of December 25, 2024 No. 490
About approval of the professional standard "Safety and Labor Protection"
According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the professional standard "Safety and Labor Protection" according to appendix to this order.
2. To provide to department of work and social partnership of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) within five calendar days after signing of this order the direction it in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
S. Zhakupova
to the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 25, 2024 No. 490
1. Scope of the professional standard: this Professional standard includes qualification requirements is applied to the specialists ensuring safety of working processes, planning, the organization, control and enhancement of management system labor protection, risk management on production, observance of normative requirements as basis for establishment of knowledge, skills, competences for the purpose of creation of safe working conditions on workplace, and also for assessment, certifications and confirmations of qualification, preparation and retraining of personnel in the field of safety and labor protection and are held for use wide range of users:
1) workers – for understanding of qualifying standards to professional activity in the field of safety and labor protection, planning of the professional development and advanced training, and also forecasting of career promotion in the profile direction;
2) employers – for development of single requirements to content of professional activity in the field of safety and labor protection, for updating of the requirements to its qualification meeting modern requirements of the labor market; forming of criteria during the hiring and certification of personnel, and also creation of programs of advanced training, development, promotion and staff rotation;
3) educational and educational institutions – for determination of the purposes and contents of educational programs of training of specialists in the direction safety and labor protection, retrainings and advanced trainings of heads and specialists of the profile directions; developments of system of occupational retraining and advanced training of teachers and experts in direction safety and labor protection;
4) state bodies – for use of the professional standard as criteria for monitoring and market forecasting of work.
5) the centers of recognition of qualifications – for establishment of basic requirements to knowledge and skills to the specialists responsible for safety and labor protection, estimates and recognition of their professional qualifications.
Specialists of other activities to whom the order of the employer assigns subsidiary duties on accomplishment of functions of the security specialist and labor protection it is necessary to undergo the qualification confirmation conforming to the qualification requirements imposed to technicians or safety and labor protection engineers. Confirmation of qualification includes availability of the corresponding education and/or the document confirming passing of special preparation on safety issues and labor protections.
2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:
1) Human resources management (HRM) is process of management of human resources in the organization for achievement of organizational goals.
2) benchmarking – the comparative analysis on the basis of reference indicators as process of determination, understanding and adaptation of the available examples of effective functioning of the similar organizations for the purpose of improvement of the performed work;
3) knowledge – the studied and acquired information necessary for accomplishment of actions within professional task;
4) skill – capability to apply knowledge and abilities, allowing to carry out professional task entirely;
5) labor safety – the condition of security of workers provided with complex of the actions excluding impact of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors on workers in the course of labor activity;
6) monitoring of safety and labor protection – system of observations of security status and labor protections on production, and also assessment and the forecast of security status and labor protection;
7) internal control behind security status and labor protections – the organization of creation and implementation of management system labor protection, observation of condition of working conditions, carrying out operational data analysis of production supervision, risks assessment and taking measures to liquidation of the found discrepancies with requirements for safety and labor protection;
8) labor protection – the system of safety of life and health of workers in the course of labor activity including legal, social and economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and epidemiologic, treatment-and-prophylactic, rehabilitation and other actions and means;
9) management system labor protection – complex of the interconnected actions for realization of policy on labor protection, labor safety fulfillment of requirements, management of professional risks;
10) safe working conditions – working conditions under which levels of impact of production factors on working do not exceed the established standard rates;
11) labor function – enrollment of the interconnected actions directed to the solution of one or several tasks of process of work;
12) acts of the employer – orders, orders, instructions, rules, provisions, schedules of working in shifts, graphics of watches, the leave schedules published by the employer;
13) harmful working conditions – working conditions which are characterized by availability of harmful production factors;
14) harmful production factor – production factor which impact on the worker can lead to disease or decrease in working capacity and (or) negative influence on health of posterity;
15) inferentsialny statistics is Section of statistics which uses selective data for creation of conclusions or forecasts on population;
16) profession – the occupation performed by physical person and requiring certain qualification for its accomplishment;
17) professional qualification – the extent of professional training characterizing ownership of the competences required for accomplishment of labor functions by profession;
18) the professional standard – the written official document establishing general requirements to knowledge, abilities, skills, work experience taking into account formal and (or) informal, and (or) informalny education, to skill level and competence, content, quality and working conditions in specific area of professional activity;
19) professional risk – risk of disability (or death) the worker in case of execution of labor (office) obligations;
20) assessment of professional risk – determination of degree of professional risk on the basis of information analysis about identification of risks and statistical data about incidence and operational injuries in the organization, security with means of collective and individual protection;
21) management of professional risks – the management system component labor protection including the identification and assessment of professional risks adjusting measures, control and monitoring of professional risk;
22) psychological methods of ensuring safe work – the measures of system, continuous, reasonable psychological interaction with workers directed to minimization of the reasons of dangerous actions of the workers caused by emotional condition;
23) dangerous working conditions – working conditions under which impact of certain production or ineradicable natural factors brings in case of non-compliance with industrial safety rules to industrial injury, sudden deterioration in health or poisoning of the worker by which temporary or permanent disability, occupational disease or death are caused;
24) dangerous production factor – production factor which impact on the worker can lead to temporary or permanent disability (industrial injury or occupational disease) or death;
25) competence – capability to apply the skills allowing to carry out one or several professional tasks constituting labor function;
26) ability – capability physically and (or) intellectually to perform separate single operations within professional task;
27) mentoring, or mentoring – the training method of staff of the organization in case of which the expert-mentor passes on to the ward (cop) the experience and knowledge provides support in development and progress the cop.
28) production equipment – machines, mechanisms, the devices, devices, devices and other technical means necessary for work, productions;
29) production factors – the technical, sanitary, hygienic, production and household and other conditions making impact on the worker according to legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
30) brainstorm (brainstorming) is method of generation of the ideas which is used in groups, teams or working collectives for search of the optimal solution of specific objective;
31) HAZOP is method of identification of dangers in case of operation existing and when designing new objects, intended for identification of potential variations from project objectives, examination of their possible reasons and assessment of their consequences;
32) SWOT analysis – the analysis method consisting in identification of factors of internal and external environment of the organization and their separation into four categories: Strengths (strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunity), Threats (threat).
3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:
1) IT – information technologies;
2) SU – management system;
3) FROM – labor protection;
4) SUOT – management system labor protection;
5) BIOTAS – safety and labor protection;
6) SIZ – individual protection equipment;
7) VIOPF – harmful and dangerous production factors;
8) PZ – occupational disease;
9) PR – professional risks;
10) OPR – assessment of professional risks;
11) RK – the Republic of Kazakhstan;
12) GOST – state standard;
13) the NPA – regulatory legal act;
14) APO – certification of production facilities;
15) Construction Norms and Regulations – sanitary standards and rules;
17) SOP – standard operational procedures;
18) emergency – emergency situation;
19) TOIR – maintenance and repair;
20) SKZ – means of collective protection;
21) ILO – International Labour Organization
22) VND – the internal regulating documentation;
23) FMEA – Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (the analysis of types and consequences of refusals);
24) HAZOP – HAZARD and OPERABILITY (danger and working capacity);
25) HRM – Human Resource Management (Human resources management);
26) HSE – Health, Safety & Environment (Protection of professional health, labor safety and environmental protection);
27) JSA – Job Safety Analysis (the analysis of labor safety)
28) SQL – Structured Query Language (language of the structured requests);
29) SWOT – Strengths (strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunity), Threats (threat).
4. Name of the professional standard: Safety and labor protection
5. Code of the professional standard:
6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:
M Professional, scientific and technical activity
74 Other professional, scientific and technical activity
74.9 The other professional, scientific and technical activity which is not included in other groups
74.90 The other professional, scientific and technical activity which is not included in other groups
74.90.9 Other professional, scientific and technical activity which is not included in other groups.
7. Short description of the professional standard: The professional standard "Safety and Labor Protection" (further – the Professional standard) is developed according to Item 8 of Article 101 of the Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and establishes requirements to activities for planning, the organization, control and enhancement of management system labor protection, and also according to part six of Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" establishes requirements to forming of educational programs of the higher and postgraduate (additional), technical and professional, postsecondary education, systematic and consecutive ensuring training of profile specialists, retrainings or advanced trainings of heads and specialists, recognitions of professional qualification and solutions of wide range of the tasks caused by the level of competences and qualifications of the corresponding heads and specialists in the field of safety and labor protection.
Purpose of development and application of this Professional standard: unification, establishment and maintenance of basic single requirements to content and quality of professional activity, to determination of qualification requirements to heads and security specialists and labor protection. Description of the abilities, skills and knowledge necessary for heads and specialists in the field professional activity. Creation of reference points for forming of educational programs of the higher and postgraduate (additional), technical and professional, postsecondary education, profile rates of retraining and increase in qualifications for heads and security specialists and labor protection.
Each subsequent skill level increases set of indicators of all previous levels. Accumulative and consecutive nature of profile identifiers provides succession of results of training and advanced training from level to level. Identifiers of levels of professions consider degree of independence, responsibility and complexity of the carried-out labor functions.
The professional standard gives the grounds to recognize results of both formal, and informal and informalny training, creates conditions for access to assessment and recognition of qualifications the professional circle.
8. List of cards of professions:
1) the head on safety and labor protection – the 8th ORK level;
2) the expert (consultant) for safety and labor protection – the 7th ORK level;
3) the senior safety and labor protection engineer – the 7th ORK level;
4) the safety and labor protection engineer – the 6th ORK level (6.2. – 1 categories, 6.1. – 2 categories, 6.0 – without category);
5) the specialist in health protection and hygiene of work / to production medicine – the 6th ORK level (6.2. – 1 categories, 6.1. – 2 categories, 6.0 – without category)
6) the specialist under the terms of work and assessment of professional risks – the 6th ORK level (6.2. – 1 categories, 6.1. – 2 categories, 6.0 – without category)
7) the specialist in training (lecturer) in safety and labor protection – the 6th ORK level (6.2. – 1 categories, 6.1. – 2 categories, 6.0 – without category)
8) the technician on safety and labor protection – the 4th ORK level (4.2. – 1 categories, 4.1. – 2 categories, 4.0 – without category)
9. Profession card: "Head on safety and labor protection" | |||||||||||
Group code |
1329-9 | ||||||||||
Name code occupations: |
1329-9-009 | ||||||||||
Name professions: |
The head on safety and labor protection | ||||||||||
Other possible names of profession: |
8.1 The deputy manager of the organization for safety and labor protection, the Chief technical lead on safety and labor protection, the Chief engineer 8.2. The head of directorate/department on safety and labor protection 8.3 Head of service/department of safety and labor protection, Head of department of safety and labor protection 8.4 Adviser for safety and labor protection | ||||||||||
Skill level on ORK: |
8 ORK level | ||||||||||
Qualification subtotal on ORK: |
8 | ||||||||||
Skill level on ETKC, KC, etc. standard qualification characteristics: |
the highest (or postgraduate) education in the corresponding direction of training and length of service in the specialty on positions in the field of safety and labor protection at least 5 years - Item 92 of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2020 No. 553 (it is registered in the register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 22003). | ||||||||||
Level of professional education: |
8.1-8.2 the highest (or postgraduate additional) profile education or technical education and additional training on profile. It is desirable degree "Master of Business Administration", academic degree of the doctor of PhD on profile, the candidate of science. |
8.3-8.4 the highest (or postgraduate additional) profile or technical education, or academic degree on the BIOTAS profile. | |||||||||
Requirements to work experience: |
General production length of service at least 5 years, including at least two years head or specialist of division: in the field of BIOTAS, assessment of working conditions or managements of professional risks, internal control (audit), the integrated systems of management | ||||||||||
Connection with informal and informalny education: |
Advanced training, corresponding to general and special questions of professional activity - national, including on the skill.enbek.kz platform and/or international certificates in the field of safety and labor protection, management of professional risks and to other subjects relating to this area. | ||||||||||
Special conditions of the admission to work |
Regular training on BIOTAS according to the requirements established by authorized state body on work In the presence the employer of hazardous production facilities has the corresponding preparation and certification in the field of industrial safety | ||||||||||
Main objective of activities: |
Forming, development and increase in system effectiveness of safety management and labor protection in the organization directed to prevention of incidents, preserving life and health of workers in the course of implementation of labor activity | ||||||||||
Description of labor functions | |||||||||||
Obligatory labor functions: |
1. Strategic management by security system and labor protections in the organization. 2. Coordination and consultation on development and enhancement of SUOT. 3. Organization and holding actions for management of professional risks and to improvement of working conditions. 4. Methodical and organizational support of system of strategic management by safety and labor protection in the organization. 5. Control, analysis and assessment of effectiveness of work of SUOT. | ||||||||||
Additional labor functions |
Consultations, coordination, mentorship; Participation in the organization of management processes. | ||||||||||
Labor function 1: Strategic management by security system and labor protections in the organization |
Skill 1: Determine tasks, the principles and the purposes of strategic management by safety management system and labor protection within providing safe working conditions and non-admissions of injury rate on workplaces in the organization. | ||||||||||
Abilities: | |||||||||||
1. To strategically think, analyze changes in the legislation, the technological innovations and trends connected from BIOTAS. 2. Create and develop strategies and politicians in the field of BIOTAS according to the purposes of the organization. 3. Develop long-term plans of improvement of working conditions and to management of professional risks according to the purposes of the organization. 4. Estimate priority of implementation of actions on improvement of working conditions and management of PR taking into account their efficiency, importance and priorities of actions. 5. Develop measures of management of PR on the basis of the analysis of the taken measures directed to minimization of impact of adverse production factors on life and health of workers. 6. Prove need of allocation of resources on realization of preventive actions on BIOTAS. 7. Integrate operational planning in the field of BIOTAS with operating and strategic plans of the organization, and also control procedures on BIOTAS into key business processes of the organization (finance, purchases, personnel management, TOIR and other businesss-processes). 8. Initiate projects implementation and/or preventive actions on BIOTAS, coordinate and control their execution. 9. Analyze efficiency of the realized preventive actions and the incurred costs on BIOTAS. | |||||||||||
Knowledge: | |||||||||||
1. The legislation in the field of BIOTAS and allied industries, international standards and tendencies in the field of BIOTAS 2. Knowledge of management system labor protection. 3. Basic knowledge business: context of the organization, strategic management, planning method, managements, the system and process approach in management 4. Bases of financial planning, development and reasons for budgets of actions. | |||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skills: |
it is recommended | ||||||||||
Skill 2: Manage teams, mentoring and mentorship. | |||||||||||
Abilities: | |||||||||||
1. Show leadership and personal involvement into the BIOTAS area. 2. To effectively convey information to different levels of employees, including heads and employees of the organization. 3. Manage organizational changes in the field of BIOTAS. 4. Motivate and support employees in the course of implementation of changes, especially in the context of implementation of new standards and rules within strategy implementation on BIOTAS. 5. Organize and coordinate work in the field of BIOTAS, provisions of constructive feedback. 6. Conduct open dialogue, to listen and involve actively in discussion of questions BIOTAS, give and receive constructive feedback. 7. To structurally settle the conflicts in team, to provide valid and productive interaction. | |||||||||||
Knowledge: | |||||||||||
1. Bases of communication, psychology and conflictology, business etiquette. 2. Principles and approaches to mentorship and mentoring. 3. Principles of active hearing and effective feedback. 4. Aspects of interaction and management in working collective. 5. Psychology of management and motivation of personnel. 6. Fundamentals of psychology, including principles of interpersonal communication. 7. Bases of management of command dynamics. 8. Mechanisms of resistance to changes and methods of their overcoming. 9. Principles of control over the implementation of tasks and feedback. | |||||||||||
Possibility of recognition of skills: |
it is recommended | ||||||||||
Labor function 2: Coordination and consultation on development and enhancement of SU of BIOTAS |
Skill 1: The organization and coordination of work on implementation of the control system in the field of BIOTAS, managements of professional risks in the organization. | ||||||||||
Abilities: | |||||||||||
1. Determine the strategy of management of BIOTAS, professional risks, establish the purposes and priorities, to develop the actions plan. 2. Develop strategic plans and programs for implementation (development) of the control system behind observance of requirements on BIOTAS. 3. Carry out regular monitoring and assessment of implementable programs and actions on BIOTAS for the purpose of their timely execution and assessment of effectiveness. 4. Determine responsible persons for implementation/enhancement of management system of BIOTAS, PR, their role and obligation. 5. Determine terms and control accomplishment of tasks on realization of process of implementation of management system of BIOTAS, PR in the organization. 6. Estimate availability of the resources necessary for implementation of management process of BIOTAS. 7. Manage administrative processes in the field of BIOTAS, reveal the needs for training, development and holding trainings. 8. Create and document procedures of management system of BIOTAS. 9. Analyze actions plans of structural divisions within management system of BIOTAS. 10. Organize monitoring of working conditions on workplaces on compliance to requirements of BIOTAS, control timeliness of holding the planned preventive actions. | |||||||||||
Knowledge: | |||||||||||
1. The comprehensive and integrated knowledge of technical and normative requirements in the field of BIOTAS supported with theoretical understanding of production processes. 2. Internal regulating documents of management system of BIOTAS in the organization. 3. Domestic and international practicians in the field of BIOTAS, applicable to organization activity. 4. Regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of BIOTAS. 5. International standards and regulations on BIOTAS. 6. The engineering procedures used at the company and the related professional risks. | |||||||||||
Possible recognitions skills: |
it is recommended | ||||||||||
Skill 2: Determination and development of requirements to methodical providing SUOT and professional risks in the organization. | |||||||||||
Abilities: |
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