of August 6, 2024 No. PP-283
About creation of the free economic zone "International center of industrial cooperation Central Asia
According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About special economic zones" and for the purpose of stimulation of stable development of the industry, increase in competitiveness and innovative activity of business entities, accession to regional and international chains of value added, and also creation of the favorable investment circle in the Republic of Uzbekistan:
1. Take into consideration that between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 9, 2023 in the city of Tashkent the Agreement on regulation of activities of the International center of industrial cooperation Central Asia is signed.
2. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of investments, the industry and trade, the Ministry of Economics and finance, the Ministries of Agriculture, the Ministries of water economy and khokimiyat of the Syr Darya region about:
the translation of 50 hectares of the irrigated parcels of land in Syrdarya Region of the Syr Darya region from category of lands of agricultural purpose in category of lands of the industry, transport, communication, defense and other appointment according to appendix No. 1;
creation on the parcels of land provided by appendix No. 1 to this resolution, the free economic zone "The international center of industrial cooperation Central Asia (further - the Center).
3. Approve the description of borders of the territory of the Center according to appendix No. 2.
4. To assign management of activities of the Center to the Unitary enterprise "The directorate of the free economic zone Syr Darya (further - Directorate).
5. Determine that:
the term of functioning of the Center constitutes 30 years with possibility of its subsequent prolongation according to the law;
during activities of the Center the separate tax, customs privileges and other preferences determined for members of free economic zones extend to his participants;
in the territory of the Center industrial cooperation by involvement of industrial enterprises to production process and implementations of production of import-substituting products extends;
the customs, certified, phytosanitary, veterinary, transport, banking services and services of currency exchange, mobile communication based on the principle "one window" and interactive mechanisms, for clients - medical, hotel, maintenance of vehicles and others take root;
in the territory of the Center products made only in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan under control of the production certificate are sold;
in the territory of the Center productive activity of legal entities is performed according to the requirements determined by acts of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
the citizens of the foreign states and stateless persons which are in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan pass through separate check-point based on travel documents, their return return is allowed only through the same check-point;
in the territory of the Center of person, vehicles and freights move freely.
6. Implement for citizens of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens arriving through this state, procedure for entrance to the territory of the Center through special check-point in visa-free regime based on the document confirming the personality, their stay in the specified territory within 15 days and departure through the same check-point.
7. To khokimiyat of the Syr Darya region:
a) in a month together with the Ministry of investments, industry and trade, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services to provide development and approval of the master plan of the Center. At the same time:
determine Service of the Single Customer engineering company under khokimiyat of the Syr Darya region the organization customer of development of the master plan;
to determine the project organization for development of the master plan on the basis of the competitive (tender) biddings in accordance with the established procedure;
to make the expenses connected with development of the master plan at the expense of the exceeded part of the local budget of the Syr Darya region, fund of development of entrepreneurial infrastructure under the khokimiyat of the Syr Darya region and other sources which are not forbidden by the legislation;
b) for the purpose of the prevention of reducing the parcels of land of agricultural purpose to provide till January 1, 2026 development of the new parcels of land in double size of the parcels of land which category of land fund changes according to this resolution, and also their transfer to category of the irrigated lands.
8. Determine that in the territory of the Center:
allocation of the parcels of land under implementation of investment projects is performed step by step by means of electronic online biddings according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 21, 2018 No. UP-5600 "About Measures for Further Enhancement of System of Coordination and Management of Activities of Free Economic Zones", and also rather, stipulated in Item 3 Presidential decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 8, 2021 No. UP-6243 "About Measures for Ensuring Equality and Transparency in Land Relations, Reliable Protection of Land Rights and Their Transformation into Market Asset";
works on construction of infrastructure facilities are financed by the means which arrived from electronic online auctions and also according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 18, 2020 No. PP-4929 "About measures for further development of engineering and communication infrastructure in regions";
tasks of the customer of works on construction and repair of infrastructure facilities are carried out by the organizations determined by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 30, 2021 No. PP-5101 "About measures for further development of engineering and communication infrastructure of special economic and small industrial zones".
9. To khokimiyat of the Syr Darya region in three-months time to submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers:
together with the Ministry of Economics and finance, the Ministry of investments, industry and trade, JSC Uzbektelekom, Committee on highways, JSC Regionalnye elektricheskiye seti, JSC Hududgaztajminot and JSC Uzsuvtajminot - the list of the objects which are subject to providing with engineering and communication and road infrastructure in 2024-2025 based on the approved master plan of the Center;
together with Border troops of Service of state security - specifications and bases of ensuring safety of the territory of the Center with infrastructure.
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