of August 8, 2024 No. 330-FZ
About development of the creative (creative) industries in the Russian Federation
Accepted by the State Duma on July 30, 2024
Approved by the Federation Council on August 2, 2024
1. This Federal Law determines bases of legal regulation of the organization and development in the Russian Federation of the creative (creative) industries as basic sector of creative economy and establishes conditions of activities and the state support in the field of the creative (creative) industries.
2. The purposes of this Federal Law are:
1) creation of conditions for self-realization of citizens on the basis of use of creative and intellectual potential, increase in the employment level of citizens in the field of the creative (creative) industries;
2) development in the Russian Federation of creative economy as kinds of the organization of the economic relations between subjects of civil circulation based on wide use of results of intellectual activities during creation, use, promotion in the internal and external markets, distribution and (or) sales of products (performance of works, rendering services) and also the accelerated implementation of innovations in all spheres of activity;
3) stimulation of development of the creative (creative) industries and business activity in the field of the creative (creative) industries;
4) providing equal opportunities of access for subjects of the creative (creative) industries to measures of the state support in the field of the creative (creative) industries;
5) stimulation of creation of creative products, increases in amount of intangible assets and ensuring protection and protection of the rights to creative products;
6) support of educational activities and development of competences in the field of the creative (creative) industries.
Legal regulation in the field of the creative (creative) industries is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is performed according to this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation.
For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the creative (creative) industry (further - the creative industry) - the economic activity which is directly connected with creation, promotion in the internal and external markets, distribution and (or) realization of the creative product having uniqueness and economic value;
2) creative product - result of intellectual activities or set of results of intellectual activities, and also products, works, services which value added is caused by use of results of intellectual activities and (or) means of individualization;
3) the subject of the creative industry - the physical person, the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur performing business activity on creation, promotion in the internal and external markets, to distribution and (or) realization of creative product and corresponding to criteria of reference to the subjects of the creative industries established by regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation;
4) creative cluster - the territory determined according to this Federal Law in which the real estate objects and necessary infrastructure used for implementation of activities by subjects of the creative industries are located and other persons whose activities are directed to creation of conditions for effective activities of subjects of the creative industries and there are conditions for creation, promotion in the internal and external markets, distribution and (or) realization of creative products and human development;
5) measures of the state support in the field of the creative industries - actions of legal, economic, organizational and other nature which can be performed by public authorities of the Russian Federation by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and are directed to creation of conditions for effective activities of subjects of the creative industries including which are provided by state programs of development of the creative industries.
1. In the field of the creative industries treat powers of the Government of the Russian Federation:
1) determination of the federal executive body authorized on implementation of functions on development of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of creative economy;
2) establishment of procedure for forming and maintaining the unified register of subjects of the creative industries, including approval of the scope of information of the specified unified register placed on the Internet and also approval of the scope of information about subjects of the creative industries included in the register of subjects of the creative industries performing activities in the subject of the Russian Federation;
3) establishment of criteria and procedure for recognition of the territory creative cluster;
4) implementation of other powers in the field of the creative industries in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Treat powers of the federal executive body authorized on implementation of functions on development of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of creative economy:
1) forming and maintaining the unified register of subjects of the creative industries;
2) approval of procedure for representation by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation of data on infrastructure of support of the creative industries in subjects of the Russian Federation in the federal executive body authorized on implementation of functions on development of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of creative economy;
3) placement on the official site on the Internet of data on infrastructure of support of the creative industries in subjects of the Russian Federation;
4) approval of the standard scope of information about infrastructure of support of the creative industries in the subjects of the Russian Federation posted on the official sites of the supreme executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation on the Internet;
5) implementation of other powers in the field of the creative industries determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. The federal executive body performing functions on forming of official statistical information on social, economic, demographic, ecological and other public processes in the Russian Federation annually carries out assessment of contribution of creative economy to economy of the Russian Federation according to the methodology approved by it.
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