of December 13, 2024 No. 48-Z
About the republican budget for 2025
Accepted by the House of Representatives on December 5, 2024
Approved by Council of the Republic on December 12, 2024
Article 1. Approve the republican budget for 2025 on expenses in the amount of 50 295 161 979 rubles proceeding from the predicted amount of the income in the amount of 45 835 837 522 rubles.
Establish the extent of deficit of the republican budget for 2025 in the amount of 4 459 324 457 rubles and sources of its financing according to appendix 1.
Article 2. Include in 2025:
in the republican budget of means of the state trust budget funds: fund of national development, republican centralized innovative fund, republican road fund, republican fund of universal servicing of digital development and communication and republican fund of civil aviation;
in local budgets of means of the local innovative funds formed regional and Minsk city by executive committees.
Article 3. Establish in 2025 standard rates of contributions from the value added tax received in the territory of the Republic of Belarus to the income of the consolidated budget of the Brest region – in the amount of 4,49 of percent, Vitebsk – 3,71 of percent, Gomel – 4,59 of percent, Grodno – 3,4 of percent, Minsk – 5,01 of percent, the Mogilev region – percent 3,36, in the income of the republican budget – in the amount of percent 75,44.
Article 4. Approve for 2025:
income of the republican budget in the amount of 45 835 837 522 rubles according to appendix 2;
expenses of the republican budget in the amount of 50 295 161 979 rubles for functional classification of expenses of the budget for Sections, subsections and expense types according to appendix 3;
distribution of budget settings on managers of budgetary funds according to departmental classification of expenses of the republican budget and functional classification of expenses of the budget according to appendix 4;
the list of state programs which financing is provided at the expense of means of the republican budget (without funds for financing of the state investing program and republican centralized innovative fund), on functional classification of expenses of the budget and by customers according to appendix 5;
expenses of the republican budget on financing of the state investing program (without reserve fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus, republican road fund, means provided on preserving and expansion of farmlands) in the amount of 1 438 404 340 rubles, including at the expense of means of the state trust budget fund of national development in the amount of 579 700 000 rubles, from them at the expense of the remaining balance of this fund formed for January 1, 2025 in the amount of 250 000 000 rubles;
expenses of the republican budget on scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities regarding implementation of innovative projects, the organizations of activities and development of material and technical resources of subjects of innovative infrastructure in functional classification of expenses of the budget for Sections, subsections and expense types, the directions of use and managers of budgetary funds in the amount of 678 235 311 rubles according to appendix 6.
Article 5. Establish the size of turnover cash under the republican budget for January 1, 2026 in the amount of 176 000 000 rubles.
Article 6. In 2025 to transfer:
1. From the republican budget in consolidated budgets of areas and the budget of Minsk:
1.1. grants in the amount of 6 704 963 562 rubles, including the Brest region – 1 225 431 799 rubles, Vitebsk – 1 496 235 621 ruble, Gomel – 1 316 092 611 rubles, Grodno – 910 838 395 rubles, the Mogilev region – 1 756 365 136 rubles;
1.2. subventions on financing of expenses:
1.2.1. within implementation of actions of the State program on overcoming consequences of catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP for 2021-2025 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 22, 2021 No. 159, on:
to provision of privileges to the citizens who were affected by catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP including payment of compensations and providing pupils with free food in the territory of radioactive pollution, according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 6, 2009 No. 9-Z "About social protection of the citizens who were affected by catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP, other radiation accidents" in the amount of 304 329 802 rubles including the Brest region – 22 179 989 rubles, Vitebsk – 5 300 017 rubles, Gomel – 189 524 661 ruble, Grodno – 8 690 526 rubles, Minsk – 20 366 453 rubles, the Mogilev region – 18 428 052 rubles and to Minsk – 39 840 104 rubles;
to holding actions for radiation protection and address application of protective measures in the amount of 161 069 349 rubles, including the Brest region – 6 736 169 rubles, Vitebsk – 13 733 rubles, Gomel – 97 943 427 rubles, Grodno – 2 135 474 rubles, Minsk – 7 121 315 rubles and the Mogilev region – 47 119 231 rubles;
to recovery and development of the regions injured with catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP, in the amount of 119 612 559 rubles, including the Brest region – 13 875 057 rubles, Gomel – 82 054 215 rubles, Grodno – 598 063 rubles, the Mogilev region – 22 845 999 rubles and to Minsk – 239 225 rubles;
to enhancement of the organization of sanatorium treatment and improvement of children, living (students) in the territory of radioactive pollution, in the amount of 28 395 000 rubles, including the Brest region – 8 200 000 rubles, Vitebsk – 3 575 000 rubles, Gomel – 11 620 000 rubles, the Minsk region – 5 000 000 rubles.
Grant the right to the Government of the Republic of Belarus to direct economy of subventions to financing of the expenses provided by paragraphs to the second and third part one of this subitem on increase in subventions at financing of the expenses provided by the paragraph the fourth parts one of this subitem and to redistribute this economy between consolidated budgets of areas and the budget of Minsk;
1.2.2. on indexed housing quotas (to personalized privatization checks "Housing") in the amount of 18 608 080 rubles, including the Brest region – 5 059 200 rubles, Vitebsk – 1 159 400 rubles, Gomel – 2 250 000 rubles, Grodno – 4 342 480 rubles, Minsk – 4 532 200 rubles and the Mogilev region – 1 264 800 rubles;
1.2.3. on development of agricultural industry and fishing activities in the amount of 690 403 254 rubles according to appendix 7.
The subventions specified in part one of this subitem go for purchase of limy materials, fuels and lubricants and mineral fertilizers, including advancing, taking into account transportation expenses on their delivery by rail media, the kulturtekhnichesky actions established by the legislation, purchase of the meliorative equipment (including in leasing), the machinery and equipment for agricultural organizations according to the list determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, purchase of works (services) in repair and maintenance of the machines and the equipment used in agricultural industry, demolition of unsuitable and unexploited buildings and constructions of livestock complexes (farms) (further – unsuitable and unexploited livestock buildings and constructions).
Funds of local budgets in the form of subsidies for implementation of activities for production of agricultural products can be allocated for payment for work on introduction of limy materials, including development of the corresponding design estimates.
Physical purchasing amounts (without debt repayment) fuels and lubricants and mineral fertilizers at the expense of the subventions specified in part two of this subitem are determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
The direction of subventions on purchase of fuels and lubricants and mineral fertilizers on debt repayment for the delivered fuels and lubricants (including on debt repayment for the delivered diesel fuel according to earlier made decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus) and mineral fertilizers in the amount of no more than 30 percent from the provided amounts of subventions on purchase of fuels and lubricants and in the amount of no more than 70 percent from the provided amounts of subventions on purchase of mineral fertilizers is allowed.
Provision of subventions on purchase of fuels and lubricants and mineral fertilizers, the kulturtekhnichesky actions established by the legislation, purchase of the machinery and equipment for agricultural organizations, purchase of works (services) in repair and maintenance of the machines and the equipment used in agricultural industry demolition of unsuitable and unexploited livestock buildings and constructions to consolidated budgets of areas is performed according to requests of regional executive committees in the amounts which are not exceeding actually made expenses at the expense of own funds of the organizations and (or) local budgets of the respective areas for these purposes. Information on actually made expenses goes regional executive committees along with application.
Distribution of subventions to the kulturtekhnichesky actions established by the legislation, purchase of the meliorative equipment (including in leasing) is performed by consolidated budgets of areas based on lists of the organizations for construction and operation of meliorative systems, on demolition of unsuitable and unexploited livestock buildings and constructions – lists of objects of the agricultural organizations which are subject to demolition by the organizations for construction and operation of the meliorative systems approved by regional executive committees on purchase of the machinery and equipment for agricultural organizations – the lists of the machinery and equipment which is purchased by them approved by regional executive committees in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Distribution of subventions to purchase of works (services) in repair and maintenance of the machines and the equipment used in agricultural industry consolidated budgets of areas is performed based on the amounts of works determined by regional executive committees in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
The means arriving from repayment of the budget loans granted at the expense of subventions on purchase of fuels and lubricants and mineral fertilizers according to subitem 1.2.3 of Item 1 of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 31, 2021 to No. 142-Z "About the republican budget for 2022" and subitem 1.2.3 of Item 1 of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 30, 2022 No. 231-Z "About the republican budget for 2023" go in 2025 repeatedly in the form of the budget loans for purchase of fuels and lubricants and mineral fertilizers, including advancing, payment and debt repayment for the delivered fuels and lubricants (including for debt repayment for the delivered diesel fuel according to earlier made decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus) and mineral fertilizers on similar conditions;
1.2.4. on designing and construction (reconstruction) of objects of engineering and transport infrastructure for areas (quarters) of the housing estate in the amount of 640 000 000 rubles, including the Brest region – 104 320 000 rubles, Vitebsk – 81 920 000 rubles, Gomel – 106 240 000 rubles, Grodno – 80 640 000 rubles, Minsk – 190 720 000 rubles and the Mogilev region – 76 160 000 rubles.
Grant the right to the Government of the Republic of Belarus to redistribute the subventions specified in part one of this subitem between consolidated budgets of areas within their total amount taking into account the course of accomplishment of the tasks finished to areas on commissioning of total area of housing and the actual development of subventions on these purposes;
1.2.5. on designing and construction (reconstruction) of new street gas distribution pipelines from the place of accession to the operating street gas distribution pipeline to the disconnecting device on input to the apartment house for gasification of the operated housing stock of citizens in the amount of 5 132 400 rubles, including the Brest region – 1 076 000 rubles, Vitebsk – 500 000 rubles, Gomel – 860 800 rubles, Grodno – 450 000 rubles, Minsk – 1 600 000 rubles and the Mogilev region – 645 600 rubles;
1.2.6. the subsidies for payment of part of interest for using the credits issued by banks on construction (reconstruction) of premises, and subsidies for repayment of principal debt on these credits, and also legal entities of subsidies for payment of part of interest for using the credits for the subsequent provision of the premises built or acquired with use of these subsidies, to the workers in the amount of 783 336 000 rubles connected with provision to citizens including the Brest region – 191 982 000 rubles, Vitebsk – 83 061 600 rubles, Gomel – 133 212 000 rubles, Grodno – 92 464 800 rubles, Minsk – 119 890 800 rubles, the Mogilev region – 84 628 800 rubles and to Minsk – 78 096 000 rubles;
1.2.7. on bond redemption, emitted by regional executive committees or according to their order district (city) executive committees for financing of regional investing programs according to decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus, in the amount of 39 820 200 rubles, including the Brest region – 5 332 200 rubles, Vitebsk – 5 950 200 rubles, Gomel – 7 221 000 rubles, Grodno – 5 538 600 rubles, Minsk – 7 939 200 rubles and the Mogilev region – 7 839 000 rubles;
1.2.8. on payment (payment) of the income (interest income) for issued securities (bonds) emitted by regional executive committees in the amount of 28 433 674 rubles, including:
The Vitebsk region according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 25, 2020 No. 70 "About development of agro-industrial complex of the Vitebsk region" – in the amount of 8 964 263 rubles;
The Gomel region according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 27, 2017 No. 135 "About development of agro-industrial complex of the Gomel region" and the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 14, 2022 No. 88 "About bond emission of the Gomel regional executive committee" – in the amount of 10 906 270 rubles;
The Minsk region according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2016 No. 496 "About measures for financial improvement of legal entities – members of Myasomolprom holding and the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of November 25, 2021 No. 459 "About bond emission of the Minsk regional executive committee" – in the amount of 5 418 584 rubles;
The Mogilev region according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 2017 No. 147 "About the organizations of agro-industrial complex of the Mogilev region", the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 2, 2018 No. 396 "About converting of bonds of the Mogilev regional executive committee" and the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 26, 2022 No. 156 "About bonds" – in the amount of 3 144 557 rubles;
1.2.9. on payment of interest income on the bonds emitted by regional executive committees or according to their order district (city) executive committees for purchase of the machinery and equipment for the insolvent organizations of agro-industrial complex according to decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus in the amount of 33 490 533 rubles, including the Brest region – 3 260 650 rubles, Vitebsk – 7 467 322 rubles, Gomel – 6 622 592 rubles, Grodno – 2 846 040 rubles, Minsk – 6 302 288 rubles and the Mogilev region – 6 991 641 rubles;
1.2.10. on running repair of street road net of settlements in the amount of 57 074 100 rubles, including the Brest region – 9 562 942 rubles, Vitebsk – 9 540 808 rubles, Gomel – 9 474 406 rubles, Grodno – 9 474 406 rubles, Minsk – 9 509 188 rubles and the Mogilev region – 9 512 350 rubles, according to the lists of objects established by regional executive committees in coordination with the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities and the Ministry of Finance;
1.2.11. on routine maintenance and overhaul repairs of local highways in the amount of 700 000 000 rubles, including the Brest region – 90 753 000 rubles, Vitebsk – 127 670 000 rubles, Gomel – 109 424 000 rubles, Grodno – 110 334 000 rubles, Minsk – 160 165 000 rubles and the Mogilev region – 101 654 000 rubles;
1.2.12. on running repair of roofs of apartment houses in the amount of 35 056 989 rubles, including the Brest region – 5 597 794 rubles, Vitebsk – 7 167 200 rubles, Gomel – 5 352 423 rubles, Grodno – 5 112 743 rubles, Minsk – 5 186 629 rubles and the Mogilev region – 6 640 200 rubles, according to the lists of objects established by regional executive committees in coordination with the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities and the Ministry of Finance (without inclusion in the current schedules of capital repairs);
1.2.13. the citizens' initiatives connected with realization, in the amount of 1 400 000 rubles, including the Brest region – 200 000 rubles, Vitebsk – 200 000 rubles, Gomel – 200 000 rubles, Grodno – 200 000 rubles, Minsk – 200 000 rubles, the Mogilev region – 200 000 rubles and to Minsk – 200 000 rubles.
2. From the republican budget in the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus (further – the budget of fund) subvention in the amount of 1 973 382 900 rubles, including on:
financing of the expenses performed according to the legislation from the republican budget on pension payment to the government civil servants, pensions for special merits before the republic, pensions to the military personnel of compulsory military service and to members of their families, pensions to the citizens passing alternative service and members of their families, social pensions, separate types of surcharges, public welfare payments to the families raising children, attendance allowances for the disabled person of the I group or person who reached 80-year age, benefits for burial, lump-sum allowances in case of the death of the government civil servants by reorganization (liquidation) of the state body which is the last place of the public civil service of the dead in the amount of 1 865 750 500 rubles;
expense recovery of the budget of fund for financing of actions for employment of the population in the amount of 43 344 200 rubles;
expense recovery of the budget of fund for financing of specialized educational sports facilities of labor unions according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 21, 2006 No. 107 "About sources and procedure for financing of specialized educational sports facilities of labor unions" in the amount of 64 288 200 rubles.
3. In the republican budget the interbudget transfers in the amount of 2 284 621 000 rubles, including from the consolidated budget of the Minsk region – 164 321 000 rubles, the budget of Minsk – 2 120 300 000 rubles.
Article 7. Approve in 2025:
income of republican centralized innovative fund in the amount of 276 008 134 rubles;
expenses of republican centralized innovative fund in the amount of 276 008 134 rubles.
Article 8. Determine that in 2025 the republican fund of universal servicing of digital development and communication is created in the amount of 69 000 000 rubles and is used in the amount of 69 000 000 rubles according to appendix 8.
Article 9. Determine that in 2025 the republican fund of civil aviation is created in the amount of 6 352 480 rubles according to appendix 9.
Use of means of republican fund of civil aviation (taking into account the direction of means of the republican budget in the amount of 3 500 000 rubles) is performed in the amount of 9 852 480 rubles according to appendix 9.
The procedure for use of the means of republican fund of civil aviation provided by appendix 9 on financing of works on maintenance of the operational validity of airfields and the airports is determined by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in coordination with the Ministry of Finance.
Article 10. Determine that in 2025:
1. The state trust budget fund of national development is created in the amount of 461 883 780 rubles and used in the amount of 662 700 000 rubles, from them at the expense of the remaining balance of this fund formed for January 1, 2025 in the amount of 250 000 000 rubles.
2. The Ministry of Finance based on decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus according to which sources of forming of the state trust budget fund of national development and the direction of use of means of this fund are determined changes of indicators of the republican budget for the income are reflected (Article part one 1, paragraph two of article 4 of this Law and appendix 2), to expenses (Article part one 1, the paragraph third article 4 of this Law and appendix 3) and to deficit financing sources (the directions of use of surplus) (part two of article 1 of this Law and appendix 1).
Article 11. Determine that in 2025:
1. The republican road fund is created in the amount of 918 211 012 rubles according to appendix 10.
Use of means of republican road fund (taking into account the direction of means of the republican budget in the amount of 1 173 858 476 rubles) is performed in the amount of 2 092 069 488 rubles according to appendix 10.
Managers of means of republican road fund are the Ministry of Transport and Communications, regional and Minsk city executive committees.
Expense allocation of fund between receivers of means is performed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, regional and Minsk city executive committees.
2. The government of the Republic of Belarus in the course of execution of the republican budget has the right to redistribute amounts of means in the directions of their use within the general annual budget settings established to the Ministry of Transport and Communications on content, routine maintenance and overhaul repairs of highways.
3. Through means of republican road fund authorized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications by the organization subordinated to this Ministry conducts centralized public procurement of the equipment, the machines, mechanisms and automotive vehicles intended for content of highways public with subsequent their transfer to owners of republican and local highways according to the lists established by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
4. The means of republican road fund provided to regional executive committees go to construction, reconstruction, capital and running repair of local highways, repayment of principal debt and interest payment on the credits obtained according to Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 29, 2017 No. 307 "About financing of construction of roads and the Minsk subway", construction, reconstruction, capital and running repair of the streets which are continuation of republican and local highways with asphalt concrete and cement-concrete covering, in settlements, and provided to the Minsk city executive committee, – to construction, reconstruction and capital repairs of the main streets of the radial direction and the Minsk belt road.
Lists of construction objects, reconstruction, the capital and running repair specified in part one of this Item, and amounts of their financing are established regional and Minsk city by executive committees in coordination with the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Ministry of Finance.
Article 12. Approve for 2025:
limit of internal public debt of the Republic of Belarus in the amount of 20, 0 billion rubles;
limit of the internal debt guaranteed by the Republic of Belarus in the amount of 8, 0 billion rubles;
limit of external public debt of the Republic of Belarus in the amount of 19, 2 billion US dollars;
limit of the external debt guaranteed by the Republic of Belarus in the amount of 2, 1 billion US dollars;
the list of external state loans which servicing and repayment are performed with attraction of financial resources of the republican budget, according to appendix 11.
In case of excess of the actual sizes of the internal and (or) external debts guaranteed by the Republic of Belarus over the approved limits by the Government of the Republic of Belarus decisions on provision of new guarantees are not accepted.
Article 13. Determine that in 2025:
1. The payments in foreign currency made from republican and local budgets according to the provided guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs on the foreign currency loans issued by banks of the Republic of Belarus are collected from borrowers in accordance with the established procedure with collection of percent on rate of 10 annual interest rates from payment amount.
2. In case of non-execution by the borrower, user of the external loan, body guarantor (in case of its availability) at the scheduled time of obligations on the external state loans and external loans attracted under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, these obligations are fulfilled by the Ministry of Finance with subsequent compensation in the republican budget by the borrower, the user of the external loan of the payments made by this Ministry with interest payment at the rate of 10 annual interest rates from outstanding amount.
In case of not compensation by the borrower, user of the external loan at the scheduled time in the republican budget of the payments made by the Ministry of Finance for obligation fulfillment for the external state loans and external loans attracted under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, this Ministry collects in accordance with the established procedure from accounts of the borrower, user of the external loan outstanding amount on the specified payments with collection of percent on rate of 15 annual interest rates from outstanding amount.
3. For provision of guarantees for the Government of the Republic of Belarus on the credits issued by banks of the Republic of Belarus and according to external loans the payment in the amount of 1 percent from credit amount (loan) is levied if other is not established by legal acts.
For provision of means of external state loans users of these loans pay to the republican budget one-timely of percent 0,25 from loan amount if other is not established by legal acts.
Servicing of the external state loans settled at the expense of budgetary funds is made by agent banks with payment of remuneration to them in the amount of percent 0,02 from the amount of each payment for the account of the means provided in the republican budget on servicing of external public debt of the Republic of Belarus.
4. In case of violation by the borrower, loan recipient the established decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus or the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the agreement of terms of return of the budget loan, budget advance charge penalty fee:
on the budget loan – in the amount of the interest for using the budget loan specified in the agreement, increased in time 1,5;
on budget advance – in the amount of the refunding rate of National Bank established on the date of emergence of debt.
Charge of penalty fee in case of violation by the borrower, loan recipient of fixed terms of return of the budget loan, budget advance is made from the date of, the approach of the obligation following behind day on their return.
5. Attraction of external state loans by the Republic of Belarus and (or) the Government of the Republic of Belarus for the purpose of provision to their users of external loans is reflected in deficit financing sources (the directions of use of surplus) of the republican budget.
Provision of the funds of external state loans raised by the Republic of Belarus and (or) the Government of the Republic of Belarus, to users of external loans is reflected according to the procedure, determined by the Ministry of Finance:
in expenses of the republican budget – in the absence of obligations at users of external loans on transfer in the republican budget of means on account of obligation fulfillment on these external state loans;
in deficit financing sources (the directions of use of surplus) of the republican budget – in the presence of obligations at users of external loans on transfer in the republican budget of means on account of obligation fulfillment on these external state loans.
Article 14. Determine that in 2025 budget credits are granted:
to regional budgets and the budget of Minsk for the decision of the Government of the Republic of Belarus – on implementation of investment projects and programs with establishment of interest rate for use of the credit in the amount of 50 percent of the refunding rate of National Bank established on the date of charge of interests on credit;
to regional budgets, the budget of Minsk and the budget of fund for the decision of the Ministry of Finance – on covering of the temporary cash gaps arising in case of execution of regional budgets, the budget of Minsk and the budget of fund without collection of interests on credit.
In case of excess for January 1 of total current year of the size of limits of debt of the local authorities and self-government of the regional territorial level and debt guaranteed by local executive and administrative organs of regional territorial level, established according to part five of item 4 of Article 65 of the Budget code of the Republic of Belarus, provision of the budget credits to regional budgets and the budget of Minsk specified in paragraph three of part one of this Article is performed with establishment of interest rate for use of the credit in the amount of 50 percent of the refunding rate of National Bank established on the date of charge of interests on credit.
Article 15. Determine that in 2025:
1. The means received:
Department on material reserves of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from release and borrowing of material values of mobilization material reserve if other is not established by the President of the Republic of Belarus, and also from penalties and penalty fee for violation of requirements of the legislation for transactions with these material values in the amounts necessary for financing of transactions with material values of mobilization material reserve, remain at its order and are used according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in coordination with the Ministry of Finance;
Department on supervision of safe operation in the industry of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (including service fee, rendered when implementing ministerial procedures), remain at its order and after the taxation are used according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in coordination with the Ministry of Finance;
the organizations which are under supervision or being part (system) of state bodies, bodies and divisions, including military units of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from implementation of the activities which are bringing in incomes (except for the means received according to paragraphs second and third this Item, Item 2 of this Article and Item 9 of article 21 of this Law), after tax payment, charges (duties), other obligatory payments and implementation of the expenses connected with the activities which are bringing in incomes including regarding compensation of the made budget expenses, remain at their order and are used according to the legislation.
2. On account of compensation for expenses of the republican budget means according to appendix 12 are enlisted in the republican budget.
The means specified in part one of this Item are not assessed with taxes, charges (duties) if other is not established by the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The amount of the penalty fee added for untimely payment of the means specified in appendix 12, arrived to receivers of these means, is transferred in addition to the amount of means which is payable into the republican budget according to part one of this Item.
Control of timely and complete transfer in the republican budget of means according to parts one and third this Item is performed by receivers of these means.
In case of violation by receivers of means of the terms of transfer of these means established by the legislation in the republican budget are charged and transferred into the republican budget of penalty fee in the amount of the refunding rate of National Bank established on the date of emergence of the obligation on transfer.
Charge of penalty fee in case of violation by receivers of means of the terms of transfer of these means established by the legislation in the republican budget is made from the date of, the approach of the obligation following behind day on transfer, till day of transfer inclusive.
3. On the single treasurer account means according to appendix 13 are considered.
For use of the extrabudgetary funds of state bodies and other state-financed organizations which are on the single treasurer account, National Bank, banks pay percent on the rate determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus to the income of the relevant budget.
Article 16. Determine that in 2025:
1. The regulatory legal acts adopted (published) till 2025 about allocation of budgetary funds are provided with financing from republican and local budgets within the means provided in expenses of the relevant budgets.
2. Lists of the buildings and objects financed by means of the republican budget, including by means of the state trust budget fund of national development, reserve fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus, republican road fund regarding construction and reconstruction of republican highways of the means provided on preserving and expansion of farmlands are determined by the state investing program approved by the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The lists of buildings and objects specified in part one of this Item do not join objects:
infrastructures of national parks, Berezinsky biospheric reserve;
the provided State program "Agrarian business" for 2021-2025 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 1, 2021 No. 59;
the Republic of Belarus provided by the State program of innovative development for 2021-2025 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of September 15, 2021 No. 348;
provided by state programs in the field of national defense;
built at the expense of the annual and one-time payment for use of radio-frequency range, and also payment for allocation of strips of radio frequencies, radio-frequency channels or radio frequencies established by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 18, 2006 No. 240 "About payment for use of radio-frequency range" for the radio-electronic means used for rendering services of telecommunication public;
financed by means of funds of precautionary (preventive) actions;
diplomatic representations and consular establishments of the Republic of Belarus abroad;
other objects according to decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
3. Expenses on assistance in preparation of stationary recreation, sports camps for work during the summer period are financed by means of the republican budget.
Article 17. Determine that in 2025:
1. The government of the Republic of Belarus has the right to make decisions:
about allocation from the republican budget of the means provided on financing of the expenses connected with natural disasters, accidents and catastrophic crashes;
about payment of expenses on business trips at the expense of the means provided in the republican budget on other nation-wide questions in the amount of 2 000 000 rubles over the means planned for these purposes to managers of budgetary funds on departmental classification of expenses of the budget.
2. The government of the Republic of Belarus or according to its order Ministry of Finance in the course of execution of the republican budget have the right to make changes to the income and expenses of the republican budget according to subitem 2.6 of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 18, 2006 No. 240.
3. The Ministry of Finance in the course of execution of the republican budget has the right:
3.1. make changes to expenses, deficit (surplus) and sources of financing of deficit (the direction of use of surplus) of the republican budget according to Item 5 of article 13 of this Law;
3.2. make changes to the income and expenses of the republican budget regarding receipt of funds in the republican budget from payment of export customs duties and use of these means according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 5, 2021 No. 305 "About establishment of rates of export customs duties" in the directions determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus;
3.3. perform compensation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of part of expenses on acquisition of processing equipment and spare parts for realization within state programs of the investment projects providing increase in profitability of the made goods (works, services) and decrease in cost based on solutions of the contest committees on determination of the winner (winners) of tender on rendering such state financial support and the state programs concluded between customers and the winner (winners) of tender of agreements within the means provided in the republican budget on these purposes.
4. In the course of execution of the republican budget managers of budgetary funds regarding expenses:
4.1. on scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities for implementation of innovative projects, the organizations of activities and development of material and technical resources of subjects of innovative infrastructure have the right to make changes to expenses on scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities regarding implementation of innovative projects, the organizations of activities and development of material and technical resources of subjects of innovative infrastructure in economic classification of expenses of the budget within the approved annual budget settings provided to these managers in appendix 6, taking into account the regulations established by subitem 5.9 of Item 5 of Article 111 of the Budget code of the Republic of Belarus and also within the quarter budget settings provided to these managers in the budget list of the republican budget;
4.2. on education, health care, physical culture and sport, culture, mass media, social protection, defense and Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, judicial authority, law-enforcement activities and safety (except for expenses on the prevention and mitigation of consequences of emergency situations, and also regarding the expenses specified in subitem 4.1 of this Item) have the right to make changes on receivers of budgetary funds to expenses on economic classification of expenses of the budget regarding expenses on soft stock and regimentals, payment of transport services, communication fee, payment of prospecting services, fee for standard designing, other current expenses on purchase of goods and fee, business trips and office traveling within the approved annual budget settings on functional classification of expenses of the budget, the budget expenses provided to these managers in appendix 3, of program classification, and also within the quarter budget settings provided to these managers in the budget list of the republican budget.
5. Procurement of vehicles according to the lists established regional and Minsk city by executive committees in coordination with the relevant state bodies specified in paragraphs the second or fifth to this part is conducted through means of the republican budget (further – lists of vehicles):
The Ministry of Health – cars of emergency medical service and (or) portable medical complexes (medical and obstetrical centers) on the amount of 68 960 000 rubles;
The Ministry of Education – school buses on the amount of 28 014 100 rubles;
The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection – cars for organizations of social servicing of the population on the amount 5 220 182 rubles;
Industry ministry – the electric transport on the amount of 45 201 700 rubles.
Transfer regional and Minsk city to executive committees of the acquired vehicles is performed according to decisions of the relevant state bodies specified in paragraphs the second or fifth to part one of this Item according to lists of vehicles.
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