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of July 4, 2024 No. 244

About approval of the Standard regulations on the housing commissions

(as amended on 09-09-2024)

According to Item 12 of Rules of privatization of the dwellings from the state housing stock approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 2, 2013 No. 673 of PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Standard regulations on the housing commissions.

2. To provide to committee on cases of construction and housing and communal services of the Industry ministry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Industry ministry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Industry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Industry and constructions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Sharlapayev

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Industry and construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 4, 2024 No. 244

Standard regulations on the housing commissions

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. The housing commissions of local executive bodies, the state companies, public institutions (further - the Housing commission) are the collegiate organs created under local executive bodies, the state companies, public institutions, authorized on pronouncement of decisions concerning privatization of dwellings from the state housing stock, acting on the permanent basis.

2. The housing commission is created of odd quantity at least five people of local executive body, the state company, public institution the dwelling granting the right to privatization, including representatives of public associations (in the presence).

3. The housing commission is headed:

1) in the central state bodies - the chief of staff;

2) in local executive bodies, public institutions and the state companies - the deputy first head.

4. The secretary of the housing commission is not member of the housing commission and has no right to vote.

5. The secretary of the Housing commission takes the minutes of the Housing commission (further - the protocol).

6. Are part of the Housing commission:

chief of staff or deputy first heads of local executive bodies, state companies, public institutions;

head of legal service (in the presence);

head of financial service;

head of the HR department (personnel service);

secretary of the Housing commission;

representatives of public associations no more than three (in the presence);

representatives of local executive bodies, state companies, public institutions.

Chapter 2. Tasks and functions of the Housing commission

7. The main objective of the Housing commission is adoption of the legal decision about privatization of dwellings from the state housing stock.

8. Functions of the Housing commission are:

1) ensuring timely consideration of the applications of the applicants who addressed for acquisition to property of dwellings according to the procedure of privatization (further - applicants);

2) verification of the documents submitted by the applicant;

3) consideration of the documents submitted by the applicant;

4) decision making about allowance of the application of the applicant, or removal of motivated refusal to the applicant;

5) consideration of question of the conclusion of the agreement on privatization of the dwelling (for local executive bodies);

6) submission of the invoice for payment of cost of the dwelling in case of its privatization (for local executive bodies);

7) implementation of the translation of the dwelling, privatizeable, in municipal housing stock (for the central state bodies and the state companies);

8) storage and business management (materials) of applicants;

9) to request information from state bodies and other organizations on applicants and their real estate;

10) to involve representatives of the state bodies and other organizations which did not be part of the commission;

11) to receive explanations from applicants.

Chapter 3. Organization of activities of the Housing commission

9. The housing commission sits as required.

10. The decision of the Housing commission is signed by the members of the Housing commission having the right to vote.

11. The members of the Housing commission having the right to vote can state in writing the special opinion and put it to the protocol about what in the last the mark becomes.

12. Decisions of the Housing commission are made by a majority vote by vote.

13. The decision of the Housing commission is competent if it is accepted two thirds from among the present members.

Chapter 4. Termination of activities of the Housing commission

14. The housing commission stops the activities in case of liquidation or reorganization of local executive bodies, state companies, public institutions.


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