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of April 12, 2024 No. 50

About Fund of subsidizing of mass media

The parliament adopts this organic law.

Chapter I General provisions

Article 1. Subject of the law

This law determines the purpose and the principles of subsidizing of mass media, regulates creation of Fund of subsidizing of mass media and management of it, and also the relations connected with selection of receivers of subsidies, provision of subsidies, monitoring, the reporting and assessment of use of the provided subsidies.

Article 2. Law purposes

The purposes of this law are:

a) development of media pluralism;

b) support of cultural, educational projects, and also projects in the field of media literacy;

c) stimulation of illumination by mass media of the subjects and questions which are of general social interest;

d) assistance to conducting journalistic investigations on the questions which are of public interest;

e) strengthening of editorial and economic independence of mass media.

Article 3. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this law the following concepts are used:

the receiver of subsidy – mass media to which by results of tender the subsidy from Fund of subsidizing of mass media is allocated;

selection criteria – condition subsidies, obligatory for the applicant;

Fund of subsidizing of mass media – set of the financial resources intended for goal achievement of this law;

mass media – the legal entity registered in the procedure established by the law whose stated purpose are production and distribution in public space of media products for which bears editorial responsibility;

the applicant of subsidy – the mass media which submitted the bid;

subsidy – the non-paid and non-taxable financial support provided from Fund of subsidizing of mass media.

Article 4. Basic principles

Subjects of this law perform the activities according to the following basic principles:

the principle of efficiency – use of financial resources for financing of projects in the areas answering the purpose of this law on the basis of assessment of ratio of costs and efficiency;

concept of justice and equalities – ensuring access to financial resources of Fund of subsidizing of mass media for all applicants answering to selection criteria;

the principle of transparency – transparent implementation of activities, and also placement of the relevant documents on the official web pages;

the principle of responsibility – accepting liability for fulfillment of duties and the powers established according to this law.

Article 5. Subjects of the law

Subjects of this law are the bodies and organizations exercising the rights, obligations and powers provided by this law:

a) Government;

b) Ministry of Culture;

c) Advisory council;

d) mass media.

Chapter II of Power of bodies of the public power in the field of subsidizing of mass media

Article 6. Powers of the Government

For goal achievement of this law in activities for management of subsidizing of mass media of Fund the Government according to the offer of the Ministry of Culture makes decisions on development and deployment of the information systems intended for creation and maintaining the state information resources.

Article 7. Powers of the Ministry of Culture

(1) the Central industry body of the state responsible for carrying out and coordination of policy of subsidizing in the sphere of mass media, is the Ministry of Culture.

(2) For goal achievement of this law the Ministry of Culture performs the following powers:

a) approves the regulations on the organization and carrying out tender on selection of four members of Advisory council developed by Press council as national structure of journalistic self-regulation in cooperation with the organizations of civil society representing mass media;

b) appoints the representative in Advisory council;

c) according to this law approves members and Regulations on the organization and functioning of Advisory council;

d) and in coordination with concerned parties assists in cooperation to attraction of technical and financial aid, including international, for replenishment of Fund of subsidizing of mass media;

e) in coordination and in interaction with Advisory council provides the current management of Fund of subsidizing of mass media and management to them;

f) annually collects and generalizes offers on the priority directions of subsidizing of projects of the mass media answering to the purposes of this law;

g) develops and approves according to the offer of Advisory council and as a result of preliminary consultations and coordination with the profile parliamentary commission and all concerned parties Regulations on the procedure of determination of receivers of subsidies, provisions and distributions of fund, monitoring and assessment of use of the subsidies provided to mass media;

h) according to this law and according to annually approved priority directions will organize and carries out competition for applicants of subsidies of Fund of subsidizing of mass media;

i) according to decisions of Advisory council approves results of tender and the list of receivers of subsidies of Fund of subsidizing of mass media;

j) by means of monitoring provides use of financial resources of Fund of subsidizing of mass media according to this law;

k) owing to the powers or upon the demand of Advisory council reports to competent authorities about violation of provisions of this law.

Chapter III Fund of subsidizing of mass media

Article 8. Fund of subsidizing of mass media

(1) For goal achievement of this law the Fund of subsidizing of mass media (further – Fund is created).

(2) the Amount of financial resources of Fund affirms the annual law on the government budget according to provisions of the Law on public finance and budget and tax responsibility No. 181/2014.

(3) Control of financial resources of Fund it is exercised through the single treasurer account of the Ministry of Finance.

Article 9. Management of Fund

(1) Management of Fund is provided according to this law with the Ministry of Culture or the organizational structure appointed by it which is in the sphere of competence of this ministry.

(2) the Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture or the organizational structure which is in the sphere of competence of the ministry appointed for management of Fund:

a) gives help and support of activities of Advisory council;

b) in coordination with Advisory council promotes identification of additional sources of financing of projects of subsidizing of mass media;


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