Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 2, 2024 No. UP-201

About measures of increase in efficiency of activities of the commissions on questions of children

In the country large-scale work on reliable protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children, and also radical enhancement of the institutional and legal basis of the sphere is carried out. In particular, in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan the guarantees providing health, safety, complete physical, intellectual and spiritual development of children, manifestation of their talents and talent in the new edition are considerably strengthened, the institute of the Representative of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the child's rights is founded (Children's ombudsman), the new system directed to manifestation of care of children without parental support, creation in priority procedure for conditions for their development and education in the family atmosphere is implemented.

For the purpose of determination of address and effective measures for reliable protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children, establishing interdepartmental interaction and system of accountability when implementing works on protection and recovery of health of children, to attracting them to education, professional orientation, preparation for independent life, social legal protection and education in the spirit of patriotism, and also enhancement of the legal basis of activities of the commissions on questions of children:

1. Approve:

updated structure of the National commission on questions of children according to appendix No. 1 *;

standard structures of the commissions on questions of children of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, the city of Tashkent and areas (cities) according to appendices No. No. 2 and 3*.

2. Determine the main objectives of the National commission on questions of children and the commissions on questions of children of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, the city of Tashkent and areas (cities) (further - the commissions on questions of children):

coordination of measures for the practical embodiment in life of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children, to assistance to their physical, intellectual, spiritual and moral development, complete manifestation of capabilities and talent;

implementation of measures for systems analysis, assessment and increase in efficiency of the performed works on protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children;

carrying out efficiency analysis of the taken measures for transfer of children on education in family and system effectiveness of foster care for the purpose of prevention of social orphanhood and ensuring growth and development of children in priority procedure in the family atmosphere, and also regular introduction of suggestions for improvement of this system;

carrying out on the permanent basis of job analysis performed by state bodies on the organization of high-quality educational and educational process, development of profound knowledge by children, forming of their knowledge, qualification and skills, and also determination of effective measures on elimination of the factors interfering education;

carrying out the regular analysis of the course of program implementation, directed to widespread introduction of the Safe School system and improvement in schools of the moral and psychological atmosphere;

discussion of results of the carried-out work on the substantial organization of free time of children, attraction them to regular trainings by sport, to especially further development of children's sport in the rural and remote regions;

efficiency evaluation of the taken measures for involvement of children with special educational needs to inclusive education, their medico-social resettlement and ensuring integration into society;

strengthening of effectiveness of the taken measures for increase in efficiency of the education and education calling children for patriotism, strengthening of feelings of commitment to the Homeland and patriotism;

acceptance of necessary measures for health protection of children, to rendering high-quality medical care to them, adjustment among them of healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition, studying and improvement of providing children with food, their quality and sanitary condition in the educational organizations;

carrying out the analysis of condition and taking measures to increase in efficiency of the carried-out works on forming at children of immunity against offenses, to prevention among them of offenses, neglect and antisocial offenses, children's exploitation, the prevention of violence against children, and also ensuring their rehabilitation;

carrying out the analysis of the carried-out works on identification on early consumption stages of alcoholic drinks, drugs and psychotropic substances or other negative defects among children, to their treatment and medico-social resettlement, and also preparation of offers on their decision;

implementation of efficiency evaluation of the carried-out measures for support, social legal protection of the children needing social protection and also consideration of offers on further enhancement of these measures;

identification, analysis of shortcomings of system of work with children, their reasons and conditions, and also development of offers on their elimination;

coordination of activities of state bodies and organizations, territorial commissions on questions of children in the sphere of protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children.

3. Determine that:

The national agency of social protection, its management in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent, and also district (city) social service centers "Inson" respectively perform function of working body of the National commission and the territorial commissions on questions of children. At the same time the task on rendering assistance to working bodies of the commissions in holding meetings of the commissions, collection and the analysis of necessary information for activities of the commissions is assigned to National guard;

the commissions on questions of children at least once in every quarter hold meeting on the questions entering their competence;

the offers of the commissions on questions of children aimed at providing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the child are considered by state bodies and the organizations without fail;

the commissions on questions of children at the meetings hear information of heads of state bodies and organizations on questions concerning activities of the commission, and also attract state bodies, including law enforcement agencies, on the questions entering their competence;

the report prepared by the National center of the Republic of Uzbekistan on human rights for submission to the UN according to requirements of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and also the offer and the recommendation authorized and UN treaty bodies, provided following the results of consideration of the report, tentatively are considered at meetings of the National commission on questions of children and following the results of the corresponding recommendations are provided;

task allocation between working bodies of the commissions on questions of children are determined by the chairman of the relevant commission.


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