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of July 8, 2024 No. 479

About measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2023 No. 331-Z "About change of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About land reclamation"

Based on part three of Article 23-1 and part nine of article 24 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2008 "About land reclamation" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 423-Z

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for creation, servicing and use of the state information system in the field of land reclamation it (is applied).

2. Bring in the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 10, 2009 No. 920 "About some questions of operation (servicing) and conducting the state accounting of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions" the following changes:

To be reworded as follows the regulations on procedure for conducting the state accounting of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions approved by this resolution it (is applied);

to be reworded as follows appendices 1 and 2 to this resolution (are applied).

3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 8, 2024 No. 479

Regulations on procedure for creation, servicing and use of the state information system in the field of land reclamation

1. This Provision determines procedure for creation, servicing and use of the state information system in the field of land reclamation.

2. In this Provision terms and their determinations in the values established by the Code of the Republic of Belarus about the earth, the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 14, 2008 No. 396-Z "About geodetic and cartographic activities", the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About land reclamation", the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 10, 2008 No. 455-Z "About information, informatization and information security" and also the following terms and their determinations are used:

the state information system in the field of land reclamation (further – GIS on land reclamation) – the information system intended for conducting the state accounting of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions, receipt of reliable information (data) on their condition, planning and control of operation (servicing), construction of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions with use of geoinformation technologies;

operation of GIS on land reclamation – the activities connected with introduction, updating, transfer and information security about condition of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions.

3. The owner of GIS on land reclamation is the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

4. Operator of GIS on land reclamation (further – the operator) is national association on land reclamation, water and to fishery Belvodkhoz.

The operator performs operation of GIS on land reclamation.

5. The principles on the basis of which GIS on land reclamation is created and functions are:

completeness and reliability of the data containing in it;

efficiency, accuracy of the information provided from GIS on land reclamation;

automation of conducting the state accounting of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions;

information exchange with other state information systems of the Republic of Belarus;

ensuring information security.

6. GIS on land reclamation includes:

registers of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions;

data on urgent condition of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions;

data on the held events on meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions;

instruments of selection and the analysis of elements of registers of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions;

other state information resources created for the purpose of information support of meliorative actions.

7. Creation (upgrade, completion) of complex of GIS program technical means on land reclamation is performed by the republican scientific affiliated unitary enterprise "Institute of Melioration".

8. Operator:

provides functioning and servicing of GIS on land reclamation according to regulations of operation;

carries out organizational, technical, methodical, material and other support of forming of databases, operation and servicing of GIS on land reclamation;

provides operation and servicing of hardware and software systems of GIS on land reclamation which are turning on virtual servers, the software, means of cryptographic and anti-virus protection, means and communication channels and data transmission, other tangible and intangible assets which are necessary for maintenance of permanent reliable and uninterrupted operability of GIS on land reclamation develops offers on modification and the amendments aimed at the development of GIS in land reclamation;

makes changes and additions to the database, including changes of space data GIS on land reclamation after reconstruction and new construction of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions, by results of inventory count;

creates and adjusts if necessary reporting documentation according to the established forms;

provides information security, containing in GIS on land reclamation, and observance of requirements of the legislation on information, informatization and information security, including backup and differentiation of access rights of users according to their powers;

provides information access, containing in GIS on land reclamation, state bodies and the organizations for their requests and directs information on such requests;

in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food approves the regulations of functioning of GIS on land reclamation determining including procedure for provision of information access, containing in GIS on land reclamations, and the directions of information on requests to state bodies and organizations, and also order of registration in GIS on land reclamation of users of GIS on land reclamation;

determines the officials responsible for provision (entering) of authentic data into GIS for land reclamation, including changes and amendments in it, and their use.

9. Users of GIS on land reclamation are:

users of meliorative systems and the organization for construction and operation of meliorative systems (the regional associations "Meliovodkhoz" and the companies of meliorative systems) performing conducting primary accounting of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions;

the local executive and administrative organs or the state organizations authorized by them performing conducting the state accounting of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions within the corresponding administrative and territorial unit (at the district and regional levels);

the commissions on inventory count performing carrying out inventory count of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions;

the commissions performing annual inspection of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions and created for the purpose of data acquisition for project development of annual work plans on construction, operation (servicing) of meliorative systems and separately located hydraulic engineering constructions;

the project organizations performing development of the project documentation on land reclamation;


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