Unofficial translation (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of September 20, 2024 No. 1092
Some questions of recognition by the humanitarian assistance of goods in the conditions of warlike situation
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Determine that:
The State Customs Service before completion of the software of information and communication systems according to Item 8 of the Procedure for the omission and accounting of the humanitarian assistance in conditions of the warlike situation approved by the resolution of the Office of the minister of Ukraine of September 5, 2023 No. 953 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2023, No. 87, the Art. 5038), informs in writing the Ministry of social policy on customs clearance of goods of the humanitarian assistance, stipulated in Item 19 specified About, taking into account the changes made by this resolution;
The ministry of social policy addresses in writing the Administrator of the automated system of registration of the humanitarian assistance who provides entering of the relevant information into the automated system of registration of the humanitarian assistance.
2. Bring in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 5, 2023 No. 953 "Some questions of the omission and accounting of the humanitarian assistance in conditions of warlike situation" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2023, No. 87, Art. 5038; 2024, No. 36, the Art. 2260) the enclosed changes.
3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its publication.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 20, 2024 No. 1092
1. In Item 2 of the resolution:
The paragraph the fifth to state 1) in the following edition:
"the vehicles imported on customs area of Ukraine for the needs of healthcare institutions of the state and municipal pattern of ownership or organizations authorized by the Ministry of Health on receipt of the medicines, medical products, consumable materials, the medical equipment, individual protection equipment and other goods necessary for proper providing health sector in the conditions of warlike situation are recognized the humanitarian assistance by the declarative principle according to procedure namely:";
The paragraph of the sixth after words and figures of "2000 cubic centimeters" to add 2) with words and figures ", except cars which are recognized the humanitarian assistance according to Procedure Item 19";
The paragraph of the seventh after words of "the emergency medical care and medicine of catastrophic crashes" to add 3) with words and figures ", except cars which are recognized the humanitarian assistance according to Procedure Item 19";
4) to add Item with the paragraph of the following content:
"are recognized the humanitarian assistance in the cases determined by Procedure Item 19, the cars transferred for needs of military forming or healthcare institutions of the state and municipal patterns of ownership or organizations authorized by the Ministry of Health on receipt of the medicines, medical products, consumable materials, the medical equipment, individual protection equipment and other goods necessary for proper providing health sector in the conditions of warlike situation without restriction of engine displacement of such cars.".
2. According to the procedure of the omission and accounting of the humanitarian assistance in conditions of warlike situation, approved by the specified resolution:
Paragraph one of Item 1 to state 1) in the following edition:
"1. This Procedure determines for warlike situation the simplified mechanism of recognition of goods the humanitarian assistance, the omission through customs border of Ukraine and customs clearance, obtaining, provision, distribution and control of target use of the humanitarian assistance imported on customs area of Ukraine, and also the mechanism of recognition, registration, provision, distribution of goods of the humanitarian assistance (in particular excisable cars, bodies to them, the trail cars and semitrailer trucks, motorcycles, vehicles intended for transportation of 10 and more people, vehicles for transportation of goods), the transferred international organizations, separate divisions of the foreign non-governmental organizations accredited in Ukraine, representative offices of international intergovernmental organizations in Ukraine (without formation of legal entity), diplomatic representations, consular establishments of foreign states in Ukraine, their personnel and members of families of personnel, their workers and members of families of workers which are not residents of Ukraine (donors).";
Paragraph one of Item 5 after the words "at check points through frontier of Ukraine" to add 2) with words and figures "(except case, the stipulated in Item 19 presents About)";
3) to add the Procedure with Item 19 of the following content:
"19. In case of change of customs regime from temporary import for import customs clearance of the vehicles given as the humanitarian assistance by the international organizations, the separate divisions of foreign non-governmental organizations accredited in Ukraine, representative offices of international intergovernmental organizations in Ukraine (without formation of legal entity), diplomatic representations, consular establishments of foreign state in Ukraine, is performed by their personnel and members of families of personnel, their workers and members of families of workers which are not residents of Ukraine in any customs authority.
The customs clearance of the vehicles specified in paragraph one of this Item is performed after recognition by their humanitarian assistance by forming in the automated system of unique code of the humanitarian assistance and representation by the receiver of the humanitarian assistance of the customs declaration in form of the single administrative document, but before alienation of such vehicles by persons specified in paragraph one of this Item, to receivers of the humanitarian assistance.".
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