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of January 9, 2024 No. 09-O

About approval of the form of the receipt for payment of penalty on site making of offense

Based on Item g) parts (9) article 6 of the Law on Customs Service No. 302/2017 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2018, 143), with subsequent changes, and Item 31 of the Order of the Government No. 294 of November 17, 1998 "About execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Moldova No. 406-II of December 23, 1997", with subsequent changes, I ORDER to Art. No. 68-76,:

1. Approve:

1) the form of the receipt for payment of penalty on site making of offense, according to appendix No. 1;

2) the instruction for filling of the receipt on payment of penalty on site making of offense, according to appendix No. 2.

2. To charge control of execution of this order to law-enforcement department.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova;


Igor Talmazan

Appendix №1

to the Order of the director of Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova of January 9, 2024 No. 9-O

The form of the receipt for payment of penalty on site making of offense

See Appendix № 1

Appendix № 2

to the Order of the director of Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova of January 9, 2024 No. 9-O

The instruction for filling of the receipt for payment of penalty on site making of offense

I. General provisions

1. The receipt for payment of penalty on site of making of offense (further the receipt) represents the standard form of the source document with specific mode of strict accounting filled and issued on site making of offense by the stating subjects of division of Customs Service which confirms payment of penalties and excludes need of creation of the protocol on offense.

2. The stating subject fills and issues the receipt only in case of the offenses revealed at check points through frontier if the authorized face, admits the guilt in making of offense and agrees to pay penalty.

3. The form of the receipt is carried out in typographical form with assignment of series and number.

II. Filling of the receipt

4. The receipt is constituted in duplicate from which the first copy remains at the stating subject, and the second copy is handed to the authorized person, the fact of delivery of the receipt is specified in the first copy.

5. In the Receipt corrections, deletings, the subsequent additions, other changes are not allowed.

6. The receipt is filled in as follows:

1) in the Section "date" day, month, year, time and the place of creation of the receipt is specified;

2) in the Section "The Authorized Face" identification data of the offender (surname, name) without reducings, and also day, month, year of birth, residence according to identification data of the identity certificate are specified;

3) in the Section "it is identified by means of" the name of the identity document, serial number, number of the act and personal code which served for determination of the identity of the person is specified;

4) in the Section "The Stating Subject" identification data of the stating subject (surname, name), without reducings, position, and also organization which represents are specified;

5) in the Section "for making" article, part of the Code about offenses based on which the sanction is applied is specified;

6) in the Section "the penalty is applied in the amount of" in figures and copy-book the penalty amount proceeding from the sanction is specified;

7) in the Section "the penalty is applied in the amount of" in figures and copy-book half of the amount of penalty specified in the Section "the penalty is applied in the amount of" is specified;

8) in the Section "The Signature of the Authorized Face" the signature of the authorized face is appended;

9) in the Section "the signature of the stating subject" the signature of the stating subject is appended;

10) in the Section "one copy of the receipt received", the signature of the authorized face is appended and date of delivery of the second copy of the receipt is specified.

7. Sections of the receipt are filled in in the presence of the offender and based on the data containing in its identity certificate.

8. Accounting of receipts, and also their safety will be ensured by chiefs of Departments of offenses of Customs bureaus and chiefs of Departments of mobile groups.


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