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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Section II of the Law of Ukraine of December 28, 2014 No. 77-VIII


of January 18, 2001 No. 2240-III

About obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial

(as amended on 31-07-2014)

This Law according to Bases of the legislation of Ukraine on obligatory national social insurance determines legal, organizational and financial basis of obligatory national social insurance of citizens on case of temporary disability, in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, in case of death, and also rendering services in sanatorium treatment and improvement to insured persons and members of their families.

Material security and the social services provided on this Law are separate type of the obligatory national social insurance of citizens performed by Social Insurance Fund on temporary disability.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Concept of obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial

Obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial provides material security of citizens in connection with loss of the salary (income) owing to temporary disability (including care of the sick child, the handicapped child, the sick family member), pregnancy and childbirth, partial compensation of the expenses connected with the death of insured person or members of his family and also rendering social services for the budget account of the Social Insurance Fund in temporary disability created by payment of insurance premiums by the employer, citizens and also at the expense of other sources provided by this Law.

Article 2. Determination of terms

In this Law the stated below terms are used in the following value:

1) subjects of obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial - insured person or other person in the cases provided by Articles 45, 47 these Laws, the insurer and the insurer;

2) insured person - hired employee, and in the cases provided by this Law, also other persons (the citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons and members of their families living in Ukraine if other is not provided by the international treaty of Ukraine which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) for benefit of which obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial is performed.

Representatives of insured persons are labor unions or their associations or other representatives hired employees bodies (representatives);

3) the insurer according to this Law is:

a) the employer - for persons specified in part one of article 6 of this Law;

b) persons specified in parts two and third article 6 of this Law;

4) insurer - Social Insurance Fund on temporary disability;

5) the employer - legal (the company, organization, the organization) or physical person which within employment relationships uses work of physical persons;

6) hired employee - the physical person working according to the employment contract (contract) at the company in organization, the organization irrespective of patterns of ownership, type of activity and managing or at physical person;

7) insurance risk is circumstance owing to which insured person or members of his family can temporarily lose subsistence and need material security or rendering social services in obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial;

8) insured event - event with which approach there is right of insured person or members of his family on receipt of material security or social services in this Law;

9) insurance years of service - the period (term) during which person is subject to obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial and for which insurance premiums (it, the employer) in the amount at least, than the minimum insurance premium are monthly paid;

10) insurance premiums - the funds of assignments for obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial paid according to the legislation which affected before entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "About collection and accounting of single fee obligatory national social insurance" the funds arriving from payment of single fee on obligatory national social insurance which are allocated for insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial;

11) insurance means - the accumulated insurance premiums of the amount from financial sanctions and other receipts according to the legislation for implementation of material security and rendering social services in this Law.

12) the minimum insurance premium - the amount of means which is determined it is settlement as the work of the minimum size of the salary and the size of single fee on obligatory national social insurance established by the law for month for which there is salary (income).

Article 3. The legislation of Ukraine on obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial and its tasks

1. The legislation of Ukraine governing the relations in the sphere of obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial is based on the Constitution of Ukraine, consists of Bases of the legislation of Ukraine on obligatory national social insurance, the Labor code of Ukraine, this Law and other regulatory legal acts adopted according to them.

If the international treaty of Ukraine which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes other regulations, than those which are stipulated by the legislation Ukraine about obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial are applied regulations of the international treaty.

2. Task of the legislation on obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial is establishment of guarantees on protection of the rights of citizens to receipt of material security and social services in case of temporary disability (including care of the sick child, the handicapped child, the sick family member), pregnancy and childbirth, the death of the citizen or the member of his family.

Article 4. The right of citizens to material security and social services in obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial

1. In connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial the insured citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons and members of their families living in Ukraine have right to maintenance and social services in obligatory national social insurance if other is not provided by the international treaty of Ukraine which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

This right arises with loss occurrence during work (including both time of testing and day of dismissal) if other is not stipulated by the legislation.

2. Persons which are not subject to obligatory national social insurance in connection with the temporary disability and expenses caused by burial have right to maintenance and social services in this Law on condition of payment of insurance premiums in Social Insurance Fund on temporary disability.


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