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of August 30, 2024 No. 488

About the Procedure for purpose of address social benefit, determination of its size and needy citizens (families) in the Republic of Tajikistan

According to article 16 of the Constitutional law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan", article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the address public assistance" and article 57 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About regulatory legal acts" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for purpose of address social benefit, determinations of its size and needy citizens (families) in the Republic of Tajikistan it (is applied).

2. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan annually according to the request provided by authorized state body on rendering address social benefit to provide in the republican budget necessary means for payment of address social benefit.

3. For payment of administrative expenses and record keeping of the mechanism of appointment and payment of address social benefit, including the salary of inspectors report clerks and social employees of self-government institutions of settlements and dekhot to permit the State agency of social protection of the population of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan to use no more than 3 percent of total amount of the means provided in the republican budget for payment of address social benefit.

4. To the Ministry of Labour, migration and employment of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan to take necessary measures for employment and assistance of employment of able-bodied members of needy families.

5. To the relevant ministries and departments, executive bodies of the government of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, areas, the city of Dushanbe, cities and areas to take measures for realization of this Procedure and about the done work annually till February 1 to provide information in the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan.

6. Annually till March 1 to provide to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan about the course of realization of this Procedure information in the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

7. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 14, 2020 No. 271 "About implementation of the mechanism of appointment and payment of address social benefit in the Republic of Tajikistan".

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Emomalii Rahmon

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 30, 2024, No. 488

Procedure for purpose of address social benefit, determination of its size and needy citizens (families) in the Republic of Tajikistan

1. General provisions

1. The procedure for purpose of address social benefit, determination of its size and needy citizens (families) in the Republic of Tajikistan (further - the Procedure) determines procedure for consideration of the address of citizens (families), determinations of their low-security, and also condition of appointment, financing and the amount of payment of address social benefit to needy families and citizens in the Republic of Tajikistan.

2. The address social benefit is granted and paid to families and the citizens who are constantly living in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan by estimates of material and household provision and the level of their welfare recognized needy.

3. The address social benefit is intended for compensation for expenses electricity use and natural gas to needy families and citizens, and also assistance on ensuring access of children of such families to healthy food, education and professional training.

2. Powers of state bodies in the sphere of provision of address social benefit

4. Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan:

- realizes state policy in the sphere of provision of address social benefit;

- develops and approves forms and types of necessary documents for purpose of address social benefit;

- creates the electronic program of information system of address social benefit (further – single information portal of social protection of the population) and posts it on the industry websites;

- determines methods of determination of needy families and citizens for receipt of address social benefit, and also the indicators determining population welfare provision for purpose of address social benefit and formula of indirect assessment of requirements;

- carries out other powers provided by this Procedure and industry regulatory legal acts.

5. The state agency of social protection of the population of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan (further - the Agency):

- creates the single electronic database about needy families and citizens;

- realizes the mechanism of appointment and payment of address social benefit to needy families and citizens and is responsible for target and effective use of allocated funds;

- coordinates activities of relevant organs of social protection of the population of local executive bodies of the government regarding the correct determination of low-security of families and citizens;

- quarterly with use of the single electronic database constitutes the list officially of unemployed able-bodied members of needy families and citizens (by the cities and areas) and presents him to the Agency of work and employment of the Ministry of Labour, migration and employment of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- constitutes the lists of needy families and citizens which are at the level of poverty and welfare index (criterion of needs) of which it is lower than a half of the established lowest passing scores, provides to local executive bodies of the government for further social support and provision of financial support by it;

- undertakes measures for integration of single information portal of social protection of the population into the portal of the state services.

6. Agency of work and employment of the Ministry of Labour, migration and employment of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan:

- jointly with the structural divisions according to the lists provided the State agency of social protection of the population of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan performs accounting of able-bodied members of needy families (without allowance payment on unemployment) and within concepts, strategy and industry programs and in the terms established by this Procedure takes measures for their employment;

- performs other activities connected with employment of able-bodied members of needy families including by means of provision of soft credits for occupation individual labor activity.

7. Local executive bodies of the government:


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