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of June 28, 2024 No. 754

Some questions of maintaining the Unified tourist register

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for maintaining the enclosed Unified tourist register.

2. Determine what start date of functioning of the Unified tourist register is on January 1, 2025.

3. The Section "DART" of appendix to the Regulations on the data sets which are subject to promulgation in the form of open data, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the resolution of October 21, 2015 No. 835 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2015, No. 85, Art. 2850; 2021, No. 35, the Art. 2064, No. 56, the Art. 3469) to add with such line item:

"The unified tourist register".

4. To provide to the state agency of tourism development maintaining the Unified tourist register since January 1, 2025.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 28, 2024, No. 754

Procedure for maintaining the Unified tourist register

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of maintaining the Unified tourist register, its structure, functioning, administration, the procedure of forming and introduction of information on subjects of tourist activities, and also electronic (technical and information) interaction between the public electronic registers, other electronic information resources automated by systems and also promulgation of information.

The register is intended for creation of equal opportunities in the market of tourist services and ensuring subjects of managing, state bodies, local government bodies, and also other persons with reliable information about subjects of tourist activities, objects of tourist infrastructure and directory materials.

2. In this Procedure terms are used in the following value:

1) the Unified tourist register (further - the Register) - information and communication system which provides accounting of subjects of tourist activities, objects of tourist infrastructure, statistical information in the field of tourism and resorts by creation, collection, placement, accumulating, processing of register data, provision of register information, protection, electronic information exchange, promulgation and exchange of information and documents electronically;

2) the user of register information (further - the user) - physical person or legal entity, the public forming using register information according to the procedure of general access, special access and/or electronic information exchange between public electronic registers (depending on certain powers and functional role);

3) electronic office of the user Reestr (further - electronic office) - the isolated web page of the user to which he gets access by the personalized authorization using the qualified digital signature or through unique name (login) and the password generated by the holder Reestra and on which he can study all information on himself submit the reporting, send the statement, documents in the holder Reestra, to report about change of the data containing in Reestra and to make other actions provided by this Procedure and which are available in Reestr's interface;

4) subject of the Register information about subjects of tourist activities and objects of tourist infrastructure;

5) the web portal of the Register - the control information filling of the Register which has search engine, resources and services for implementation of transactions with the register namely provides access for users to the Register, to electronic office, to information containing in the Register according to the procedure of general access, special access and/or electronic information exchange between public electronic registers and carrying out other transactions determined by this Procedure;

6) register data data on subjects of the Register which according to this Procedure are introduced in the database of the Register when making registration actions concerning such objects, in particular annual statistic reports of the subjects of managing having the license for implementation of tour operator activities, materials of photo and video fixing of objects of tourist infrastructure (hotels) for the purpose of establishment of the corresponding category by it, electronic copies of originals of paper documents (in case of submission of documents in paper form) or originals of electronic documents, namely: the documents submitted by certification bodies about results of assessment of hotel and the offer on establishment to it the corresponding category; protocols of commission sessions on establishment of the categories to hotels and other objects intending for provision of services on temporary placement (accommodation); about impossibility of assignment of category for which the owner of hotel or person authorized by it, and establishments of the lowest category or about refusal in establishment of hotel of the corresponding category applies; registration these legal entities, namely owners of objects of tourist infrastructure which grants the certificate on establishment of category, and the subjects of managing having the license for implementation of tour operator activities (further - the license); statements for receipt of the license and the data enclosed to such application (documents according to licensed conditions); pleas of nullity of the provided license fully or partially; statements for suspension of the provided license fully or partially; statements for renewal of the license and the documents confirming availability of the bases for its renewal; statements for narrowing/expansion of implementation of type of economic activity; statements and data on elimination of the bases which became the reason for suspension of action of the license fully or partially; statements for implementation of action of the state supervision (control); about the planned termination of tour operator activities and the unplanned termination of tour operator activities in connection with emergence of force majeur circumstances; other documents submitted by the owners of objects of tourist infrastructure and subjects of managing having the license or being job seekers of such license; solutions of DART with documents which are the basis for adoption of such decision;

7) the creator of register information (the public registrar) (further - the creator) - the citizen of Ukraine - the authorized person of the holder Reestr which creates information on subject of the register for introduction it in Reestr.


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