of November 22, 2024 No. 708
About approval of the Method of calculation of the amount of insurance indemnity in case of damnification of life and to health of the victim on obligatory types of insurance
For the purpose of realization of Item 17 of the Section IV of the Development strategy of the non-bank financial market of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2021-2025 approved by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Development strategy of the non-bank financial market of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2021-2025" of May 4, 2021 No. 190, according to articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve the Method of calculation of the amount of insurance indemnity in case of damnification of life and to health of the victim on obligatory types of insurance according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic
A. Zhaparov
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 22, 2024 No. 708
1. This Technique determines procedure of payments of the amount of insurance indemnity by obligatory types of insurance in case of damnification of life and to health of the victim (further - the Technique) and establishes criteria for determination of the amount of insurance indemnity (insurance payment) in case of damnification of life and to health of the victim (further - Criteria), and also for determination of compensation on account of the indemnification caused to life and health of the victim proceeding from injuries and damage rate of health, according to appendix to this Technique.
2. The amount of insurance indemnity in case of damnification of life and to health of the victim is determined according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in part:
1) damnifications of life and to health of the victim in transit under the agreement of obligatory civil liability insurance of carrier before passengers;
2) damnifications of life and to health of the third parties as a result of accident on hazardous production facility under the agreement of obligatory civil liability insurance of the organizations operating hazardous production facilities;
3) damnifications of life and to health of the victim as a result of the road accident in case of operation of the vehicle under the agreement of compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of owners of vehicles;
4) damnifications of life, to health of the victim as a result of incident with dangerous goods in the course of its delivery from the sender to the receiver in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic under the agreement of obligatory civil liability insurance of carrier of dangerous goods.
3. The amount of insurance indemnity is calculated by multiplication of the insurance sum specified on risk of damnification to health of the victim one victim according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on Criterion, expressed as a percentage.
4. If the sustained health injuries the victim of different nature are also provided by several Items of Criteria according to appendix to this Technique, the size of insurance indemnity is determined by summing of Criteria and multiplication of the received amount by the insurance sum specified on risk of the civil responsibility for damnification to health of the victim.
5. The size of insurance indemnity in connection with receipt of disability by the victim is determined by violation of health with the permanent disorder of functions of bodies and systems caused by the consequences of injuries which entailed activity restrictions (complete or partial loss by the citizen of capability or opportunity to perform self-service, to independently move, be guided, communicate, to control the behavior, to study or be engaged in labor activity), and group of disability in compliance and according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic constitutes:
- The I group - in the amount of 200000 (two hundred thousand) som;
- The II group - in the amount of 150000 (hundred fifty thousand) som;
- III group - in the amount of 100000 (hundred thousand) som;
- category "the child with limited opportunities of health" - in the amount of 200000 (two hundred thousand) som.
6. Payment of insurance indemnity in connection with disability is made in case of establishment injured disability in the amount of difference between the amount of insurance indemnity in connection with disability taking into account the established group of disability and earlier effected payment of insurance indemnity depending on nature and damage rate of health of the victim.
to the Method of calculation of the amount of insurance indemnity in case of damnification of life and to health of the victim on obligatory types of insurance
Criteria for determination of the amount of insurance indemnity (insurance payment) in case of damnification of life and to health of the victim
Item |
Nature of damage |
The amount of insurance coverage (in % of insurance sum) |
Skull bones, nervous system |
1 |
Fracture of bones of skull: |
1) external plate of bones of the code; |
5 | |
2) code; |
15 | |
3) bases; |
20 | |
4) code and basis |
25 | |
2 |
Intra cranial traumatic hematomas: |
1) epiduralny; |
10 | |
2) subduralny, intracerebral; |
15 | |
3) epiduralny and subduralny (intracerebral) |
20 | |
3 |
Injuries of brain: |
1) brain concussion in case of the term of treatment from 3 to 13 days inclusive; |
3 | |
2) brain concussion in case of the term of treatment of 14 and more days; |
5 | |
3) brain bruise, subarakhnoidalny hemorrhage; |
10 | |
4) unextracted foreign matters from skull cavity (except for sutural and plastic material); |
15 | |
5) razmozzheny substances of brain (without specifying of symptomatology). |
50 | |
Note: 1. If in connection with craniocereberal injury surgeries on skull bones, brain and its covers were carried out, 10% of insurance sum once are in addition paid. 2. If one injury will be is caused by the damages listed in one Article, the insurance sum is paid on one of subitems considering the heaviest damage. In case of the damages specified in different Articles, the insurance sum is paid taking into account each of them by summing |
4 |
The damage of nervous system (traumatic, toxic, hypoxemic) which entailed: |
1) asthenic syndrome, dystonia, encephalopathy at children aged up to 16 years; |
5 | |
Arakhnoidit 2), encephalitis, arakhnoentsefalit; |
10 | |
3) epilepsy; |
15 | |
4) upper or lower monoparesis (paresis of one upper or lower extremity); |
30 | |
5) that is or paraparesis (paresis of both upper or both lower extremities, paresis of the right or left extremities), amnesia (memory loss); |
40 | |
6) monoplegiya (paralysis of one extremity); |
60 |
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