of November 29, 2024 No. PP-409
About measures for projects implementation of reconstruction of irrigational infrastructure in the Bukhara, Namangan, Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions with participation of Export-import bank of People's Republic of China
For the purpose of improvement of water supply of the irrigated lands, economy of water resources, sustainable development of agricultural industry in the Bukhara, Namangan, Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions, and also further cooperation increase with Export-import bank of People's Republic of China:
1. Take into consideration that:
the feasibility statement on the projects "Reconstruction of Irrigational Infrastructure in the Bukhara, Namangan and Surkhandarya Regions" draft cost of 160 million US dollars and "Reconstruction of irrigational infrastructure in the Kashkadarya region" draft cost of 60 million US dollars is developed (further - Projects);
with Export-import bank and the large companies of People's Republic of China negotiations on realization and financing of Projects are held.
2. Determine:
a) the customer of projects implementation - the Center of implementation of foreign investment projects in water economy under the Ministry of water economy;
b) projects implementation financing source - soft credit of Export-import bank of People's Republic of China;
c) on the "Reconstruction of Irrigational Infrastructure in the Bukhara, Namangan and Surkhandarya Regions" project:
the general designer on development of working and other documentation - UZGIP LLC;
the prime contractor, according to the procedure of exception - the CITIC Construction Co.Ltd company of People's Republic of China;
d) on the "Reconstruction of Irrigational Infrastructure in the Kashkadarya Region" project:
the general designer on development of working and other documentation - Suvloyikha LLC;
the prime contractor, according to the procedure of exception - the CITIC Construction Co.Ltd company of People's Republic of China and "China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd.".
3. To the ministry of investments, industry and trade (L. Kudratov), to the Ministry of water economy (Sh. Hamrayev) to hold negotiations with Export-import bank of People's Republic of China, to approve financing terms of Projects without insurance payments on favorable terms.
4. To the ministry of water economy (Sh. Hamrayev) together with UZGIP LLC (B. Ruziboyev), Suvloyikha LLC (K. Bobozhonov), khokimiyats of the Bukhara region (B. Zaripov), the Namangan region (Sh. Abdurazakov), the Surkhandarya region (U. Kosimov), the Kashkadarya region (M. Azimov), and also the interested ministries and departments:
in a month to carry out expertize of the feasibility statement on Projects in the Ministry of investments, industry and trade, the Ministry of Economics and finance, and also at the State unitary enterprise "Center of Complex Examination of Projects and Import Contracts";
in two-month time to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the relevant resolution according to the feasibility statement on Projects.
5. To the ministry of water economy (Sh. Hamrayev), the Prosecutor General's Office (S. Samadov) together with khokimiyats of the Bukhara, Namangan, Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions to take necessary measures for accounting of domestic contents in case of development of the project documentation (the feasibility statement, the tender documentation) the above-stated Projects, and also economy of means by effective use of the funds allocated for construction of facilities and reducings excessive expenses.
6. Determine that:
a) since 2025 loan agreements with Export-import bank of People's Republic of China are signed after approval of the feasibility statement on Projects with separation into parts, proceeding from the actual amount of the performed work;
b) within the "Reconstruction of Irrigational Infrastructure in the Kashkadarya Region" project:
for implementation of 15 percent advance payment in 2025 120 billion sum at the expense of the means provided for works on repair and recovery of meliorative objects in local budgets of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and areas go;
changes for 2025 are made to parameters of the Government budget after approval of the feasibility statement on the project, proceeding from conditions of the loan agreement.
7. To khokimiyats of the Bukhara region (B. Zaripov), the Namangan region (Sh. Abdurazakov), the Surkhandarya region (U. Kosimov), the Kashkadarya region (M. Azimov) together with the Ministry of water economy (Sh. Hamrayev) and the Ministry of Agriculture (I. Abdurakhmonov) for the purpose of creation of sufficient conditions for work to prime contractors in implementation process of Projects to provide strict observance of the approved schedules of giving and cutoff of water.
8. Confer the personal responsibility on:
the minister of water economy Sh. Hamrayev, hokim of the Bukhara region of B. Zaripov, hokim of the Namangan region of Sh. Abdurazakov, hokim of the Surkhandarya region of U. Kosimov, hokim of the Kashkadarya region of M. Azimov - for providing the conditions required for implementation of necessary measures for Projects and also the organization of timely preparation and submission of necessary reports and documents for Projects according to procedures of Export-import bank of People's Republic of China and requirements of acts of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Inspection of the state financial control - for establishment of constant control over target allocation and use of means within Projects;
the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Sh. Hidoyatov and Inspectorate for control in the field of construction and housing and communal services - for establishment of control over high-quality accomplishment of installation and construction works within Projects.
9. To impose control of execution of this resolution on deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan D. A. Kuchkarov and Zh. A. Hodzhayev.
To quarterly provide to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan information on effectiveness of the performed measures.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
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