Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 30, 2024 No. PP-346

About measures for further enhancement of system of work with gifted youth

In the country consecutive measures for creation of additional terms for support of gifted youth, realization of its potential, to effective establishing research and innovative activities are performed.

At the same time there is need of enhancement of system of work with gifted youth for increase in interest of the growing-up younger generation in mastering knowledge, further enhancement of the authority of the country on the international scene.

For the purpose of involvement of youth in active participation in the performed reforms, support of its interest in development of science, broad involvement of young people to prospecting and creative activities, and also education of the younger generation by worthy descendants of the great ancestors who widely glorified our Homeland on a global scale:

1. Approve the offer of the Ministry of preschool and school education on creation under the Agency of specialized educational institutions of the Center of the subject Olympic Games (further - the Center) in the form of public institution.

Determine the main activities of the Center:

identification and selection of the gifted youth interested in more profound studying of disciplines, creation of necessary conditions for further development at it of capabilities and talent;

development of training programs, literatures, methodical recommendations and benefits about target training of pupils for the subject Olympic Games;

team building of trainers on preparation for the subject Olympic Games, including with involvement of foreign specialists, scientists, the faculty, adjustment and stimulation of their effective activities;

the organization and coordination of the Olympic Games, competitions and the competitions held in school objects at the international and republican levels;

support of the pupils who achieved good results at the subject Olympic Games, rendering assistance to implementation of activities by them in the priority directions of economy and science, including in system of school education;

expansion of international cooperation on holding the Olympic Games, promoting of the best foreign practices in this sphere;

promotion of the subject Olympic Games, informing the general public on participation of pupils of Uzbekistan in the international subject Olympic Games and the results achieved by them.

2. Determine that:

a) the extreme number of staff of managerial personnel of the Center is created within the general number of staff of system of the Ministry of preschool and school education and makes 27 units;

b) the work payment terms established for employees of the Ministry of preschool and school education extend to employees of the Center. At the same time:

the official pay rate of the director of the Center is equated to official pay rate of the director of the department of the Ministry of preschool and school education, the deputy director - the head of department of the ministry, chiefs of structural divisions - the head of department of the ministry, other specialists employees - specialists of appropriate level of the ministry;

allowances, awards and other stimulating payments to employees of the Center are paid for the account of fund of assistance to reforms in the field of education;

c) activities of the Center are financed by means of the Government budget, Fund of assistance to reforms in the field of education, Fund of support of gifted youth, charitable gifts of physical persons and legal entities, the means which arrived from rendering paid services, and other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation, and since 2027 step by step - by the means which arrived from conducting economic activity.

To the ministry of preschool and school education till October 1, 2025 to organize in the Center by fund of assistance to reforms in the field of education the laboratory which is completely equipped with the modern equipment and raw materials for accomplishment of practical tasks in objects.

3. Determine that for ensuring worthy participation of pupils in the international Olympic Games since 2025 the Center:

creates base of the gifted pupils who took successful part and showed good results at the Olympic Games held among pupils 5 - the 8th classes, and adjusts their target preparation for the international Olympic Games;

develops training programs, literature, methodical recommendations, benefits and magazines in each direction of disciplines, constantly enhances them on the basis of experience of foreign countries and methodology of the international Olympic Games;

creates necessary conditions for continuous professional development of trainers-teachers on training of pupils for the subject Olympic Games, trains them in new techniques;

adjusts practice of carrying out joint charges of the national teams of teams in the subject Olympic Games with national teams of the foreign states;

will organize for pupils seminars and motivational trainings on overcoming psychological pressure at the international Olympic Games;

will organize "intellectual the camp" for the gifted youth which took successful part in regional stages of the main subject Olympic Games.

4. Establish procedure according to which:

a) the international subject Olympic Games are divided into the prestigious international Olympic Games, the international Olympic Games and the regional international Olympic Games, winners of these Olympic Games, their teachers and heads of national teams are awarded with one-time monetary rewards in sizes according to appendix No. 1;

b) the list of the prestigious international Olympic Games, international Olympic Games and regional international Olympic Games affirms the Cabinet of Ministers;

c) since January 1, 2025 the procedure for encouragement of heads of the national teams participating in the prestigious international Olympic Games proceeding from result of team takes root. At the same time:


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