Unofficial translation (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of September 3, 2024 No. 1039
About implementation of the pilot project on creation and implementation of the digital integrated information and analytical system "Single Platform of Housing and Communal Services"
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of development of communities, the territories and infrastructures concerning realization within two years from the date of entry into force of this resolution of the pilot project on creation and implementation of the digital integrated information and analytical system "Single Platform of Housing and Communal Services" (further - the pilot project).
2. Approve enclosed:
3. Determine that:
1) coordinator of the pilot project is the Ministry of development of communities, territories and infrastructure (further - the coordinator);
2) participants of the pilot project (further - participants) are:
The state agency on energy efficiency and energy saving;
The national commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities (in consent);
Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Poltava, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkassk regional and Kiev city military authorities;
local government bodies, military authorities of settlements (in case of their education) (in consent);
3) the coordinator has the right to attract other participants in consent by the conclusion of the memorandum of attaching to the pilot project on creation and implementation of the digital integrated information and analytical system "Single Platform of Housing and Communal Services".
4. Bring the enclosed changes in resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
5. Recommend to managing directors of apartment houses, to contractors of utilities to join participation in the pilot project.
6. Provide to the coordinator till December 31, 2024 input in trial operation of the first priority of the digital integrated information and analytical system "Single Platform of Housing and Communal Services" (further - the Single platform) according to conditions of the Provision approved by this resolution.
7. Provide electronic information exchange with the Single platform:
1) to the Ministry internal put-is relative Unified state register of vehicles;
2) to the Ministry of social policy in the relation:
Unified information system of the social sphere;
Register of receivers of housing subsidies;
The register of persons having the right to privileges;
centralized databank on disability problems;
The single information database about internally displaced persons;
3) to the Ministry of cases of veterans - rather Unified state register of veterans of war;
4) to the Ministry concerning reintegration of temporarily occupied territories - on information system of the list of the territories in which are conducted fighting or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation (was conducted);
5) to the State Tax Administration - rather State register of physical persons - taxpayers.
Parameters of information exchange between holders (administrators) of the electronic information resources specified in this Item, and the coordinator are determined according to the Provision approved by this resolution.
8. To provide to the coordinator and participants within one month after fulfillment of requirements of Item 6 of this resolution creation of electronic offices and to perform their information filling according to conditions of the Provision approved by this resolution.
9. To participants within three months after fulfillment of requirements of Item 6 of this resolution within competence to take measures for ensuring joining of managing directors of apartment houses, contractors of utilities and consumers to whom they provide housing and communal services, to the Single platform according to conditions of the Procedure approved by this resolution.
10. To the ministry of development of communities, territories and infrastructures:
1) within three months from the date of entry into force of this resolution:
develop and approve formats of data exchange of the Single platform with other electronic information resources;
approve technical tasks on creation of the Single platform and the instruction for its use;
2) not later than in two months after completion of implementation of the pilot project to submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the report on results of its realization;
3) by results of implementation of the pilot project to submit proposals on modification of legal acts.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 3, 2024, No. 1039
General questions
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of implementation of the pilot project by creation and implementation of the digital integrated information and analytical system "Single Platform of Housing and Communal Services" (further - the pilot project).
The question of joint use, content and management of the apartment house performed by associations of co-owners of apartment houses through the governing bodies, the managing apartment house or association of associations of co-owners of the apartment house is not subject of regulation of this Procedure and component of the specified pilot project.
2. In this Procedure terms are used in the following value:
1) the user - the authorized representative of the subject specified in Item 5 of this Procedure or the target consumer who underwent electronic identification and authentication in the digital integrated information and analytical system "Single Platform of Housing and Communal Services" (further - the Single platform);
2) service - housing-and-municipal service from the list, the stipulated in Article 5 Laws of Ukraine "About housing and communal services", except the services provided by associations of co-owners of apartment houses;
3) the target consumer - the consumer of services who receives the services provided to managing directors of the apartment house (further - the managing director) and/or contractors of utilities to whom action of this procedure extends.
Other terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About housing and communal services", "About electronic identification and electronic confidential services", "About the national program of informatization", "About public electronic registers".
3. The purpose of implementation of the pilot project is:
1) carrying out reengineering of the processes and procedures connected with provision and receipt of services, in particular by their digitalization;
2) ensuring availability and convenience of the services connected with processes of provision and receipt of services and also provision to the population of subsidies for expense recovery for fee;
3) ensuring timely obtaining, collection, accumulating of the complete information about provision and receipt of services, necessary for acceptance of the relevant management decisions and updating of procedures of their preparation, and also its systematization and the analysis;
4) creation of the single state electronic agent of accounting of commercial services which provides maintenance of process of provision of services and centralized representation of interests of all subjects of legal relationship in the sphere of provision of housing and communal services (further - subjects), and also distribution of the single principles of realization of the processes connected with provision and receipt of services;
5) ensuring control of steady observance of requirements of the standards and the unified procedures connected with provision and receipt of services.
4. The main objectives to which accomplishment the pilot project is directed are:
1) creation of the single unified information system which will allow to automate the processes connected with provision and receipt of services and also provision to the population of subsidies for expense recovery for fee, and also processes of interaction between subjects, monitoring and control in service industry;
2) creation of electronic offices with dynamic set of services depending on access rights and the status of the user and with possibility of their modification according to changes of the legislation;
3) development of new approaches to ensuring monitoring and control of condition and service quality;
4) study of possibility of use of technologies of check of compliance of processes (their separate parts) connected with provision and receipt of services, to requirements for their passing; to the established standard rates, regulations, standards and rules of provision of services; to criteria of compliance (standard rates, regulations, standards and rules), effectiveness of managing directors, contractors of utilities and so forth,
5) reducing term of processing of statements, claims, other documents connected with provision and receipt of services;
6) preparation of offers on simplification of the processes connected with provision and receipt of services, and also review of the operating procedures for non-admission:
ambiguous approaches to realization by subjects of the obligations;
unreasonable refusal by subjects of accomplishment of the obligations;
accomplishment not in full subjects of the obligations;
7) implementation of target approach to assessment of level of satisfaction of target consumers with condition, continuity, quantity and quality of provision of services;
8) determination of rational approach to implementation of the unified/differentiated identification and authentication of users depending on their legal status;
9) determination of need of review of regulatory framework for service industry;
10) study of question of possibility of transactions in service industry electronically with use of the single unified information system.
5. Subjects to whom action of this Procedure extends are:
1) the coordinator of the pilot project (further - the coordinator);
2) participants of the pilot project (further - participating);
3) owner of the Single platform;
4) technical administrator of the Single platform;
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