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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
June 25, 2024
No. 956/42301
of June 6, 2024 No. 98/373
About approval of the Procedure for electronic information exchange of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
According to Items 8, 10 Regulations on the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the resolution of September 18, 2019 856, of the subitem 2 Items 6, Items 7, 8 Regulations on the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 26, 2014 No. 671, for the purpose of ensuring electronic information exchange of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine we ORDER to No.:
1. Approve the Procedure for electronic information exchange of the ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine which is applied.
2. (Stetsyuk S. B.) to provide to management of reengineering of public services of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the procedure established by the legislation.
3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on deputy ministers according to distribution of functional obligations.
The vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine on innovations, development of education, science and technologies - the Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine
M. Fedorov
Minister of Defence of Ukraine
R. Umerov
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of June 6, 2024, No. 98/373
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of electronic information exchange of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine during data exchange for implementation of the powers determined by the legislation by them.
2. According to this Procedure electronic information exchange is provided by the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (further - subjects of electronic interaction).
3. Subjects of electronic interaction request and receive amount and structure of data which are necessary for provision public (electronic public) services and/or implementation of other powers according to the legislation for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to them.
1. According to this Procedure electronic information exchange is performed with use of information, information and communication systems of subjects of electronic interaction by means of system of electronic interaction of the state electronic information Trembita resources and with compliance with laws of Ukraine "About electronic identification and electronic confidential services", "About personal data protection", "About public electronic registers", "About information security in information and communication systems" and other regulatory legal acts.
In case of lack of technical capability of data transmission with use of the information, information and communication systems determined by paragraph one of this Item, electronic information exchange of subjects of electronic interaction can be performed with use of other information and communication systems using in them the corresponding complex systems of information security with the confirmed compliance by results of state examination according to the procedure, established by the legislation.
2. In case of the circumstances excluding accomplishment of provisions of this Procedure, subjects of electronic interaction shall inform on this each other within one working day following behind day of emergence of such circumstances.
3. The amount and structure of data which subjects of electronic interaction via program interfaces of electronic information resources exchange (services) are determined by the agreements on information exchange signed according to procedure electronic (technical and information) the interaction approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 8, 2016 No. 606, or protocols according to the legislation.
1. During electronic information exchange subjects of electronic interaction implement organizational and technical actions which provide protection of the transmitted data taking into account extent of restriction of access to it and according to the legislation in the field of information security.
2. For information security the means of information protection having the certificate of conformity or the positive expert opinion by results of state examination in the field of technical and/or cryptographic information security are used.
3. The transmitted data is processed taking into account requirements of the legislation on personal data protection and used by subjects of electronic interaction only for the purpose of realization of the functions and powers by them, stipulated by the legislation, and cannot be transferred to the third party if other is not stipulated by the legislation.
Director of management of reengineering of public services of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine
Z. Stetsyuk
The acting as the director of Management of digital transformation in the field of defense of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine the captain
A. Romanyukov
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