of June 18, 2024 No. 100
About halalas industry in the Kyrgyz Republic
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on May 8, 2024
This Law establishes the legal basis of realization of single state policy in the sphere of development of halalas industries and execution of requirements to halalas products and to its marking, rendering halalas services and is aimed at providing consumer protection in the sphere of halalas industries.
Operation of this Law does not extend to the relations connected with production of halalas products, made for own consumption.
For the purposes of this Law the following concepts are used:
1) the unified register of participants in the sphere of halalas industries - the information database about participants of turnover of halalas products and services, certification bodies, technical auditors of halalas certifications;
2) mark of conformity of "halalas" - the designation in the form of texts, drawings, signs, symbols, other designations and (or) their combinations applied on packaging released halalas products and the compliance to requirements of standards confirming it on halalas products and (or) services;
3) technical committee on questions of activities of participants in the sphere of halalas industries - the consultative body performing consulting providing in the sphere of halalas industries on development of standards in the field of halalas industries;
4) certification bodies - legal entities - the residents of the Kyrgyz Republic performing activities for certification of halalas products and services;
5) the standard on halalas products and service - the standard accepted by national authority on standardization;
6) the certificate of conformity of "halalas" - the document issued by certification body in coordination with Spiritual management of Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, confirming compliance to requirements of technical regulations and standards on halalas products and service;
7) authorized state body - the state body determining policy in the sphere of development of halalas industries;
8) authorized body in the sphere of development of halalas industries - the public institution authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic to enable the realization of policy in the sphere of development of halalas industries;
9) participants of turnover of halalas products and services - the physical persons and legal entities performing economic activity in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic as the producer, the exporter, the seller or the importer of halalas products and services;
10) halalas products - products made according to requirements of technical regulations and standards on halalas products;
11) halalas services - the activities performed according to requirements of standards on halalas service.
The relations in the sphere of halalas industries are based on the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Law and other regulatory legal acts in the sphere of consumer protection, international treaties which became effective according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and also the conventional principles and rules of international law which are component of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. Production of halalas products and services is performed according to the principles:
1) implementation of production of halalas products and services in voluntary procedure;
2) compliance of products and services to requirements of technical regulations and standards on halalas products and service, and also to the established safety requirements;
3) lack of deception and fraud in production process, packagings, storages, transportations (transportation) and sales of products;
4) uses of steady production methods and reduction of negative impact on the environment;
5) exceptions of the forbidden ingredients, including GMO.
2. Made halalas products shall conform to the following requirements:
1) not to comprise the parts or products made of the animal products and (or) ingredients which are not conforming to requirements of standards on halalas products;
2) products or their parts shall not be made of animal products from animals whose face was carried out without observance of requirements of standards on halalas products and service;
3) it shall be made with use of the equipment according to requirements for production of halalas products;
4) to be safe for life and health of the person.
1. Authorized state body:
1) develops state policy in the sphere of development of halalas industries in the Kyrgyz Republic according to the international requirements, taking into account requirements and interests of economy;
2) is coordinated by activities of state bodies and participants in the sphere of halalas industries;
3) is performed together with technical committee on questions of activities of participants in the sphere of halalas industries by methodological providing and international cooperation in the sphere of halalas industries;
4) creates conditions for production and export competitive domestic halalas products and services.
2. Authorized body in the sphere of development of halalas industries:
1) enables the realization of policy in the sphere of halalas industries;
2) realizes investment projects in the sphere of halalas industries;
3) promotes increase in the export potential of domestic manufacturers of halalas products and services;
4) is conducted by the unified register of participants of turnover of halalas products and services;
5) is conducted by the register of national sign of "halalas";
6) is conducted by the register of certification bodies of halalas products and services;
7) is conducted by the register of technical auditors of halalas certifications;
8) carries out monitoring of activities of participants of turnover of halalas products and services, and also certification bodies of observance of requirements of standards on halalas products and service;
9) is carried out by monitoring of the certified products together with technical committee on questions of activities of participants in the sphere of halalas industries;
10) has the right to demand from certification bodies to initiate the procedure of withdrawal of the certificate of conformity of "halalas" for non-compliance with requirements of standards on halalas products and service;
11) renders services in the sphere of halalas industries;
12) performs other powers according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. Certification of halalas products and services is performed at the initiative of the applicant for confirmation of conformity of products and services to requirements of standards on halalas products and service.
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