of July 4, 2024 No. 170
About temporary import licensing of grain and oil-bearing crops
The Parliament adopts this organic law.
Art. 1. – (1) In departure from provisions of the Law on regulation of business activity by permission No. 160/2011 till December 31, 2024 commodity import of tariff line items of 1001 – wheat and meslin, 1005 – corn and – seeds of sunflower is allowed 1206 only on the basis of the import license granted by the Ministry of Agriculture and the food industry, except goods of the following subline items of the Combined commodity nomenclature approved by the Law No. 172/2014:
1001 11 000 – wheat firm, intended for crops;
1001 19 000 – other, intended for crops;
1001 91 100 – the spelled intended for crops;
1001 91 200 – wheat soft and meslin, intended for crops;
1001 91 900 – other, intended for crops;
1005 10 – the corn intended for crops;
1206 00 100 – the sunflower seeds intended for crops;
1206 00 910 – sunflower seeds hulled; in pod with white strips or gray color, not intended for crops.
(2) the Statement on licensing for import, the provided part (1), it can be given the physical person or legal entity performing the following types of economic activity according to the Qualifier of types of economic activity of Moldova (KEDM-2):
01.4 Livestock production;
10:41 Production of oils and fats;
10.61 Production of flour and grain;
10.91 Production of ready-made feeds for the animals containing on farms.
(3) Applications on issue of import licenses are considered by the commission consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and food industry, Ministry of Economic Development and digitalization, the National agency on safety of foodstuff and representatives of profile associations.
(4) Regulations on organization, organization and functioning of the licensed commission provided by part (3), affirms the order of the Minister of Agriculture and the food industry.
(5) Provided by part (1) the import license is granted free of charge.
(6) the Physical persons or legal entities which obtained the import license have no right to perform trade and/or export of the imported goods which are subject to licensing according to this law.
Art. 2. – Regulation term by import licensing of goods, stipulated in Article 1, can be extended by the Government according to the offer of the Ministry of Agriculture and food industry no more than for 12 months.
(2) to the Ministry of Agriculture and the food industry to approve Regulations on organization, organization and functioning of the licensed commission.
(3) Provisions of this law are not applied to goods concerning which the import license is required, shipped for sending before date of the publication of this law.
Chairman of the parliament
Igor to Groce
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