Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 26, 2024 No. 322

About the ministerial procedures performed electronically

(as amended on 19-09-2024)

In pursuance of part two of Item 6 of article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 "About bases of ministerial procedures" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 433-Z

1. Determine the list of ministerial procedures, applications of interested persons on which are submitted electronically through the single portal of electronic services, according to appendix.

2. No. 271 "About change of resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus concerning implementation of ministerial procedures" to exclude Item 1 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 6, 2020.

3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko



to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 26, 2024 No. 322

The list of ministerial procedures, applications of interested persons on which are submitted electronically through the single portal of electronic services,

Name of ministerial procedure

Structural element of the list *, single list **

Authorized body ***

Method of identification and authentication of the interested person ****

Possibility of receipt of the executive decision through the single portal of electronic services

Possibility of submission of the administrative claim through the single portal of electronic services

According to petitions from citizens

1. Issue of the certificate of the size of child allowance and period of its payment

Item 2.18 of the list

body for work, employment and social protection district, city (the cities of regional and district subordination) executive committee, local administration of the area in the city (further – body for work, employment and social protection)

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

2. Issue of the certificate of the pension size

Item 2.26 of the list

body for work, employment and social protection

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

3. Issue of the certificate of registration of the citizen as the unemployed

Item 2.31 of the list

body for work, employment and social protection

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

4. Issue of the certificate of provision of the government address public assistance

Item 2.34 of the list

body for work, employment and social protection

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

5. Registration of the radio-electronic means which is source of electromagnetic radiation, civil appointment

subitem 10.14.1 of Item 10.14 of the list

state company "BELGIE"

strict identification, authentication

is available

is available

6. Issue of permission to right to use of radio-frequency range in case of operation of radio-electronic means of civil appointment of amateur and amateur satellite radio service

subitem 10.16.1 of Item 10.16 of the list

state company "BELGIE"

strict identification, authentication

is available

is available

7. Issue of permission to the radio fan (Radio Amateur Licence)

Item 10.17 of the list

state company "BELGIE"

strict identification, authentication

is available

is available

8. Registration of the foreign citizen or stateless person, temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus

subitem 12.14.1 of Item 12.14 of the list

division on nationality and migration of law-enforcement body in the place of temporary stay (for the foreign citizens and stateless persons staying in the border territories of the Republic of Belarus based on permission to border movement – the nearest division on nationality and migration of law-enforcement body which is in limits of the specified border territory)

mild identification, authentication

is available

is not available

9. Issue of omissions on the right of entrance (entrance), temporary stay, movement in border area to the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living outside the Republic of Belarus

subitem 14.1.1 of Item 14.1 of the list

bodies of the border service

mild identification, authentication

is available

is not available

10. Issue of omissions on the right of entrance (entrance), temporary stay, movement in borderland

subitem 14.1.2 of Item 14.1 of the list

bodies of the border service

mild identification, authentication

is available

is not available

11. Issue of the omission on the right of extraordinary entrance to the territory of road check points through Frontier of the Republic of Belarus

Item 14.6 of the list

bodies of the border service

mild identification, authentication

is available

is not available

12. Offsetting, return of the amounts of taxes, charges (duties), penalty fee

Item 18.3 of the list

inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection for the area, the city or the area in the city (further – tax authority)

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

13. Issue of the certificate of payment of the income tax from physical persons, the land tax and real estate tax concerning the alienable real estate unit (in case of alienation of the real estate unit belonging to the citizen of the Republic of Belarus who is constantly living outside the Republic of Belarus, to the foreign citizen, the stateless person)

Item 18.6 of the list

tax authority

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

14. Issue of the certificate of availability (absence) of writs of execution and (or) other requirements about collection from the applicant of the tax debt, to other unexecuted obligations to the Republic of Belarus, its administrative and territorial units, legal entities and physical persons for the solution of question of getting out of nationality of the Republic of Belarus

Item 18.7 of the list

tax authority

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

15. Issue of the certificate of payment (deduction) of the income tax from physical persons for the purpose of avoidance of double taxation

Item 18.8 of the list

tax authority

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

16. Issue of the certificate of the permanent residence of physical person in the Republic of Belarus in tax period for the purpose of avoidance of double taxation

Item 18.9 of the list

tax authority

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

17. Return of the money deposited by the physical persons who are not individual entrepreneurs on the current (settlement) bank account of customs authority

Item 18.12 of the list

customs authority on which current (settlement) bank account money was deposited

strict identification, authentication

is available

is available

18. Return of excessively paid and (or) excessively enforced customs payments, the special, anti-dumping, compensatory duties, percent, penalty fee, advance payments, utilization collection

Item 18.121 of the list

Minsk central customs

strict identification, authentication

is available

is available

19. Issue of the statement from data of accounting of tax authorities on the estimated and paid amounts of taxes, charges (duties), penalty fee

Item 18.171 of the list

tax authority

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

20. State registration of creation of again formed parcel of land, either lease contracts of such site, or emergence of the right, including share in the right (further in this Section – the right), or restrictions (encumbrance) of the right to it

subitem 22.1.1 of Item 22.1 of the list

the territorial organization for state registration of real estate, the rights to it and transactions with it (further – the territorial organization for state registration)

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

21. State registration of creation of the parcel of land or emergence of the right, restriction (encumbrance) of the right to it at the citizen of the Republic of Belarus who is living in the rural settlement (except Minsk located in residential suburb and the regional centers) and having the parcel of land in ownership, use for construction and servicing of the apartment house, maintaining the personal subsidiary farm provided to it till January 1, 1999.

subitem 22.1.2 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

22. State registration of change of the parcel of land based on change of its purpose

subitem 22.1.3 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

23. State registration of change of the parcel of land based on change of its borders

subitem 22.1.4 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

24. State registration of origin, either transition, or the termination of the rights or restriction (encumbrance) of the right to the parcel of land in case of its inheritance

subitem 22.1.5 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

25. State registration of origin, either transition, or the termination of right of lifetime inheritable possession, or permanent or temporary use by the registered parcel of land, or origin or transition of the right of private property to the registered parcel of land

subitem 22.1.6 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

26. State registration of origin, either transition, or the termination of the right of lease or the sublease of the registered parcel of land

subitem 22.1.7 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

27. State registration of emergence of restriction (encumbrance) of the right to the registered parcel of land, the engineering construction established in connection with creation

subitem 22.1.8 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

28. State registration of transition of the property right to the parcel of land to the Republic of Belarus in case of voluntary alienation of the parcel of land which is in private property in property of the Republic of Belarus or forced withdrawal of the parcel of land which is in private property

subitem 22.1.9 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

29. State registration of transition of mortgage of the parcel of land in case of concession of the requirement for the obligation provided with mortgage

subitem 22.1.10 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

30. State registration of transition of mortgage of the parcel of land in connection with execution of the obligation provided with mortgage by the guarantor of the debtor or other interested person

subitem 22.1.11 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

31. State registration of the termination of existence of the parcel of land in connection with acceptance according to legal acts the state body exercising state regulation and control in the field of use and protection of lands, the decision providing the termination of existence of the parcel of land, or the termination of the right or restriction (encumbrance) of the right to the parcel of land

subitem 22.1.12 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available

32. State registration of the termination of existence of the parcel of land and creation of the parcels of land as a result of the Section of the parcel of land, or the termination of existence of the parcels of land and creation of the parcel of land as a result of merge of the adjacent parcels of land, or the termination and emergence of the right or restriction (encumbrance) of the right to the parcels of land created as a result of the Section, merge

subitem 22.1.13 of Item 22.1 of the list

territorial organization for state registration

strict identification, authentication

is available

is not available


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