Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 28, 2024 No. 1011

About adjustment of indicators of the republican budget for 2024 and modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 12, 2023 No. 1108 "About implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the republican budget for 2024 - 2026"

According to Articles 41, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES: 79 and 111 Budget codes of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. Perform adjustment of indicators of the republican budget for 2024 according to appendix 1 to this resolution.

2. Bring in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 12, 2023 No. 1108 "About implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the republican budget for 2024 - 2026" the following changes and amendments:

in appendix 1 to the specified resolution:



In total

2 272 042 302

996 572 394

105 457 677

I. Republican budget investment projects

270 113 585

116 475 775

72 432 302


State services of general nature

45 922 228


state in the following edition:


In total

2 265 391 774

996 572 394

105 457 677

I. Republican budget investment projects

264 067 518

116 475 775

72 432 302


State services of general nature

45 439 105





Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

43 707 904


Upgrade and technical retrofitting of check points on border

43 707 904


state in the following edition:



Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

43 224 781


Upgrade and technical retrofitting of check points on border

43 224 781





At the expense of means of the republican budget

858 460

including investment projects:


858 460

Upgrade and technical retrofitting of the check points located on the Kazakhstan site of customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Head dispatching department of Committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

858 460


state in the following edition:



At the expense of means of the republican budget

375 337

including investment projects:


375 337

Upgrade and technical retrofitting of the check points located on the Kazakhstan site of customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Head dispatching department of Committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

375 337






45 873 239


Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

29 699 505


Construction and reconstruction of subjects to protection against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature

29 699 505


Construction and reconstruction of subjects to protection against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature

29 699 505

including investment projects:

Akmola area

20 397 449


state in the following edition:




42 873 243


Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

29 699 509


Construction and reconstruction of subjects to protection against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature

29 699 509


Construction and reconstruction of subjects to protection against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature

29 699 509

including investment projects:

Akmola area

20 397 451


after line:


For office use

20 397 449


add with lines of the following content:


Construction of water life-saving station on the bank of the lake Pine-forest Burabaysky district of Akmola area


Construction of water life-saving station on the bank of the lake Big Chebachye of Burabaysky district of Akmola area



after line:


Rusloformiruyushchy and protective constructions down the river Horgos on sites of the Horgos International Center of Frontier Cooperation (ICFC), Border Trade and Economic Zone (BTEZ) "Horgos - East gate", the settlements of Baskunchi, Horgos and the frontier post in Panfilovsky district of Almaty region"

4 915 713


add with lines of the following content:


North Kazakhstan area


Construction of complex of operational and rescue group on the bank of the lake Motley in Kyzylzharsky district of SKO on the individual project for IB and IIIA of climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions


Construction of complex of the fire station on 4 cars in the residential district "Bereke" Petropavlovsk of the North Kazakhstan area






Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

16 173 734


Ensuring combat, mobilization readiness of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

16 173 734


Construction of facilities of Armed Forces

15 362 253

including investment projects:


15 362 253

For office use

15 362 253


state in the following edition:



Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

13 173 734


Ensuring combat, mobilization readiness of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

13 173 734


Construction of facilities of Armed Forces

12 362 253

including investment projects:


12 362 253

For office use

12 362 253





Public order, safety, legal, judicial, criminal and executive activities

10 829 137


Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

5 369 443


Protection of public order and ensuring public safety

2 012 886


state in the following edition:



Public order, safety, legal, judicial, criminal and executive activities

10 583 634


Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

5 438 583


Protection of public order and ensuring public safety

2 077 164


add with lines of the following content:



Construction, reconstruction of objects of public order, safety

178 540

including investment projects:

Atyrau area

32 139

Development of the design and estimate documentation with receipt of the conclusion of state examination on object "Barracks construction on 300 places for National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the city of Atyrau"

32 139

West Kazakhstan region

32 139

Development of the design and estimate documentation with receipt of the conclusion of state examination on object "Barracks construction on 300 places for National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the city of Uralsk"

32 139





Organization of activities of criminal executive system

3 356 557


Construction, reconstruction of objects of criminal executive system

3 356 557


state in the following edition:



Organization of activities of criminal executive system

3 361 419


Construction, reconstruction of objects of criminal executive system

3 361 419




Mangystau Region

6 057

Development of the design and estimate documentation with receipt of the conclusion of state examination on object "Construction of specialized correctional facility with the mixed content type (average and maximum safety) with limit of filling of 840 places based on GM-172/6 organization in Aktau of Mangystau Region. Binding of buildings and constructions" from the standard project "Specialized Correctional Facility on 1500 Places" for ІVA, IVG of climatic subdistricts with usual geological conditions of TP RK 1500 SIU (ІVA, IVG) - 2.2-2012"

6 057


state in the following edition:


Mangystau Region

10 919


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