Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 8, 2024 No. 288-FZ

About direct bulk transportations and about modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation

Accepted by the State Duma on July 23, 2024

Approved by the Federation Council on August 2, 2024

Article 1. General provisions

1. This Federal Law establishes the legal basis of the organization and implementation of carriages of goods, passengers, cabin baggage, baggage, cargo baggage different types of transport according to the single transport document (further - transportations in through mixed traffic).

2. In the part which is not settled by this Federal Law when implementing transportations in through mixed traffic provisions of the corresponding legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of transport are applied to each mode of transport participating in such transportations in through mixed traffic.

Article 2. Bases of the organization and implementation of transportations in through mixed traffic

1. Procedure for the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic and relations under the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic of participants of transportation process of direct bulk transportations which can be carriers owners of infrastructure of rail transport public, owners of railway tracks of uncommon use, owners of objects of transport infrastructure automobile, extra street, air, sea and inland water transport, operators of sea lines, operators of maritime terminals and ports, river ports, operators of railway rolling stock, freight forwarders, and also other participants of transportation process of direct bulk transportations, are determined by the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic signed between them.

2. The agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic is signed based on free declaration of will of its parties, accession to the specified agreement is performed according to the procedure, established by the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic. Compulsion to agreement signature about the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic, and also is not allowed to accession to the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic signed by participants of transportation process of direct bulk transportations.

3. The agreement on the organization of transportations including shall provide in through mixed traffic:

1) procedure for the organization and implementation of transportations in through mixed traffic, the conditions connected with technology of the organization and implementation of transportations in through mixed traffic;

2) the direction in the automated centralized bases of personal data about passengers and personnel (crew) of vehicles of the data specified in article 11 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 to No. 16-FZ "About transport safety";

3) procedure for determination of the size of the carriage charge in through mixed traffic, including based on regulated rates if regulation of rates is applied when implementing transportations on the modes of transport participating in transportations in through mixed traffic and also taking into account privileges if privileges are applied when implementing transportations on the modes of transport participating in transportations in through mixed traffic;

4) procedure of payments of delivery date of loads taking into account provisions of part 9 of this Article if the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic is signed for carriage of goods;

5) procedure for determination of places of cargo reception at the consignor, places of issue of load to the consignee, places in which transfer of load from one mode of transport on another is performed (further - collection point, issues or transfers of load) or places of departure and arrival of vehicles in which are performed embarking in the vehicle, disembarkation of passengers from the vehicle, servicing of passengers, receiving and delivery of cabin baggage, baggage, cargo baggage;

6) the list of services which are provided to the passenger, the consignor, the consignee in transit in through mixed traffic, the list of services which are provided to the passenger in case of vehicle delay in case of departure and (or) in course of carriage in through mixed traffic, and also procedure for provision of such services;

7) procedure and terms of the approval provided by part 4 of article 3 of this Federal Law;

8) the bases for refusal of agreement parties about the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic from approval of transportation in through mixed traffic in the case provided by part 5 of article 3 of this Federal Law;

9) procedure and terms of provision of information, stipulated in Item 2 parts 11 of article 3 of this Federal Law, and also structure of such information;

10) procedure and terms of calculations between agreement parties about the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic in connection with the organization and implementation of transportation in through mixed traffic;

11) the size and procedure for introduction of the payment provided by part 11 of article 4 of this Federal Law;

12) cases and payment procedure to the passenger, the consignor, the consignee of compensation according to part 6 of article 4 of this Federal Law;

13) responsibility of the parties of the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic for non-execution or improper execution of agreement obligations about the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic;

14) types and characteristics of the vehicles used when transporting in through mixed traffic;

15) types of the loads accepted for shipment in through mixed traffic if the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic is signed for carriage of goods;

16) procedure for establishment by agreement parties about the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic of the schedule of the movement of vehicles provided by part 9 of article 3 of this Federal Law if the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic is signed for public conveyance;

17) procedure for change and agreement cancelation about the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic, changes of structure of agreement parties and exit of the agreement party from the specified agreement.

4. In case of change of the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic, exit of the agreement party from the specified agreement or its termination agreement parties about the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic continue to fulfill agreement obligations about the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic, transportations, necessary for the agreement performance, in through mixed traffic signed before change of the agreement on the organization of transportations in through mixed traffic, exit of the agreement party from the specified agreement or its termination.


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