Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 12, 2024 No. PP-287

About additional measures for support of small and medium business, development of service and tourism in the Bukhara region

For the purpose of improvement of infrastructure for subjects of entrepreneurship, further expansion of tourist services, financial support of business activity for increase in the income and employment of the population in the Bukhara region:

1. To fund of reconstruction and development to allocate to the Ministry of Economics and finance non-interest loan in the amount of 100 million US dollars for the term of 5 years, including two-year grace period.

2. Determine that the means provided in Item 1 of this resolution are allocated with the Ministry of Economics and finance for financing of projects in the Bukhara region in the directions according to appendix No. 1 * with the following provisions:

allocation of interest-free means in the amount of 60 million US dollars for the term of 5 years, including two-year grace period, for financial support of projects of small and medium business, service and tourism on the basis of development programs of family entrepreneurship, and also the procedure and mechanisms determined by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 10, 2023 No. UP-193 and the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 14, 2023 No. PP-306, to commercial banks and JSC Company of Development of Entrepreneurship;

allocation of non-interest budget advance in the amount of 40 million US dollars for the term of 5 years, including two-year grace period, according to reasonable calculations of khokimiyat of the Bukhara region for financing of infrastructure projects.

Provide to the deputy prime minister D. A. Kuchkarov power on redistribution of the allocated funds by the directions proceeding from actual demand.

3. Create the working group on improvement of infrastructure of entrepreneurship and coordination of financing of projects in the Bukhara region in structure according to appendix No. 2 * and to assign to it the following tasks:

forming of the address list of infrastructure projects on the basis of master plans;

determination of customers on implementation of infrastructure projects and development of master plans;

organization of works on timely and high-quality projects implementation, establishment of strict control of effective use of means.

4. To the Cabinet of Ministers in two weeks to approve the procedure for effective use of allocated funds and the accelerated projects implementation providing:

allocation of necessary means on each project on the basis of the request of khokimiyat of the Bukhara region according to the conclusion of working group;

adoption of operational decisions in coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers (Kuchkarov) for implementation in short terms of the processes connected with realization and financing of projects worth up to 1 million US dollars.

5. Approve:

the list of the master plans developed for improvement of architectural appearance of areas (cities) of the Bukhara region, creating favorable conditions for the population, entrepreneurs and tourists according to appendix No. 3 *;

the list of round the clock functioning streets organized for the purpose of development of tourist, entertaining, gastronomic, trading and service activity in districts (cities) of the Bukhara region according to appendix No. 4 *;

the directions of specialization of areas (cities) of the Bukhara region and development according to it their "points of growth" (drivers) according to appendix No. 5*.

* Appendix 1 - 5 are brought in Uzbek.

6. To khokimiyat of the Bukhara region (Zaripov):

in two weeks to hold the presentation in the Cabinet of Ministers of suggestions for improvement of infrastructure of areas (cities) of the Bukhara region for entrepreneurship;

approve the address list of the infrastructure projects financed according to Item 2 of this resolution taking into account master plans.

7. To the deputy prime minister D. A. Kuchkarov in two weeks to approve distribution of the funds allocated for financial support of subjects of small and medium business according to this resolution between commercial banks and JSC Company of Development of Entrepreneurship.

8. Assign to the deputy prime minister D. A. Kuchkarov and hokim of the Bukhara B. K region. Zaripova the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this resolution.

Implementation of coordination and control of activities of the departments responsible for execution of this resolution to assign to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev


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