of October 29, 2024 No. 402
About social support
For the purpose of strengthening of social support of separate categories of citizens:
1. Determine that pensions during work (service, occupation business and other activity) citizens are paid without application of restriction on accounting of the earnings over 130 percent of the average salary of workers in the republic provided in part one of article 83 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of April 17, 1992 No. 1596-XII "About provision of pensions".
2. To the citizens living in Minsk, the cities of regional subordination or in the settlements which are the administrative centers of areas, pension payment at their choice (part four of article 83 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About provision of pensions") it can be performed through object of mail service of the national operator of mail service (further - object of mail service) in cases when they:
are disabled people of III group or persons concerning whom the state organizations of health care set the restriction of capability to independent movement corresponding to functional class 3 above;
perform care of the handicapped child aged up to 18 years and receive attendance allowance for this handicapped child;
are registered at the place of residence in one premises with the disabled person of the I group receiving pension through object of mail service;
reached or will reach age of 70 years till January 1, 2025;
showed willingness to receive pension through object of mail service with payment for the account of own means of the service in payment (delivery) of pension to object of mail service rendered to them.
3. Since January 1, 2025 calculation of pension (part one of article 57 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About provision of pensions") is made from the modified actual earnings for the last 30 years in a row of length of service, but no more than for actually available length of service.
In cases when at employers documents on the actual earnings for the periods of work of citizens till January 1, 2003 did not remain (except cases when documents did not remain as a result of natural disasters, accidents, catastrophic crashes or other emergency situations) and there are no contemporary records about these earnings, time of such work on desire of citizens does not join in the period for which of earnings pension, on condition of replacement of every month of the excludable period of work with the months of years of service which were consistently preceding the 30-year period of length of service for which earnings are considered for calculation of pension according to part one of this Item is estimated.
The procedure for determination of earnings provided in part two of this Item is not applied if the actual length of service for which there are data on earnings constitutes 30 and less years.
4. The request for award of pension can be performed not earlier than before month before emergence of the right to it and without restriction with any term after emergence of pension entitlement.
At the same time the old-age pension, for long service or social pension is granted from the date of emergence of the right to it if the request for this pension followed no later than one month after emergence of the right to it. In other cases the specified pension is granted from the date of the request for it determined according to part two of article 80 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About provision of pensions".
5. To handicapped children aged up to 18 years, to the disabled people since the childhood of I and II groups who lost the supporter aged up to 18 years increase to social pension, work pension on disability or on the occasion of loss of the supporter, appointed according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About provision of pensions", estimated from the largest size of the budget of subsistence minimum on average per capita for 2 last quarters, in the following sizes is established:
to handicapped children aged up to 18 years in case of extent of loss of health: the first - 80 percent, the second - 85 percent, third - 95 percent, the fourth - 110 percent;
to disabled people since the childhood of I and II groups - 110 and 95 percent respectively.
6. To the women who gave birth to four children and brought up them to 8-year age, the work retirement pension is appointed on reaching generally established retirement age and in the presence of length of service at least 20 years, including at least 5 years of length of service with payment of compulsory insurance premiums in the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus (further - insurance years of service).
7. Provide to the fathers who were bringing up handicapped children (disabled people since the childhood) at least 8 years during the period to their age of majority, pension entitlement on age with decrease in generally established retirement age for 5 years and in the presence of length of service at least 25 years, including at least 5 years of insurance years of service.
Pension according to part one of this Item is granted in cases when the handicapped child's mother (the disabled person since the childhood) did not acquire pension entitlement on age according to part one of article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About provision of pensions" or did not use the right to such pension acquired by it and refused this right for benefit of the father or did not use this right in connection with her death.
8. Recalculation of the work pensions granted till January 1, 2025 on the basis provided in parts two and third Item 3 of this Decree is made from the first following after month in which the pensioner addressed for recalculation of pension in the procedure established by the legislation.
9. Financing of expenses on implementation of this Decree is performed by budget funds of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time expenses on increase in pensions according to Item 5 of this Decree are refunded to the budget of the specified fund at the expense of the subvention transferred from the republican budget.
10. In two-month time to provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus reduction of acts of the legislation in compliance with this Decree and to take other measures for its realization.
11. This Decree becomes effective in the following procedure:
paragraphs the first or fifth Item 2 - after official publication of this Decree also extend the action to the relations which arose since July 1, 2024;
Item 10 and this Item - after official publication of this Decree;
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