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of August 27, 2024 No. 987

Some questions of ensuring negotiation process on the entry of Ukraine into the European Union

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Create:

The interdepartmental working group on questions of ensuring negotiation process on the entry of Ukraine into the European Union and adaptations of the legislation of Ukraine to the right of the European Union in structure according to appendix 1;

working (negotiation) groups on preparation of negotiation line items of Ukraine during negotiations with the European Union on agreement signature on the entry of Ukraine into the European Union on appropriate sections of negotiation frame of the European Union in structure according to appendices 2-37.

2. Approve Regulations on the Interdepartmental working group on questions of ensuring negotiation process on the entry of Ukraine into the European Union and adaptations of the legislation of Ukraine to the enclosed right of the European Union.

3. To the vice-Prime Minister concerning the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine - the head of the delegation of Ukraine for participation in negotiations with the European Union on agreement signature about the entry of Ukraine into the European Union in a month from the date of entry into force of this resolution to approve members of working (negotiation) groups on preparation of negotiation line items of Ukraine during negotiations with the European Union on agreement signature on the entry of Ukraine into the European Union on the appropriate sections of negotiation frame of the European Union operating in accordance with the established procedure.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal

Appendix 1

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 27, 2024 No. 987

Interdepartmental working group on questions of ensuring negotiation process on the entry of Ukraine into the European Union and adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine to the right of the European Union


Olga Vitalyevna


The vice-Prime Minister concerning the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, the chairman of the Interdepartmental working group

Andrey Borisovich


The head of Office of the President of Ukraine (from consent)

Igor Ivanovich


the deputy manager of Office of the President of Ukraine (from consent)

Oleksander Mikhaylovich


the CEO of Government office on coordination of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the secretary of the Interdepartmental working group

Taras Andreevich


the deputy minister of economy - the Sales representative of Ukraine

Alexander Sergeyevich


the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (from consent)

Maria Vasilyevna


the deputy head of department concerning the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Office of the President of Ukraine (from consent)

Sergey Anatolyevich


the vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine (from consent)

Victor Vladimirovich


The head of the National agency concerning prevention of corruption

Evgeny Petrovich


deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation

Alexey Dmitriyevich


first deputy of the Minister of Economic Affairs

Ruslan Aleksandrovich


Minister of environmental protection and natural resources

Lyudmila Petrovna


the deputy minister of justice concerning the European integration

Denis Valeryevich


First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

Vsevolod Valeryevich


Representative of Ukraine to the European Union and European Atomic Energy Community

Igor Oleksandrovich


Deputy State secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine


Appendix 2

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 27, 2024 No. 987

working (negotiation) group on preparation of negotiation line items of Ukraine during negotiations with the European Union on agreement signature on the entry of Ukraine into the European Union concerning free movement of goods

Deputy minister of economy, chairman of working (negotiation) group on questions of free movement of goods

Representative of Government office of coordination of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, secretary of working (negotiation) group on questions of free movement of goods

Representative of Ministry of Economics

Representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure

Representative of the Ministry of Health

Representative of the Ministry of Energy

Representative Mindovkolya

Representative of the Ministry of Defence

Representative Minagropolitiki

Mintsifra's representative

Representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Representative Gosenergoeffektivnosti

Representative of Administration of Gosspetssvyaz

Representative MFA

Representative of MKIP

Representative of Minstrategprom

Representative Gostruda

Representative of GSChS

Representative of State Customs Service

Representative Gosprodpotrebsluzhby

Representative of DIAM

Representative of State ecoinspectorate

Representative Gosleksluzhby

Representative Gosstata

The representative of the National agency according to the prevention of corruption

The representative of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service (in consent)

Representative of Administration of navigation

Representative Goseksportkontrolya

Representative of the National agency on accreditation

Representative Ukrtransbezopasnosti

Representative of National police

The People's Deputy of Ukraine, the member of the committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on integration of Ukraine into the European Union (in consent)

People's Deputies of Ukraine, members of committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to whose maintaining the question concerning working (negotiation) group is carried (in consent)

The representative of Office of the President of Ukraine (in consent)

The representative of the Office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (in consent)

Representative of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The representative of Service of the Vice-Prime Minister concerning the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine

Representatives of business associations (in consent)

Representatives of public associations, All-Ukrainian Unions of the organizations of employers and scientific institutions (in consent)

Appendix 3

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 27, 2024 No. 987

working (negotiation) group on preparation of negotiation line items of Ukraine during negotiations with the European Union on agreement signature on the entry of Ukraine into the European Union concerning freedom of movement of workers

Deputy minister of economy, chairman of working (negotiation) group on questions of freedom of movement of workers

Representative of Government office of coordination of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, secretary of working (negotiation) group on questions of freedom of movement of workers

Representative of Ministry of Economics

Representative of MON

Representative Minsotspolitiki

Representative MFA

Representative of the Ministry of Health

Representative of Ministry of Justice

Mintsifra's representative

Representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure

Representative Gostruda

Representative of Public service of employment

Representative of GNS

The representative of National Bank (in consent)

The representative of NKTsBFR (in consent)

The representative of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service (in consent)

Representative of Administration of Gosspetssvyaz

Representative of NADS

Representative of GMS

Representative of Administration of State frontier service

The representative of the National agency of qualifications (in consent)

The representative of the National agency according to the prevention of corruption

Representative Gosstata

The People's Deputy of Ukraine, the member of the committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on integration of Ukraine into the European Union (in consent)


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