Unofficial translation (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of August 9, 2024 No. 911
Some questions of holding evacuation actions and effective response to mass movement of the population
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
2. Bring in the Procedure for carrying out evacuation in case of threat of the origin or emergence of emergency situations approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 30, 2013 No. 841 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2013, No. 92, Art. 3386; 2016, No. 99, Art. 3215; 2020, No. 67, Art. 2167; 2022, No. 69, Art. 4176; 2023, No. 23, the Art. 1298, No. 29, the Art. 1630), the enclosed changes.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 9, 2024 No. 911
1. The coordination headquarters on holding evacuation actions and effective response to mass movement of the population (further - the coordination headquarters) are the temporary advisory advisory body formed for assistance of interagency coordination of actions central and local executive bodies, other state bodies, local government bodies, the military forming formed according to the laws, public associations concerning the organization and carrying out evacuation of the population (further - evacuation) and effective response to mass movement of the population (further - mass movement), cooperation and associations of resources.
The coordination headquarters can be formed:
at the national level - the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
at the regional level - the regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city state administrations (military authorities);
at the local level district state administrations (military authorities).
The coordination headquarters formed at the national level coordinate work of the coordination headquarters formed at regional and local level, and the coordination headquarters formed at the regional level - work of the coordination headquarters formed at the local level.
2. The coordination headquarters in the activities are guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, and also the presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city, district, district in mm. Kiev and Sevastopol of the state administrations (military authorities).
3. The main objectives of the Coordination headquarters are:
1) assistance of coordination of actions central and local executive bodies, other state bodies, local government bodies, the military forming formed according to the laws and public associations concerning the organization and carrying out evacuation and effective response to mass movement;
2) determination of ways and methods of the solution of the problematic issues arising during evacuation and mass movement;
3) generalization and distribution of experiment on the organization and carrying out evacuation at appropriate level;
4) informing the population on the questions which are within the competence of the coordination headquarters.
4. The coordination headquarters for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it:
1) is carried out by the analysis of the state of affairs and origins of problems during evacuation;
2) studies results of activities central and local executive bodies, other state bodies, local government bodies, the military forming formed according to the laws, the companies, organizations and the organizations for the organization and carrying out evacuation;
3) is carried out by monitoring of condition of accomplishment of tasks on the organization and carrying out evacuation, informs on results of monitoring body which formed it;
4) participates in consideration and project development of regulatory legal acts concerning evacuation and accomplishment of the following acts;
5) coordinates the actions performed central and local executive bodies, other state bodies, local government bodies for support of mass movement which include, in particular, the notification and informing, determination of places of collection of the population and transport for its evacuation, traffic regulation, providing with fuels and lubricants and necessities, expansion of places for temporary stay of displaced persons;
6) coordinates actions for operational attraction railway, automobile and other modes of transport for export of the population (including specialized vehicles and specialized ambulances of the emergency medical care equipped for transportation of patients, persons with disability, elderly people and other handicapped national groups), promotes ensuring its free transportation;
7) is performed through Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city, district, district in Kiev and Sevastopol of the state administration (military authorities) by informing the population about:
determination of places of collection of the population and transport for its evacuation;
procedure for safe movement of the population by own vehicles during mass movement, in particular determination of safe routes and regulation of traffic, expansion of network of mobile offices for providing with drinking water, food, necessities and delivery of health care;
places for temporary residence of displaced persons, including in specialized agencies for acceptance of persons with disability, elderly people, orphan children, except children's houses boarding schools, psychoneurological boarding schools, houses boarding schools for elderly people and persons with disability, special houses boarding schools of system of social protection of the population, stationary departments of the territorial centers of social servicing (provision of social services) and the centers of provision of social services, social hostels for the orphan children and children deprived of parent guardianship;
possibility of provision of social support, legal and other aid to displaced persons in places of their temporary placement in safe areas and so forth;
possibility of bystry involvement of displaced persons to activities of territorial communities in safe areas taking into account their working and personal experience;
mechanisms and procedure for return of displaced persons to places of permanent residence;
8) prepares drafts of decisions of body which formed it, about carrying out obligatory evacuation in forced method of children with their parents, persons who replace them, or other legal representatives from settlements where fighting is conducted;
9) submits to body which formed it, the offers developed by results of the work and the recommendation.
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