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of October 24, 2024 No. 18

About approval of regulations of ministerial procedure

Based on the paragraph of third of article 9-1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 No. 433-Z "About bases of ministerial procedures", subitem 6.1 of Item 6 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 29, 2006 No. 967, the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations of the ministerial procedure performed concerning subjects of managing, according to the subitem * 2.11.1 "Receipt of permission to payment to the foreign participant, owner of property distributed (added) profits and (or) dividends" (is applied).


* For the purposes of this resolution the subitem is understood as the subitem of Item of the single list of the ministerial procedures performed concerning subjects of the managing approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 24, 2021 No. 548.

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.



It is approved

National Bank of the Republic of Belarus


Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus


State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus


Brest regional executive committee


Vitebsk regional executive committee


Gomel regional executive committee


Grodno regional executive committee


Minsk regional executive committee


Minsk city executive committee


Mogilev regional executive committee



No. 18 is approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Belarus of October 24, 2024

Regulations of the ministerial procedure performed concerning subjects of managing, according to subitem 2.11.1 "Receipt of permission to payment to the foreign participant, owner of property distributed (added) profits and (or) dividends"

1. Features of implementation of ministerial procedure:

1.1. the name of authorized body (jurisdiction of ministerial procedure) – regional (Minsk city) executive committees;

1.2. the regulatory legal acts, the international agreements of the Republic of Belarus, the international legal acts containing the obligations of the Republic of Belarus regulating procedure of ministerial procedure:

The law of the Republic of Belarus "About bases of ministerial procedures";

the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 19, 2024 No. 299 "About application of special restrictive measure" (further – the resolution No. 299);

the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 24, 2021 No. 548 "About the ministerial procedures performed concerning subjects of managing";

1.3. other available features of implementation of ministerial procedure:

1.3.1. the additional bases for refusal in adoption of the statement of the interested person to specified in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About bases of ministerial procedures" are determined in Item 6 of the Regulations on procedure for receipt of permission to payment distributed (added) profits and (or) dividends to the foreign participant, the owner of the property approved by the resolution No. 299 (further – the Provision);

1.3.2. ministerial procedure is performed concerning legal entities of the Republic of Belarus with the foreign participants, owners of property who are persons from the foreign states making unfriendly actions concerning the Republic of Belarus, her citizens and (or) the organizations according to appendix 1 to the resolution No. 299 (further – residents), taking into account the features provided in part two of Item 1 of the resolution No. 299;

1.3.3. in case of consideration of the applications about receipt of permission to payment distributed (added) profits and (or) dividends to the foreign participant, the owner of property (further – the statement) regional (Minsk city) executive committees perform reconciliation of data for confirmation of conformity of resident to the criteria established in part two of Item 2 of the resolution No. 299;

1.3.4. appeal of the executive decision is performed judicially.

2. Documents and (or) data necessary for implementation of ministerial procedure:

2.1. represented by the interested person:

Name of the document and (or) data

Requirements imposed to the document and (or) data

Form and procedure for submission of the document and (or) data


in duplicate in form according to appendix to the Provision with appendix of consent of the subject of credit history to provision of the credit report which is drawn up according to requirements of the legislation on credit stories

in writing:
during acceptance of the interested person


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