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of December 23, 2024 No. 479

About approval of professional standards in the oil and gas sphere in the "Transportation and Oil Storage and Gas" direction

According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) the professional standard "Emergency recovery operations", according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) the professional standard "Acceptance, Storage and Oil Supply", according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) the professional standard "Travelling Heating of Oil", according to appendix 3 to this order;

4) the professional standard "Commodity-transport Transactions on Oil", according to appendix 4 to this order;

5) the professional standard "Operation and Repair of Production Equipment", according to appendix 5 to this order;

6) the professional standard "Operation of Main Pipelines", according to appendix 6 to this order;

7) the professional standard "Anticorrosive Protection in Pipeline Transport (Corrosion Prevention)", according to appendix 7 to this order;

8) the professional standard "Oil Transportation Management", according to appendix 8 to this order;

9) the professional standard "Acceptance, Storage and Leave of Gas" according to appendix 9 to this order;

10) the professional standard "Acceptance, Storage and Gas Sale" according to appendix 10 to this order;

11) the professional standard "Operation and Repair of Compressor Station" according to appendix 11 to this order;

12) the professional standard "Operation and Repair of the Gas Distribution Pipeline" according to appendix 12 to this order;

13) the professional standard "Commodity-transport Transactions on Gas" according to appendix 13 to this order;

14) the professional standard "Management of Gas Transport" according to appendix 14 to this order;

15) the professional standard "Operation and Repair of Linear Part of Trunk Gas Pipeline" according to appendix 15 to this order.

2. To provide to department of transportation and oil refining of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) within five working days from the date of signing of this order the direction it the copy in electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

3) within three working days after day of the first official publication of this order the direction of the reference to its official publication in the Kazakh and Russian languages in National authority on professional qualifications for placement on digital platform of National system of qualifications;

4) within ten calendar days after publication of this order in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Satkaliyev

It is approved

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Appendix 1

to the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 23, 2024 No. 479

Professional standard "Emergency recovery operations"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Field of application of the professional standard:

The professional standard "Emergency Recovery Operations in Oil Transportation and Gas" is developed according to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" and is applicable in spheres of pipeline, sea, rail and road transport of oil and gas, for safety control and efficiency of transportations, response to accidents and operational maintenance of systems in case of emergency situations.

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) emergency recovery operations are first-priority works in zone of emergency situation (defeat) on localization of the centers of destructions and the increased danger, elimination of accidents and damages on pipelines;

2) emergency and recovery Item – are created on linearly - the production dispatching station, pumping stations or bulk stations;

3) knowledge – the studied and acquired information necessary for accomplishment of actions within professional task;

4) skill – capability to apply knowledge and abilities, allowing to carry out professional task entirely;

5) linear part of the main pipeline – underground, subsea, surface, above-ground pipelines on which direct transportation of products is performed;

6) ability – capability physically and (or) intellectually to perform separate single operations within professional task;

7) industry frame of qualifications – the document developed on the basis of the National qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national frame of qualifications and classifying requirements to qualification of the specialist in levels depending on complexity of attended operations and nature of the used knowledge, abilities and competences of industry;

8) maintenance – the complex of actions directed to prevention of premature depreciation of equipment components or their destruction, providing reliable operation of the equipment during interrepair time;

9) the unmanned aerial vehicle – the unmanned flight vehicle onboard or remote manned aerial vehicle.

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) AVR – Emergency recovery operations;

2) ETKS – single wage rate book;

3) PS – the professional standard;

4) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;

5) the UAV – the unmanned aerial vehicle.

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

4. Name of the professional standard: Emergency recovery operations.

5. Code of the professional standard: H49500103.

6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:

H Transport and warehousing;

49 Activities of land and pipeline transport;

49.5 Activities of pipeline transport;

49.50 Activities of pipeline transport;

49.50.0 Activities of pipeline transport;

H Transport and warehousing;

49 Activities of land and pipeline transport;

49.5 Activities of pipeline transport;

49.50 Activities of pipeline transport;

49.50.0deyatelnost pipeline transport.

7. Short description of the professional standard: Ensuring operability of objects of oil and gas industry as required failures and accidents, and also process of the organization and carrying out emergency recovery operations.

8. List of cards of professions:

1) the Chief of emergency and recovery Item - the 6th ORK level;

2) the Engineer on fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea - the 6th ORK level;

3) the underwater and technical works Engineer - the 6th ORK level;

4) the Master of emergency and recovery Item - the 5th ORK level;

5) the Master of diving works - the 5th ORK level;

6) the Operator on check of trunk oil pipelines and conduits - the 3rd ORK level;

7) 3.1. The electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item - the 3rd ORK level;

8) The master in installation of bathing obstacles - the 5th ORK level;

9) the Mechanic on installation of bathing obstacles and collection of oil - the 3rd ORK level;

10) the Operator of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - the 3rd ORK level;

11) 3.2. The electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item - the 3rd ORK level;

12) 3.3. The electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item - the 3rd ORK level.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

9. Profession card "Chief of emergency and recovery Item":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Chief of emergency and recovery Item

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Engineering and engineering



Requirements to work experience:

In the professional sphere at least 3 years.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:


Main objective of activities:

Implementation of management of emergency and recovery Item

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. The organization of emergency recovery operations on the fixed site of trunk oil pipeline in case of uncontrollable leakage of the transported oil product as a result of loss of hermeticity of the pipeline

2. Technical supply of activities for fight against emergency oil spills and oil products on trunk oil pipelines

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

The organization of emergency recovery operations on the fixed site of trunk oil pipeline in case of uncontrollable leakage of the transported oil product as a result of loss of hermeticity of the pipeline

Skill 1:

The operating-technical management of preparation is emergency - recovery Item


1. Direct production economic activity of AVP, provide high-quality accomplishment of shop orders, organize the routine production planning, accounting, to constitute and to timely provide to the reporting on productive activity of AVP

2. Organize development and accomplishment of the annual plan of the schedule of the Party of Pensioners of Russia, to provide uninterrupted operation of main pipelines and their objects

3. Organize accomplishment of repair work on elimination of defects of body of pipe and repair of insulating coating on linear part of main pipelines

4. Provide schedule performance on cleaning of internal cavity

5. Implement the plan organizationally - technical actions for ensuring reliability of work of trunk oil pipelines on the fixed sites (participation and supervision of all works performed by other services and the organizations in the conservation zone, holding actions of maintenance and repair according to the schedule for the purpose of non-admission and accident prevention)

6. Exercise control of route condition by regular patrol

7. Contain all AVP technical means in permanent LOC ARM of AVR (timely repair and completing of missing devices, the equipment and the tool for accomplishment of repair work; ensuring proper technical condition, safety and accounting, availability and expenditure of emergency inventory of pipes, timely to fill up emergency inventory of pipes, it is combustible greases, spare parts, reserve of spare parts and other consumable materials on AVP)

8. Raise the professional training level of maintenance force by carrying out, educational alarms and antiemergency trainings, in the terms established by the schedule with working off of the liquidation plan possible accidents for check of readiness of personnel and the equipment to accomplishment of ABP. Programs of doctrines shall be directed to accomplishment of actions of the liquidation plan of possible accidents. The number of doctrines and their content are determined by management depending on qualification of maintenance force, complexity of the serviced site, the route, climatic conditions, etc.

9. Determine requirements of the material means, fuel and lubricants and oborudovaniye necessary for normal functioning of emergency and recovery Item, timely replenishment action of fuel and lubricants, spare parts and materials (on each section of the route of the pipeline the emergency inventory of pipes shall be created)


1. Legislative and the regulations regulating production and economic and financial and economic activities in the field of main pipelines

2. The technological scheme of pipe arrangement and constructions on trass

3. Physical and chemical properties of oil, oil products and hydrocarbon gases

4. Communication systems in the region across which there passes the pipeline

5. Specifications, regulations of maintenance and repair of trunk oil pipeline and hardware of emergency repair Item

6. Origin reasons, methods of detection, types of accidents and damages of the pipeline

7. Requirements of labor protection, industrial, flammability and ecological safety

8. Procedure for execution of documentation, creation of acts and reporting

9. Ownership of the necessary software

10. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Operational accident elimination and damages


1. Carry out actions of the liquidation plan of possible accidents on:

1) organizations of search of crash scene, determination of its nature

2) to collection, departure and delivery of personnel and the AVP technical means to production site of recovery work

3) to the organization and accomplishment of emergency recovery operations on the pipeline

2. Organize inspection of the route by patrol group (at the same time shall be equipped with individual protection equipment, signal beacons for barrier of the place of spill of the repumped oil product, the necessary tool, stock, materials and communicating device). In case of detection of traces of exit of oil product to surface:

- notify the corresponding service employees and services

- in case of direct, threat of hit of oil product to the area of thoroughfares to stop movement on the highway, the railroads and the rivers, having informed of it through the dispatcher, the relevant structures and services (to regional authorities and managements, in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety, Department on emergency situations, Transport prosecutor's office, to Authorized bodies in the field of environmental protection, PVASS, and also, as required to service of ambulance, police, etc.

3. Before arrival of person responsible for accident liquidation:

- provide removal of people from dangerous points in case of flood

- localize the damaged site closing of latches in coordination with the dispatcher

- take measures for the prevention of further spreading of oil product, excepting hit of oil product in reservoirs, settlements, to determine places of arrangement of the equipment, finding of people, arrangements of working site, reservoirs of collection of oil product and other constructions

- shutdown of the emergency site is organized

4. Start elimination of accident under the direction of person in charge (nature of accident is specified, in relation to specific conditions the decision on accident liquidation method according to which to specify necessary quantity of emergency crews, the equipment and technical means for ensuring continuous work on accident liquidation, to organize accomplishment of wiring works is made


1. The organization and elimination of accident elimination and damages on trunk oil pipelines

2. Operational and technical part of the liquidation plan of possible accidents

3. AVR production organization:

3.1. technology of accident elimination and damages

3.2. preparatory activities of AVR

3.3. localization and collection of the poured repumped oil product

3.4. gradings

3.5. sealing of internal cavity of the pipeline

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Completion of works on accident liquidation


1. Report after completion of wiring works on liquidation of accident and acquaintance with results of control of welded connections if they are positive, the telephone message to the dispatcher, further - to management about the end of wiring works and readiness of the pipeline for transfer renewal. In case of detection of thinness of seams, cracks, smudges to take measures for their elimination by one of the methods recommended for this case

2. Appoint linear latches, responsible for opening, according to the order of the dispatcher their opening is allowed

3. Inspect the repaired site, welds and other technological connections on hermeticity after launch of the pipeline and achievement in it working pressure, it is reported on site condition on the dispatcher and further to management


1. Welding wiring works

2. Control of welding connections and elimination of defects

3. Pipeline insulation

4. Mitigation of consequences of accidents

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Technical supply of activities for fight against emergency oil spills and oil products on trunk oil pipelines

Skill 1:

Development of technical documentation on fight against emergency oil spills and oil products


1. Take part in development of the specifications and technical documentation on problem of liquidation of emergency oil spills and oil products on trunk oil pipelines

2. Take part in plan development and organizational actions for ensuring permanent readiness of employees of divisions and technical means to performance of works on liquidation of emergency oil spills and oil products on trunk oil pipelines

3. Take part in development of actions and the recommendation about carrying out transactions about liquidation of oil spills

4. Take part in development of production plans and offers on perspective development of technical equipment of AVP

5. Develop programs and the schedule of annual obucheniye, educational alarms and antiemergency trainings according to the liquidation plan of possible accidents

6. Messages necessary technical documentation of activities of emergency and recovery Item


1. The specifications and technical documentation on problem of liquidation of emergency oil spills and oil products on trunk oil pipelines

2. Regulations on relations of departments which communications take place in one technical corridor, safety control of objects, environment protection

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Organization of training of workers


1. Constitute the plan and training programs of workers to actions in the emergency situations connected with emergency oil spills and oil products on trunk oil pipelines

2. Provide carrying out training in case of which the personnel of division shall know:

- specifics and arrangement of the objects assigned to it, their arrangement of rather next pipelines, constructions, power lines, bonds, etc.

- rules of conducting works in the conservation zone of the pipelines, cables, airlines and other constructions and communications located in zone of passing of the serviced pipeline

- rules, regulations, standards and other regulating documents on safety issues and labor protections, industrial, flammability control, hygiene and industrial hygiene and the environment, traffic safety, etc. when using the special equipment and chemical means

3. Organization and timely briefings and annual training of workers of emergency and recovery Item in protection, industrial safety, flammability control

4. Develop and to timely review instructions for labor protection, on safe operation and provide with them workers of emergency and recovery Item


1. Legislative and other regulatory legal acts, methodical, etc. materials on production economic activity of the site

2. Requirements to development of training programs

3. Procedure for employee assessment

4. The technical means used in case of accident elimination and floods on trunk oil pipelines

5. Technique of scheduling and the training program of workers to actions in the emergency situations connected with emergency oil spills and oil products

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

Timely (operational) adoption and implementation of decisions

Ensuring accomplishment of tasks

Analysis and forecasting

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Operating engineer of main pipelines

10. Profession card "The engineer on fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

The engineer on fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Engineering and engineering



Requirements to work experience:

In the professional sphere at least 1 year.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:

2149-3-002 - Wreckings engineer

2149-3-006 - Sea salvage operations engineer

2149-3-009 - Underwater and technical works engineer

Main objective of activities:

Work on fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Implementation of organizational and technical actions for fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea

2. Technical supply of activities for fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Implementation of organizational and technical actions for fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea

Skill 1:

Operating-technical management of preparation of rescue crews


1. Determine structure and equipment of divisions for performance of works by liquidation of emergency oil spills

2. Instruct for rescue crews before exit to the place of accidents

3. Determine measures for protection of life and health of workers in case of oil spill and oil products


1. Engineering procedure of transportation and storage, exploration and production, conversion and storage of oil products

2. The ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About subsoil and subsurface use", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the main pipeline"

3. Resolutions, orders, orders, methodical, regulating documents concerning protection of the marine environment from pollution by oil and oil products

4. Technical characteristics of special systems and the equipment, the devices used in case of performance of works on liquidation of oil spills

5. Provisions of the International convention on pollution prevention from courts (MARPOL), the resolution of International Maritime Organization (IMO) on pollution prevention of the marine environment, etc.

6. Bases of the economy, labor organizations and managements

7. Bases of the labor law

8. Requirements to licensed activity

9. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Accident elimination by oil spills and oil products in the sea


1. Determine flood liquidation methods

2. Evaluate opportunities, interactions of forces and means

3. Organize management, communication and the notification

4. Determine and calculate terms of carrying out transaction on accident elimination and oil spill and oil products

5. Evaluate the scale of level of flood and risk of distribution of floods


1. Technology of accident elimination for oil spill and oil products

2. Methods of the organization of works on protection of the water environment

3. Rules and regulations of labor protection in case of performance of works on liquidation of emergency oil spills

4. The actions plan on localization and mitigation of consequences of accidents and incidents

5. Geographical, navigation and hydrographic, hydrometeorological and other features of the area of oil spill and oil products which are considered under the organization and carrying out transaction for its liquidation

6. Physical and chemical properties of oil and oil products, means of the used dispersants and sorbents

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Completion of works on liquidation of oil spills


1. Determine the final level of utilization of floods and criterion of completion of transactions by liquidation of oil spills and oil products

2. Constitute the report on the carried-out measures and transactions for liquidation of oil spills

3. Constitute reports on all expenses made in case of reaction transactions

4. Constitute reports on the used reaction materials (for example, fuel type, its quantity, use purpose)

5. Carry out assessment of ecological and economic damage from oil spill

6. Generalize experience of work on liquidation of emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea


1. Forms and procedure for submission of the reporting

2. Specialized software products on work profile

3. Methods of calculation of ecological and economic damage

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Technical supply of activities for fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea

Skill 1:

Development of technical documentation on fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea


1. Develop the specifications and technical documentation on problem of liquidation of oil spills and oil products in the sea

2. Develop plans and organizational actions for ensuring permanent readiness of employees of divisions and technical means to performance of works on liquidation of emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea

3. Develop actions and recommendations about carrying out transactions about liquidation of oil spills

4. Develop production plans and offers on perspective development of technical equipment of divisions

5. Develop the declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

6. Develop the schedule of annual doctrines and trainings


1. The normative and technical, organizational and administrative documents and methodical materials concerning productive activity of the company and professional activity

2. Requirements to development of the specifications and technical documentation

3. The charter about discipline of workers of sea transport

4. Operational regulations of ocean ships

5. Systems of environmental standards and standard rates

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Holding the technical actions directed to prevention of possible oil spills and oil products and (or) decrease in scales of danger of their effects


1. Reveal defects of production equipment

2. Predict possible effects of oil pollution for the environment

3. Plan extraordinary actions

4. Stage drills and trainings for the purpose of prevention of possible oil spills and oil products

5. Reveal potentially danger areas

6. Perform environmental assessment of feasibility statements, projects of expansion and reconstruction of the operating productions, and also the created new technologies and the equipment, development of actions for implementation of the new equipment


1. The national plan of ensuring readiness and actions to liquidation of oil spills at the sea, internal reservoirs and in safety zone of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. Service regulations of production equipment, applied in case of accident elimination on oil spill

3. Best domestic and foreign practices in area of liquidation of emergency oil spills

4. Procedure for mobilization and expansion of production equipment, applied in case of accident elimination on oil spill

5. Requirements to conducting environmental assessment

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Organization of training of workers


1. Constitute the plan and training programs of workers to methods of protection and actions in the emergency situations connected with oil spills and oil products

2. Provide briefing for all personnel occupied in oil spill liquidation

3. Organize actions for training in safe engineering when using the special equipment or chemical means

4. Use means of individual and collective protection


1. The training program of workers to methods of protection and actions in the emergency situations connected with oil spills and oil products

2. Requirements to development of training programs

3. Procedure for employee assessment

4. The technical means used in case of accident elimination and floods

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


Resistance to stress

Analytical thinking


Professional approach to the problem resolution

Managerials ability

Ability to work independently


Understanding of value of new information for the current and future problem resolution and decision making

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Chief of emergency and recovery Item

11. Profession card "The underwater and technical works engineer":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Underwater and technical works engineer

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Engineering and engineering



Requirements to work experience:

In the professional sphere at least 1 year

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:


Main objective of activities:

Organization and carrying out underwater and technical works

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. The organization and carrying out underwater and technical works on the fixed site of the main pipeline

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

The organization and carrying out underwater and technical works on the fixed site of the main pipeline

Skill 1:

Operating-technical management of preparation of underwater and technical works


1. Implement the plan of organizational and technical actions for ensuring reliability of operation of main pipelines on the fixed sites (coordination and supervision of all works performed by other services and the organizations in the conservation zone, holding actions of maintenance and repair according to the schedule for the purpose of non-admission and accident prevention)

2. Organize and conduct timely and high-quality examination of underwater transitions of pipelines, conduits and water intaking constructions, the prevention of accidents (refusals)

3. Provide content in permanent LOC ARM to underwater and technical works all technical means of the site

4. Provide timely briefings and examination by personnel of operational regulations of pipelines, rules of industrial safety, rules on labor protection

5. Provide observance of regulations and safety regulations in case of operation and repair of pipelines, service regulations of watercrafts, the diving equipment, work safety regulations at diving works

6. Organize planning, accounting and creation of the reporting on productive activity of the site; creation of the request for materials, spare parts, necessary for productive activity of the site and repair work, tool, etc.

7. Provide accomplishment by the site of plan targets, effective use of production capacities, economical expenditure of materials


1. Engineering procedure of oil transportation and gas

2. The ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About subsoil and subsurface use", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the main pipeline"

Resolutions, orders, orders, methodical, regulating documents, technical standards concerning protection of the marine environment from pollution by oil and oil products, sea geophysical, geotechnical and seismological works, sea researches and underwater and technical works

3. Technical characteristics of special systems and the equipment, the devices used in case of performance of works on liquidation of oil spills

4. Provisions of the International convention on pollution prevention from courts (MARPOL), the resolution of International Maritime Organization (IMO) on pollution prevention of the marine environment, etc.

5. Bases of the economy, labor organizations and managements

6. Bases of the labor law

7. Requirements to licensed activity

8. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Carrying out underwater and technical works and the organization of operational localization and mitigation of consequences of possible refusals (accidents) on underwater transitions of the pipeline


1. Carrying out underwater and technical works and the organization of operational localization and mitigation of consequences of possible refusals (accidents) on underwater transitions of the pipeline

2. Control schedule performance, technical standard rates, terms of carrying out underwater and technical works

3. Control behind the organization of preparation and production of hot work

4. Organize work on installation of bathing obstacles, localization and collection of oil products in case of possible failures (accidents) of pipelines or when holding antiemergency trainings

5. Control behind safe operation of objects of the diving equipment and pressure chamber

6. Provide technically the correct operation of the fleet, the diving equipment, mechanisms and other fixed assets

7. Control the organization and respect for technology of works on objects of underwater and technical works


1. Technology of accident elimination for oil spill and oil products

2. Methods of the organization of works on protection of the water environment

3. Rules and regulations of labor protection in case of performance of works on liquidation of emergency oil spills

4. The actions plan on localization and mitigation of consequences of accidents and incidents

5. Geographical, navigation and hydrographic, hydrometeorological and other features of the area of oil spill and oil products which are considered under the organization and carrying out transaction for its liquidation

6. Physical and chemical properties of oil and oil products, means of the used dispersants and sorbents

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Development of technical documentation on carrying out underwater and technical works


1. Participate in preparation of specifications for development of technology and methods of carrying out underwater and technical works

2. Carry out tasks on management of questions of labor protection, health and the environment, safe engineering, provides observance of the vital safety regulations, plans for ensuring technical integrity and production safety

3. Interact with leading experts of other structural divisions concerning approval of underwater and technical works and to the integrated campaign to projects implementation on repair and modification of the underwater equipment

4. Perform expert evaluation of project documents of contractors, internal technical standards, and also procedures of the sea researches and underwater and technical works relating to all types

5. Develop and implement technical standards and procedures in field of application of remotely piloted unmanned bottom and surface vehicles

6. Provide implementation of strategy of accomplishment of sea researches and underwater and technical works, and also contractual conditions with contractors for ensuring cost reduction

7. Constitute reporting and technical documentation on productive activity on the site


1. The normative and technical, organizational and administrative documents and methodical materials concerning productive activity of the company and professional activity

2. Requirements to development of the specifications and technical documentation

3. The charter about discipline of workers of sea transport

4. Operational regulations of ocean ships, systems of environmental standards and standard rates

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:



Independence and responsibility

Resistance to stress

Ability to quickly make decisions


List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Chief of emergency and recovery Item

12. Profession card "Master of emergency and recovery Item":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Master of emergency and recovery Item

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

postsecondary education (applied bachelor degree)


Maintenance, repair and operation of the electromechanical equipment (by types and industries)



Education level:

TIPO (specialist of average link)


Maintenance, repair and operation of the electromechanical equipment (by types and industries)



Requirements to work experience:

In the professional sphere at least 1 year.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:

1323-0-016 - Job foremaster (repair construction works)

Main objective of activities:

Ensuring maintenance of objects of oil and gas industry (linear part of the bulk, infield and field pipelines, pipelines of wells, process pipelines of compressor and booster stations, intershop pipelines, process pipelines of installations of pumping stations, metering stations, pipelines of gas distribution networks of high, average and low pressure, etc.).

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Carrying out preparatory work on repair of pipelines

2. The organization and maintenance scheduled preventive, emergency recovery operations, works on localization and accident elimination on pipelines

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Carrying out preparatory work on repair of pipelines

Skill 1:

Preparation for accident elimination on pipelines


1. Determine places of accidents and detention of product

2. Provide rational arrangement and loading of subordinate personnel taking into account qualification, amounts and complexity of works

3. Draw up documentation on acceptance of emergency pipeline section in repair

4. Equip trail access roads, moving via the pipeline, technological and service drives

5. Determine requirement and installation sites of protective and protective devices, safety signs

6. Estimate technical condition of electric generating plants, the equipment for production of insert under pressure, compressors, lifting constructions, load gripping devices, slings, the equipment working under excessive pressure, the industrial equipment, the equipment intended for work using technology of insert under pressure

7. Contain storage areas of material means (the equipment, pipes, pipeline fittings, fuel and lubricants, welding materials, tools, the equipment, devices, gage and control, individual protection equipment) according to requirements of regulating documents

8. Perform maintenance of the emergency equipment

9. Provide operational availability of the emergency equipment

10. Determine relevance of passports and certificates of the applied materials


1. Requirements to the applied materials according to technology of repair

2. Frequency and types of servicing and repair of the equipment, mechanisms, emergency equipment

3. Regulating and technical documents on carrying out repair work

4. Consumption rates of material means

5. Regulating documents on clerical work

6. Bases of the labor law

7. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Survey of pipelines


1. Patrol and conduct examination of pipelines

2. Reveal defects of pipes

3. Determine defect of production equipment

4. Read technological schemes, drawings, maps and technical documentation of general and special purpose

5. Determine need of arrangement of trail access roads, moving via the pipeline, technological and service drives in case of the planned quantitative and high-quality structure of machines, mechanisms, lifting constructions, the road-building and special equipment

6. Use different types of communicating device


1. Methods of receipt of input data for project development of production of repair work

2. Methods of diagnostics of objects of oil and gas industry

3. Results of diagnostic inspection of objects of repair

4. Arrangement of the repaired and adjacent pipelines, their crossing with all underground and elevated communications

5. The project, executive and operating documentation on the repaired site

6. The types of defects of objects of repair revealed in case of different methods of diagnostics

7. Scheduled plans of carrying out repair work

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

The organization and maintenance scheduled preventive, emergency recovery operations, works on localization and accident elimination on pipelines

Skill 1:

Organization and maintenance of emergency recovery operations


1. Perform accident elimination by reliable recovery of hermeticity of the pipeline, ensuring project level of durability and bearing capacity of the repaired pipeline section

2. Carry out repair work with preserving the project sizes of internal cavity of the pipeline for the purpose of provision of the omission of clearing and diagnostic means

3. Carry out complex of actions for maintenance and repair of pipelines

4. Prepare workplaces for carrying out emergency recovery operations, including gas-cutting and welding and mounting

5. Determine the number and the qualification list of the employees of division necessary for carrying out emergency recovery operations

6. Determine quantity and structure of mechanisms, lifting constructions, the special equipment for carrying out emergency recovery operations

7. Determine technical condition of the welding and gas-cutting equipment, equipment and tool

8. Ensure safety and accounting, availability and expenditure of emergency inventory of pipes

9. Draw up work permits and other special permissions to work


1. Technology of welding and flammable operations on pipelines

2. Technology of wiring and dismantling works on pipelines

3. Procedure and features of receipt of special permissions to work

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Accounting and creation of the reporting under emergency recovery operations on objects of oil and gas industry


1. Collect operational data about current status (stages) of the performed emergency recovery operations

2. Consider amounts of the performed emergency recovery operations by objects

3. Record operation of the equipment, machines, mechanisms, lifting constructions, the road-building equipment


1. Rules of maintaining accounting and reporting documentation, creation of the reporting

2. Project of production of emergency recovery operations

3. Procedure for time keeping of use of on-duty time

4. Liquidation plans of accidents

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

Technical literacy accuracy

Sense of duty

It is effective to work as team member

Accuracy in accomplishment of tasks, independence

Ability to quickly make the decision

Responsibility for the work and for work of team

Capability independently to develop professional qualifications and abilities

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Operating engineer of main pipelines

13. Profession card "Master of diving works":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Master of diving works

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

postsecondary education (applied bachelor degree)


Maintenance, repair and operation of the electromechanical equipment (by types and industries)



Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Maintenance, repair and operation of the electromechanical equipment (by types and industries)



Requirements to work experience:

In the professional sphere at least 1 year.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:


Main objective of activities:

Management of accomplishment of all types of diving works in all types of diving equipment at depths up to 60 meters, in emergency cases to 80 meters, training descents in pressure chamber at depths up to 100 meters in different conditions.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Management of activities of the diving station when carrying out diving descent at all stages of diving descent

2. Accomplishment of diving works with use of the underwater mechanized tool with different types of drives

3. Accomplishment of diving works with use of welding and cutting

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Management of activities of the diving station when carrying out diving descent at all stages of diving descent

Skill 1:

Evaluating risks before diving descent and at all its stages


1. Control conducting working check of diving equipment going down and insuring divers and means of ensuring of diving descents

2. Establish degree of readiness of the insuring diver for descent

3. Direct carrying out decompression during raising of the diver

4. Establish residence time of the diver under water and provide its observance

5. Carry out calculation of inventory of air for ensuring diving descent and the mode of decompression (medical recompression)

6. Carry out calculation of the mode of decompression

7. Determine suitability of artificial respiratory mixes for conditions of diving descent

8. Use the devices used to the analysis of hydroairflow conditions and state of the environment

9. Organize carrying out hydrological and hydrometeorological monitoring on site of carrying out diving descent

10. Determine possible risks when carrying out diving descent and establish security measures for their compensation


1. Technique of evaluating risks and action for decrease in risks

2. Rules of execution of documentation on results of risks assessment before diving descent

3. Procedure for maintaining documentation of the diving station at all stages of diving descent

4. The list of dangers when carrying out diving works and descents and measures for their decrease

5. Procedure for instructing of the diver at all stages of diving descent

6. The basic technical characteristics of diving equipment and means of ensuring of the diving descents used in case of accomplishment of diving works on object

7. Requirements of labor protection when carrying out diving works

8. Obligations of all participants of diving descent

9. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Management of actions of personnel in case of emergency at all stages of diving descent


1. Organize actions for carrying out medical recompression in case of origin at the diver of occupational disease

2. Make decisions in case of violation of normal work of diving equipment and utilities during diving descent


1. Requirements of labor protection when carrying out diving works

2. Rules of use of decompression tables and medical recompression

3. Operations procedure in case of emergency or emergency situations when carrying out diving descents

4. Procedure and methods of first-aid treatment to the emergency diver

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Preparatory diving work


1. Carry out inspection and search of underwater and air transitions of the pipeline according to the schedule of inspection, water areas, rifts, pipeline constructions laid in underwater trenches of pipelines and cables with use of technical means

2. Perform inspection of stone slopes of channels, locks, dikes and dams, basic parts of quay walls, piers and other constructions for mooring of courts, floating marks, situations of way and aids to navigation

3. Constitute tablets of depths with determination of the characteristic of soil; measurement of deflections of the pipelines laid in trench; marking of the locations of tunnels, ditches and beds

4. Carry out search of pipelines and cables by means of trassoiskatel, determination of depths of pipelines by means of trassoiskatel or method of removal of diameters

5. Use the equipment used in case of accomplishment of diving works on search and detection of objects

6. Draw up results of inspection


1. Schemes and device of constructions of trunk oil pipeline

2. General rules of reading drawings

3. Assignment, the device and service regulations of the equipment used in case of accomplishment of diving works on inspection and search

4. Assignment, the device and service regulations of the test instruments and tools used during the work under water

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Accomplishment of diving works with use of the underwater mechanized tool with different types of drives

Skill 1:

Mounting and dismantle of designs under water using the underwater mechanized tool


1. Carry out strapping, rastropovka of objects under water

2. Perform works on repair of underwater part of pipeline constructions

3. Carry out installation and breakdown under water of all types of timbering, installation of fittings on holes, statement of couplers and delays

4. Carry out removal and production of planimetric and volume templates of damages of underwater portion of pipings and constructions

5. Carry out fixture of ship-raising slings, towel and other hoisting gears, alignment and naytovka of lifting pontoons

6. Carry out repair and cleaning of underwater devices of courts of foreign objects and others similar on nature and complexity of works

7. Correct rudder gear, correct blade of propellers

8. Carry out cleaning of the conservation zone of underwater and air transitions of pipelines of vegetation


1. The sign alarm system used when using lifting equipment

2. Safety requirements in case of lifting and moving loads

3. Rules of strapping when using of the mechanized lifting tool

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Accomplishment under water of mechanical, carpenter's and diving arts of knotting and splicing of works using the underwater mechanized tool


1. Carry out under water simple mounting, metalwork, carpentry and arts of knotting and splicing

2. Carries out installation of loads on subsea pipelines, mounting and dismantle of couplings, semi-couplings and trash racks


1. Assignment, the device and service regulations of the mechanized tool used by divers underwater

2. Technology, the organization and safety regulations in case of production of diving works on cleaning and grinding of surfaces using the underwater mechanized tool

3. Requirements of process charts in case of works on mounting and dismantle of designs under water;

4. Methods and production methods of wiring works under water

5. Acceptances of production of mechanical and carpenter's works under water using the underwater mechanized tool

6. Types, assignment and service regulations of the mechanized tool used in case of accomplishment of diving arts of knotting and splicing

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Accomplishment of diving works on development of soil under water


1. Perform the works connected with dumping of soil, rough alignment of underwater stone-crushed-stone and sandy beds under the bases of pipeline constructions or underwater objects

2. Carry out stacking of concrete mix under water in sacks, tubs or boxes (kibbles), siphons, subsea pipelines and cables


1. Security measures in case of accomplishment of diving works on development of soil under water

2. Assignment, the device and service regulations of the equipment used in case of production of diving works on soil development

3. Technology of development of trenches for laying of siphons and underwater cable transitions

4. Technology of arrangement of stone beds under water

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 3:

Accomplishment of diving works with use of welding and cutting

Skill 1:

Work on sealing of objects under water with use of welding and cutting


1. Read the assembly drawings and working schemes determining working procedures

2. Operate and service ground aids and underwater aggregates of the equipment used in case of accomplishment of welding and cutting under water

3. Perform welding operations under water by different methods in all attitudes

4. Perform mounting of caissons, welding mines on the damaged pipeline sections


1. Requirements of process charts in case of works on sealing of objects under water with use of welding and cutting

2. Requirements of process charts in case of works on mounting and dismantle of designs under water

3. Assignment, the device and service regulations of the equipment used in case of production of diving works with use of welding and cutting

4. The weld procedures applied in case of construction and repair of pipelines

5. Requirements of process charts in case of works on sealing of objects under water with use of welding and cutting

6. Requirements of the normative legal and local regulations regulating procedure for production of diving works with use of welding and cutting in case of construction and repair of pipelines

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Production of diving works with use of welding and cutting in case of construction and repair of pipelines


1. Operate and service ground aids and underwater aggregates of the equipment used in case of accomplishment of welding and cutting under water

2. Perform welding operations under water by different methods in all attitudes

3. Perform mounting of caissons, welding mines on the damaged pipeline sections

4. Perform the weld procedures applied in case of construction and repair of pipelines

5. Perform requirements of the normative legal and local regulations regulating procedure for production of diving works with use of welding and cutting in case of construction and repair of pipelines

6. Carry out all complex rescue and other diving works on the pipeline


1. Requirements of labor protection in case of accomplishment of underwater works using welding and cutting

2. Requirements of process charts in case of works on mounting and dismantle of designs under water

3. Assignment, the device and service regulations of the equipment used in case of production of diving works with use of welding and cutting

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


Resistance to stress

Good visual memory

Ability to concentrate on objective

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Underwater and technical works engineer

14. Profession card "Operator on check of trunk oil pipelines and conduits":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

The operator on check of trunk oil pipelines and conduits

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Operation of air vehicles and flight information support



Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

It is not required

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:

8187-4-002 - The operator on check of main pipelines

Main objective of activities:

Aircraft observation of helicopters, airplanes behind condition of the route and objects of pipeline transport for the purpose of detection of emergency accesses of oil, oil products and gases, violations of operational mode of the conservation zone of pipelines, damages of communications, etc.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Air patrol of the route of main pipelines

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Air patrol of the route of main pipelines

Skill 1:

Inspection of main pipelines


1. Carry out aircraft observation of helicopters, airplanes behind condition of the route and objects of pipeline transport

2. Reveal escape of oil and gas by means of aero visual observation

3. Perform situational sketches of sections of the route

4. Use means of the notification

5. Draw up executive and reporting documentation


1. The technological scheme of pipe arrangement and constructions on trass

2. Physical and chemical properties of oil, oil products and hydrocarbon gases

3. Communication systems in the region across which there passes the pipeline

4. Specifications of air vehicles on which flights are carried out

5. Procedure for execution of documentation, change acceptance delivery

6. Visual signs of escape of oils and gas

7. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Preparation and adjustment on operational mode of the equipment necessary for conducting observations of the route


1. Use gage devices and observations

2. Register equipment parameters

3. Determine operability of the equipment of registration


1. Methods of determination and fault recovery of the equipment of observation

2. Service regulations of the equipment of observation of the route

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

The organization and maintenance of emergency works, works on localization of accidents on trass of pipelines


1. Determine zones of distribution of fire and explosive mix

2. Perform actions for the prevention of emergency situations

3. Take the measures providing localization of emergency situations

4. Develop delivery plans of emergency crews, the equipment and mechanisms

5. Provide first aid by the victim, the organization of their delivery in the nearest medical aid stations


1. Scheme of the emergency notification

2. Rules of transportation of people and loads

3. First aid rules victim

4. Regulations the notification about detection of emergency accesses of oil, oil products and gases, violations of the mode of the conservation zone of pipelines, communication damages

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


Resistance to stress

Good acoustical perception

Visual memory

Ability to concentrate on objective

Sense of duty

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Master of emergency and recovery Item

15. Profession card "3.1. Electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

3.1. Electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers Release 2 "Welding operations; boiler, holodnoshtampovochny, drawing and pressing works; foundry works; forge and press and thermal works; works on engineering work of metals and other materials; works on metal coating and coloring; mechanical and metalwork and assembly works; works on enameling" (No. 30) is approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 12, 2024

item 48 Electric and gas welder

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Welding case (by types)



Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

It is not required.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Certification certificate. Certificate on inservice training

Other possible names of profession:


Main objective of activities:

Carrying out electro-gas welding works. Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs (the equipment, products, nodes, pipelines, details) from the different materials (staly, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys) intended for work under pressure, under static, dynamic and vibration loads.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs

2. Control using measuring tool of the welded difficult and responsible designs on compliance of the geometrical sizes to requirements design and the production fabrication documentation on welding

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs

Skill 1:

Preparation of welding wiring works


1. Determine diameter, thickness of wall and material of the damaged pipeline section. For replacement of the site the pipe, from emergency inventory shall be prepared

2. Prepare depending on weather conditions of the place of welding wiring works

3. Prepare materials and means of welding wiring works. Use the manual and mechanized tool for preparation of configuration items (products, nodes, details) under welding, cleaning of welds and removal of surface defects after welding

4. Select the welding mode for devices, brand and type of electrodes


1. The main types, structural elements and the sizes of the welded connections executed by electroflame welding, difficult and responsible designs

2. Primary groups and brands of materials of the difficult and responsible designs welded by electroflame welding

3. Welding materials for electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs in all attitudes of weld

4. Methods of elimination of defects of welds

5. Monitoring and test methods of difficult and responsible designs

6. Liquidation plan of possible accidents

7. Device of the different electrowelding and gas-cutting equipment, automatic machines and semiautomatic devices

8. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Accomplishment of welding wiring works


2nd discharge:

1. Carry out manual oxygen cutting and cutting by petrolcutting and kerosinorezatelny devices of steel lightweight and heavy scrap

2. Carry out manual arc, plasma-arc, flame, automatic and semiautomatic welding of simple details, nodes and designs from carbon steels

3. Make oxygen and plasma rectilinear and curvilinear cutting in the lower and vertical position of weld metal, and also simple and average complexity of details from carbon steels on marking manually, by figurative stationary and plazmorezatelny machines

4. Carry out tack of details, products, designs in all attitudes

5. Prepare products, nodes and connections under welding

6. Smooth out seams after welding and cutting

7. Provide protection of the reverse side of weld in the course of welding in protective gases

8. Build up simple details

9. Eliminate sinks and cracks in simple details, nodes, castings

10. Warm up designs and details when editing

11. Read simple drawings

12. Prepare gas cylinders for work

13. Service figurative gas generators


2nd discharge:

1. The device and operation principle of the serviced electric welders and devices for arc welding of alternate and direct current, the gas-welding and gas-cutting equipment, gas generators, electroautomatic welding machines and semiautomatic devices, oxygen and acetylene cylinders, the reducing devices and welding torches

2. Procedure for use of the applied torches, reducers, cylinders

3 Methods and main acceptances of tack

4. Forms of cutting of seam under welding

5. Procedure for ensuring protection when welding in protective gas

6. Types of welded connections and types of seams

7. Procedure for edge preparation of products for welding

8. Types of cutting and designation of welds on drawings

9. The main properties of the electrodes applied when welding, welding metal and alloys, gases and liquids

10. The allowed residual pressure of gas in cylinders

11. Assignment and brands of the gumboils applied when welding

12. Characteristic of gas flame

13. Requirements to scrap dimensions

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Control using measuring tool of the welded difficult and responsible designs on compliance of the geometrical sizes to requirements design and the production fabrication documentation on welding

Skill 1:

Defectoscopy of the welded seams


1. Control welding joints by all methods, including by radiographic method

2. Perform methods of special testing of the welded products and purpose of each of them


1. Methods of control of joints, including radiographic method

2. Types of defects in welds and methods of their prevention and elimination

3. Requirements design and the production fabrication documentation on welding

4. Weld structure

5. Assignments and conditions of use of test instruments

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Troubleshooting of details


1. Establish origins of internal stresses and deformations in welded products

2. Correct defects electroflame welding


1. Origins of internal stresses and deformations in welded products and measures of their prevention

2. Methods of correction of defects of welded products

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


Resistance to stress

Ability to concentrate on objective

Sense of duty

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Master of emergency and recovery Item

16. Profession card "Master in installation of bathing obstacles ":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Master in installation of bathing obstacles

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

postsecondary education (applied bachelor degree)


Maintenance, repair and operation of the electromechanical equipment (by types and industries)



Education level:

TIPO (specialist of average link)


Maintenance, repair and operation of the electromechanical equipment (by types and industries)



Requirements to work experience:

In the professional sphere at least 1 year.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:


Main objective of activities:

The organization of work on the site on localization of oil on surface of water objects

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Ensuring installation of bathing obstacles for localization of oil on surface of water objects

2. Organization of works on oil collection

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Ensuring installation of bathing obstacles for localization of oil on surface of water objects

Skill 1:

Execution of documentation


1. Evaluate need and structure of special permissions to carrying out localization and liquidation of oil spills on the site

2. Messages operational documentation, forms (passports) of the fixed equipment, and also other necessary documentation


1. The ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About subsoil and subsurface use", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the main pipeline"

2. The normative and technical, organizational and administrative documents and methodical materials concerning productive activity of the company and professional activity

3. Procedure for development of shop orders

4. Procedure for document creation on work

5. Regulations of issue of special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment

6. Structure of necessary documents and procedure for receipt of the admission to work types

7. Plans of the prevention, localization and accident elimination, incidents and their effects on industrial facility

8. Accounting treatment for on-duty time

9. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Preparation of bathing obstacles


1. Determine technical condition of checks

2. Provide readiness of checks for application

3. Take self-inflatable models of checks properly, in order to avoid abrasion

4. Understand and give the command to vessels (watercrafts) of maintenance

5. Unroll bonds on the site of flood

6. Tow long bonds

7. Puts anchor on bonds

8. Read reports of meteorological service

9. Evaluate forces which will probably affect bonds

10. Use watercrafts


1. Schemes of arrangement of harbor booms

2. Types and methods of use of the petroassembly equipment

3. Features of work on floating crafts

4. Gidrometerologiya bases

5. Methods of collection of oil from surface of the water

6. Types of checks and methods of use

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Organization of works on oil collection

Skill 1:

Control of the oil-gathering and pumping-out equipment


1. Perform management and direct participation in work on installation of bathing obstacles, localization and collection of oil products in case of mitigation of consequences of possible accidents on underwater transitions of oil pipelines and works when carrying out repair of the equipment, devices and devices

2. Check working capacity to carry out maintenance and running repair used in case of accidents and incidents of the equipment and devices, including bars, ropes, portable pumps

3. Determine leakages of products by external signs

4. Estimate technical condition of protective and auxiliary devices and their elements

5. Use front lines of technologies for collection of spilled oil


1. Types of defects applied to collection and pumping of product of production equipment

2. Types and origins of emergency situations, methods of their prevention and elimination

3. Service regulations of the oil-gathering and pumping-out equipment

4. The main acceptances and methods of collection of oil from surface of water objects

5. Properties of the modern sorbents and other materials intended for oil collection

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Organization of work of personnel


1. Carry out unplanned and target instructing in labor protection, industrial and flammability control for personnel

2. Apply means of individual and collective protection, emergency firefighting equipment

3. Apply communicating device

4. Place personnel on workplaces and distribute tasks


1. Rules, operating manuals of tools, devices

2. Bases of the economy, production organizations, work and management

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


Independence and responsibility

Ability to quickly make decisions


Technical literacy

sense of duty

it is effective to work as team member

accuracy in accomplishment of tasks

capability independently to develop professional qualifications and abilities; resistance to stress

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


The engineer on fight against emergency oil spills and oil products in the sea


Underwater and technical works engineer

17. Profession card "Mechanic on installation of bathing obstacles and collection of oil":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Mechanic on installation of bathing obstacles and collection of oil

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Operation and technical maintenance of machines and the equipment (on industries)



Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

It is not required.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required.

Other possible names of profession:

7126-9-015 - Mechanic of emergency recovery operations

Main objective of activities:

Localization of oil on surface of water objects

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Installation of bathing obstacles for localization of oil on surface of water objects

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Installation of bathing obstacles for localization of oil on surface of water objects

Skill 1:

Accomplishment of wiring and dismantling works of bonds


1. Apply schemes of arrangement of bathing obstacles by rules of mounting and dismantle of checks

2. Apply means of individual and collective protection, emergency firefighting equipment

3. Apply communicating device in case of accomplishment of mounting and dismantle of bathing obstacles

4. Use watercrafts in case of accomplishment of mounting and dismantle of bathing obstacles

5. Measure thickness of ice cover

6. Read the report of meteorological service


1. Rules, operating manuals of tools, devices for mounting and dismantle of checks

2. Schemes of arrangement of bathing obstacles

3. Features of work on floating crafts

4. Methods of collection of oil from surface of the water

5. Types of checks and methods of their use

6. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Localization of oil on surface of water objects


1. Determine zones of distribution of the fires and explosive oil, oil products

2. Determine leakage of products by external signs

3. Perform emergency works on site of oil spill and oil products

4. Select tests of product for carrying out chemical analyses

5. Check working capacity used in case of accidents and incidents of the equipment and devices, including bars, ropes, portable pumps

6. Estimate technical condition of protective and auxiliary devices and their elements


1. Physical and chemical properties of products of flood

2. Plans of the prevention, localization and accident elimination, incidents and their effects on industrial facility

3. First aid rules victim

4. Regulations of the notification about the course of attended operations

5. The main acceptances and methods of collection of oil from surface of water objects

6. Types of defects applied to collection and pumping of product of production equipment

7. Service regulations of the oil-gathering and pumping-out equipment

8. Types and methods of use of the petroassembly equipment and stock

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


sense of duty


List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Master in installation of harbor booms

18. Profession card "Operator of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Operator of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Remotely piloted aviation system



Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

It is not required

Communication with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:


Main objective of activities:

Control of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Managements of the UAV for air patrol of the route of main pipelines

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Managements of the UAV for air patrol of the route of main pipelines

Skill 1:

Inspection of main pipelines in radius of action of the UAV according to technical characteristics of the device


1. Perform collection, preprocessing and transfer for data analysis, received in case of flights

2. Carry out remote observation of condition of the route and objects of pipeline transport

3. Reveal escape of oil and gas by means of aero visual observation and to notify timely responsible for AVR

4. Perform situational sketches of sections of the route

5. Draw up executive and reporting documentation


1. The technological scheme of pipe arrangement and constructions on trass

2. Physical and chemical properties of oil, oil products and hydrocarbon gases

3. Communication systems in the region across which there passes the pipeline

4. Specifications of the used UAVs

5. Procedure for execution of documentation, change acceptance delivery

6. Visual signs of escape of oils and gas

7. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Preparation and adjustment of the UAV, necessary for conducting observations of the route


1. Develop schedules of flights proceeding from production requirements

2. Develop routes of flights and their transfer in program code for the UAV

3. Control the course of flights

4. Control defects, failures and refusals in the course of flights

5. Coordination of work of service technicians of the UAV


1. Methods of determination and fault recovery of the UAV

2. Service regulations of the UAV

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Maintenance of emergency works, works on localization of accidents on trass of pipelines


1. Determine distribution zones pozharo-and explosive mix

2. Perform actions for the prevention of emergency situations

3. Take the measures providing localization of emergency situations


1. Scheme of the emergency notification

2. Regulations the notification about detection of emergency accesses of oil, oil products and gases, violations of the mode of the conservation zone of pipelines, damages of communications

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


Endurance and diligence

Good visual memory

ability to concentrate on objective

resistance to stress

sense of duty

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Master of emergency and recovery Item

19. Profession card "3.2. Electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

3.2. Electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers Release 2 "Welding operations; boiler, holodnoshtampovochny, drawing and pressing works; foundry works; forge and press and thermal works; works on engineering work of metals and other materials; works on metal coating and coloring; mechanical and metalwork and assembly works; works on enameling" (No. 30) is approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 12, 2024

item 49-50 Electric and gas welder

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Welding case (by types)



Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

It is not required.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Certification certificate. Certificate on inservice training

Other possible names of profession:


Main objective of activities:

Carrying out electro-gas welding works. Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs (the equipment, products, nodes, pipelines, details) from the different materials (staly, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys) intended for work under pressure, under static, dynamic and vibration loads.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs

2. Control using measuring tool of the welded difficult and responsible designs on compliance of the geometrical sizes to requirements design and the production fabrication documentation on welding

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs

Skill 1:

Preparation of welding wiring works


1. Determine diameter, thickness of wall and material of the damaged pipeline section. For replacement of the site the pipe, from emergency inventory shall be prepared

2. Prepare depending on weather conditions of the place of welding wiring works

3. Prepare materials and means of welding wiring works. Use the manual and mechanized tool for preparation of configuration items (products, nodes, details) under welding, cleaning of welds and removal of surface defects after welding

4. Select the welding mode for devices, brand and type of electrodes


1. The main types, structural elements and the sizes of the welded connections executed by electroflame welding, difficult and responsible designs

2. Primary groups and brands of materials of the difficult and responsible designs welded by electroflame welding

3. Welding materials for electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs in all attitudes of weld

4. Methods of elimination of defects of welds

5. Monitoring and test methods of difficult and responsible designs;

6. Liquidation plan of possible accidents

7. Device of the different electrowelding and gas-cutting equipment, automatic machines and semiautomatic devices

8. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, rule on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Accomplishment of welding wiring works


3rd discharge:

1. Make manual arc, plasma-arc, flame welding, automatic and semiautomatic welding of simple details, nodes and designs of structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys and average complexity of details, nodes, designs and pipelines from carbon steels in all provisions of seam, except ceiling

2. Make oxygen plasma rectilinear and curvilinear cutting in different provisions of metals simple and average complexity of details from carbonaceous and alloy steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys on marking manually by figurative, stationary and plazmorezatelny machines in all provisions of weld

3. Make manual oxygen cutting and cutting petrolcutting and kerosinorezatelnymi devices on given sizes with allocation of waste of non-ferrous metals and with preserving or cut of nodes and parts of the machine

4. Carry out manual arc air planing simple and average complexity of details from different staly, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in different provisions

5. Build up sinks and cracks in details, nodes and castings of average complexity

6. Carry out the preliminary and accompanying heating when welding details with observance of the set mode

7. Read drawings of varying complexity of details, nodes and designs

Discharge 4:

In addition to abilities of discharge 3:

1. Make manual arc, plasma-arc and flame welding of average complexity of details, nodes, designs and pipelines of structural steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys and difficult details of nodes, designs and pipelines from carbon steels in all attitudes of weld

2. Make manual oxygen, plasma and gas rectilinear and figured cutting and cutting petrolcutting and kerosinorezatelnymi devices by figurative, stationary and plazmorezatelny machines in different provisions of difficult details from different staly, non-ferrous metals and alloys on marking

3. Make kislorodnoflyusovuyu cutting of details from high-chromium and hromistonikelevykh staly and cast iron

4. Make oxygen cutting of ship objects afloat

5. Carry out automatic and mechanical welding of average complexity and difficult devices, nodes, designs of pipelines from different staly, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys

6. Carry out automatic welding of the responsible difficult building and technological constructions working in close conditions

7. Carry out manual arc air planing of difficult details from different staly, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in different provisions

8. Make welding of designs of cast iron

9. Build up defects of difficult details of machines, mechanisms, designs and castings under engineering work and test pressure

10. Make hot editing of difficult designs

11. Read drawings of different difficult welded metalwork


3rd discharge:

1. The device of the serviced electric and plazmorezatelny welders, the gas-welding equipment, automatic machines, semiautomatic devices and plasmatron

2. Requirements imposed to welding seam and surfaces after air planing

3. Methods of matching of brands of electrodes depending on brands of staly

4. Properties and value of plastering of electrodes

5. Weld structure, methods of their testing and types of control

6. Procedure for preparation of details and nodes under welding and tea leaves

7. Procedure for matching of the mode of heating of metal depending on brand of metal and its thickness

8. Origins of internal stresses and deformations in the welded products and measures of their prevention

9. The main processing methods of welding and building up of details from different staly, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys

10. The mode of cutting and consumption of gases in case of oxygen and gas-electric cutting

Discharge 4:

In addition to knowledge of discharge 3:

1. Device of the different electrowelding and gas-cutting equipment, automatic machines and semiautomatic devices

2. Features of welding and arc planing on alternate and direct current

3. Electrical equipment bases

4. Types of defects in welds and methods of their prevention and elimination

5. Bases of welding of metals

6. Mechanical properties of the welded metals

7. The principles of matching of the mode of welding on devices

8. Brands and types of electrodes

9. Methods of obtaining and storage of the most widespread gases: the acetylene, hydrogen, oxygen, propane-butane used in case of flame welding

10. Process of gas cutting of alloy steel

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Control using measuring tool of the welded difficult and responsible designs on compliance of the geometrical sizes to requirements design and the production fabrication documentation on welding

Skill 1:

Defectoscopy of the welded seams


1. Control welding joints by all methods, including by radiographic method

2. Perform methods of special testing of the welded products and purpose of each of them


1. Methods of control of joints, including radiographic method

2. Types of defects in welds and methods of their prevention and elimination

3. Requirements design and the production fabrication documentation on welding

4. Weld structure

5. Assignments and conditions of use of test instruments

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Troubleshooting of details


1. Establish origins of internal stresses and deformations in welded products

2. Correct defects electroflame welding


1. Origins of internal stresses and deformations in welded products and measures of their prevention

2. Methods of correction of defects of welded products

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


Resistance to stress

Ability to concentrate on objective

Sense of duty

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. ST of PK 3362-2019 "Trunk oil pipelines. Technical operation" 2. The rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of main pipelines approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 354 3. ST of RK 2079-2010 "Trunk oil pipelines. Organization of safe carrying out gas dangerous works" 4. ST of RK 2080-2022 "Trunk oil pipelines. Flammability control" 5. ST of RK 2081-2011 "Trunk oil pipelines. Safety requirements in case of operation"

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Master of emergency and recovery Item

20. Profession card "3.3. Electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

3.3. Electric and gas welder of emergency and recovery Item

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers Release 2 "Welding operations; boiler, holodnoshtampovochny, drawing and pressing works; foundry works; forge and press and thermal works; works on engineering work of metals and other materials; works on metal coating and coloring; mechanical and metalwork and assembly works; works on enameling" (No. 30) is approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 12, 2024

item 51-52 Electric and gas welder

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Welding case (by types)



Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

It is not required. Discharge 6 requires technical and professional (average special, average professional), postsecondary education.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Certification certificate. Certificate on inservice training

Other possible names of profession:


Main objective of activities:

Carrying out electro-gas welding works. Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs (the equipment, products, nodes, pipelines, details) from the different materials (staly, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys) intended for work under pressure, under static, dynamic and vibration loads.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs

2. Control using measuring tool of the welded difficult and responsible designs on compliance of the geometrical sizes to requirements design and the production fabrication documentation on welding

Additional labor functions:


Labor function 1:

Electroflame welding of difficult and responsible designs

Skill 1:

Preparation of welding wiring works


1. Determine diameter, thickness of wall and material of the damaged pipeline section. For replacement of the site the pipe, from emergency inventory shall be prepared

2. Prepare depending on weather conditions of the place of welding wiring works

3. Prepare materials and means of welding wiring works. Use the manual and mechanized tool for preparation of configuration items (products, nodes, details) under welding, cleaning of welds and removal of surface defects after welding

4. Select the welding mode for devices, brand and type of electrodes


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