Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 7, 2024 No. ZRU-940

About energy economy, its rational use and increase in energy efficiency

Accepted by Legislative house on July 9, 2024

Approved by the Senate on July 10, 2024

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of economy of energy, its rational use and increase in energy efficiency.

Article 2. Legislation on energy economy, its rational use and increase in energy efficiency

The legislation on energy economy, its rational use and increase in energy efficiency consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about energy economy, its rational use and increase in energy efficiency then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:

primary resources of energy - natural resources which can be used directly in fuel quality (oil, natural gas, coal);

The state energy register - the database containing the information about subjects of energy;

the subjects included in the State energy register - the legal entities consuming five hundred and more tons of conditional fuel and (or) two hundred fifty and more tons of motor fuel a year;

fuel - crude oil, flying oil, heavy oil and other oil products, natural gas, and also the coal, coke and other products used in fuel quality;

fuel and energy resources - set of all types of fuel and the energy made from natural and other sources;

consumers of fuel and energy resources - the legal entities and physical persons consuming one or several types of fuel and energy resources;

producers of fuel and energy resources - the legal entities and physical persons making one or several types of fuel and energy resources;

regulation of consumption of fuel and energy resources - the amount of fuel, heat and the electric power spent for the production of unit of production (works, services) of certain quality measured in conventional or physical units;

maximum permissible amount of consumption of fuel and energy resources - the admissible amount of consumption of fuel and energy resources required for a period of up to one year;

progressive regulations of consumption of fuel and energy resources - the going-down value of regulations of consumption of the fuel and energy resources created for a period of one up to five years and corresponding to reasonable offers on decrease in regulations of consumption of fuel and energy resources;

rational use of fuel and energy resources - the actions directed to elimination of unjustified expenditure of fuel and energy resources and use of their optimum types;

existing rules of consumption of fuel and energy resources - the category of values of regulations of resource consumption in case of production (works, services) of fuel and energy resources created for a period of up to one year taking into account minimization of consumption of fuel and energy resources;

secondary resources of energy - the fuel and energy resources received by transformation of primary resources of energy in engineering procedures;

local fuel and energy resources - set of types of fuel and the energy which are available in the nature and made in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan from all natural and other sources;

regulated types of activity - the types of activity performed by the subjects of natural monopolies, the organizations, public utilities which are engaged in hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) water supply concerning which the prices (rates) according to acts of the legislation are regulated;

conditional fuel - the unit accepted in technical and economic calculations, regulated by regulating documents and standards, serving for comparison of calorific value of different types of organic fuel;

energy audit - the activities directed to collection, processing and the analysis of reliable data about the used fuel and energy resources and about energy efficiency indicators and also creation of the conclusion;

energy efficiency - the indicator reflecting ratio of the effect gained as a result of use of fuel and energy resources to costs of fuel and energy resources;

indicators of economy of energy and increase in energy efficiency - the indicators characterizing results of activities of legal entities and physical persons when implementing actions for energy saving and energy efficiency;

energy economy - implementation of the organization-legal, technical, technology, economic and other actions directed to decrease in power consumption without production reduction of products, performance of works and rendering services when using fuel and energy resources.

Article 4. Basic principles of economy of energy, its rational use and increase in energy efficiency

The basic principles of economy of energy, its rational use and increase in energy efficiency are:





Article 5. Development of standards of increase in energy efficiency

The Uzbek technical regulation agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with specially authorized state body and other responsible ministries and departments carries out inventory count of the national standards establishing requirements to energy-saving technologies and the equipment and also considers the international standards providing necessary requirements to energy-saving technologies, products, the equipment, means of household appliances and processes of increase in energy efficiency in them and within the powers performs the following events:

approval provides national standards of increase in energy efficiency of devices, the equipment, produktion, processes and technologies with high demand on industrial facilities and in buildings;

establishes the minimum and maximum requirements to energy characteristics of devices, the equipment, produktion, machines and technologies;

prohibits to importers, producers and sellers to sell any devices, the equipment, products, processes and technologies which are not conforming to national standards of energy efficiency;


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