of October 14, 2024 No. PP-358
About approval of the Strategy of development for technologies of artificial intelligence till 2030
For the purpose of creating favorable conditions for implementation of technologies of artificial intelligence in the social sphere and industries of economy, achievement of occurrence of the country in a row the leading states of the world applying technologies of artificial intelligence, and also ensuring execution of the purposes and tasks determined in Strategy "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030":
1. Approve the Strategy of development for technologies of artificial intelligence till 2030 (further - Strategy) according to appendix No. 1, providing:
a) Target indicators on development of technologies of artificial intelligence which shall be reached till 2030, including:
finishing amount of the created software products and the rendered services on the basis of artificial intelligence to 1, 5 billion US dollars;
bringing share of the services rendered on the Single portal of interactive state services on the basis of artificial intelligence to 10 percent;
bringing number of the scientific laboratories performing activities in the direction of artificial intelligence to 10 units, and also start of high-end computing servers;
achievement of inclusion of the Republic of Uzbekistan in top-50 the states in the Index of readiness of the government for artificial intelligence (Government AI Readiness Index);
b) The priority purposes and tasks on development of technologies of artificial intelligence:
forming of the regulatory framework aimed at the development of technologies of artificial intelligence, enhancement of standards and strengthening international cooperation in the field of;
creation of technical infrastructure for the data handling and project startup based on artificial intelligence, implementation of priority projects in this direction in the social sphere and industries of economy;
increase in knowledge and skills of the population in scopes of technologies of artificial intelligence, development of personnel potential.
2. Within strategy implementation to approve:
The plan died on strategy implementation of development of technologies of artificial intelligence in 2024 - 2026 according to appendix No. 2;
The list of the "big data" created in the social sphere and industries of economy according to appendix No. 3.
3. Determine the priority directions of implementation of technologies of artificial intelligence:
in the bank and financial sphere - prevention of fraud, assessment of solvency of users, forecasting of market trends;
in tax and customs spheres - reduction of share of shadow economy, forecasting of suspicious customs transactions and risk management;
in the field of health care - determination of methods of diagnostics, treatment of diseases, the analysis of medical pictures and data management about the patient;
in the field of agricultural industry - productivity forecasting, management of agricultural resources, monitoring of processes of cultivation of crops, birds, fish and the cattle;
in the field of power - management of energy resources, optimization of production and distribution of energy, development of use of renewable energy resources and demand forecasting on them.
4. To fund of reconstruction and development to provide since January 1, 2025 selection to the Ministry of digital technologies of non-interest loan in the amount of 50 million US dollars for a period of 5 years for development of technologies of artificial intelligence.
At the same time to determine that this credit is subject to return at the expense of Fund of development of digital technologies, and also other sources which are not prohibited by acts of the legislation.
5. To the ministries and departments till May 1, 2025 to provide provision to the Ministry of digital technologies of data according to appendix No. 3 to this resolution with observance of requirements of the legislation on personal data (including, in anonymous form) for creation of base of "big data".
To the ministry of digital technologies:
till December 1, 2024 to enter to the Coordination commission on strategy implementation "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030", for carrying out discussion and approval the list of priority projects on implementation of technologies of artificial intelligence prepared on the basis of offers of the ministries and departments;
till September 1, 2025 for the purpose of providing projects and scientific and practical researches with necessary data to create base of "big data" with acceptance of all measures of information security according to requirements of acts of the legislation;
till May 1, 2026 within implementation projects of technologies of artificial intelligence to start the computing capacities intended for data handling.
6. The coordination commission on strategy implementation "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" (A. Aripov):
provide development of evaluation procedure of social and cost efficiency of projects on implementation of technologies of artificial intelligence at the expense of the means provided in item 4 of this resolution, and also realization of project data on the basis of the principles of transparency and the competition;
discuss complete, timely and high-quality implementation of priority projects on implementation of technologies of artificial intelligence at commission sessions;
if necessary to make changes and additions to the list of priority projects on implementation of technologies of artificial intelligence (on the basis of discussions), and also to the list of the data created based on "big data".
7. Create based on public institution "Center of researches of digital economy" in structure of the Ministry of digital technologies public institution "Center of development of artificial intelligence and digital economy" (further - the Center).
At the same time:
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