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of September 23, 2024 No. PP-330

About first-priority measures for program implementation "From poverty to wellbeing"

For the purpose of effective ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 23, 2024 No. UP-143 "About Removal on New Stage of Measures for Reducing Poverty and to Growth in Prosperity of the Population":

1. Approve:

The plan of first-priority measures for program implementation "From poverty to wellbeing" (further - the Program) according to appendix No. 1 *;

Target indicators of removal of the population from poverty by the directions and regions in 2024-2025 according to appendices No. No. 2 and 3*.

2. To the Cabinet of Ministers (A. Aripov):

in two weeks based on offers of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent to choose, create the list 1 000 the lagging most behind makhally and till November 1 of the current year to approve the program of improvement of their infrastructure. At the same time funds in the amount of 3,2 of one trillion sum are allocated for the purposes of improvement of irrigation of garden plots or ensuring stable deliveries of electrical energy, improvement of quality of the Internet, repair of internal roads and improvement of other infrastructure in specified makhallyakh in 2024-2025;

till December 1, 2024 for the purpose of creating favorable conditions for business activity, life activity and rest of all categories of the population to approve programs of the accelerated complex development of areas and cities in 2024-2025 according to appendix No. 4, providing including projects implementation "green makhallya" at least in one makhalla. At the same time to allocate for the social and infrastructure projects giving impulse to the accelerated economic growth of these areas and cities from the Government budget in 2024 500 billion sum, in 2025 - 1 trillion sum;

in ten-day time to approve lists from 5 drayverny projects giving impulse to development of entrepreneurship in such spheres as the industry, agricultural industry and rendering services proceeding from specialization of each area and the city, and also to provide assignment of the Government budget in the amount of 1 trillion sum for creation in them necessary infrastructure in 2024-2025.

To the Ministry of Economics and finance for the purpose of financing of the measures provided by this Item to make corresponding changes to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024", and also to provide necessary means in the bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Government budget for 2025.

3. To the Ministry of Economics and finance together with the Ministry of employment and reducing poverty, the Central bank and commercial banks, and also local khokimiyats for the purpose of attraction of the population to entrepreneurship and financial support of the entrepreneurs who provided employment of members of the families included in the Register of poor families (further - poor families):

provide allocation of the credits until the end of the current year in the amount of 4 trillion sum, in 2025 - 15 trillion sum by means of development programs of family entrepreneurship, the "From Poverty to Wellbeing" Program and microfinancial institutions;

in ten-day time to make offers on procedure for allocation of non-interest loan to poor families with optimization of types of subsidies and without reducing amount of the means provided on these purposes;

take measures for regular holding meetings and the problem resolution of entrepreneurs, providing continuity of financial support and increase in amount of crediting, realization to initiators of the empty land by means of biddings, and also to the problem resolution of the entrepreneurs connected with infrastructure.

4. Determine that identification of poor families in makhallyakh, their inclusion in the Register of the poor families, taking measures directed to removal from poverty and also processes of exception of the Register are performed by "the makhallinsky seven" on the basis of cooperation in the following procedure:

poor families are estimated on the basis of the single questionnaire and their social portrait is created;

the social worker and the assistant to hokim develops the individual plan for removal of family from poverty covering such directions as rendering social services and the help, health care, housing, employment, education, behavior;

support of poor families of employment by labor activity, revenue-producing, to attraction to entrepreneurship is conducted by the assistant to hokim, to rendering social services and the help, health care and education - the social worker;

efficiency and effectiveness of the individual plan for removal of family from poverty is determined by monitoring implementation.

5. Associations makhally Uzbekistan (K. Kuranbayev) in two weeks to provide profound training of chairmen makhally, activists, elders, seniors on streets in makhallyakh to each direction determined by the Program.

At the same time to recommend to chairmen makhally, to activists, elders, seniors on streets by daily visit of all streets, each household and family in the makhall:

carry out active propaganda and explanatory activities about the importance of landing of cultures on personal plots, creation in families of the atmosphere of comfort and cosiness, need of respect for purity, healthy nutrition, walking on foot, refusal of addictions;

cultivate to children interest in reading books, organize their training in foreign languages, professions and art, to motivate men to creation of conditions for training and labor activity of the daughters and spouses as paramount vital task;

render assistance in determination of the high purposes, their achievement through honest work, continuous search, eagerness and persistence, transformations of such views and thinking in daily conduct of life;

it is regular to carry out the efficient work directed to instilling in inhabitants of responsibility for tranquility and wellbeing of the family and waved, ensuring mutual consent and unity, strengthening of feeling of participation at them in changes and innovations in our life;

demand from the commercial banks attached to makhallyam, and other responsible persons of ensuring complete execution of the tasks assigned to them in the makhall, and also establish public control over unconditional observance by poor families of their obligations defined by the social agreement.

6. To the Ministry of Agriculture together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent to introduce the draft of the resolution on transfer to lease to poor families of 50 thousand hectares of land area for a period of up to 30 years on the basis of the principle in a month "the company - cooperative - Dehkan economy" due to reducing the cotton and grain areas for the purpose of the organization of Dehkan and gardening activities in 2024-2025. At the same time to provide:

carrying out electronic online biddings on transfer to lease of land among poor families according to the recommendation of "the makhallinsky seven";


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