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of July 19, 2024 No. 400

About questions of certification of organic production

For the purpose of implementation of Articles 11, 13 Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About organic production", according to articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve:

1) Regulations on procedure for carrying out certification of organic production according to appendix 1;

2) Regulations on rules and conditions of warranty participation according to appendix 2.

2. This resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Zhaparov

Appendix 1

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of July 19, 2024 No. 400

Regulations on procedure for carrying out certification of organic production

Chapter 1. Scope

1. This Provision is developed according to article 11 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About organic production" and determines the general principles of carrying out voluntary certification of organic production in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Chapter 2. Terms and determinations

2. For the purposes of this provision the following terms and determinations are used:

1) the internal control system - the internal quality system of group of organic production which is part of documentary system of quality assurance;

2) voluntary certification (further - certification) - form of confirmation of conformity during which the certification body documentary certifies that organic production and/or organic products conform to requirements in the sphere of organic production, the address and marking, assessment of conformity of organic products;

3) pollution - pollution of organic products or production, or contact with any material resulting in unfitness of products for the organic certification mainly connected with microbic or chemical remaining balance;

4) the applicant - the legal entity or physical person which filed petition in certification body concerning receipt of the certificate of organic compliance;

5) the adjusting actions - actions for elimination of cause of infringement or discrepancy;

6) the plan of organic production - the management plan organic production approved by the operator or group of operators of organic production and certification body which includes the written plans concerning all aspects of organic production;

7) check - visit of object by the authorized representative of certification body for check of compliance of production of activities of the operator or group of operators of organic production to rules of organic production and requirements of certification;

8) procedural documents - the documents containing information on the sequence of the processes performed by certification body;

9) separate production - situation when only part of production or production unit is intended for organic production, other part of the site can be used for inorganic production or is in stage of transition to organic production.

Chapter 3. General provisions

3. Certification of organic production has voluntary nature and is carried out on compliance to rules and standards of organic production and the address of organic products.

4. Certification of organic production is carried out by the certification bodies of organic production accredited in national accreditation system.

5. Objects of check, the analysis and assessment of organic production are production processes of organic products at all stages of production chain (production process, conversions, storages, packagings, markings, transportations).

6. Testing within confirmation of conformity of products are carried out by accredited test laboratories (centers).

7. Certificates of organic production are drawn up in the state and official languages, is exclusive with use of electronic printers.

8. The certificate of organic production shall contain:

1) name, address, identification code and contact information of the applicant;

2) name, address, identification code and contact information of the producer of organic products (operator or group of operators of organic production);

3) name, address, identification code of certification body;

4) categories of organic production - crop production, livestock production and/or the address of organic products (import, release into the stream of commerce, other);

5) date of the introduction of the certificate in force and effective period on categories;

6) date and the signature of the head of the certification body issuing the certificate;

7) the name of the standard, the carried-out certification of organic production;

8) documents based on which the certificate of conformity is issued.

9. The list of products of the certified organic production to which action of the certificate extends is designated in the certificate of organic compliance or in appendix to it. List of products is contained by the name, identification codes of produktion, quantity (batch, products) and the delivery date.

10. In appendix to the certificate also information on parallel production / conversion (availability of inorganic production) is reflected.

11. Effective period of the certificate of organic compliance - three years.

12. The name of the applicant, the name of organic production, its legal and actual address of the location, and also the address (addresses) of the place of implementation of activities for organic production and designation of products are specified in the state or official language, or with use of letters of the Latin alphabet.

13. Execution of the certificate of organic compliance in foreign language is allowed in the presence of the official address of the applicant and the drawn-up certificate of organic compliance in the state and official languages or availability of requirements of standards.

14. Certification bodies perform the activities on the basis of the system of management containing:

1) the quality manual and documentary working procedures according to the ISO/IEC 17065 standard;


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