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of January 10, 2024 No. 6

About approval of the Regulations on the procedure of entering of subjects of subsidizing into the List of subjects on which the ban on subsidizing is imposed, and – depending on circumstances – exceptions of it

Based on part (3) article 30 of the Law No. 71/2023 on subsidizing of agricultural industry in the rural zone (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2023, No. 134 – 137, the Art. 209) DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Regulations on the procedure of entering of subjects of subsidizing into the List of subjects on which the ban on subsidizing is imposed and – depending on circumstances – exceptions of it it (is applied).

2. To assign accomplishment of this resolution to intervention and payments Agency in agricultural industry.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Agriculture and the food industry.

4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

Prime Minister

Doreen Rechan



Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and food industry  


Volodymyr Bol

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of January 10, 2024 No. 6

Regulations on the procedure of entering of subjects of subsidizing into the List of subjects on which the ban on subsidizing is imposed, and – depending on circumstances – exceptions of it

Chapter I General provisions

1. The regulations on the procedure of entering of subjects of subsidizing into the List of subjects on which the ban on subsidizing is imposed and – depending on circumstances – exceptions of it (further – the Provision) establish procedure for creation, content, the procedure of entering of subjects of subsidizing into the List of subjects on which the ban on subsidizing is imposed, and – depending on circumstances – exceptions of it.

2. In the List of subjects on which the ban on subsidizing is imposed (further – the Prohibiting list) subjects of subsidizing according to part are brought (1) article 30 of the Law No. 71/2023 on subsidizing of agricultural industry in the rural zone.

3. The subjects of subsidizing included in the Prohibiting list cannot receive subsidies during the term established in this Provision.

Chapter II Creation and contents of the prohibiting list

4. The prohibiting list is kept in electronic format by intervention and payments Agency in the field of agricultural industry (further – the Agency).

5. The prohibiting list contains the following information:

1) sequence number;

2) date and number of the administrative act about entering into the Prohibiting list;

3) name of the subject of subsidizing and fiscal code;

4) the basis for entering into the Prohibiting list;

5) date of exception of the Prohibiting list of subjects of subsidizing.

Chapter III the Procedure of entering into the prohibiting list

6. The procedure of entering into the Prohibiting list is performed based on the statement or at the initiative of the Agency.

7. The bases for inclusion in the Prohibiting list are:

1) the act establishing offense;

2) the final and taken legal effect decision of degree of jurisdiction;

3) decision on withdrawal of the illegal favorable administrative act on provision of subsidy;

4) the illegal administrative agreement about subsidizing.

8. The term of inclusion in the Prohibiting list constitutes 5 years and is estimated from the date of decision making by the Agency.

9. The agency in 5-day time from the date of emergence of one of the bases provided in Item 7, issues the decision on inclusion in the Prohibiting list and enters information provided in Item 5 in the Prohibiting list.

Chapter IV the Exception of the prohibiting list

10. The subject of subsidizing is considered excluded from the Prohibiting list after the term provided in the administrative act.

11. The exception of the Prohibiting list before the expiration is performed by the Agency in the following cases:

1) cancellation/withdrawal of the decision on withdrawal of the illegal favorable administrative act about provision of subsidy;

2) cancellation of the decision of the Agency on entering into the Prohibiting list the final resolution of degree of jurisdiction.

Chapter V Accounting and updating of the prohibiting list

12. Accounting and updating of the Prohibiting list is performed by the Agency.

13. Information from the Prohibiting list is updated by the Agency right after modification, concerning entering into the Prohibiting list and/or exceptions of the Prohibiting list of the subject of subsidizing.


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