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of November 11, 2024 No. ZR-430

About police guard

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on October 24, 2024

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of the law

1. This law establishes the status, tasks, the purpose and the legal basis of police guard, power, the enforcement powers applied by the employee of police guard, the principles, the bases and conditions of application of enforcement powers, and also features of special preparation and periodic retraining of the employee of police guard.

Article 2. Status and purpose of activities of police guard

1. The police guard is structural division of police which purpose of activities is protection of human rights and freedoms, and also safety of society and state.

Article 3. Tasks of police guard

1. Tasks of Police guard are:

1) protection of public order and ensuring public safety,

2) protection of the objects especially importance which are subject to the state protection and also safety of transportation of particular loads,

3) participation in ensuring legal regime of warlike situation and emergency state, and also in protection of the population in emergency situations,

4) assistance to safety of persons which are subject to special state protection

5) assistance to the bodies performing criminal proceedings.

2. Tasks of police guard can be determined only by this law.

Article 4. Legal basis of activities of police guard
Article 5. Structure and number of police guard

1. The police guard has structural and territorial subdivisions. The structure of police guard is determined by the charter of police guard approved by the chief of police.

2. The number of police guard is established by the Prime Minister according to the reasonable proposal of the head of authorized body of public administration in the field of internal affairs (further - authorized body).

Article 6. Management of police guard

1. The common directorship police guard is performed of the chief of police, and direct management commander of police guard.

2. Details of management of police guard are determined by the charter of police guard.

Chapter 2. Powers of police guard

Article 7. Limits of powers of police guard

1. The police guard performs the powers for the solution of the tasks provided by this Law.

2. Powers of police protection can be established only by the law.

Article 8. Powers of police guard in case of protection of public order and ensuring public safety

1. In case of protection of public order and ensuring public safety the police guard is authorized:

1) to perform security guard and patrol service in public places (on streets, squares, in parks, at stations, at the airports, on the polling precincts, etc.),

2) providing the normal course of public actions (meetings, processions, sporting and cultural events, elections, etc.), protection of the rights and legitimate interests of their participants,

3) to carry out the obligations of police provided by the law "About Freedom of Assembly"

4) in the presence of good causes to suspect crime execution or administrative offense to make verification of identity documents of the supposed offender,

5) to require on behalf of the termination of crime execution or administrative offense,

6) prevention and suppression of crime execution, administrative offense,

7) to consider the cases on administrative offenses referred to its competence by the code of the Republic of Armenia about administrative offenses

8) to cooperate with other structural divisions of police for the purpose of the prevention, prevention, suppression, identification and disclosure of crimes and administrative offenses,

9) according to the Law "About Fight Against Terrorism" to participate in implementation of anti-terrorist operations.

2. Powers, stipulated in Item 2 parts of 1 this Article, police protection also has the right to perform on contractual basis if sporting, cultural or other events are organized by individuals.

Article 9. Powers of police guard in case of protection of the objects especially importance which are subject to the state protection and also in case of safety of transportation of particular loads

1. In case of protection of the objects especially importance which are subject to the state protection and also in case of safety of transportation of particular loads the police guard is authorized:

1) ensuring normal functioning of the objects of the extreme importance which are subject to the state protection

2) providing access control on the objects especially importance which are subject to the state protection

3) escort of the vehicles transporting particular loads

4) to perform protection of the objects especially importance which are subject to the state protection and also particular loads, including by counteraction to attacks on them.

2. The powers provided by this Article, police guard it is also authorized to perform on contractual basis if the respective building, the construction, other object, the vehicle or load belong to individuals.

3. The procedure and conditions of protection by police guard of the major objects which are subject to the state protection and also safety of transportation of particular loads, including on contractual basis, are determined by the Government.

Article 10. Powers of police guard when ensuring legal regime of warlike situation and emergency state, and also with participation in protection of the population in emergency situations

1. When ensuring legal regime of warlike situation and legal regime of emergency state, and also with participation in protection of the population in emergency situations the police guard is authorized:

1) to perform the measures provided by part 2 of article 9 of the Law "About Legal Regime of Warlike Situation"

2) for accomplishment of the tasks provided by part 2 of article 9 of the Law "About Legal Regime of Emergency State"

3) to participate in realization of the main measures for protection of the population in emergency situations, the stipulated in Article 5 Laws "About Protection of the Population in Emergency Situations",

4) for providing the set curfew regime,

5) in case of need to carry out special tasks within the military operations conducted in the territory announced on warlike situation.


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