of December 29, 2006 No. 511
About some questions connected with ensuring activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic
1. Approve provisions of the following educations entering into structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic:
1.1. Regulations on Service of the state fire supervision;
1.2. Regulations on Troops of civil defense;
1.3. Regulations on Service of the militarized special protection;
1.4. It is cancelled;
1.5. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of 10.02.2022 No. 1595
1.6. Regulations on the State agency on supervision of safety in construction.
2. Abolished the State leading design institute "Azerdovletlayikhe" of the State committee of the Azerbaijan Republic on construction and architecture (together with the Engineering and search center), State head design and institute of technology of Azerinshaatlayikhe, Institute of utility designing of Azkommunlayikhe and Assessment center in construction to place of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic under authority.
3. "About creation of State commission of the Azerbaijan Republic on emergency situations" to consider the order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic No. 244 of December 13, 1995 invalid.
4. Rename the Agency on supervision of safe operation entering into structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic into the industries and to mountain supervision in the State agency on supervision of safe operation in the industry and to mountain supervision.
5. Charge to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic:
5.1. in fifteen-day time to prepare and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic the project of the Provision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic of the State agency on supervision of safe operation entering into structure to the industries and to mountain supervision;
5.2. in a month to prepare and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on reduction of the existing regulatory legal acts to compliance with this Decree;
5.3. resolve other issues following from this Decree.
6. This Decree becomes effective from the date of signing.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 29, 2006 No. 511
1. The service of the state fire supervision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - Service) is the executive body, activities of bodies of the requirements of regulations and fire safety regulations providing observance during the designing, construction, dismantle, repair, operation of buildings and constructions in the territory of the country conducting certification through the conformity assessment body accredited according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About accreditation in the field of assessment of conformity", supervision over insurance without fail of real estate (except for compulsory insurance of residential buildings, apartment houses and apartments) and the civil responsibility connected with operation of real estate.
2. The service in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, international treaties which participant is the Azerbaijan Republic, the Laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, Decrees and Orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic, this Provision and orders and instructions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - the Ministries).
3. The service performs the activities by means of the structures which are under its direct supervision.
4. The service has separate balance, seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Azerbaijan Republic and reflected in it by the name of the Ministry and the name, the corresponding stamps and forms, state and bank accounts.
5. Maintenance costs of Service and its activities are financed by the budgetary funds allocated according to the expense budget approved by the Ministry and other sources which are not contradicting the current legislation.
6. The service is in the city of Baku.
7. Activities of Service are:
7.1. participation within the powers in development of state policy in the field of fire safety and implementation of normative legal regulation in this sphere;
7.2. ensuring supervision of observance of requirements of regulations, standards and rules in the field of fire safety;
7.3. will organize certification of the goods and services which are subject to obligatory certification in the field of fire safety;
7.4. implementation of management, coordination and the state fire supervision in the field of fire safety;
7.5. ensuring development of the spheres carried to field of activity of Service;
7.6. implementation of activities in other directions which are not prohibited by the legislation.
8. According to the activities established by this Provision the Service carries out the following tasks:
8.1. makes offers in the Ministry of development of state policy and regulation in the field of fire safety in the territory of the country, exercises control, coordination and supervision in this sphere;
8.2. for the purpose of acceptance of the advanced measures for activity of bodies of the state fire supervision performs monitoring and forecasting of fire safety;
8.3. provides development and implementation of the state and target programs in the field of fire safety;
8.4. prepares drafts of the standards, regulations, rules of the state fire security and normative legal documents concerning fire safety and provides their implementation;
8.5. prepares drafts of rules of creation and approximate provisions of extra office and voluntary divisions (groups) of fire protection and submits them for approval;
8.6. takes part in placement in the territory of the country of the population and economic objects taking into account conditions of fire safety and in development of the Master plan of town-planning works;
8.7. within the powers exercises supervision of accomplishment of the requirements of fire safety established by the legislation by executive bodies and local government bodies, physical persons and legal entities;
8.8. prepares regulations and rules, mandatory in case of production of fire technical equipment and means, and in the appropriate order submits them for approval;
8.9. in the procedure established by the legislation will organize in the territory of the country implementation of works and rendering services in the field of fire protection and fire safety;
8.10. in the procedure established by the legislation exercises supervision of fulfillment of requirements of fire safety;
8.11. prepares and represents to the Ministry the list of potentially dangerous organizations in which according to requirements of regulations, standards and rules in the field of fire safety fire protection shall be without fail organized;
8.12. brings up before the Ministry question of creation of the fire engineering service financed according to the regulations established by the legislation by budgetary funds;
8.13. keeps the single statistical recording and the analysis of the fires and their effects;
8.14. check availability of certificates of conformity of goods (services, works), the processes and management systems which are surely certified in the field of fire safety and also to make offers on temporary suspension or withdrawal of the certificates issued by accredited bodies on assessment of conformity;
8.15. approves from the point of view of observance of requirements of fire safety town-planning and the design estimates on construction, capital repairs, dismantle, expansion and change from the technical point of view of organizations, buildings, constructions and other objects;
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