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of August 23, 2024 No. UP-118

About measures for enhancement of system of the state control in fuel and energy industry

For the purpose of prevention of conflict of interest during implementation of the state control in the field of power, system establishing works on energy economy, its rational use and increase in energy efficiency, and also ensuring efficient state control in this sphere:

1. Agree with the offer of the Cabinet of Ministers, Prosecutor General's Office and the Department of Energy on transfer of Inspectorate for control of electricity use, oil products and gas in case of the Department of Energy (further - Uzenergoinspektion) in departmental subordination of the Cabinet of Ministers with preserving the operating procedure for financing of its activities.

Determine that Uzenergoinspektion is the independent republican executive body exercising the state supervision and control in fuel and energy industry.

2. Assign the following additional tasks to Uzenergoinspektion:

implementation of international standards on energy efficiency and expansion of international cooperation in this sphere together with the Uzbek technical regulation agency;

control of implementation of management system energy consumption (Energy Management System) on all industrial enterprises which annual energy consumption exceeds 500 tons of conditional fuel;

complete digitalization of processes of implementation of the state control and accounting in the field of;

issue of qualification certificates to power accountants and determination of the minimum requirements on modern measuring laboratories.

3. Determine that:

Uzenergoinspektion is accountable directly to the Cabinet of Ministers;

Uzenergoinspektion's activities are financed by means of the republican budget and its extrabudgetary funds;

Uzenergoinspektion's chief is appointed to position and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and his deputies - the Cabinet of Ministers.

4. Approve the Organizational structure of Inspectorate for control of electricity use, oil products and gas under the Cabinet of Ministers according to appendix No. 1.

Grant to the chief Uzenergoinspektion the right, if necessary, to make changes to Uzenergoinspektion's structure within the established number of managerial personnel and the salary fund.

5. Approve updated structure of the Republican commission on questions of energy efficiency and development of renewable energy resources (further - the Republican commission) according to appendix No. 2.

Determine Uzenergoinspektion working body of the Republican commission.

6. For the purpose of increase in energy efficiency in industries of economy and other spheres, coordination of work of industrial enterprises in this area and also to form accelerations of digitalization of system of the state control in the field of power in structure of central office of Uzenergoinspektion Departament on increase in energy efficiency and Management on digitalization of the sphere of energy supervision with 30 established posts within the available established posts containing by extrabudgetary funds.

7. Uzenergoinspektion:

a) in a month:

staff Uzenergoinspektion's divisions created according to this Decree by the highly qualified personnel capable to carry out the assigned tasks at the professional level;

introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the government decision on the effective organization of activities of Uzenergoinspektion proceeding from requirements of this Decree;

b) together with the Department of Energy and the Ministry of Economics and finance until the end of 2024 to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the National program for energy efficiency till 2040 with involvement of the international and foreign institutes, highly skilled foreign and domestic experts and specialists and carrying out the analysis of current status of power consumption of industries and objects of the social sphere.

8. Assign the following additional tasks to the Center for retraining and advanced training of personnel of the fuel and energy sphere:

the analysis of questions of increase in energy efficiency in industries and the social sphere, and also carrying out scientific research on energy efficiency measure definition;

development of ready technical solutions on energy-saving technologies and increase in energy efficiency, and also the analysis and publicizing of positive foreign experience in this sphere;

provision on free basis to state-financed organizations of services of technical and financial consultants, and also by spheres - modern prototype technical solutions;

forming of human resources for projects implementation on increase in energy efficiency, including retraining and advanced training of personnel;

advanced training of power accountants.

9. Make changes and additions to some acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 3.

10. Uzenergoinspektion together with the interested ministries and departments in two-month time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this Decree.

11. To impose control of execution of this Decree on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev


Appendix № 1

to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 23, 2024 No. UP-118

Organizational structure of Inspectorate for control of electricity use, oil products and gas under the Cabinet of Ministers

Inspectorate for control of electricity use, oil products and gas


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