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of July 25, 2024 No. 196

About health of animals

The parliament adopts this organic law.

This law shifts in the national legal system Regulations of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/429 of March 9, 2016 about transmissible diseases of animals and about change or cancellation of some acts in the field of health of animals ("The law about health of animals"), CELEX: 32016R0429, published in the Official magazine of the European Union by L 84 of March 31, 2016, with the last changes made by the Delegated regulations of the Commission (EU) 2018/1629 of July 25, 2018.

Part I General provisions

Chapter I Purpose, subject, scope and concepts

Article 1. Purpose of this law

(1) the Purpose of this law consists in providing high standards of health protection of animals and the populations, establishment of rules of prevention and control of diseases of the animals who are transferred to animals and the person, safety of foodstuff and forages, and also protection of the territory of the country against infectious diseases by the organization of veterinary and sanitary activities.

(2) Rules of prevention and control of diseases of animals provide procedure:

a) rangings on degree of importance and classification of the diseases infringing on interests of the Republic of Moldova, and establishment of responsibility for health of animals (Article 1-17 of part I);

b) early detection of diseases, notification and submission of the reporting on them, supervision, program implementation of liquidation and establishment of the status of wellbeing due to illness (Article 18-42 of part II);

c) increases in level of awareness on diseases and readiness for them, and also their control (Article 43-83 of part III);

d) veterinary and sanitary registration of the companies and carriers and issue of veterinary and sanitary permissions to them, movements and ensuring traceability of animals, reproductive material and animal products in the territory of the Republic of Moldova (Article 84-228 of part IV, Articles 244-248 and 252-256 of part VI);

e) import of animals, reproductive material and animal products to the Republic of Moldova and their export from the Republic of Moldova (Article 229-243 of part V, Articles 244-246 and 252-256 of part VI);

f) non-commercial movement of pets on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and also their export out of country limits (Article 244-256 of part VI);

g) realization of the emergency measures which are subject to acceptance in case of emergency situation in connection with any disease (Articles 257 and 258 of part VII).

(3) the basic rules Provided by this law provided in part (2):

a) are directed on:

(i) improvement of health of animals for maintenance of steady production of agricultural products and products of aquaculture in the Republic of Moldova;

(ii) effective functioning of the domestic market;

(iii) decrease in adverse effect of diseases on health of animals and the population, and also on the environment by acceptance provided by the law died in case of need or in case of inevitable risk for health of animals, health of the population, protection of animals and safety of animal products and forages;

b) consider:

(i) interrelation between health of animals and:

– health of the population;

– the environment, including biodiversity and valuable genetic resources, and also climate change effects;

– safety of foodstuff and forages;

– wellbeing of animals, including disposal of pain, sufferings or tortures which can be avoided;

– antimicrobic medicines resistance;

– food security;

(ii) economic, social and cultural effects, and also effects for the environment in case of application of measures of prevention and control of diseases;

(iii) relevant international standards.

Article 2. Scopes

Provisions of this law are applied:

a) to the being on content and wild animals of all types;

b) to reproductive material of animal origin;

c) to animal products;

d) to offal and derivative animal products without prejudice to the regulations established By the law about the offal of animal origin and derivative products which are not intended for consumption by the person, No. 129/2019;

e) to installations, vehicles, the equipment and any other materials and ways of transmission of infection involved or potentially involved in spread of transmissible diseases of animals;

f) to transmissible diseases, including zoonoza, without prejudice to the special regulations concerning monitoring of zoonoz and their activators, establishment of rules of control and supervision of transmissible spongy encephalopathies, and also control and decrease in level of distribution of salmonella in populations of animals.

Article 3. Scopes of parts IV-VI

(1) Provisions of the Section I of part IV (Article 84-171) are applied:

a) to land animals, and also animals who do not treat land animals however are capable to transmit the diseases affecting land animals;

b) to the reproductive material received from land animals;

c) to the animal products received from land animals.

(2) Provisions of the Section II of part IV (Article 172-226) are applied:

a) to water animals, and also animals who do not treat water animals however are capable to transmit the diseases affecting water animals;

b) to the animal products received from water animals.

(3) Provisions of the Section III of part IV (Article 227 and 228) are applied:

a) to other animals who are not falling under determination of land and water animals;

b) to the reproductive material and animal products received from the animals specified in Item a).

(4) Provisions of parts IV and V are not applied to the non-commercial movement of pets specified in part (6) this Article.

(5) Movement of pets, except cases of non-commercial movement, is performed with observance of requirements to health of the animals provided by parts IV and V.

(6) Provisions of part VI are applied only to the non-commercial movement of pets conforming to the requirements provided by Articles 245 and 246, about the maximum number of animals who can accompany their owner, and the maximum number of days between movement of the owner and animal.

Article 4. Concepts

The concepts "official control", "official veterinarian" and "competent authority" are used in the values determined by the Law on official control in the agrofood sphere No. 82/2024. In addition to them the following concepts are determined:

aquaculture – content of water animals throughout the period of their cultivation and cultivation before completion of their catching, except for catching or production for the purpose of consumption by the person of wild water animals who contain without feeding before their slaughter;

infecting agent – the activator which is transferred to animals or the person capable to cause disease in animals;

the activator of zoonoz – any virus, bacterium, fungus, parasite or other biological education capable to cause zoonoz;

other animals are the animals belonging to the types which are not falling under determination of land or water animals;

animal there are vertebral and backboneless animals;

water animals are animals of the following types at all stages of their development, including berries, spermatozoa and gametes:

a) any fish belonging to superclass of Agnatha and the classes Chondrichthyes, Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii;

b) any water mollusk relating to the Mollusca type;

c) any water crustacean belonging to the Crustacea subtype;

animal aquacultures – any water animals, being aquaculture objects;

the being animals are supported animals who contain the person, including in relation to water animals of animals of aquaculture;

pet – the animal belonging to the types listed in appendix 1, which is contained by the person in personal non-commercial purposes;

land animals – birds, land mammals, bees and bumblebees;

wild animals are the animals who are not on content;

emergence of flash – the confirmed officially emergence of the list or emerdzhentny disease which is subject to the official declaration and the notification on it at one or several animals at the company or in other place where animals contain or take place;

veterinary and sanitary permission – the official document issued by competent authority confirming observance of veterinary health requirements by the company which is subject to veterinary sanitary inspection;

the hydrographic pool – the region or the pool having natural borders where all waterways are flown down;

biosecurity – set of the physical and administrative measures directed to decrease in risk of drift, development and spread of infectious diseases on livestock of animals, object, zone, kompartment, the vehicle or any other installations, rooms or places either out of their limits or in them;

disease – origin at animal infections or invasions with clinical or pathological manifestations or without them called by one or several infecting agents;

list diseases – the diseases included in the list provided by part (1) Article 5;

the diseases which are subject to the obligatory notification – the diseases which are subject to the official declaration and the notification on them;

quarantine – content of animals in isolation with exception of direct or indirect contact with the animals who are out of this epizootological unit for the purpose of non-admission of spread of one or several diseases which are subject to the official declaration and the notification on them in case of observation of the isolated animals during certain term and with carrying out in need of laboratory researches and treatment;

non-commercial movement – any movement of pet together with his owner, which:

a) it is not directed to sale of pet or any other transfer of property on it; and

b) is part of movement of the owner of pet:

(i) under its direct responsibility;

(ii) under responsibility of the authorized person in cases when the pet is physically separated his owner;

unique code – unique code by means of which the operators containing animals fulfill the obligation on ensuring individual identification of the corresponding animals and which is entered into the Automated information system "State Register of Animals";

identification code of animal – the individual code displayed by the means of identification applied to animal or beehive, and containing:

a) country code in which means of identification was applied to animal;

b) the individual identification number appropriated to animal or beehive consisting no more than of 12 digits;

kompartment – subpopulation of the animals who are on one or several objects or in case of water animals on one or several objects of aquaculture included in single system of management of biosecurity and having the special sanitary status by one or several certain diseases to which measures of supervision, control and biosecurity extend;

the owner of animals – the physical person or legal entity having in permanent ownership of animals as their owner and/or the owner of the object or person who is temporarily looking after animals. Persons responsible for groups of animals, vehicles in which there are animals, and also managing directors of the objects/companies like fair or exhibition of animal, summer camps, stock-rearing farms, centers of collection of animals and the companies for slaughter enter this category without any exception;

the pet owner – physical person or legal entity, constantly or temporarily owning animal / looking after animal who can be at the same time the pet owner;

the identification document – the document for identification of animal including at least the following information: unique identification code of animal or in appropriate cases code of object on which the animal, name and the address of the owner of object and data on all movements of animal, including for the purposes of export or trade was given birth;

medical examination – the procedure which is carried out by the veterinarian for establishment of the status of health of animal;

object – any place intended for content and placement of animals, their cultivation, the treatment of them or their display to the population;

private (nonprofessional) object – the object for content of the animals registered in the Automated information system "State Register of Animals", which did not get veterinary and sanitary permission and belonging to physical persons on which receive the animal products intended for family consumption and/or realization with observance of the requirements provided by parts (8) and (9) Article 61;

the veterinary assistant surgeon – the physical person having preparation in the field of veterinary science at the level not below secondary vocational education;

hatchery – the company performing collection, storage, incubation of eggs and removal of baby birds from eggs for delivery:

a) hatchable eggs;

b) daily poulties or other bird species;

reproductive material – the seed grain, oocytes and embryos intended for artificial reproduction including hatchable eggs;

the operator – any physical person or legal entity bearing responsibility for animals or animal products including during limited term, except for owners of pets and veterinarians;

transaction on collection – consolidation of the animals who are on content coming from several companies for shorter term, than the keeping period provided for animals of the corresponding type;

hatchable eggs – the eggs intended for incubation, laid by poultry or birds containing in bondage;

poultry – the birds who are grown up or containing in bondage for production of meat, food eggs and other products, and also for replenishment of livestock of game birds, including for reproduction;

the birds containing in bondage – bird, except for poultry, containing in bondage for any purposes, except specified for poultry, including for participation in performances, races, exhibitions and tenders, and also for reproduction or sale;

danger – infecting agent or condition of animal or product which can make adverse effect on human health or animals;

the keeping period – the minimum period, necessary to be convinced that the sanitary status of the animal who arrived on object, not below the sanitary status of the animals containing on this object;

the animals specialist – the physical person or legal entity connected by the nature of professional activity with animals or animal products, except for the operator and the veterinarian;

the authorized person – any physical person authorized in writing by the pet owner for ensuring non-commercial movement of pet on behalf of the owner;

products – reproductive material, animal products, offal of animal origin and derivative products;

biological medicines – antigens, vaccines and diagnostic reagents;

animal products:

a) foodstuff of animal origin, including honey and blood;

b) the live beach clams, live erinaceouses, live tunicates and live sea Castropoda intended for consumption by the person; and

c) other animals, except specified in Item b), intended for preparation for delivery to the final consumer in live type;

derivative products – the products received as a result of one or several processings, transformations or stages of conversion of offal of animal origin;

disease profile – the criteria of disease specified in Item a) Article 7;

the pet owner – the physical person or legal entity specified as the owner in the identification document of pet;

risk – probability of emergence of biological and economic effects of adverse effect on health of animals or the population and their probable scale;

The automated information system "State Register of Animals" (AIS "GRZh") – system of the elements and procedures allowing to identify and register animals and objects electronically, providing respect for the principle of traceability, control of which is exercised of one operator;

list types – animal species or groups of animal species included in the list according to part provisions (2) Articles 8, or in case of emerdzhentny diseases animal species or groups of animal species which correspond to the criteria of list types specified in part (2) Article 8;

the sanitary status – the status by list diseases to which the animal or animals of certain type within epizootological unit, object, zone, kompartment, the territory or the country is subject;

offal of animal origin – the whole flourishes or parts of animals, animal products or other products received from animals which are not intended for consumption by the person, except for reproductive material;

veterinary sanitary inspection – set of the types of veterinary and sanitary activities which are subject to control and monitoring by veterinarians;

TRACES – information system by means of which registration of transactions on import, export and transit of animals, seed grain of animal origin, and also the products and offal of animal origin which are subject to veterinary sanitary inspection and control is performed;

carrier – the operator transporting animals from own name or on behalf of the third party;

ungulates are the animals belonging to the types listed in appendix 3;

the company – any room, structure or in case of farming in the open air any circle or the place of temporary or permanent content of animals or reproductive material, except for households where pets, and also veterinary offices or clinics contain;

epizootological unit – group of the animals, with equal probability who are put infecting agent exposure hazard;

company for receipt of reproductive material:

a) in relation to seed grain – the company at which are performed selection, obtaining, conversion or storage of seed grain;

b) in relation to oocytes and embryos – the group of specialists or structure which are under the supervision of team of the veterinarians having necessary skills for selection, obtaining, conversion and storage of oocytes and embryos;

c) in relation to hatchable eggs – hatchery;

the isolated company – any permanent company with the established geographical boundaries created on voluntary basis and which got veterinary and sanitary permission to movement of animals, on which animals:

a) contain or get divorced for exhibitions, in the educational purposes, for preserving types or for researches;

b) are isolated or separated the environment; and

c) fall under action of severe measures of supervision of health of animals and died biosecurity;

the company for production of foodstuff from water bioresources with observance of measures for fight against diseases – the company of the food sector which got permission according to Article 179;

the conservation zone – the zone including the place of emergence of flash and its vicinity where disease control measures for the purpose of non-admission of its distribution out of limits of this zone are applied;

the action area of restrictions – zone in which restrictions for movement of some animals or products and other control measures of diseases for the purpose of non-admission of spread of certain disease on the zones which are not falling under action of restrictions are applied; if necessary the action area of restrictions can include conservation zones or zones of supervision;

supervision zone – the zone established around the conservation zone in which control measures of the diseases which are subject to the official declaration and the notification on them for the purpose of non-admission of spread of disease out of limits of the conservation zone are applied;

zone: a) in relation to land animals – the region in the territory of the country with accurately certain geographical boundaries in which there is subpopulation of animals with the special sanitary status by one or several certain diseases to which adequate measures of supervision, control and biosecurity extend;

b) in relation to water animals – the hydrological system consisting of adjacent elements with the special sanitary status by one or several certain diseases forming:

(i) the single hydrographic pool from waterway source to the mouth or the lake;

(ii) several hydrographic pools;

(iii) part of the hydrographic pool from waterway source to the barrier interfering drift of one or several certain diseases;

(iv) part of the coastal territory with accurately certain geographical boundaries;

(v) the mouth with accurately certain geographical boundaries.

Chapter II List diseases, emerdzhentny diseases and list animal species

Article 5. Creation of the list of diseases

(1) the special rules of prevention and control of diseases Provided by this law are applied:

a) to the following list diseases:

(i) foot-and-mouth disease;

(ii) classical swine fever;

(iii) African swine fever;

(iv) high-pathogenic avian flu;

(v) African plague of horses;

b) to the list diseases specified in the list provided by appendix 2.

(2) Changes in the list specified in Item b) parts (1), are brought on government proposal.

(3) the Disease is included in the list specified in Item b) parts (1) this Article if its assessment according to Article 7 was made and it corresponds:

a) to all listed below criteria:

(i) scientific data demonstrate that the disease is transmissible;

(ii) in the country there are animal species which or are susceptible to this disease, or are its carriers and reservoirs;

(iii) the disease makes adverse effect on health of animals or represents risk for health of the population owing to the zoonotic of nature;

(iv) there are diagnostic aids of this disease;

(v) measures for decrease in risks and in need of measure of supervision of disease are effective and proportional to the risks existing in the country connected with disease; and also

b) to at least one of the listed below criteria:

(i) the disease makes or can make considerable adverse effect on health of animals in the country or represents or can represent significant risk for health of the population of the country owing to the zoonotic of nature;

(ii) the infecting agent acquired resistance to treatment and constitutes considerable health hazard of the population and/or animals in the country;

(iii) the disease renders or can make considerable adverse economic effect on agricultural products or products of aquaculture in the country;

(iv) the disease can potentially lead to emergence of crisis situations or the infecting agent can be used for the purpose of bioterrorism;

(v) the disease renders or can render considerable adverse environmental impact, including on biological diversity in the country.

(4) the Government accepts rules about exception of the list specified in Item b) parts (1), diseases which do not correspond to the criteria provided by part any more (3).

(5) the Government accepts rules about inclusion in the list specified in Item b) parts (1), some diseases taking into account the available new scientific data.

Article 6. Emerdzhentny diseases

(1) the rules of prevention and control of diseases provided by this law are applied To emerdzhentny diseases.

(2) the Disease which is not relating to list diseases is considered emerdzhentny disease (further – emerdzhentny disease) if it corresponds to the criteria of list diseases provided by part (3) Articles 5, and:

a) resulted from evolution or change of the existing infecting agent;

b) is the known disease which extends to the new geographical region, new type or new population;

c) it is diagnosed in the country for the first time; or

d) it is caused by unknown infecting agent.

(3) the Competent authority approves necessary measures concerning the emerdzhentny disease answering listed in part (2) to criteria.

(4) In properly reasonable emergencies connected with the disease creating new risk of extremely considerable impact, the competent authority sends to the Commission on emergency situations of the offer on the measures for veterinary sanitary inspection and fight against disease which are subject to immediate application.

(5) Any obligation of operators is applied to emerdzhentny disease only if the provision provided by part (3) this Article is observed or if the plan of rapid response according to Article 43 extends to this emerdzhentny disease.

Article 7. Assessment parameters for inclusion of diseases in the list

The competent authority uses the following parameters of assessment for determination of compliance of disease to necessary conditions for its inclusion in the list according to part provisions (2) Article 5:

a) the disease profile including the following criteria:

(i) animal species, susceptible to this disease;

(ii) the illness rates and death rates in populations of animals;

(iii) zoonotic nature of disease;

(iv) resistance to treatment, including antimicrobic medicines resistance;

(v) stability of disease in population of animals or the environment;

(vi) ways and the speed of transfer of disease from one animal to another and in appropriate cases from animal to the person;

(vii) absence or availability and prevalence of disease in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and also if the disease is absent, risk of its drift on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;

(viii) availability of diagnostic aids and control of disease;

b) impact of disease on:

(i) production of agricultural products or products of aquaculture, and also other industries of economy regarding the level of presence of disease in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, production losses owing to disease or other losses;

(ii) health of the population regarding possibility of transmission of infection from animal to the person or from the person to the person, weight of forms of disease at people and availability of effective methods of prevention or medical treatment at people;

(iii) wellbeing of animals;

(iv) biodiversity and environment;

c) capability of disease to generate crisis situations and possibility of use of disease for the purpose of bioterrorism;

d) feasibility, availability and efficiency of the following measures of prevention and control of diseases:

(i) diagnostic means and opportunities;

(ii) vaccination;

(iii) medical treatment;

(iv) biosecurity measures;

(v) restrictions for movement of animals and products;

(vi) slaughter of animals;

(vii) destruction of hulks and other corresponding offal of animal origin;

e) impact of measures of prevention and control of diseases in part:

(i) direct and indirect costs for injured industries and economy in general;

(ii) their acceptances by the public;

(iii) wellbeing of the subpopulations of the animals who are on content or wild animals affected with disease;

(iv) environment and biodiversity.

Article 8. Creation of the list of animal species

(1) the special rules concerning list diseases provided by this law and also the rules accepted based on this law are applied To animals of list types.

(2) the Competent authority constitutes the list specified in part (1) the animal species answering to the criteria listed in part (3). Types or groups of the animal species creating significant risk of spread of certain list diseases proceeding from the following criteria are included in the list:

a) risk exposure of population of animals;

b) duration of the incubatory and infectious periods at the corresponding animals;

c) the capability of the corresponding animals to be carriers of certain diseases.

(3) Vida or group of animal species join in specified in part (2) the list if they are infected or create risk of spread of certain list disease in view of the fact that:

a) they are susceptible to certain list disease or scientific data confirm probability of availability of such susceptibility; or

b) they act as carriers or reservoirs of the corresponding disease or scientific data confirm probability of accomplishment of such role by them.

(4) the Competent authority excludes type or group of animal species from specified in part (2) the list if:

a) the list disease in connection with which the corresponding type or group of animal species were included in this list is excluded from the list; or

b) scientific data demonstrate that the corresponding type or group of animal species do not answer the criteria provided by part any more (3).

Article 9. The rules of prevention and control of diseases applied to different categories of list diseases

(1) the stated below rules of prevention and control of diseases are applied To list diseases:

a) the following rules are applied to list diseases which do not meet in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and in case of which detection immediate taking measures to their liquidation is necessary depending on circumstances:

(i) the rules of informing on diseases and preparation for them provided by Articles 43-52;

(ii) the control measures of diseases provided by Articles 53-71; and

(iii) the rules of compartmentalization provided by part (1)статьи 37.

The measures specified in Item b), and also in need of measure, specified in Items d) and e) this part are also applied to the corresponding list diseases depending on circumstances;

b) the following rules are applied to the list diseases which are subject to control for the purpose of their liquidation depending on circumstances:

(i) the rules about obligatory programs of liquidation provided by part (1) Article 31;

(ii) rules about the countries and zones safe due to illness, stipulated in Article 36;

(iii) the rules of compartmentalization provided by part (2) Article 37; and

(iv) the control measures of diseases provided by Articles 72-75, 77-79, 81 and 83.

The measures specified in Items d) and e) this part are also applied to the corresponding list diseases depending on circumstances;

c) the following rules are applied to list diseases concerning which taking measures to prevention of their distribution to all territory of the Republic of Moldova is necessary or concerning which there are programs of liquidation depending on circumstances:

(i) the rules of voluntary liquidation provided by part (2) Article 31;

(ii) rules about the countries and zones safe due to illness, stipulated in Article 36;

(iii) the rules of compartmentalization provided by part (2) Article 37; and

(iv) the rules on control measures of diseases provided by Articles 76-78, 80, 82 and 83.

The measures specified in Items d) and e) this part are also applied to the corresponding list diseases depending on circumstances;

d) the following rules are applied to list diseases in case of which drift on the territory of the Republic of Moldova taking measures to prevention of their distribution is necessary depending on circumstances:

(i) the rules on case of spread of disease in the territory of the Republic of Moldova provided by Articles 124-169, 191-225 and 247-251; and

(ii) rules of import of animals to the Republic of Moldova or their moving to other countries provided by Articles 229-243.

The list diseases specified in Items a) – c) this part, are considered as list diseases according to Items d) and e) this part if the risk created by the corresponding disease can be effectively reduced by means of measures for movement of animals and products;

e) the following rules are applied to the list diseases which are subject to supervision depending on circumstances:

(i) the rules of the notification and the reporting provided by Articles 18-23; and

(ii) the rules of supervision provided by Articles 24-30.

The list diseases specified in Items a) – c) this part, are also considered as list diseases according to this subitem.

(2) the Competent authority approves specified in part (1) rules of prevention and control of list diseases based on the criteria provided by appendix 4, and taking into account new scientific data.

(3) the Competent authority makes changes in specified in part (2) rules of prevention and control of list diseases if the corresponding diseases do not answer the criteria provided by appendix 4, including taking into account new scientific data any more.

(4) In properly reasonable emergencies connected with the list disease creating new risk of extremely considerable impact, the competent authority if necessary approves the measures for veterinary sanitary inspection and fight against disease which are subject to immediate application.

Chapter III Responsibility for health of animals

Part 1 Operators, animals specialists and owners of pets
Article 10. Responsibility for health of animals and measure of biosecurity

(1) Operators shall:

a) in relation to the animals who are on their content and the products which are under their authority:

(i) bear responsibility for health of the animals who are on content;

(ii) reasonably and responsibly to use medicines of veterinary assignment, without restraining at the same time role and the sphere of responsibility of veterinarians;

(iii) minimize risk of spread of the diseases which are subject to the official declaration and the notification on them;

(iv) grow up the animals who are on content according to rules on health protection, ensuring protection and wellbeing of animals;

b) if necessary to take proper measures of biosecurity concerning the animals who are on their content and the products which are under their authority depending on:

(i) types and categories of the animals who are on content and products;

(ii) products type; and

(iii) neighboring risks taking into account geographical location and climatic conditions, and also local circumstances and practice;

c) if necessary to take biosecurity measures concerning wild animals.

(2) animals Specialists when implementing the professional activity connected with animals and products take measures for minimizing of risk of spread of diseases.

(3) part Provisions (1) are equally applied to owners of pets.

(4) biosecurity Measures, stipulated in Item b) parts (1), depending on circumstances become effective by means of:

a) measures of physical protection which can include:

(i) moving to the enclosed space, obneseniye by barrier, construction of roof and installation of mesh fences;

(ii) transactions on cleaning and disinfection, fight against insects and rodents;

(iii) in case of water animals in need of measure for ensuring water supply and water disposal, natural or artificial barriers to the next water currents interfering penetration of water animals on the company or to their movement out of limits of the company including measures against flooding or penetration of water from the next water currents;

b) died managements which can include:

(i) procedure for entrance on the company and exit from it of animals, products, vehicles and people;

(ii) procedure for use and processing of the equipment;

(iii) movement conditions taking into account neighboring risks;

(iv) conditions of receipt of animals or products on the company;

(v) quarantine, isolation or department of newcomers or sick animals;

(vi) system of safe extermination of dead animals and other offal of animal origin.

(5) In case of application of measures of prevention and control of the diseases provided by this law, operators, animals specialists and owners of pets cooperate with competent authority and veterinarians.

(6) the Government accepts the minimum requirements necessary for uniform application of provisions of this Article. These requirements reflect the aspects specified in Item b) parts (1).

Article 11. Knowledge about health of animals

(1) the Operators and persons responsible for cultivation, content and wellbeing of animals shall have the corresponding knowledge:

a) about diseases of the animals including who are transferred to the person;

b) about the principles of biosecurity;

c) about interrelation between health and wellbeing of animals and health of the person;

d) about proper practice of livestock production concerning the animal species which are under their authority;

e) about resistance to treatment, including antimicrobic medicines resistance, and its effects.

(2) Content and level of knowledge necessary according to part provisions (1), depend:

a) from types and categories of the animals who are on content or the products which are under authority of operators and the corresponding animals specialists and also from nature of their professional activity in connection with these animals or products;

b) from products type;

c) from the performed works.

(3) Knowledge provided by part (1), are acquired by one of the following methods:

a) working experience or professional training;

b) participation in the existing programs in the field of the agricultural industry or aquaculture connected with health of animals;

c) formal education;

d) other types of experience or preparation as a result of which the level of knowledge similar specified in subitems an is reached), b) or c).

(4) the Operators implementing pets or otherwise the transferring ownership to them, provide to future owner of pet the main information on specified in part (1) to aspects, in that measure in what they are related to the corresponding pet.

Part 2 Veterinarians and specialists in health protection of water animals
Article 12. Sphere of responsibility of veterinarians and specialists in health protection of water animals

(1) When implementing the activities falling under operation of this law, veterinarians and specialists in health protection of water animals:

a) take all necessary measures for prevention of drift, development and spread of diseases;

b) take measures for ensuring early detection of diseases by performing regular and differential diagnostics for exception or confirmation of disease;

c) take active part:

(i) in increase in level of awareness about health of animals and about interrelation between health and wellbeing of animals and health of the person;

(ii) in prevention of diseases;

(iii) in early detection of diseases and quick response in case of their origin;

(iv) in increase in level of awareness on resistance to treatment, including antimicrobic medicines resistance, and its effects;

d) cooperate with competent authority, operators, animals specialists and owners of pets when implementing measures of prevention and control of the diseases provided by this law.

(2) Specialists in health protection of water animals can perform the activities connected with water animals which according to this law are assigned to veterinarians, in the presence the corresponding specialists have permissions to implementation of such activities. In this case part provisions are applied to specialists in health protection of water animals (1).

(Veterinarians and specialists in health protection of water animals support 3) and increase professional skills in the spheres of their activities falling under operation of this law.

Part 3 Sphere of responsibility
Article 13. Sphere of responsibility of competent authority

(1) For possibility of acceptance of necessary measures for health protection of animals and implementation of activities according to this law the competent authority makes sure available:

a) qualified personnel, installations, the equipment, financial resources and the effective organizational structure covering all territory of the country;

b) access to laboratories with the qualified personnel, installations, the equipment and financial resources necessary for ensuring bystry and exact diagnostics, including differential, list and emerdzhentny diseases;


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