. Rules of assembly of laboratory installations. 3. Methods of preparation of titrovanny solutions. 4. Instructions for use instrumentations and scales of various types. 5. Specifications and state/interstate standards on methods of accomplishment of testing/measurements; rules of maintaining technical documentation for the performed works. 6. Technique of carrying out testing/measurements of average complexity and property of the applied reagents. 7. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety. | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 2: Control of quality of laboratory researches of oil, gas and products of their conversion |
Ability: For the 4th category (in addition to abilities of the 3rd category): 1. Control accomplishment of standard test methods for oil, gas, products of their conversion and auxiliary materials. 2. Carry out quality control of finished goods and auxiliary materials, using techniques and standard samples. 3. Check correctness of carrying out testing and measurements, including compliance to results of technical documentation and standards. 4. Draw up and analyze results of testing, including control of correctness of execution of the reporting. 5. Carry out control over the implementation of umpire analyses, estimate their results and constitute the conclusions. 6. Carry out control and the analysis of quality of the dry technological and liquefied gas according to the established methods and regulations. 7. Perform check of technical serviceability and correctness of operation of the laboratory devices which are used for the analysis of oil, gas and oil products. 8. Prepare control tests and standards for calibration of devices and installation for carrying out exact analyses. 9. Estimate compliance of measurements and testing with the project documentation and requirements of the quality standards. 10. Apply methods of adjustment of the results received during testing if it is necessary for achievement of accuracy of analyses. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 4th category: 1. Methods and standards of testing of oil, gas and products of their conversion (state standard specification, technical regulations, regulating documents). 2. The principles of operation of the laboratory devices and the equipment used for the analysis of the chemical composition of oil, gas and oil products. 3. Bases of arbitral testing and methods of quality control in the conditions of laboratory. 4. Engineering procedures of oil refining and gas and their influence on quality of finished goods. 5. Techniques of execution of laboratory reports, including calculation and interpretation of results of testing. 6. Technology of the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained with use of analytical devices. 7. Safety rules and labor protections during the work with chemical reactants, the laboratory equipment and in test conditions of oil, gas and oil products. 8. Methods of calibration of laboratory devices and check of their accuracy and serviceability. 9. Bases of statistical data processing, including calculation of errors and assessment of reliability of analysis results. 10. Normative requirements and methodical instructions for sampling and their preparation for laboratory researches. | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill |
It is not recommended | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences |
Responsibility Resistance to stress Ability to work in team Sense of duty Independence Attentiveness | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
TR EEU 045/2017 "About safety of the oil prepared for transportation and (or) use", TR CU 013/2011 "About requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, fuel for jet engines and to fuel oil", by TR EEU 036/2016 "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases for their use in fuel quality" and the interconnected standards to them. ST of RK 1347-2024 "Oil. General specifications", GOST 31378-2009 "Oil. General specifications", ST of RK 1183-2003 "Gasolines automobile. General technical requirements", ST of RK 2420-2013 "Fuel aviation for gas-turbine engines Jett A-1. Specifications", ST of RK 1721-2007 "Fuel motor. Gasoline unleaded. Specifications", ST of RK state standard specification P 52368-2009 "Diesel fuel. EURO. Specifications", GOST 305-2013 "Diesel fuel. Specifications", GOST 1012-2013 "Gasolines aviation. Specifications", GOST 10227-86 "Fuels for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 10585-2013 "Fuel oil. Fuel oil. Specifications", GOST 12308-89 "Fuels thermostable T-6 and T-8V for jet engines. Specifications", GOST 20448-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for household consumption. Specifications", GOST 27578-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied fuel for road transport. Specifications" and other standards on specifications. | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
4 |
Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
16. Profession card "Quality engineer" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
2141-4 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
2141-4-002 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Quality engineer | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
6 | |||||||||||||||||
qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: - |
Specialty: - |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities |
The description of card of profession "The quality engineer" is this in the professional standard "Commodity-transport Transactions on Oil". | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions |
Obligatory labor functions |
- | ||||||||||||||||
Additional functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: - |
Skill 1: - |
Abilities: - | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: - | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences |
- | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level: |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
- |
- | |||||||||||||||||
17. Profession card "Driver on motor testing of fuel" | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
8187-1 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
8187-1-005 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
The driver on motor testing of fuel | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
3 | |||||||||||||||||
qualification subtotal on ORK |
3.1 | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 24, 2020 No. 533 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 34)". No. 21909 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 25, 2020. § 31-32. The driver on motor testing of fuel | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Technology of oil refining and gas |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Education level: TIPO (specialist of average link) |
Specialty: Technology of oil refining and gas |
Qualification: - | ||||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
The work experience is not required. | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and infernal education |
It is not required | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities |
Servicing and control of internal combustion engines | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions |
Obligatory labor functions |
Work on servicing and maintenance in working order internal combustion engines | ||||||||||||||||
Additional functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: Work on servicing and maintenance in working order internal combustion engines |
Skill 1: Ensuring smooth operation of internal combustion engines |
Ability: For the 3rd category: 1. Perform internal combustion engines according to techniques or state/interstate standards for determination of octane ratings of automobile and aviation gasolines, and also cetane numbers of diesel fuel. 2. Constitute dosages of ethyl liquid for fuels and additives for oils. 3. Control indications of instrumentations. 4. Reveal and eliminate the defects arising during testing under the leadership of the driver of higher qualification and keep the magazine of testing. For the 4th category (in addition to abilities of the 3rd category): 1. Serve internal combustion engines according to the techniques or state/interstate standards providing motor testing of fuel with measurement of external characteristics. 2. Prepare engines for testing. 3. Regulate detonation sensors, electronic detonometra, indicators of ignition and system of injection. 4. Prepare primary and control reference fuel with the corresponding dosage. 5. Constitute primary and control reference fuel with indication of dosages. 6. Remove transitional scales from primary reference fuel to secondary. 7. Establish the engine on the stand for testing, and also mount and dismantle it. 8. Carry out running repair and participate on average and capital repairs of engines, including dismantling, survey and assembly during audit. | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 3rd category: 1. The device and service regulations of the served generators, electric motors, fuel pumps, devices and auxiliary mechanisms. 2. Bases of the production technology of the physicist - chemical properties of the examinee of fuel and oil products. 3. Influence of composition of fuel on its detonation properties and sensitivity to tetraethyllead. 4. Rules of accounting of operation of engines with entries in the form of installation; 5. State/interstate standards and techniques on testing of fuel, oils, lubricants and additives. 6. Metalwork bases. 7. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety. For the 4th category (in addition to knowledge of the 3rd category): 1. The device of machines and installations on testing of fuel and oil products, sensors of detonation, detonometr, indicators of ignition and injection and other devices. 2. Rules of creation of primary reference and control fuel with dosages. 3. Physical and chemical properties of oil products. 4. State/interstate standards and methods of carrying out motor testing. 5. The main properties of the applied metals, alloys and nonmetallic materials. 6. Rules of maintaining magazine of testing and repair cards. | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 2: Carrying out primary maintenance and diagnostics of internal combustion engines |
Ability: For the 3rd category: 1. Perform visual inspection of internal combustion engines for identification of outer defects - check of condition of the engine, survey regarding leakages, damages, pollution. 2. Check work of the main systems of the engine (system of ignition, fuel system) - use of the diagnostic equipment for check of serviceability of fuel system and system of ignition. 3. Check the level of oil and cooling liquid - measurement of levels in the corresponding systems, detection of need of dolivka or replacement of liquid. 4. Perform replacement of oil and filters in the engine - performance of works on replacement of oil and filters according to the schedule. 5. Regulate the level of fuel and check fuel supply system - measurement of level of fuel in tank and check of operation of the fuel pump. 6. Purge spark plugs and other elements requiring servicing - to clear candles, to check their working capacity and to make replacement as required. 7. Keep records about the performed works on servicing and diagnostics - fixation of results of work, the list of the performed procedures and changes. For the 4th category: 1. Carry out measurements (level of oil, cooling liquid, pressure in system) with use of standard devices - use of manometers, thermometers and other devices for exact measurements of operation of the engine. 2. Check and regulate system of ignition - setup of corner of advancing of ignition, check and adjustment of the distributor of ignition. 3. Check chilling system operation, regulate the level of cooling liquid - control of condition of radiators, the water pump and thermostats, and also adjustment of levels of liquid. 4. Eliminate insignificant defects in the engine (replacement of belts, filters, check of system of ventilation of crankcase gases) - elimination of simple breakdowns and replacement of worn-out elements. 5. Check system of ventilation of crankcase gases and filters of system - diagnostics and check for leakage, cleaning or replacement of filters of system of ventilation. 6. Regulate the angles of injection of fuel and check fuel system with use of diagnostic units - setup of system of injection for improvement of operation of the engine, testing of the fuel pump and nozzles. 7. Follow safety rules during the servicing and diagnostics of engines - work with machines and the equipment with observance of all standards of safety and labor protection. 8. Write down data and carry out job analysis of the engine - accounting by results of diagnostics, the analysis of condition of the engine and determination of need of repair. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 3rd category: 1. The device and the principle of operation of internal combustion engines - the general principles of operation of petrol and diesel engines, their main components and functions. 2. Bases of diagnostics of engines - methods of visual survey, the principle of operation of the diagnostic equipment for identification of outer defects and defects. 3. Rules of maintenance and preventive checks of engines - procedure for accomplishment of planned works, rules of replacement of oil and filters, adjustments of systems. 4. Methods of replacement of oil and filters, checks and adjustments of level of liquid - knowledge of technologies and the sequence of transactions when carrying out maintenance. 5. Bases of work with diagnostic units - as it is correct to use measuring devices, such as manometers, thermometers, for check of condition of systems of the engine. 6. Specifications on maintenance and repair of internal combustion engines - the standards and rules regulating works on servicing of engines. 7. Safety rules when servicing engines - the main requirements for safety during the work with engines, including use of the individual protection equipment (IPE). 8. The main defects of engines and their diagnostics at early stages - knowledge of characteristic defects of engines, such as leakage of oil, defect of cooling system, system of ignition and their first signs. For the 4th category: 1. The device and the principle of work of management systems as internal combustion engines - more profound knowledge about systems of ignition, fuel systems and management systems (for example, electronic systems of injection and management system the engine). 2. Methods of diagnostics and adjustment of systems of the engine with use of modern diagnostic units - knowledge of methods of diagnostics using the modern diagnostic equipment, including scanners, multimeters, oscillographs and other. 3. Processes of setup and adjustment of corner of advancing of ignition and system of injection of fuel - knowledge of technologies and the principles of setup of system of ignition and fuel feeding, and also their influence on operation of the engine. 4. The principles of system operation of chilling and ventilation of crankcase gases - profound knowledge of the device and servicing of cooling system, system of ventilation of crankcase gases and system of filtering. 5. Procedure for diagnostics and repair of fuel system - knowledge of methods of diagnostics and elimination of defects in fuel system, including check and adjustment of nozzles, fuel pumps. 6. Technical characteristics and parameters of operation of internal combustion engines - knowledge of key parameters of operation of engines, such as temperature, pressure, torque and their admissible limits. 7. Methods of measurements of depreciation and efficiency of the engine - methods of measurements of depreciation of components of the engine (for example, compression, depreciation of pistons and cylinders), and also evaluation methods of its efficiency (efficiency). 8. Technical regulations and standards on repair and servicing of engines - knowledge of the regulations and standards regulating work with engines, and also responsibility for their observance. 9. Work with diagnostic systems for job analysis of engines in real time - knowledge of modern electronic systems of diagnostics, their setup and the analysis of indicators of operation of the engine. 10. Methods of diagnostics and elimination of difficult defects - diagnostics of difficult defects, such as defects in management system the engine, electronic blocks, and also the defects requiring more profound intervention (for example, capital repairs). 11. Methods of calibration and setup of test benches - skills of work with the test equipment and stands for exact measurements of operation of the engine in the course of testing and diagnostics. 12. Service regulations and diagnostics of diesel and petrol engines - features of servicing and diagnostics of engines of various types (diesel, petrol) depending on their design and the principles of work. | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill; |
It is not recommended | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences |
Independence and responsibility Resistance to stress Ability to work in team Concentration and management of attention | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
TR CU 013/2011 "About requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, fuel for jet engines and to fuel oil", TR CU 030/2012 "About requirements to lubricants, oils and special liquids", TR CU 018/2011 "About safety of wheel vehicles" and the interconnected standards to them. ST of RK 1183-2003 "Gasolines automobile. General technical requirements", ST of RK 1721-2007 "Fuel motor. Gasoline unleaded. Specifications", ST of RK state standard specification P 52368-2009 "Diesel fuel. EURO. Specifications", GOST 305-2013 "Diesel fuel. Specifications", GOST 10585-2013 "Fuel oil. Fuel oil. Specifications". | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
6 |
Chemical engineer | |||||||||||||||||
6 |
Lab technician, chemistry | |||||||||||||||||
18. Card of profession of Probootborshchik | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
7214-9 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
7214-9-015 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Probootborshchik | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
2 | |||||||||||||||||
qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics |
The order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 1, 2023 No. 364 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 1)". No. 33389 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 7, 2023. § 363. Probootborshchik | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: main secondary education |
Specialty: - |
Qualification: - | |||||||||||||||
Requirements to work experience |
The work experience is not required. | |||||||||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education |
It is not required | |||||||||||||||||
Other possible names of profession |
8131-9-149 - Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
Main objective of activities |
Selection and cutting of tests of oil, gas and products of their conversion by means of special devices | |||||||||||||||||
Description of labor functions | ||||||||||||||||||
List of labor functions |
Obligatory labor functions |
Sampling of aggressive or toxic agents by means of samplers and special devices or application of the respirators and devices which are under pressure or vacuum | ||||||||||||||||
Additional functions |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Labor function 1: Sampling of aggressive or toxic agents by means of samplers and special devices or application of the respirators and devices which are under pressure or vacuum |
Skill 1: Performance of works on preparation and sampling of oil, gases, and oil products for testing |
Abilities: For the 1st category: 1. Make selection and cutting of tests of oil, gases and oil products. 2. Be able to carry out, divide and prepare tests for mechanical testing under the leadership of the laboratory assistant. 3. Perform packing of tests, draw up labels to them, ensure safety of their delivery in laboratory. 4. Perform sink and storage of the ware used for sampling. 5. Record the selected tests. | ||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 1st category: 1. Rules and methods of sampling in various warehouse and working conditions. 2. Properties of the selected materials, raw materials and finished goods on the served object or the site. 3. Requirements imposed to quality of tests. 4. Device of samplers. 5. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety. | ||||||||||||||||||
Skill 2: Safety when sampling aggressive substances and carrying out primary assessment of tests |
Abilities: For the 1st category: 1. Make sampling of oil, gases and oil products taking into account their danger, using the protective equipment (respirators, devices with pressure or vacuum). 2. Prepare tests for testing: divide, pack and to correctly mark samples. 3. Use samplers and the special equipment for safe extraction of tests from pipes and reservoirs. 4. Carry out primary inspection of tests on availability of pollution and damages. 5. Perform sink and storage of ware for sampling. 6. Record the selected tests and it is correct to draw up documentation for laboratory. | |||||||||||||||||
Knowledge: For the 1st category: 1. Safety rules during the work with aggressive and toxic agents - bases of labor protection and safe handling of dangerous substances. 2. Sampling methods - as it is correct to make sampling of oil, gases and oil products with use of the special equipment. 3. Types of samplers and their application - knowledge of various tools and devices for sampling. 4. The technology of preparation of tests - how to divide, pack and correctly to mark samples for further testing. 5. Methods of sink and storage of ware - how to clean and store the ware and the equipment used for sampling. 6. Bases of accounting and documentation - as it is correct to record tests and to process the relevant documents for laboratory. | ||||||||||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skill |
It is not recommended | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements to personal competences |
Responsibility Resistance to stress Ability to work in team Sense of duty Independence Attentiveness | |||||||||||||||||
List of technical regulations and national standards |
ST of RK ISO 3170-2022 "Oil and oil products. Manual methods of sampling", ST of RK ISO 3171-2007 "Oil products. Liquid hydrocarbons. Automatic sampling from pipelines", the GOST 31873-2012 Oil and oil products. Methods of manual sampling", GOST 2517-2012 "Oil and oil products. Sampling methods", GOST ISO 4257-2013 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied. Sampling method", GOST 14921-2018 "Gases hydrocarbonic liquefied. Sampling method", GOST 34224-2017 "Industry oil and gas. Standard method of receipt of tests of the liquefied oil gases when using cylinder with the mobile piston", ST of PK ASTM 3700-2015 "The industry oil and gas. Standard test method for receipt of samples of the liquefied oil gases when using the floating piston cylinder". | |||||||||||||||||
Communication with other professions within ORK |
ORK level |
Name of profession | ||||||||||||||||
3 |
Probootborshchik | |||||||||||||||||
4 |
Chemical analysis laboratory assistant | |||||||||||||||||
19. Profession card "Probootborshchik | ||||||||||||||||||
Group code |
7214-9 | |||||||||||||||||
Code of the name of occupation |
7214-9-015 | |||||||||||||||||
Name of profession |
Probootborshchik | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ORK |
3 | |||||||||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK |
- | |||||||||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics of positions of the serving organizations: |
The order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 1, 2023 No. 364 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 1)". No. 33389 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 7, 2023. § 364-365. Probootborshchik | |||||||||||||||||
Level of professional education |
Education level: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Chemical technology and production (by types) |
Qualification: - |
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