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of June 13, 2024 No. 418

About lists of documents concerning making of executive texts

Based on Item 2 of Article 105 and Item 2 of article 107-1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 18, 2004 "About notariate and notarial activities" and in pursuance of paragraph two of article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2024 No. 343-Z "About change of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About notariate and notarial activities" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 305-Z

1. Establish the list of documents according to which collection is made in indisputable procedure based on executive texts, according to appendix 1.

2. Determine the list of documents based on which establishment concerning the debtor or the claimant on executive text of the fact of legal succession, change of the name of the legal entity, change of surname, own name and (or) middle name of physical person, according to appendix 2 is performed.

3. If documents according to which collection is made in indisputable procedure based on executive texts are created in the form of electronic documents, such documents are submitted for making of executive text in the form of electronic documents if other is not established by this resolution.

4. The document on calculation of outstanding amount, penalty (penalty, penalty fee), interest for using others money, represented for making of executive text, is sealed the claimant. The requirement about putting down of seal on the specified document does not extend on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who according to the legislation have the right not to use seals, and also on cases of its signing by the representative of the claimant, the representative on its signing by the power of attorney.

5. Recognize invalid resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 3.

6. This resolution becomes effective since July 11, 2024.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko

Appendix 1

to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 13, 2024 No. 418

The list of documents according to which collection is made in indisputable procedure based on executive texts

1. The documents establishing the requirement based on protest of the bill of exchange in the non-payment, the non-acceptance and not dating of the acceptance made by the notary.

For making of executive text are represented:

bill of exchange;

the bill of exchange with the allonge (in case of its availability);

the protest of the bill of exchange in non-payment, the non-acceptance and not dating of the acceptance made by the notary.

2. The document establishing shortages and penalty fee from physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs in the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus.

For making of executive text the document on calculation of the amount of shortages, penalty fee containing data on the amount of shortages with indication of types of the unpaid (not completely paid) payments in the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus, penalty fee, terms of their payment, the period (periods) for which, (which) the money which is subject to collection is charged, signed by the head of the claimant is submitted (other authorized officer of the claimant with submission of the documents confirming its powers on signing).

3. The document establishing debt on the salaries and (or) other payments which are due from the employer added, but not paid or not completely paid at the scheduled time to the worker stipulated by the legislation about work, about the national social insurance, local legal acts, the employment contract.

For making of executive text the document containing data on place of employment, outstanding amount on the salary and (or) other payments which are due from the employer, payment due dates added, but not paid or not completely paid at the scheduled time to the worker, signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant (is submitted in case of absence in the staff list of position of the chief accountant - the head of the organization with indication of to its signature of data on absence in the staff list of position of the chief accountant and managerial right of the organization to keep financial accounting personally), by the individual entrepreneur and under seal.

4. The document establishing debt of physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, on taxes, charges (duties), penalty fee collected by customs authority.

For making of executive text the document on calculation of outstanding amount, penalty fee containing data on outstanding amount, penalty fee, types of the unpaid (not completely paid) taxes, charges (duties), the due dates for tax payment, charges (duties) and also on the period (periods) for which, (which) the money which is subject to collection is charged (in the presence), signed by the head (deputy manager) of customs authority is submitted.

5. The documents establishing debt on insurance premiums on agreements of compulsory insurance, on insurance premiums on compulsory insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases on compulsory insurance of the structures belonging to citizens, penalty, penalty fee.

For making of executive text are represented:

in case of the conclusion of the agreement of compulsory insurance in the document form on paper - the copy of the agreement of compulsory insurance certified by the claimant, on paper or the electronic copy of the agreement of compulsory insurance on paper, except as specified, when compulsory insurance is performed directly based on the legal act;

in case of the conclusion of the agreement of internal insurance in electronic form in the automated information system on obligatory civil liability insurance of owners of vehicles of the Belarusian bureau on transportation insurance - the copy of the document in electronic form * or form of external submission of the document processed in electronic form, on electronic means of display of information in shape, available and clear for perception by the person, signed by the digital signature of the claimant;

the document on calculation of outstanding amount for insurance premiums, penalty, penalty fee containing data on outstanding amount on insurance premiums, penalty, penalty fee, type of compulsory insurance, payment due dates of fees, the period (periods) for which, (which) the money which is subject to collection, mark about debt default at the scheduled time, on paper or in electronic form, signed by the head of the claimant is charged (other authorized person of the claimant with submission of the documents confirming its powers on signing on papers, or in the form of electronic documents, or copies of documents on the papers certified by the claimant or electronic copies of documents on papers, or copies of electronic documents).


* For the purposes of this appendix the copy of the document in electronic form is understood as the form of external submission of the document in electronic form certified by the claimant on paper (reproduction of such paper document) with indication of that it is the copy.


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