Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 10, 1996 No. 4-FZ

About land reclamation

(as amended on 25-12-2023)

Accepted by the State Duma on December 8, 1995

This Federal Law establishes the legal basis of activities in the field of land reclamation, determines powers of public authorities, local government bodies by regulation of the specified activities, and also the rights and obligations of citizens (physical persons) and legal entities performing activities in the field of land reclamation and providing effective use and protection of reclaimed lands.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Land reclamation tasks

Land reclamation is performed for the purpose of increase in productivity and stability of agriculture, ensuring the guaranteed production of agricultural products on the basis of the reproduction of fertility of lands of agricultural purpose and lands intended for implementation of agricultural activities, and also creation of necessary conditions for involvement in farm-production of not used and unproductive lands and forming of rational structure of agricultural holdings.

Article 2. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:

land reclamation - the activities directed to improvement of properties of lands, including to reproduction of fertility of lands by holding meliorative actions both their scientific and technological providing;

meliorative actions - designing, construction, reconstruction, capital repairs and operation of meliorative systems and separately located hydrotechnical constructions, creation of agricultural forest melioration plantings and agrophytomeliorative plantings, carrying out forest cultural works, works on improvement of chemical and physical properties of soils;

the reclaimed lands - lands which insufficient fertility improves by means of implementation of meliorative actions;

reclaimed lands - lands on which meliorative events are held;

meliorative systems - complexes of the interconnected hydrotechnical and other constructions and devices providing creation of the optimum water, air, thermal and nutritive modes of soils on reclaimed lands and also agricultural forest melioration plantings;

the state meliorative systems - the meliorative systems which are in state-owned property and providing interregional and (or) intereconomic water distribution, and also agricultural forest melioration plantings which are necessary for ensuring the state needs;

meliorative systems public - the meliorative systems which are in common property of two or several persons or transferred in accordance with the established procedure to use to several citizens (physical persons) and (or) legal entities and also the agricultural forest melioration plantings necessary for needs of specified persons;

meliorative systems of individual use - the meliorative systems which are in property of the citizen (physical person) or legal entity or transferred in accordance with the established procedure to use to the citizen (physical person) or the legal entity and also the agricultural forest melioration plantings necessary for specified persons only for their needs;

separately located hydrotechnical constructions - the engineering constructions and devices which are not entering the meliorative systems providing regulation, rise, giving, water distribution to consumers, removal of waters by means of meliorative systems;

agricultural forest melioration plantings - forest plantings of natural origin or artificially created on lands of agricultural purpose or on the lands intended for implementation of production of agricultural products for the purpose of prevention of degradation of lands and protection them from negative impact of natural and anthropogenous nature by means of use of soil-protective and other useful functions of agricultural forest melioration plantings;


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