of July 16, 2024 No. PP-257
About additional measures for enhancement of system of establishment of disability
For the purpose of implementation of effective mechanisms of establishment of disability, enhancement of system of service of medico-social examination, and also creation of necessary conditions for participation of persons with disability in life of society:
1. Determine the main directions of enhancement of system of establishment of disability:
increase in responsibility of specialists of primary health care for early identification and prevention of disability;
eradication of bureaucratic barriers and corruptogenic factors in the sphere by increase in transparency of processes of establishment of disability;
implementation of system of establishment of disability taking into account results of assessment of activity and participation (further - functionality) persons in everyday life;
the correct and timely detection of needs of persons with disability for improvement of quality of their life and socialization.
2. Implement procedure for establishment of disability according to which:
a) step by step according to the procedure of experiment since September 1, 2024 - in the city of Tashkent and in districts (cities) of the Navoiy region, till September 1, 2025 - in other regions of the republic:
for citizens the possibility of the address to family doctors on establishment of disability by means of the Single portal of interactive state services, Inson social service centers or social workers is created;
sending medical documents of citizens for survey in medico-social commissions of experts (further - MSEK) is performed by family doctors electronically. At the same time the medical and advisory commissions (further - VKK) render methodical assistance in timely sending medical documents by family doctors in correctly drawn up type;
the evaluation procedure of functionality of persons at the age of 18 years takes root and is more senior employees of Inson social service centers (further - the Inson centers) on the basis of the criteria of rating scale of disability of the World Health Organization adapted for local features and conditions. At the same time till September 1, 2025 results of assessment are not recognized the basis for disability establishment;
in case of impossibility of corporal appearance of persons in the Inson centers for health reasons, assessment of condition of their health and functionality is carried out at home or in hospital in the place of their treatment;
b) since October 1, 2024 the procedure for establishment of disability specialized is cancelled (psychiatric, ftiziatrichesky and pulmonary, pediatric) MSEK, establishment of disability is performed by interdistrict and district (city) MSEK;
c) since April 1, 2025:
the requirement for the operating terms of the treatment necessary for the direction of citizens of survey in MSEK, is cancelled and installed separately proceeding from course and type of each disease;
the procedure for issue of MSEK of recommendations by profession, to sport and training is cancelled also the MSEK functions on prolongation of term of leaf of temporary disability and determination of suitability to control of specially equipped vehicle are abolished by their transfer to the public medical institutions;
in case of disability establishment to persons 18 years of age or over of the data on term and the reasons of disability, medico-rehabilitation actions, needs in prosthetic and orthopedic products and technical means of rehabilitation are created in the information system "Single National Social Protection" proceeding from nature of kliniko-functional violations of person;
d) since September 1, 2025 the procedure for establishment of disability by interdistrict and district (city) MSEK only based on medical documents is cancelled, takes root procedure for establishment of disability proceeding from the state of health and results of assessment of functionality of persons electronically. At the same time:
in case of identification of discrepancies between the state of health and results of assessment of functionality of person, establishment of disability or refusal in establishment of disability are performed by MSEK of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent;
the Inson centers after primary establishment of disability of citizens develop individual plans of rendering social services and help in their educational and professional orientation, employment, attraction to sport, psychological support and monitoring of execution of these plans is conducted.
3. In central office of the Ministry of Health at the expense of established posts of the organizations in system of the National agency of social protection in case of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Agency):
a) enter position of the adviser to the minister of coordination of process of rendering medical services to persons with disability. At the same time position assignment and dismissal of the adviser to the minister are performed in coordination with the director of the Agency;
b) create the sector from 3 established posts, determine it the main objectives:
coordination of implementation of measures for disability prevention;
coordination of process of the direction of persons for passing of medico-social examination for the purpose of disability establishment;
organization of advanced training and coordination of activities of doctors of VKK and family doctors;
coordination of process of digitalization of sending medical documents by family doctors for survey to MSEK and process of its integration with the corresponding information systems;
coordination of system of rendering medical services to persons with disability, including medical rehabilitation services.
4. To the Ministry of Health:
a) till August 15, 2024:
in the city of Tashkent and the Navoiy region to provide family doctors with the information and communication technologies necessary for timely sending medical documents of citizens to MSEK electronically, to take measures for short-term training of family doctors on the job for the purpose of increase in their qualification;
together with the Ministry of digital technologies to implement data exchange between necessary information systems and the information system "Single National Social Protection" by means of the Interdepartmental integration platform of the Electronic Government system for the purpose of sending medical documents of citizens for survey to MSEK, and also data on sheets of disability electronically;
b) till March 1, 2025 together with the Agency:
provide determination of necessary terms of treatment separately on each disease proceeding from current and type of diseases to the direction of citizens on survey in MSEK;
review the medical criteria considered in case of disability establishment to persons 18 years of age or over and provide forming of data on terms and the reasons of disability, medico-rehabilitation actions, needs in prosthetic and orthopedic products and technical means of rehabilitation in the information system "Single National Social Protection";
develop procedure for prolongation of term of leaf of temporary disability, determination of suitability to control of specially equipped vehicle of persons with disability;
c) since April 1, 2025:
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