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of August 8, 2024 No. 304-FZ

About prohibition of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) to the minors and about modification of article 44 of the Federal law "About the General Principles of the Organization of the Public Power in Subjects of the Russian Federation"

Accepted by the State Duma on July 31, 2024

Approved by the Federation Council on August 2, 2024

Article 1. Coverage of this Federal Law

This Federal Law governs the relations arising in the field of health protection of minors from impact of consumption of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy), and also the relations in the field of restriction of trade in such drinks. The concept "nonalcoholic tonics (including energy)" is used in this Federal Law in the value established by the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of food products" (TR CU 021/2011).

Article 2. Will lock sales of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) to the minors

For prevention of impact of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) on health of minors to the organizations, without formation of legal entity, to citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons sale by the minor of nonalcoholic tonics is forbidden to individual entrepreneurs, peasant farms (including energy).

Article 3. Requirements to confirmation of age of person in case of sale to such person of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy)

1. In case of origin at person which is directly performing sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) (further - the seller) (further - the buyer) age of majority the seller has the right to demand doubt in achievement of nonalcoholic tonics by the buyer (including energy) from the buyer the document allowing to establish its age. The list of the documents allowing to establish age of the buyer is established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The seller shall refuse to the buyer sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) if concerning the buyer there are doubts in achievement of age of majority by him and the document allowing to establish its age, is not provided.

Article 4. Prohibitions and restrictions of trade in nonalcoholic tonics (including energy)

1. The prohibition of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) in the buildings, structures, constructions, rooms used for direct implementation of educational activities, medical activities, activities in the field of culture, physical culture and sport can be established by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation.

2. Restrictions of time and places of sale of nonalcoholic tonics can be set by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation (including energy).

3. Executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to limit sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) in places of mass accumulation of citizens during the public actions organized according to the Federal Law of June 19, 2004 No. 54-FZ "About meetings, meetings, demonstrations, processions and piketirovaniye" and in the territories, adjacent to such places, which borders are established by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation in case of approval of holding the specified actions, and also for the period of holding sports actions and sporting events, sports competitions organized according to the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ "About physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation".

Article 5. Regional state control (supervision) in the field of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy)

1. Regional state control (supervision) of observance of prohibitions and the restrictions set by Articles 2 - 4 presents of the Federal Law, is performed by executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, authorized supreme executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation on implementation of regional state control (supervision) in the field of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy).

2. Subject of regional state control (supervision) in the field of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) is observance by the organizations, individual entrepreneurs, peasant farms without formation of legal entity, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons of prohibitions and the restrictions set by Articles 2 - 4 presents of the Federal Law.

3. The organization and implementation of regional state control (supervision) in the field of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) are regulated by the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 248-FZ "About the state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation".

4. The regulations on regional state control (supervision) in the field of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) affirm the supreme executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation.

5. When implementing regional state control (supervision) in the field of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy) planned control (supervising) events are not held.

Article 6. Responsibility for violation of requirements of this Federal Law

Violation of requirements of this Federal Law involves responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 7. About modification of the Federal Law "About the General Principles of the Organization of the Public Power in Subjects of the Russian Federation"

Part 1 of article 44 of the Federal Law of December 21, 2021 No. 414-FZ "About the general principles of the organization of the public power in subjects of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2021, No. 52, Art. 8973; 2023, No. 1, Art. 7; No. 16, Art. 2766; No. 25, Art. 4433, 4434; No. 29, Art. 5343; No. 31, Art. 5803; No. 32, Art. 6150, 6151, 6152, 6170, 6181, 6201, 6207, 6217; No. 52, Art. 9530; 2024, No. 1, Art. 32, 54; 23, the Art. 3046) to add No. with Item 175 of the following content:

"175) implementation of regional state control (supervision) in the field of sale of nonalcoholic tonics (including energy).".

Article 8. Entry into force of this Federal Law

This Federal Law becomes effective since March 1, 2025.

President of the Russian Federation

V. Putin


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