of December 14, 2024 No. 424
About approval of the professional standard of the Industry ministry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Management of residential and non-residential buildings"
According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the professional standard of the Industry ministry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Management of residential and non-residential buildings" according to appendix 1 to this order.
2. To provide to department of urban and housing-and-municipal policy of the Industry ministry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) within five calendar days after signing of this order the direction it in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Industry ministry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Industry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Acting minister
R. Isakulov
to the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Industry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 14, 2024 No. 424
1. Range of application of the professional standard: The professional standard is developed as basis for assessment, certification, certification and confirmation of qualification, preparation and retraining of personnel and are held for use users in the field of management of apartment apartment houses and non-residential buildings, consisting of certain buildings and rooms of public assignment, built-in attached and built in residential buildings.
2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:
1) the industry frame of qualifications (IFQ) – constituent part (subsystem) of national system of qualifications representing the framework structure of the differentiated skill levels recognized in industry.
2) the professional standard – the standard determining in specific area of professional activity of the requirement to skill level and competence to content, quality and work environment.
3) housing estate – set of residential buildings, certain buildings and rooms of public assignment, built-in attached and built in the residential buildings concentrated in several blocks (buildings).
4) the non-residential building – held for use for production, trade, cultural and educational, medical and sanitary, household, administrative, etc. (except permanent residence) is more whole.
5) the apartment apartment house – the separate building with the single base on the single indivisible parcel of land consisting of common property of object of condominium which is common ownership, two and more apartments, non-residential premises having independent exits to the parcel of land adjacent to the apartment apartment house or in other parts of common property of object of condominium.
6) common property of object of condominium – part of object of condominium (facades, entrances, lobbies, halls, corridors, stair flights and stair landings, elevators, roofs, attics, technical floors, cellars, all-house engineering systems and the equipment, subscriber mailboxes, the parcel of land under the apartment apartment house and (or) house adjoining the parcel of land, elements of improvement and other property public), except apartments, non-residential premises, parking spaces, storerooms which are in individual (separate) property and the telecommunication equipment which is property of mobile operators.
7) management of object of condominium – complex of the actions directed to creation of safe and comfortable conditions of accommodation (stay) of owners of apartments, non-residential premises, proper maintenance of common property of object of condominium, the solution of questions of use of common property of object of condominium and provision of utilities.
8) the managing director of the apartment apartment house – the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, not being the owner of the apartment, non-residential premise, parking space, the storeroom in the managed apartment apartment house conforming to the qualification requirements approved by authorized body.
9) content of common property of object of condominium – complex of works or services in technical operation, sanitary content and running repair of common property of object of condominium.
10) the renewable energy resources (RER) – the power supplies which are formed on the basis of constantly existing or periodically arising processes in the nature, and also lifecycle of plant and animal life and life activity of human society.
11) objects of informatization in the field of the housing relations and housing and communal services – electronic information resources and information systems in the field of the housing relations and housing and communal services.
12) the information system of centralized collection and storage of electronic information resources in the field of the housing relations and housing and communal services is the state information system providing consolidation of electronic information resources from objects of informatization of housing and public utilities for the analysis of housing stock and housing and communal services and implementation of state regulation in the field of the housing relations and housing and communal services.
13) the apartment – the certain dwelling which is part of the apartment apartment house, intended and used for permanent residence.
14) the non-residential premise – the separate internal space in the apartment apartment house corresponding to construction, sanitary, environmental, fire protection and other obligatory standards and rules, provided on project stage which borders are internal surfaces of walls, floor and ceiling (interfloor overlappings) if other is not stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan, used in others, than permanent residence, the purposes (office, shop, cafe, hotel, hostel and other objects of service industry to the population) and being in individual (separate) property, except for common property of object of condominium. The parking belongs to the non-residential premise if it is in individual (separate) property.
15) parking of the apartment apartment house – the non-residential premise in specially certain part of the apartment apartment house or attached to the apartment apartment house according to the construction project, intended for the parking of vehicles, consisting of parking spaces. The parking can be part of common property of object of condominium or be in individual (separate) property.
16) the parking space – the place for the parking of the vehicle in parking (garage in the presence) which is not the non-residential premise and being in individual (separate) property.
17) the storeroom – the place provided by the design estimates of the apartment apartment house, which is not the non-residential premise, intended for storage of property with observance of regulations of fire safety and other requirements, located out of the apartment, not having in total all-house engineering systems, and also separate entrance group and being in individual (separate) property.
18) object of condominium – the single property complex consisting of apartments, non-residential premises, parking spaces, storerooms which are in individual (separate) property and common property which cannot be in individual (separate) property and belongs to owners of apartments, non-residential premises, parking spaces, storerooms on the right of common ownership, including the single indivisible parcel of land under the apartment apartment house and (or) house adjoining the parcel of land.
3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:
1) ETKS – single wage rate book of works and professions of workers.
2) KS – the job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees.
3) OKED – the general qualifier of types of economic activity.
4) MSKO – the international standard classification of education.
5) SMR – building and construction works.
6) KSO – cable systems of heating.
7) ISTsS – information system of centralized collection.
4. Name of the professional standard: Management of residential and non-residential buildings
5. Code of the professional standard: F43999016
6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:
F Construction
41 Construction of buildings
41.2 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
41.20.1 Construction of residential buildings
L Real estate transactions
68 Real estate transactions
68.3 Real estate transactions for remuneration or on contract basis
68.32 Real estate administration for remuneration or on contract basis
68.32.1 Real estate administration for remuneration or on contract basis
7. Short description of the professional standard: The professional standard "Management of Residential and Non-residential Buildings" determines requirements to skill level, content of professional education of the specialists who are engaged in effective management and the organization of work on content, operation of the residential and non-residential buildings consisting of certain buildings and rooms of public assignment, built-in attached and built in residential buildings.
8. List of cards of professions:
1) the House master - the 3rd ORK level
2) the Managing director of the apartment apartment house - the 4th ORK level
3) the Managing director of the apartment apartment house - the 5th ORK level
4) the Manager on management of residential and non-residential buildings - the 5th ORK level
5) the Managing director of buildings, the apartment house - the 6th ORK level
9. Profession card "House master": | |||
Group code: |
7129-0 | ||
Code of the name of occupation: |
- | ||
Name of profession: |
House master | ||
Skill level on ORK: |
3 | ||
qualification subtotal on ORK: |
Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics: |
ETKS (release 1), is approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of November 30, 2009 No. 343-p The worker on complex servicing and repair of buildings 2-3 discharges. | ||
Level of professional education: |
Education level: TIPO (working professions) |
Specialty: Real estate administration |
Qualification: - |
Requirements to work experience: |
Without experience. | ||
Connection with informal and informalny education: |
Certificates and short-term training courses. | ||
Other possible names of profession: |
7131-1-001 - The worker on complex servicing and repair of buildings |
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