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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Moldova

No. 1888 of December 29, 2023


of December 28, 2023 No. 558-O

About purpose of customs posts for representation and registration of goods on customs area

According to Article 145 (1) the Customs code No. 95/2021 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2021, Art. No. 219-225, 238), Item 642 and Item 643 of the Regulations on application of the Customs code No. 95/2021, approved by the Order of the Government No. 92/2023 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2023, 193), with changes, I ORDER to Art. No. 93-96,:

1. The goods imported on customs area of the Republic of Moldova shall be shown to customs clearance on the customs post responsible for the region of activities where there is receiver of goods.

2. In departure from Item 1, taking into account specifics of goods and method of their transportation, goods are represented to customs as follows:

1) when importing oil products - on customs posts at the check points through frontier established in appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Government No. 476/2002, approving Regulations on transportation of the imported oil products;

2) for the goods transported by railway transport - on railway customs posts;

3) for the goods transported sea and inland water transport, the oversized goods transported by pile and also in big-bega, sacks - on customs posts of inland waterways;

4) for the goods transported by the international mailings - on customs post of 2100 - CHISINAU 4 (PVI, Post Office);

5) on boundary customs post the 2300-Kishinevsky international airport (PVFI, avia) and the 1200-Markuleshtsky international airport (PVFI, avia), goods which crossed border air transport (the mode 24/24):

a) blood, lymph and human organs;

b) seed material - tariff heading 0511;

c) excise stamp;

d) products from gold and silver - tariff heading 7113;

e) medicines, reagents and vaccines with regulated temperature (including joint products as their part);

f) radio pharmaceutical isotopes and medicines - tariff heading 2844;

g) isotopes with short time of disintegration;

h) weapon and ammunition;

i) other goods of economic operators arriving air transport (between 0800 and 1700).

6) on any internal or boundary customs post according to the current legislation and measures of economic policy:

a) the goods intended for projects implementation of the technical and investment assistance;

b) live birds and animals;

c) bird's eggs;

d) live fish, Crustacea, mollusks and other live water invertebrates;

e) excise goods;

f) tobacco products;

g) oil bitumen;

h) oversized goods;

i) the dangerous goods falling under operation of the European agreement on the international road delivery of dangerous goods (DOPOG) signed in Geneva on September 30, 1957.

j) the goods transported by pile.

k) the humanitarian assistance intended for state bodies.

7) the goods transported in one transport unit with several consignees (group of goods) can be drawn up on any internal customs post;

8) economic operators from east regions of the Republic of Moldova on customs posts:

• 2150-KAUSHANY 1 (VTP);

• 2170-BULBOAKA (VTP);

• 2180-BENDER 2, (VTP, railway);

• 2190-REZINA (VTP);

• 2200-RYBNITSA (VTP);

• 2241-ZCV KRIULEN (Kriulen 14, 18) (VKTP);

• 2320-KUChURGANY (PTPM, car);

9) according to the procedure of departure from Item 8 economic operators in east regions of the Republic of Moldova shall represent and draw up certain types of goods as follows:

a) alcohol (tariff headings 2207-2208), tobacco and tobacco products (tariff headings 2401-2403), drugs (tariff headings 3003-3004) - 2150-CAUSENI 1 (PVI) or 2170-BULBOACA (PVI);

b) oil products (the CHAPTER 27) - 2170-BULBOACA (PVI); 2190-REZINA (PVI) or 2200-RIBITTA (PVI);

c) iron, cast iron, steel (tariff headings 7201, 7202, 7204) - 2190 - REZINA (PVI) or 2200-RIBITTA (PVI).

3. Customs posts shall pay first-priority attention to registration of the perishable and easily changing goods.

4. The customs clearance of goods on the internal customs posts which are not place of registration of the economic operator and are not specified in Item 2, is allowed in case of idea by the economic operator Soglasheniya of customs clearance of goods on other customs posts (further - the Agreement), issued by customs authority in which region of activities the economic operator applicant is registered. The standard application form and Soglasheniya, and also procedure for their registration are stated in the Instruction which is appendix to this order.

5. Chiefs of customs posts bear responsibility for execution of provisions of this order and bring it to the attention of the officials, customs applicants and customs representatives (customs brokers).

6. To impose control of execution of this order on Department of the income and customs control (Directorate on the organization of customs control and assistance to trade).

7. This order becomes effective since January 1, 2024.


Igor Talmazan


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