of October 22, 1993 No. 3551-XII
About the status of veterans of war, guarantees of their social protection
This Law determines legal status of veterans of war, provides creation of proper conditions for their life support, promotes forming in the society of respect for them.
The law is directed to protection of veterans of war in the way:
creations of proper conditions for maintenance of health and active longevity;
the organizations social and other types of servicing, strengthening of material and technical resources of the organizations and services created for this purpose and training of the corresponding specialists;
accomplishment of target programs of social and legal protection of veterans of war;
provisions of privileges, benefits and social guarantees in the course of labor activity according to professional training and taking into account the state of health.
State policy of social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine - purposeful, system activities of public authorities for ensuring social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine by provision by it of privileges and guarantees of social protection according to the legislation.
State policy in the sphere of social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine is created and implemented on principles of social justice in case of establishment of amount of privileges and guarantees, complexity during the forming and implementation of measures of adaptation of veterans of war to peaceful life, proper financial provision of the privileges and guarantees of the specified category of citizens, openness and equal information access provided by the law on the state privileges and guarantees, mechanisms of their realization, access to realization of the right to all privileges and guarantees, transparency and accountability of activities of public authorities, their officials in the sphere of social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine.
System of social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine - set of public authorities, companies, organizations, organizations which interact among themselves and other systems of public administration for the purpose of forming and realization of state policy in the sphere of social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine.
Complex survey of system of social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families of the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine - assessment procedure of the existing condition of system and readiness of its components for accomplishment of functional tasks of social protection of veterans of war by results of which regulatory legal acts concerning development of system of social protection of veterans of war and its components are developed and specified are determined the measures directed to achievement by public authorities, companies, organizations, organizations which interact among themselves and other systems of public administration for the purpose of forming and realization of state policy in the sphere of social protection of veterans of war, necessary opportunities in the conditions of emergence of the flowing and predicted problems.
Complex survey of system of social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families of the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine is carried out once in three years by the central executive body which provides forming and realizes state policy in the sphere of social protection of veterans of war, persons having special merits before the Homeland, injured participants of Revolution of Advantage, members of families of veterans and members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine.
The procedure for carrying out complex survey of system of social protection of veterans of war and members of their families, members of families of the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
The legislation of Ukraine on the status of veterans of war and their social guarantees consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation of Ukraine.
The rights and privileges for veterans of war and members of their families established earlier by the legislation of Ukraine and the legislation of the former USSR cannot be cancelled without their equivalent replacement.
The regulations of public authorities and local government bodies limiting the rights and privileges of veterans of war provided by this Law are invalid.
Local councils, the companies, organizations and the organizations have the right at the expense of own means and charitable receipts to establish additional guarantees on social protection of veterans of war.
If international treaties or agreements in which Ukraine participates establish higher requirements for protection of veterans of war, than those which the legislation of Ukraine contains then are applied regulations of the international treaty or the international agreement.
The unified state register of veterans of war (further - the Register) - the single state information and communication system intended for collection, registration, accumulating, storage, protection and depersonalization of information on veterans of war, persons who have special merits before the Homeland, injured participants of Revolution of Advantage, members of families of such persons and members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine.
The register is created for providing:
1) accounting of persons determined by part one of this Article;
2) realization by persons determined by part one of this Article, the privileges and other social guarantees provided by this Law and other legal acts;
3) administrations of needs of persons determined by part one of this Article;
4) coordination of activities of executive bodies and in the cases provided by the law, local government bodies concerning social protection of persons determined by part one of this Article.
Set of data on physical persons (personal data) containing in the Register is information with limited access. Processing of such data is performed with observance of requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About personal data protection".
Data of the Register are used with observance of requirements of the laws of Ukraine "About information" and "About personal data protection" for ensuring realization by persons determined by part one of this Article, the privileges and other social guarantees provided by this Law and other legal acts.
Information or other personal data on person from the register is free of charge provided to the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of statistics for use in the statistical purposes.
Central and local executive bodies, other public authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local government bodies free of charge provide to the manager Reestra the information necessary for forming and Reestr's updating including containing personal data, the digitized image of person, and access to information (automated), information and communication, telecommunication and help systems, registers and databanks, owners (managers, holders, owners, administrators and so forth) of which are state bodies or local government bodies, including to the Unified state demographic register, the State register of obligatory national social insurance, the State register of acts of civil status of citizens and electronic health care system.
The central executive body which provides forming and realizes state policy in the sphere of social protection of veterans of war, persons who have special merits before the Homeland, injured participants of Revolution of Advantage, members of families of such persons and members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine is responsible for ensuring forming and maintaining the Register and is his manager.
The procedure for creation, maintaining, access to data of the Register and their use, procedure for receipt of information from other registers and information databases of physical persons for entering of data into the Register are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Electronic information exchange between the Register and the Unified state register of recruits, persons liable for call-up and reservists is performed according to the legislation and according to the procedure, determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Veterans of war are persons who were taking part in protection of the Homeland or in fighting in the territory of other states.
Treat veterans of war: combatants, persons with disability owing to war, participants of war.
Combatants are persons who were taking part in accomplishment of fighting tasks on protection of the Homeland as a part of military divisions, connections, associations of all types and types of military forces of Armed Forces of field army (fleet) in guerrilla groups and underground, other forming both in military, and in peace time. *
* The list of the divisions which were part of field army and other forming is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
1) the military personnel who served in the military divisions, parts, headquarters and organizations which were part of field army in the period of civil and Great Domestic wars during other combat operations on protection of the Homeland, guerrillas and underground workers civil and the Great Patriotic War of wars;
2) combatants in the territory of other countries are military personnel of the Soviet Army, Navy, Committee for State Security, face of the private, the commanding structure and the military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the former USSR (including military, technical specialists and advisers), workers of the corresponding categories who according to the decision of the Government of the former USSR served worked or were in business trip in the states where during this period fighting was conducted, and were involved in fighting or ensuring fighting activities of troops (fleet).
Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, Service of foreign intelligence of Ukraine, police officers, persons of the private, the commanding structure and military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, other military forming formed according to the laws of Ukraine which according to the decision of the relevant state bodies were sent for participation in the international peace support operations and safety or to business trip to the states where during this period fighting was conducted.
The list of the states specified in this Item, the periods of fighting in them and employee categories are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
3) military personnel, and also persons of the commanding and ordinary structure of bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and bodies of Committee for State Security of the former USSR in the period of the Great Patriotic War serving in the cities, participation in which defense is set off in length of service for award of pension on favorable terms, the parts of field army established for the military personnel;
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